Celestial Forge CYOA Picks

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Shadow Clones (Generic Naruto Fanfiction) (100): Ah, shadow clone no jutsu.

signature jutsu of the Naruto franchise. And now you can join in on the fun. You
have a copy of a technique scroll for the shadow clone jutsu, of such quality that
an idiot could teach himself from this thing in virtually no time at all. It even
has safeguards built-in that eliminate any possibility of killing yourself by
putting too much chakra into it, or getting a headache from too many clones
dispelling at once or anything like that. The worst that can possibly happen is
that it fails to work. You still can only make as many shadow clones as your chakra
can support but outside of that you can feel free to abuse this handy jutsu for
training, decoys, diversions, paperwork, chores, or whatever else you can imagine.
In the event that this technique is supposed to have some additional features in
the particular fanfiction you go to, or even a better version, this scroll will
contain both versions.

Gold Market (World Seed) (400): Welcome to the Gold Market! As this is your first
time as a customer, let me take this moment to explain. By going to any temple or
altar to the Gods, offering one gold coin, and praying for the market to appear,
anyone can gain access to it. Though in your case, you’ll simply need to think
about it for the market to appear in its entirety in your mind, and can browse it
at your leisure without having to pay any fees. From there, you can buy anything,
as long as you can pay the price, though the price is inflated just a tad, such as
Seeds of Water normally costing 1 silver going for 20 instead, and something
incredibly rare like a Seed of Time costing half a million gold. Incredibly
powerful items made by the Gods and normally only accessible through completing
quests might even be priced at billions of gold. But this cost is worth it, as
there really is literally anything available: items, hints on how to advance your
abilities, skills and abilities themselves in their entirety, NPCs (artificial
entities created by the system) of any level, whether you want to lease them or buy
them outright, information, or animals and monsters. Even things of questionable
usefulness can be found here, such as the sex tapes of the Gods ("Goddess of
Breasts VS. Goddess of Beauty, Beach Edition, Interactive"), or the abilities to
always sense the time of the day and to guess how many hairs there are on a
creature. And if you had, say, a decillion gold and sacrificed the population of a
planet, you could even buy yourself into Godhood. The wares available in the Gold
Market will include ones from both worlds you have visited in the past, and worlds
you will travel to in the future, so that its slogan of offering truly anything
actually holds true for you, though the same price markup still applies. It’ll also
accept any currency you might have on you, instead of only recognizing the gold
coins used in the system. And since you’re a VIP, you can even sell things to the
market, though you’ll only get their normal prices for them instead of the marked
up ones.

Black Cauldron (A 'Happy' Harry Potter Fanfiction) (50): No not that one, just a
standard black cauldron for all your common potion brewing needs. Comes with a mid
quality potions kit that has all the average and a few not so average ingredients
and preparation tools to get you started as well as a potions index full of useful
things like the properties and common reactions of the ingredients in your kit.
Tools will remain sharp and in good condition, the ingredients also replenish over
time. A set of fifteen unbreakable empty vials are included which when filled with
a potion of your choice will continue to produce that potion ex nihilo, so pick
your choices with care.

The Legendary God-forging Craftsman (Against the Gods!) (400): There are a lot of
things in this world that go beyond martial cultivation and powering up. Sound
Transmission Talismans, Profound Arks, armors and weapons, medicinal pills and
teleportation formations, and so much more. And you can shake the world in all
these fields.

You are now an absolute, unbelievable genius at all such ‘support’ fields. An
enchanter, smith, alchemist and formation designer without peer, your mind miles
ahead of even the greatest of your would-be competitors, and ideas flow like water.
You only need to look at any item, pill, weapon or formation, to know it to the
innermost depths, every trick involved in making it, every flaw and potential for
improvement, and how to bring them to reality. In future worlds too, your skills
translate perfectly, granting you knowledge and skills in the local variations of
these things equal to what you leave the previous world with.

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