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Republic of the Philippines


Tamag Vigan City
2700 Ilocos Sur
National Service Training Program
Website: Official e-mail Address:
Official mobile number:+63 917-149-1559


II. Date, Time and Venue

Date: June 18, 2022


III. Activity/Project Implementer: SELONG, CAMMILLE EDZ F.

Detailed Schedule of Activities


People in the community

came to clean up their
surroundings and
corresponding areas
specifically to barangay
roads, playgrounds and other
public places.

Our team
cleared out yard debris,
leaf buildup, and
extra weeds so that the
landscape plants would
have room to breathed.
Weeding is the removal of weeds
from the field. Weeding can be
done by tilling... Weeding: The
undesirable plants that grow
naturally along with the main crop
planted are called weeds.

Planting is easy so everyone

can participate. Plants are an
essential resource. We rely
on them for food, water,
medicine, the air we breathe,
habitat and our climate.

Arranging flowers is
an expression of
creativity and a highly
Planting bamboo in the forest is
valued art can
easy. Bamboo form.
grow just
about anywhere. Depending on
what species of bamboo is trying
to sprout, it can grow only in sub-
tropic areas or in places as cold
as Iowa.
cleaning the waste
becomes relatively easy for
the concerned personnel.
However, when litter needs
to be cleaned, extra funds
are required to employ
personnel to clean-up the
littered area. Thus, litter
clean-ups costs the
economy more than
cleaning up waste disposed
of in the proper.

The volunteers work

together to remove
garbage from designated
sites, taking care that
disposal of that garbage
is managed in a
responsible manner.







“CLEAN AND GREEN OPERATION” aims to raise environmental awareness in different
communities. Below are the lists of the additional objectives of our program:

● To enhance the capabilities of the community by promoting commerce and trade; to achieve or
practice the conduct in waste management and recycling industry.

● To promote waste reduction, recycling and reuse and create public awareness on waste
management and environmental concerns.

● To improve outdoor recreational activities of the community

● To help reduce the greenhouse gases and fight climate change; improving the quality of the
natural environment.

● To set one’s mind on the well-being of future generation.


We are going to have a competition every month. Each barangay are task to maintain the
cleanliness in their area, and they are task to reduce the waste by collecting and selling them itin
a junk shop. The residents of each barangay are required to participate in the said event. At the
end of every month, one barangay will be announced with the cleanest environment and will earn
a point. Then at the end of the year, the barangay with the most points will be awarded with a
prize for the efforts they made throughout the year. The money from selling the waste materials
will be collected each month; the money will be used to buy seedlings. These seedlings will be
equally distributed to each barangays and will be planted on open areas around the barangay.
This will help us to have a good environment as we progress to have a better future. It deals with
different programs that raise awareness in different aspects, from a clean-up drive activity, into
the fund raising scenario and lastly the tree planting, all of which are connected with each other.
Through the clean-up drive activity, another activity came out of our mind, which is to raise
funds from selling the waste that has been collected, from these collected fund, we came up with
the tree planting program. Residents would benefit a lot, mainly because these programs are
implemented directly towards their benefits. They would learn how to recycle and segregate
waste properly since not all of them are aware of it, especially the children at their young age, it
is better for them to learn these things and of course be more aware of our nature, on how to take
good care of it. They would also learn how to plant seedling, they will appreciate how difficult it
is to plant, protect and watch over their seeds as they grow.


Clean-Up Drive:  It is the program wherein each barangay would participate in
cleaning their environment, this would be done weekly and at the end of the
month, the barangay that observed cleanliness in their community would be
recognized and would earn a point for future use. At the end of the year, the
barangay with the highest number of points earned would be rewarded and will
receive a cash prize that could help in the improvement of their area.

Raising Funds:  In line with the clean-up drive program, the money from selling
the waste materials will be collected each month, these funds will be used to buy
seedlings and will be equally distributed to each barangays.

Tree Planting:  It is a program that advocates the appreciation of our nature. When
seedlings are distributed, each barangay is responsible in planting them on open
areas that surround their place. This program would be a great help in the increase
of the quantity of trees in our locality, this would serve as an alternative solution
for those destructions brought by the uneducated people who keep on doing things
specifically deforestation, from which it destroys the beauty of our surroundings.

Refuse: This is the first and leading principle that tells us to refuse anything we
don’t really need. Even if it’s free, if you don’t really need it, say no. Politely
decline knick-knacks and other promotional freebies, single-use items like utensils,
cups and food ware, and anything else that isn’t truly essential in our lives. This is
the first step to cutting down on our waste. 

Reduce: Reducing goes along with refusing, in terms of thinking about what is

actually needed and cutting out what is not. Whenever possible, we can make
choices to reduce the things we use, such as bringing our own bags to the grocery
store, our own water bottle to events or a reusable cup to the coffee shop.

Reuse: It’s important to note that reuse comes before recycling, and this means
that whenever possible, we should see if items can be repurposed. Old pasta jars,
for example, can be repurposed as containers for dried food items.

Recycle: If we are unable to reuse items, and they are recyclable, we can recycle
them so the material can be converted into something new. While recycling is a
way to extend the lifespan of a material, it still requires resources and energy.

Clean and green environment is a basic need today. The environmental
pollution in the form of air, water, and land pollution, has severely affected life.
The air quality is unbreathable, water non-potable and the land contaminated,
leading to many diseases. For earth to survive, the pollution must me tackled and
reversed. A healthy life is possible only if the basic necessity of cleanliness of air
and land is achieved. Clean and green environment imply absence of pollution and
a better quality of life.

Clean and green environment is a basic need today. The environmental pollution
in the form of air, water, and land pollution, has severely affected life. The air
quality is unbreathable, water non-potable and the land contaminated, leading to
many diseases. For earth to survive, the pollution must me tackled and reversed. A
healthy life is possible only if the basic necessity of cleanliness of air and land is
achieved. Clean and green environment imply absence of pollution and a better
quality of life.
Green on the other hand has a direct link to promoting good health. Literally a
green environment means abundance of trees and greenery. Trees are instrumental
in purifying air by absorbing the dangerous gases and giving out Oxygen. Also
greenery has a soothing and pacifying effect on people. The natural ecosystem
heavily depends on trees and plants on supporting the smaller insects, animals and
birds for shelter and food. In a metaphorical way, green refers to being ecology
friendly. So a ‘Green School’ would mean a school which replaces all its systems
towards ecology friendly alternatives such as electronic communication instead of
paper circulars etc. The usage of electricity is reduced and power saving equipment
is used and recycling encouraged, even for the children.


Keeping the environment clean and green is of utmost

priority to sustain a healthy evolution of life.


The expected outcome of the CLEAN AND GREEN OPERATION para sa
Kalinisan ng Kapaligiran, is for the residents to introduce and become aware of the
importance of proper waste disposal and maintaining cleanliness in their area. The
prospect of the clean and green operation project focuses on the engagement of
waste segregation, waste disposal and tree planting and discourage residents in
burning plastics. People can segregate biodegradable products, apply the 3R's
(reduce, reuse, recycle) and implement the "clean and green" concept in order
to have a safe environment that is necessary for a healthy life.

Being part of this advocacy, it is a pleasure to have a chance to do and

contribute something in our community. It's not easy to plan as well as
to conduct an advocacy that can really helps in our community. But,
because of our professor Aprill Ellen Baccay, we did something good !
She taught us on how to be part and productive citizen of this
community. I would like to say THANK YOU Ma'am :-) for letting us
appreciate the beauty of our nature and how to taking care of it. As we
gone through this activity, I can say it's more than enough that you could
share and made a history to our community. And I'll promise to myself
that, it is not just an activity given by our professor that to accomplish
but it will be  a part of my daily life that in my own simple way I can
contribute something that can. maintain the beauty of our nature. I
learned a lot of things through this course, especially on how be a part of
our community.

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