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School Based Assessment (2022)

You have recently opened an organic produce store where you will be selling grains (peas and beans)
called “The Legumez Store”. As part of your operation, you have decided to employ the use of word-
processing, web page design, spreadsheet, database management as well as programming software.
You are required to design and implement a computer-based solution to perform the tasks listed

Generate a letter to be sent to various farmers specially inviting them to become registered
suppliers for the store. Create a fillable form for farmers to register as a supplier for the store.

Design a website to advertise the store.

Generate a budget showing the average monthly cost expected to be incurred by the store.
This is intended to be used to perform various kinds of analysis to review the effect on your

Maintain all records of farmers and orders. Perform queries to obtain relevant information and
generate a report.

Develop a programming solution that produces the total amount of each kind of grain bought
and the total cost incurred. This should be tested with data from your spreadsheet using a
trace table.

Please note that any assumptions made must be stated and submitted with assignments.

1 Courtney Hinds OBHS


Fillable Form using Microsoft Word

Open a new document and save it as ‘Legumez Fillable Form’.

Insert a Page Border around the entire page (optional)

3. Set the layout for page size as Legal (8 ½ * 14)

Choose double spacing (2.0) as the line spacing option.

Insert an image associated with legumes in the header at the left-hand side. This will be used

as the logo for your store and the same logo should be used in the letterhead for the mail

merge and in the Home page in the web page component.

Insert in the header “The Legumes Store”. Use different formatting features for them – bold,

underline, font size, font colour or font style

Type ‘Legumez Information Form’ at the top of the form. Change the font size, font style,

font colour and center and bold this text.

Insert a footer with an email address and any other contact information you would like to

include. Use fictional information for this.

Use Controls in the Developer Menu to add control elements to each of these labels:

Name of Individual/Company (Rich Text Content Control)

Phone Number (Rich Text Content Control)

Email Address (Rich Text Content Control)

Type of Grain (Drop-Down List Content) Control with the three (3) types of grains

Synthetic fertilizers and pesticides used (Check Box Content Control)

Date of Registration (Date Picker Content Control)

2 Courtney Hinds OBHS

Fillable Form using Microsoft/Google Forms

Sign into your school account or sign up for a Gmail account if you do not already have one.
You need a Gmail address to use Google Forms.

Open your web browser. In your search engine type “Google Forms” OR in the URL Address
bar type “” and sign in if necessary, with your Gmail account.

Open a new blank form. Name the form ‘The Legumez Store Fillable Form’.

Insert an image associated with grains (peas and beans) in the form header. This will be used
as the logo for your store and the same logo should be used in the letterhead for the mail
merge and in the Home page in the web page component.

Insert the form title “Legumez Store”

Customize your form by changing the form colours from background and themes.

Put as the form description ‘Supplier Information Form’.

Use Form Controls to add control elements to each of these labels:
Name of Individual/Company - Short Answer
Phone Number - Short Answer
Email Address - Short Answer
Type of grain - Drop-down (for the three (3) grains).
Synthetic fertilizers and pesticides used - Multiple Choice (to indicate if used)
Date of Registration - Date

Add a custom message to be displayed when the user submits the form. An example of this
could be “Thank You. Response Submitted”

3 Courtney Hinds OBHS

Mail Merge

Some individuals will be sent a special invitation to become a supplier. Information on these

individuals will be kept in one of the database files. Guidelines for the letter are as follows:

Create a letterhead for the store. The letterhead should contain the store’s logo (use the same

logo as in the fillable form). It should also contain store’s name, address, telephone

number(s), fax number and e-mail address.

Bold and increase the font size to an appropriate size for The Legumez Store.

Italicize the email address in the contact information in the letterhead.

Use different font styles and sizes wherever is appropriate in your design of the letterhead

Format the letter as follows:

Insert the date in the format (eg. October 20th, 2020)

Set margins to “Narrow” (0.5” left, right, top and bottom)

Set to 1.5 line spacing option for in the text in the body of the letter

Use two (2) columns for the body of the letter (optional).

Include a table in the second column showing the grains and their price. Bold the

headings in your table. Use Design in the Table Tools and choose a style for the table.

Use the image on the next page as a sample for the letter.

4 Courtney Hinds OBHS

Prepare the letter to be sent to at least ten (10) individuals (the information is to be taken from

the FARMERS table in the database. Use mail merge codes where appropriate. The heading

should be left justified and the body of the letter fully justified.

Ensure that your documents have been spell-checked and is suitable for sending to various


Save the primary document as PrimaryDocument, the data source as DataSource (indicate

that it is the FARMERS Table from the database), the merged letters as Mergeddocument.

5 Courtney Hinds OBHS


Design a website to advertise the Store.

Go to the website Create an account if you not already have one.

Search for a “farming” related template to use or use a blank template and select an
appropriate layout design.

Keep two (2) web pages, one for “Home” and one for “Contact”. Delete all others.

On the Home page
Edit the main title to be the business name ’The Legumez Store’.
Insert an appropriate logo/picture of your choice at the top of the “Home” webpage
(preferably it should be the same logo/picture used in your letterhead for the mail merge).
Provide a brief description of the Leguez Store and information on your business model,
such as what you're selling, how it is different from others and why customers should buy
from you.
Include relevant pictures
Use different font colors/sizes/styles in at least three (3) positions on this page.
Provide a link to the fillable form created so that interested persons can register online

On the Contact page, insert the following the contact information which should contain
The name of the store
An address for the store
A phone contact for the store
The text “Email us at:” and a link to an email address (email does not have to be valid).

Insert a link on the “Contact Page” to go to the online form you created or to the schools

Remove any other irrelevant information on both pages or replace it with information that
relates to the grain store.

6 Courtney Hinds OBHS


The spreadsheet package will be used to create a model which will allow the accountant of the store
to create, manipulate and monitor adherence to budgets.
There are three (3) different types of grains and each type attracts a different price. The table below
shows the price paid for each type.

Lentil Peas $10.00
Chick Peas $15.00
Split Peas $20.00

a) Enter the information from the table in Sheet 1 beginning from A1. The Price should be

formatted with Currency and Comma format and to two (2) decimal places. (eg. $1,000.00).
Rename this sheet PRICEDATA.

Add a new sheet to the workbook. Beginning in A2, enter in separate cells a heading for the
farmer’s name (First name and Last name), the kind of peas he/she has for sale, the price per
pound of the peas, the quantity (in pounds) being sold and the cost. Assume that every
farmer sells only one type of grain but can sell any amount of that grain.
Increase the font size of the headings to 14.
Bold and center all the headings. Wrap the cells that contain headings.
Enter ten (10) random first names (First Name) and last names (Last Name) for
Enter the number of pounds being sold by each farmer (at least 3 must be >100).
Generate the price for the peas by using the VLOOKUP function and the information from the
table in the PRICEDATA sheet. Format the cells for using Currency and Comma format and to
two (2) decimal places. (eg. $1,000.00).

7 Courtney Hinds OBHS

Calculate the total cost to be paid to each farmer by multiplying the quantity by the price.
Format this figure using the Currency and Comma format and to two (2) decimal places. (eg.

In cell A6 in the PRICEDATA sheet, type the label “Wholesale Discount” and in cell A7, type
the value for 10%.

If the quantity being sold is more than one hundred (100) pounds, the farmer gives a ten
percent (10%) discount on his/her total. Add a new column for discount and using the IF
function and the value for the wholesale discount from the PRICEDATA sheet, calculate the
discount given. The formula for the first owner must reference the value in cell A7 when
calculating the owner’s incentive using absolute addressing, then the formula can be replicated
to the other owners. Rename this worksheet, PurchaseInfo.

Add a new column for the new Cost and calculate the new Cost (Cost - Discount) paid to each

Highlight the cell range with the values for the New Total Cost and name this range

Use the Max function with the named range “New Total Cost” to determine the highest cost
to be paid to a farmer. This must be displayed on the worksheet.

Use the Min function with the named range “New Total Cost” to determine the smallest cost
to be paid to a farmer. This must be displayed on the worksheet.

Copy and paste the information from the sheet PurchaseInfo into another sheet in the same
range. Ensure that the formatting is maintained after copying the information from one sheet
into another. Rename the sheet Sortedinfo.

Sort the information in this Sortedinfo sheet by Peas in ascending order.

8 Courtney Hinds OBHS

In A1, type PurchaseInfo sorted by Type of Peas. Bold the text. Merge and center this
text in A across to H1.

Copy the data from the SortedInfo worksheet into a new worksheet in the same cell range.
Use a simple filter to obtain all the farmers who are selling more than one hundred (100)
pounds of peas. In A1, replace the heading with “Filtered data showing farmers who are
selling more than 100 pounds”. Merge and center the heading. Rename this sheet

Copy the data from the SortedInfo worksheet into a new worksheet in the same cell range
Use an advanced filter to extract all the farmers who are selling more than one hundred (100)
pounds of Lentil peas. In A1, replace the heading with “Filtered data showing farmers
who are selling more than 100 pounds of Lentil peas”. Merge and center the heading.
Rename this sheet AdvFilter.

Create a Pivot table from the PurchaseInfo worksheet to show the Total Cost Paid for the
three (3) types of peas. Place this pivot table on a new sheet and rename the sheet “Pivot

Insert a row at the top of the worksheet and type the title ‘Type and Cost Pivot Table’.
Merge and center the heading across all the columns in the pivot table. Use an appropriate
font style and size for the title. Wrap text if the complete title cannot be displayed in the
merged cells.

Using an appropriate type of graph or chart, create a graph or chart comparing the total Cost
paid for each type of peas. Place the graph or chart on a new sheet and label appropriately. It
must, however, have a title and either an axes label or data label. Name this graph or chart
Total Cost by Pea Type.

9 Courtney Hinds OBHS


Records are kept for all grains and farmers. There are three (3) types of grains bought by the store
for this SBA. They are Lentils, Chick and Split peas. All Prices and an indication of whether or not it
has been delivered are stored in a separate ORDERS table. The store maintains the following
information for each farmer: Name, Address, Telephone number, city/village, Gender. Each farmer is
also assigned a unique identification number which is used to access his/her data.

A table called “GRAINS” is created to store the three (3) entries below.

GrainCode Grain Price

LTL1 Lentils Peas $10.00
CHK1 Chick Peas $15.00
SPT1 Split Peas $20.00

You will need to:

Build a database to satisfy the manager’s requirements. The tables should be properly
indexed. Create three (3) tables GRAINS, FARMERS and ORDERS. Use the database
structure for the GRAINS, FARMERS and ORDERS given.

Field Name Field Type Description

GrainCode Text The Code assign to the grain
Grain Text The name of the grain
Price Number (Currency The price paid per pound to the farmer for
Format) the grain


10 Courtney Hinds OBHS

Field Name Field Type Description
FarmerID Autonumber An automatic number assigned when a new
farmer is added.
LastName Text The surname of the farmer
FirstName Text The first name of the farmer
Title Text The title of the person (eg. Mr. Mrs. Miss etc.)
E_Mail Text The E_mail of the person
Address Text The address of the farmer
City/village Text The city/village in which the farmer lives
PhoneNo Text The telephone contact of the farmer
Sex Text ‘M’ or ‘F’ only


Field Name Field Type Description

OrderID Text The Code assigned to the order.
OrderDate Date The date the order was made
GrainCode Text The code assigned to the grain being
FarmerID Number The unique number assigned to the farmer
Quantity Number The amount of grain in pounds being ordered
Price Currency The price of the amount of grain in the order
Delivered Logical A yes/no field to indicate whether the order
has been delivered

Populate the FARMERS table with the information of at least ten (10) farmers.

Add at least fifteen (15) records to the ORDERS table with at least three (3) orders for more
than 100 pounds. (A farmer may have more than order)

Create a one to many relationship between tables.

11 Courtney Hinds OBHS

Create the SUPPLIER sub-form using fields FarmerID, Lastname, Firstname from the
FARMERS Table and Grain and Price from the GRAINS table. This can be done using the
Form Wizard.

Test your data by running the following queries:
A simple query to list the names, phone numbers and email addresses of all female
farmers. Name this query SIMPLEQUERY. Sort this information in alphabetical order
by last name and then by first name.

A complex query to list the amount of peas purchased from each farmer who sold Lentil
peas. Name this query COMPLEXQUERYLENTIL.

A query with a calculated field to show the discounted price after a 10% discount is
applied to all orders over a hundred (100) pounds. A new field should be added for the
discounted price. Name this query CALCULATEDNEWPRICE.

Generate a report which includes the name of the Farmer, the type of grain together with the
GrainCode and the price paid for each type of grain. Show also the total price paid for each
type of grain. This report should be grouped by the type of grain, and sorted by farmer in
alphabetical order by Last Name, then by First Name. Title the report Orders by Grain or
any other appropriate title. Name this report ORDERINFO.

12 Courtney Hinds OBHS


Develop a pseudocode algorithm to determine the total amount paid to farmers by the store.
The algorithm should accept the type of grains listed in the Table in the Spreadsheet Section
and the weight. It is not known beforehand how many orders will be entered but to indicate
the end of the data, the word “End” is entered for the type of grain.

Prompt the user to input the type of grain bought. Assume that it is one listed in the

Sum the total weight of each grain bought.

Use the Table below taken from the spreadsheet section to:
determine the price for each type of grain,
calculate and print the total amount paid (without the incentive) for Lentil Peas.

Lentil Peas $10.00
Chick Peas $15.00
Split Peas $20.00

Using data consistent with your spreadsheet, design and execute a trace table that accepts
each Type of grain and does a manual trace to determine accuracy of the Cost of the Lentil
peas. The table should have at least three (3) iterations and should end when GRAIN = “End”.

13 Courtney Hinds OBHS


Using PASCAL or any other programming language,

Write source code for the algorithm developed in (1).

Include documentation at the top of your program with the author of the program (a
fictitious name may be used), date program was created and statement of the problem
(what the program is designed to do)

Add any appropriate inline comments

Save at least one (1) screen shot to show that your program has been successfully

Please note that all parts of this programming component of the SBA are to be saved as
one PDF file when submitting.

14 Courtney Hinds OBHS

Algorithmic structure

Header : GRAINZ {Algorithm’s name or title}

Declaration : {.e. A statement of purpose} This algorithm reads the kind and the amount of grain
bought. It uses this input to determine the cost of the grain. The algorithm keeps track of the
total amount of each kind of grain. The algorithm also calculates and prints the total amount paid
for lentil peas.

{declaration of variables.}

Variable Type Variable Description
X Integer Counter variable used in a For loop


Initialisation of Variables {initialization of variables.}

Body of Algorithm : Sequence of steps


15 Courtney Hinds OBHS

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