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Republic of the Philippines

State Universities and Colleges

Buenavista, Guimaras
2nd SEMESTER A.Y. 2021-2022

Unit 1: The Nature and Scope of Curriculum Development

a. Definitions of Curriculum
b. Curriculum Planning
c. Curriculum Development
d. Curriculum Laboratory
e. Schools of Thought on Curriculum Development

Unit 2: Theories of Curriculum Development

a. Different Theories
b. Different Emphasis
c. Ralph Tyler Model; Four Basic Principle
d. Hilda Taba Grassroots Approach

Unit 3: Basic Steps in Curriculum Development

a. Tyler’s Questions of Curriculum
b. Wheeler Model
c. Kerr

Unit 4: Curriculum Development

a. Selection of Aims and Development
b. Selection of Content
c. Selection of Learning Experiences

Unit 5: Curriculum in the Philippines

a. The Need for Curriculum Framework
b. The Result of Lack of Framework
c. The Areas of Concern
d. Determinants of Learning in the Philippines

Unit 6: Historical Context

a. Before the Coming of Spaniards
b. Spanish Regime
c. Education during Philippine Revolutions
d. American Occupation
e. Philippine Commonwealth
f. Japanese Occupation
g. Present-under the Philippine Republic

Unit 7: Curriculum Approaches

a. Technical Approach
b. Behavioral Approach
c. System Managerial Approach
d. Intellectual Approach
e. Non-Technician/Non-Scientific Approach
f. Humanistic Approach
g. Re-conceptualist Approach
h. Reconstructionism
i. Eclectic Models

Unit 8: Curriculum Design

a. Subject-Area Design
b. The integrated Design
c. The Core Curriculum Design
d. The Child-Centered Design
e. The Social Reconstruction Design
f. The De-schooling Design
Unit 9: Implementation Models
a. Overcoming Resistance to Change (ORC)
b. Leadership Obstacle Course (LOC)
c. Linkage Model
d. Organizational Development (OD)
e. Rand Change Agent Model
f. Factors Affecting the Choice of Implementation Model

Unit 10: Evaluation

a. Definition
b. Type
1. Humanistic Approach Goal-Free
2. Scientific Approach Purpose Driven
c. Objectives of Evaluation
d. Evaluation Studies in the Philippines
1. 1925 Monroe Survey
2. 1959 Swanson Survey
3. 1969 Presidential Commission to Survey Philippine education (PCSPE)
4. 1976 Survey of Outcomes of Elementary Education (SOUTELE)
5. 1982 Household and School Matching Survey
6. 1991 Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM)
7. 1991 National Evaluation and Impact Study (PRODED)
e. Monitoring and Evaluation of Revised Basic Education Curriculum (RBEC)
f. Presidential Commission odn Education Reform (PCER)

Unit 11: Current Trends and Issues

a. Bilingual Education
b. Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD)
c. Other Issues

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