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Name Class Date

Choose the correct option. 18 They London in the summer of 2017.

A visited B travelled C looked
1 You play in teams of five.
19 They the tree, they just played in the garden.
A swimming B basketball C gymnastics
A not climb B not climbed C didn’t climb
2 You can’t go without a bike.
20 When you have a job you money.
A running B sailing C cycling
A earn B get C record
3 They go surfing because they don’t like
21 A group of people who work in a business are known as
the .
A always B never C often
A staff B boss C customers
4 I clean my teeth after breakfast and then I
22 My dad makes cars. He’s a .
go to work.
A manager B factory worker C mechanic
A usually B never C sometimes
23 My aunt works as a in the hospital.
5 is something sweet you can eat with
pancakes. A nurse B pilot C sports coach
A Honey B Avocado C Cereal 24 We cooked fish, but we meat.
6 In my house, we often fruit for breakfast. A not cook B cook didn’t C didn’t cook
A are having B having C have 25 How to work last week?
7 We early at the weekend. A do you travel B did you travel C you travelled
A not get up B doesn’t get up C don’t get up 26 The class didn’t start at 8.30 last week, it
at 9 o’clock.
8 When a band they visit different cities
every two or three days. A start B starting C started
A gives a concert B goes on tour 27 Go when you go to Barcelona. There are
C becomes famous lots of interesting places to see.
A lie on the beach B camping C sightseeing
9 James plays some great jazz tunes on the .
A saxophone B concert C soul 28 The tour stops in five different countries, so don’t forget
your .
10 Amy loves to the theatre or the cinema.
A passport B guidebook C tour guide
A go B going C is going
29 Did you to Milan last weekend?
11 My father driving to work in the car.
A went B go C going
A quite like B quite likes C quite liking
30 We our bikes to the beach yesterday.
12 My birthday was . Dad took my skydiving
A rode B rided C ride
and I loved it!
A horrible B fine C awesome 31 What for breakfast this morning?
A they eat B did they ate C did they eat
13 We’re so you could come tonight. There
are lots of people we want you to meet. 32 I keep my T-shirts and jumpers in the in
A upset B angry C glad my room.
A bookshelf B cushion
14 They hungry after the game, but they
were very thirsty. C chest of drawers
A was B weren’t C wasn’t 33 Do you want to read? Put the on so you
can see.
15 We went to see the new show last night, but it was
. Don’t go! A lamp B mirror C blanket
A terrible B brilliant C perfect 34 I write a about my adventures and post
something online every week.
16 Rick Riordan his first book in 1997.
A diary B song C blog
A crossed B received C published
35 My uncle computer games all the time. He
17 What do you think of the new in front of
doesn’t like watching TV.
the National Museum?
A does B watches C plays
A palace B castle C statue

Name Class Date

36 Have you got to drink? 53 The red T-shirt is the orange one.
A anything B nothing C any A expensiver B expensive than
37 I met at the park yesterday who plays the C more expensive than
drums in a band. 54 This computer has a large , so it can hold a
A anyone B no-one C someone lot of information.
38 When you go for a job interview, it’s a good idea A download B website C memory
to wear . 55 I sometimes the internet to find cheap
A a suit B boots C gloves clothes and shoes.
39 My cousin rides a motorcycle and wears a really A surf B chat C go
awesome black jacket. 56 I think Edinburgh is one of cities in the
A wool B cotton C leather world!
40 This isn’t my parents’ car. car is red. A most beautiful B the more beautiful
A Theirs B Their C There C the most beautiful
41 I really like your scarf. Is it Juana? 57 This supermarket is shop in my town.
A your B yours C you A as busy as B the busiest C busier
42 This meal was delicious. Let me pay the . 58 You feel very hot. You’ve got a . You should
A cash B price C bill go to the doctor.
A ache B pain C temperature
43 I can give you your money back if you still have
the . 59 I don’t know what’s wrong but my toe really .
A discount B record C receipt A hurts B sick C pains
44 Can you give me paper please? I want to 60 What do you think I wear to the party
give you my phone number. tonight?
A a bit of B a few C a lot of A do B going to C should
45 I bought new purse yesterday. 61 After an accident like that, you on your
A an B a C any leg, you need to rest it.
A should walk B shouldn’t walk
46 Have you got cash you can lend me?
C shouldn’t to walk
A some B a C any
62 It’s a good idea to eat lots of fruit to healthy.
47 Joe Lee is well-known his blog about food.
A do B stay C try
A of B for C with
63 are a place where children can have fun in
48 In China a lot of meat dishes come with the city.
and vegetables.
A Playgrounds B Roundabouts
A noodles B fish C cheese
C Police stations
49 You need eggs to make and you can add
cheese or mushrooms. 64 Let’s meet in the car near the bridge.
A chilli B an omelette C seafood A station B stop C park
65 To get to the bank you have to walk the
50 Why don’t you have with your burger? It’s
healthier than chips.
A across B near C opposite
A salad B fried onions C curry
66 The River Seine goes the city of Paris.
51 My cousin is my brother. He’s two and my
brother is ten. A beside B in front of C through
A younger B as young as 67 Bring your with you because the weather
doesn’t look good.
C younger than
A guidebook B raincoat C tour guide
52 Do you think chicken legs are chicken curry?
68 It’s very today which makes it difficult to
A tasty B as tasty as C tastier see anything.
A icy B sunny C foggy


Name Class Date

69 It’s a good day to fly a kite because it’s . 84 What do you think of this for the main
A cloudy B windy C snowy story?
70 A: Was he looking for Sarah? A advertisement B review C headline

B: Yes, he . 85 I really enjoyed that film, I want to see

another one by the same director.
A wasn’t B were C was
A then B as C so
71 The top of that is very high, around 3,600
metres I think. 86 I ride my bike, I try to cycle very fast so
I can get fitter.
A mountain B field C island
A So B When C Because
72 The swimming pool is only one metre , so
I can touch the floor. 87 we meet outside the bank at 7 o’clock?
A wide B long C deep A Shall B Let’s C Why not

73 What on TV at eight o’clock last night? 88 ask Sandra if she wants to come?
A was you watching B were you watching A Shall B Why not C Why don’t
C did you watch 89 We went round the science last weekend.
74 During the presentation, my friends were talking a lot, A amusement park B museum C aquarium
but I . 90 I studied all weekend because I really don’t want to
A was listening B wasn’t listening this test.
C were listening A pass B fail C get
75 My niece has a pet which is grey and has 91 What time do you get on the train in the
long ears. mornings?
A bear B rabbit C rat A have to B has to C have
76 It’s a bit dark in here. Please can you the 92 Grace work today because it’s a holiday.
lamp? A not has to B not have to
A turn off B get on C turn on C doesn’t have to
77 I a tree when I fell. 93 My father’s brother is my .
A was climbing B were climbing C climbed A aunt B uncle C grandfather
78 We my friends while we were shopping on 94 Your sister’s son is your .
Saturday. A niece B grandson C nephew
A not meet B weren’t meeting
95 I will take the train home later.
C didn’t meet
A nearly B quite C probably
79 Rob and Steve wanted to enter a singing
96 You have to check your essay very to
in December but I said they should practice more first.
make sure there are no mistakes.
A audience B interview C competition
A with care B carefully C careful
80 I didn’t see the big game last night, but I it.
97 They won the game with a score of 7–2.
A recorded B streamed C saw
A easily B easy C well
81 There are so many good on the radio, it’s
98 I am close to my younger sister but I don’t
difficult to decide what to listen to.
often see my older brother.
A fans B programmes C stages
A probably B really C nearly
82 What next year?
99 My grandparents TV, they’re asleep!
A are he studying B he going to study
A don’t watch B not watching
C is he going to study
C aren’t watching
83 We at the disco tonight because we’re
very tired. 100 We were walking in the forest when we
three rabbits under a tree.
A aren’t dancing going
A saw B see C were seeing
B isn’t going dance
C aren’t going to dance


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