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Hattie Chavanu

Mrs. Kohout

College Senior English


Relationship Status with Writing

Dear Writing,

I remember the moment we sparked. The fall of my fourth grade year. I was sitting in my

chair, and the date was set. “This Friday”, you said. My heart stopped, my jaw dropped. I was

nervous, anxious, stressed, excited. When the long week passed and our date finally came, and it

was perfect. Complete happiness filled my body as I had found my new true love. Day after day,

and hour after hour, you were what I looked forward to. You dared me to dive into depths once

thought unreachable, and to climb mountains thought unattainable. You were my muse, my

inspiration. You made me think rationally and irrationally, you made me question my answers to

find the truth. Writing, you pushed me to be me.

What happened to us? I wish I knew the answer. What we are just isn’t the same

anymore. What we had was magical. Now, I’m not so sure. Do you remember? I remember the

countless hours we spent together, the laughter, the tears, the smiles. I remember when we used

to stay up until the first, pink light of a cool Autumn’s day, creating extensive fairy tales with

lore, love, and language only we understand. You were my everything. You were a million words

that spun my heart round and round like the top I played with on the hardwood floor of my

grandfathers. I miss those days. The days when you made me feel special, like I was capable of

anything. You made me believe in who I was, and where I was. My end all, my future, my living.

You were my purpose, and completely and perfectly my world. You were my dream and my
narcotic, lulling me into an existence purely of our own. Your build drew me in, the feeling you

gave me sent my heart miles from the ground- filling my mind, body, and soul with a million

reasons to be. To be, truly. You were my never ending dream I hoped to never wake up from. I

can still feel you on the tips of my fingers; a touch that created a love story that can never be


I want us to work out. I want us to be ok. I know we have a future together, there is no

way we don’t. You and I, we just mix- perfectly. You bring out the best in me, and I bring you to

life. We are a match made in heaven for a relationship that will forever have us exploring our

love. I will love you forever. Whatever happens, however the future folds us, your place in my

heart is still as wide and deep as the ocean and it always will be.

Yours always,

Hattie Rose

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