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a. Are you a handy person?
Go over this list and check
everything you can do.
Q tend to a garden
Q hang a picture on the wall ~Ü
Í 1

Q fix a hole 0n the wall

Q change a 1lght bulb rt,
o install a hdme theater ~,n - :'j u
Q pot wgec~ec ,o ooassemb/;d
piece of fJ niture ,1
Q format yo~ r comftputer, and .iw.O

reinstai! the so ~ are

Q replace a por / l U
Q cook a w ole meal
Q build a oq~shelf (includes
cutting the Y-iOOd)
Q change a tire
Q replace che baccery in a car

J1 Q use power coais (power drill,

eleccric saw, etc.)
Q fix your roof
scall or fix a power plug
x your plumbing
make simple repairs in eleccrical
Q instai! a TV in a wall mounc
(includes fixing che wall mounc on
che wall)
Ü painc a room
Ü ser upa home compucer necwork

•••••• ••••••
•••• ••••••
•••••••• ··········
b. Check your resu lts and compare them with your classmates in sm all groups.

················ ······ ········································ ··· ······ ··· ··························· ··········································:

16 checks or more: Do it yourself seems to be your life motto. You can pretty much build
your own house if you put your mind to it.
11 to 1 S checks: Boy... you are handy! You probably don't need to spend a lot of money on

6 to 10 checks: You can handle the minor problems thac come your way as far as your house
is concerned, but w hen something more complex comes along you need
professional help.
O to S ticks: You probably shouldn'c live alone.

e. Discuss chese questions.

1• Is it importam to have these skills? Why do you think so?

2• Do you agree with your rating? Why/Why not?

3• When something breaks, do you try to fix it yourself?

a. There's a lot o_
f stuff that needs maintenance in a home. Connect the item with the kind of
ma1ntenance 1t requires.

8. rain gutters and downspouts

~ '. I
1. air conditioner \
2. electric shower 9. roof
3. fridge and freezer
4. light fixtures
11 . wooden furniture in general
rt \
s. walls 12. bicycles
6. wooden doors, Aoor and windows 13. musical instruments

7. security alarm and smoke detectors 14.computers

Q checking tire pressure, replacing brake pads, oiling chain
Q tuning, polishing, replacing strings (if applicable)
Q painting, fixing cracks and holes li!
Ü changing wiring or light bulb li
Ü replacing batteries
Q cighcening loose handles and knobs, sealing cracks, po\ishing 1
Ü replacing che resistance
Q varnishing, sealing cracks and gaps, fixing \cose handles and \ocks
O removing \eaves, cleaning and replacing old fixcures
Ü cleaning filcers
Q updating software, checking for and cleaning up viruses
Q repairing leaks, replacing ciles
Q defroscing and replacing che door gaskec

b. Discuss chese quescions.

1 Which of chese have you done? Was ic difficulc?

Which of chese would you do if necessary?

s Do it yourself!

ª· Suppose you're going to buy or rent a place of your own. Wou ld you worry abouc conservacion and
mam cenance? Come up wich a lisc of che top five icems you would inspect. Then, compare it to your

1.~ - - - - -- -- -- - - - - - - - - -- - - -
2) - - - - -- -- - - - - - - -- - - -- -- -- -
ri • - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - -
4) - - -- -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -
15\ - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- - -

b. Discuss these questions.

3 • What else do you look for in a house or in an aparcment? Discuss your prioricies wich a parmer.
• Could you and your parcner be roommaces?
a. Herbert starts college nexc semescer. Place che words • kitchen plumbing
in the gaps to complete the lecter he wroce his Mom. • Roors
• glass windows
• carpec

1am writingjust to say everything is fine here a/though / am having some trouble renting an
apartment. Most of the places / have /ooked at are terrible. There was a great one dose to the
downtown area, but the _______ needed cleaning. lt smelled really bad. I think
someone had left the window open and rain had Jallen on it. There was even a dark stain. lt
just seemed like too much work in the beginning. / a/so found a great place near work, but the
__________ needed to be repaired. When you turned the tap on, the water came
out brown. Disgusting.
The place I think Iam actually going to rent is /ocated near the park, but the _ _ _ _ _ __
need painting. I don't mind painting, and there are only a few rooms. /'m just happy the
3 __________ don't need to be varnished (they had some wood specialists
in last week). When you look down, you can see your refiection. They did a great job. Some
_________ might need replacing, but it's not urgent. There is no breeze coming in,
and / don't mind if they're a little cracked.
Hope you can visit soon. There isn't much roam, but we'/1 organize somewhere for you to stay.


b, Now underline all sentences chat describe che repai rs each place needed.

.. e. Check the possible structures to desc ribe a problem in a ho use.

Ü something needs doing Q so mechi ng need s to do Q someching needs to be done

d. Make some suggestions to solve all the problems above.
i.. ........................................................... l Wh t else ?
ould you ay •
Problem: The glass windows need to be replaced. • •. 1. . 1 •.•

Suggestion: He co uld call a glass repair service, or he Toe floors need varníshing.
could buy the glass and replace it himself.
Toe grass needs to be cuc.
···························· ············ ·· ············ ······· ········ ··········

a. Usten and guess what the problem is. Number che piccures in the correct order.

i 'f

b. Usíng the words from the chart, speak about the problems
ín Activíty Sa.
burned ouc
You may say: • broken
• leakíng
A: The refrígerator needs fixíng.
• fi x
8: What's the problem?
C: The motor is burned out. replace
8: lt's goíng to cose a bit to get it fixed.

Do it yourself!

Li st five thi ngs that are not working properly at your house. Ask your classmates for advice.
Yo u may say:
A: The shower is terri ble. lt needs replacing.
8: You should take it to a repair shop. lt'II be cheaper than buying a new one.



ti, lnterview your classmates and find out information about them.
• Have you ever done something difficult and challenging without help? What was it?
• Were you proud of it when it was done?
• What do you consider your greatest accomplishment7 Why so 7

a. Tyler had an accident and now his wife is mad at him. Listen and answer the questions.
3. Why didn't Tyler ask
his falhe( fO( ~? 1
1 What was Tyler doilg?
a. He was fixing the roof.
b. He was building a crib.
a. Because his father doesn't
know how to use power

2 What happened?
--e. He :Vas hanging picture b. Because he wanted to
a. He cut himself.
on the wall. build the cri b by himself,
b. He fell and hurt his leg. without help.
e. He hurt his back. e. Because he is stubborn.

O b. Now listen again and write down the pares that help you justify you r answers.
(track 11 )

CLASS BOOK 1 29 • '

. . . . . . . . . ......... e............ . . . . . r&•

a. Classify these sencences as 1 or 2.
............................................................................................................................................ :
l 1. lhe person doing the action is also the person "affected" by this sarne action. 1
2. lhe person is ralking abo ut doing something alone, wirhout any help from other people.

Ü lt's nothing serious. just cut myself. Do we have Band-Aids?


Ü I just don't want yo u to hurt yo urself.

Ü lt's OK.1'11 do ir myself.
Ü . .because Iwanted to do ir myself.
Ü You're not doing anyrhing by yourself anymore.
b. Complete this chart of refiexive pronouns. When you finish, come up with an example for each.



;A;;; lrt N

Gap Aclivily _·-,.
Not many acrions can be "refiexive". Let's see who's got the best
repertoire. Follow your reacher's instructions. Tips
1cut myself once when 1
was playing with a sword.

Do it yourself!
Write th e verbs you will use. They cannot be repeated.


J lt's time to tell some fun stories. Talk to your classmates about che following.
::!7 :····· .. ····················· ..... .... ············::...................... ..-.... :
\ • Things you've dane by yourself. j
:51 • Things you're afraid to doing yourself.
• Weird things you've dane co yourself.
····· ·· ······················ ········································....... , ...

'J Discuss chese quescions.
à (~~,;--.:-.
• Which of these ten professionals/escablishmencs have you hired/gone to? electrician
mason -, '·, .•
::31 • lf you had to choose five services from chis lisc to do yourself, whac
would they be? hairdresser ..' J.:

How much do you/your family spend a monch on services? deéoracor-., j

5 1 dog ..yalker


beaucician : i' ";

· -.:---- -l~'~ '·{o.J"'
::!l gardener_ ;\ ·:
ma1d ·. ··

a. Liscen to chis interior designer and wrice True (T) or False (F).
Q You can have old furnicure repaired.
Q One of his cliencs recencly had her safa recovered.
Q Anocher clienc ·had his aparcmenc painced in a summer calor scheme.
Q He had new planes placed scracegically around che aparcmenc.
Q His clienc had some new lights inscalled.
Q His client replaced che floor himself.
CLASS BOOK 1 31 • •
. .
b. What kind of remodeling would you like to have dane at your house or
apartmenc? Talk to a classmate about some of your ideas.

A: 1would like to have all the pictures in our house changed. some suggested ideas: to
8: Why? change che curcains; to painc che
A: They are so cheesy. My mother has the worst taste in house; to inscall air-condicioning
decorations. to change the lighcing to
8: What would you put in their place? remedei che bachroom; to inSCall
A: l'd have black-and-white photos hung in every roam. a spa-bath; to hang new piccures;
8: Sounds classy. to refurnish che living roam; to
outfit the kicchen; to recover che
safa; to change che Aooring, etc.
f a. Study these examples and answer the questions.
• 1had my place painted last month.
• We had our house decorated by a professional.
• My car is making a strange noise. 1'11 have it looked at.
• 1have an appoincmenc with my beautician. 1need to have my nails done.
• We need to have this roof fixed. There's a nasty leak right over the bed.
• l've just had my guitar tuned. lt sounds amazing!
:· ····· ······· ············ ··············· ·· ·· ················ ·· ······· ····i
:··· ········· .. ··············· .... .................................... , ..... :
... ... @ What did ali sencences have in common?
l (!\ These people are talking about... f
Ü They're ali about home maintenance.
Ü actions they did (or will do) themselves.
Ü They ali have the structure "have +
Q services they paid (or will pay) for. object + parciciple of a verb".

·· ............................................................................ ·.........................................................................·

b. Check che list of accivities in Activicy 2 above and write at leasc three examples of things you gec dane.

f Discuss these questions.
Do you have your car washed or do you wash it yourself?

See page 773
Do you usually fix chings at your house, or do you have things fixed?
Do you have the house cleaned, or do you clean it yourself?
What do you do yourself? What do you have dane?


Do it yourself!

a. Read the ada t ,, •
h h P ed Wikipedia entry on the popular American TV show Extreme Makeover and decide
w et er the statements are True (T) or False (F).

•• • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
: Extreme Makeover. Home Edition debuted in Extreme Makeover was a television program
• 2003 on American television. The aim of the from the ABC television network which began
• reality show is to knock down and rebuild airing in 2002, but was canceled in 2007, when
• a family's house within 7 days. The idea is to the Home Edition, and many similar programs,
• bu1ld a house that suits the family's lifestyle and became much more popular. lt seems people
• fulfills some of their dreams, are less worried about the way they look, and

• more concerned about their house looking
• stylish and hip.
• Toe h0st, Ty Pennington, leads ateam
: of arch1tects and builders, who include locais •

from the winning family's neighborhood in
demolishing the old place and rebuilding the
0 Q The family has no involvement in what the
new house will look like.
• dream house. The family is sent off on a 7 day
• vacation, while Ty has the house demolished Qry is directly involved in destroying the
• has 1ªnd scaping clone, has plans for each roo~ family's house himself.
: drawn up by different architects, and gets
The people involved in the project are not all
• furniture and decorations donated from a
specialists in building or decorating.
• large number of stores and manufacturers. Ty
• always claims a room, usually a bedroom, for his The architects all work together on ali rooms.
• special project. He gets the room blocked off
• so no one can enter and the final project is only Ty's special project is inaccessible until the last
• revealed at the end of the show. moments of the TV show.
• The original show allowed people to have

•• Toe show is a spin-off of Extreme Makepver,
surgical operations done .
• which shows ordinary men and women Hospital procedures were free, but having
• undergoing "extreme makeovers". Not only their wardrobe renewed was not covered by
• do they have plastic surgery done, but they the show.
• also get their hair and make-up (for women)
• completely changed, and they have their According to the article, home deco

........ ....... ·-.............. ._.......

• wardrobe renewed - all free of charge and
programs have had better rating than shows
on personal appearance.
• under the guidance of a team of specialists.

b. Discuss these questions. What else ?

Would you have your house redecorated. or rebuilt by people you don't know? could you say •
Would you have plasàc surgery done?Why/Why not? • Would you have
plastic surgery done?
Would you have your hairstyle designed by so;::m::::eo
• Would you get plastic
Would you get your wardrobe renewed by someone else? surgery done?

CLASS BOOK 1 33 • •
- . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .

lnterview your classmates to find out h
You may say:
How ohen do you have your nails done7
B: Once ma while.
ow o en they have these things dane.

ffl~ j
~t, JJ

~ 1'~ 1
A: Would you say, maybe, once a monch?
8: Yeah, maybe twice a monch. -,JJJ € tmT

rt i. li1i
· •• have your nails da n e.

· · • have your hair cut/ done.

\_ Once ln a whlle _\ r··au1ie-õrien·--:
,_---- - - --- - - -- --- --_,

~:rn .. ,_.--r;:

rr- un
· · · get p izza delivered to your house.
l ra.r.J U 1F
••• get t he car serviced.
LKÍJ rrr1r
... get your computer serviced.

. . . have your carpecs cleaned.

.. . have clothes adjusted.

.. . gec professional photographs caken.

~ ~ a ;r

t..;~;;:;.~'.~".'S<;°.~.'.' ª'.".~~'.".~.•lk;~~.'.~~~~,.~.~.'.'.'.~'.'..~.":~.•.".'.'.'.' .'.':".<S.'.''.'.'.'.'.''."•'~~.":.:~~:....................................

j Ü I used to be so stressed before I found her. Every time we had a birthday or anocher evenc ic was jusc ._-
._:::-;- -
j a nightmare. Weeks before the party I would scart worrying abouc the food and then during che parcy l'd ~ Ea.w
- i--J
j get so worried that I couldn't even eat! Now I can gec everything done for me and accually enjoy myself.
· Ü lt's a real lifesaver. My husband and I are both very busy, and he makes me wait for weeks when I ask ~ -- 1 -~
him to do the simplest stuff. Truch is ... he's no handyman. This is a simple way to get those liccle jobs done -O~
around the house. ~_W_ /_
, :•;.
~ -.;::::www 1
Ü She simply fell from heaven. Shopping used to be such a nightmare for me; 1dreaded ic so much chat -mr-
kept putting ic off. Now I just don't worry anymore. 1get ali these amazing cloches and accessories picked /
out for me and I don't have to go chrough the hassle of shopping. which I hace. --

Q I can't imagine hfe wichout chem anymore You see... my mocher is an accumulator, so if I lec her she

i;:'.~~~::;!,~'.;~~~~!~;.n'.;~~:?;~'.~,~~~~;;,:'.:~~~:~:~,~; ~t '.º •.~:c~lun~~~h;I•:.•....................

Do it yourself!

1. TASTY-DELI professional organizer
catering service

Full service packages for

• birthdays
• barmitzvahs

Personal and professional home

organ izing and moving . Packing and
unpacking solutions, decluttering.


handyman services

• carpentry
• repairs and maintenance
• doors and windows
• tiling

We turn your"to do"

into done.
personal stylist and image consultant
Shopping SMART was never EASIER
1run around so you don't nave to.

b. Discuss chese quescions.

Whac do all ads have in common?

Whac's your opinion abouc che services they provide?
Whac could each of these professionals do for you? .
Which one(s) would you hire? Why?


CLASS BOOK 1 35 • 1

. · ci~~ciH~
a. List three things you do well. Wh1ch of them could be offered to someone as a kind
much would you ask for it?

b. lc's time to start a business. Come up with a catchy name for what you do (.fI t here ·isn 'e one) and put
together a nice little ad. Follow your teacher's instructions.
e. lt's time for you to find yourself a client. Walk around the class and offer your services.

IJ Follow your teacher's instructions and carry out this role-play.

Student A: You are a party organizer. You need to come up with solutions
to your clients' problems. lt's their wedding party.
Student B: We have a huge problem. lhe appetizers need to be prepared.
Student A: Relax, no problem. 1'11 have them prepared right away.
Student B: lhanks.

n , ,- not donê:yet Student B: You and Student C have hired a party organizer (Student A)
shoes - dirty to take care of the details of your wedding. lhe party is tomorrow and
mother - not caken to the church you have lots of problems to solve. Ask the organizer for solutions to the
cocktai/s - not prepared yec following problems. Take turns with Student C.
wedding gown - to be adjusted Example:
• (coo long) Nails - not clone yet
hair - not done yec
Student B: Excuse, but we have a problem. My nails need to be done.
bouquet - noc arranged yet
What can we do?
dance jfoor - dircy

cake - not ordered yec

Student C: You and Student B have hired a party organizer (Student musicians - noc scheduled yec
A) to take care of the details of your wedding. lhe party is tomorrow menu - not organized yet ®
and you have lots of problems to solve. Ask the organizer for solutions ® suit - not ironed yet
to the following problems. Take curns wich Student B. decorations - not bought yet
Example: cars - dirty
Cars - dirty: lhe cars need washing. buffet - not paid for yet
Student C: Excuse, but we have a problem. lhe cars need washing. tie - wrong color (change)
What can we do?

, lhis is the do-it-yourself challenge! Follow your
teacher's instructions and have fun!
Scan and discover
curiosities about
this unit.
SI Do it yourself!

Think abouc your
learning process.
Complete the chart and
check the best options.

Talking about skills and things
you can do yourself

Talking about home


Talking about hiring services 1
Offering your services to other



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