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Name:____________________ Class:_______________ Date:_____________

Question My answer Cer- Poi
tain? nts

1 Solve the equation 5x + 2 = 12

2 Solve the equation 5x + 2 = 12 + 3x

3 What is
a) 100 · 34,72?
b) 456/10?
c) 0,03 · 2000?
d) 651/0,3?

4 On a map with scale 1:30 000 the

distance in reality is 600 m. What is
the distance on the map in cm?

5 Is y proportional to x? Why?

x y

5 20

6 25

7 30

6 Look at this pattern

4, 9, ____, 19, ____, 29
a) What are the two missing
b) What number is in place
100 of the sequence?

7 En påse med 0,3 kg vindruvor

kostar 9,60 kr. Vilket är priset per
kg? Välj den rätta beräkningen.
a) 0,3/9,6
b) 0,3 · 9,6
c) 9,6/0,3
What is the angle between the hour
hand and minute hand if the clock
8 is 12:15?

9 A property has the shape of a right

triangle. The area is 1000 m^2. The
second longest side of the property
is 50 m. How long is the shortest

En tomt har formen av en rätvinklig

triangel. Arean är 1000 m^2 .
Tomtens näst längsta sida är 50 m.
Hur lång är den kortaste sidan?


My score: /10
My feeling: :-( :-| :-)

Finish the drawing!

1. 5x + 2 = 12
-2 -2
5x = 10 6. a) 4 9 14 19 24 29
b) the formula is 5n-1 so the
/5 /5
number in place 100 is
x =2 5*100-1 = 499
2. 5x + 2 = 12 + 3x
-3x -3x
2x + 2 = 12
-2 -2 7. Price per kilogram =
2x = 10
/2 /2 price / kilogram =
x= 5 9,60kr / 0,3 kg

3. a) 3472
b) 45,6 8. The minute hand has moved
c) 0.03*2000 = 60 a ¼ of a full lap so the hour
d) 651/0,3 = 6510/3 = 2170 hand has moved ¼ of the
distance between the 12 and
4. 600 m /30 000 = 1. That is 30/4 = 7,5 degrees.
60000cm/30000 = So the answer is 90 - 7,5 =
2 cm 82,5 degrees.

5. 9. Area is b*h/2 = 1000 so

x y y/x 1000*2 = 2000. Then we do
2000/50 = 200/5 = 40m.
5 20 20 / 5 = 4

6 25 25/6 = NOT 4 10. Correct answer is D).

7 30 30/7 = NOT 4
y/x changes from row to row, it is not
the same number, so NO y is not
proportional to x.

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