Achievement Test

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Mati National Comprehensive High School


Test I. Reading : Directions:Read the selection below and answer the questions that follow. Write the letter of
the correct answer.
COVID-19 UPDATES (July 29,2022)
Coronavirus disease   is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2  virus. A coronavirus identified in 2019,
SARS-CoV-2, has caused a pandemic of respiratory illness, called COVID-19.  
How does the coronavirus spread? As of now, researchers know that the coronavirus is spread through droplets
and virus particles released into the air when an infected person breathes, talks, laughs, sings, coughs or sneezes.
Larger droplets may fall to the ground in a few seconds, but tiny infectious particles can linger in the air and accumulate
in indoor places, especially where many people are gathered and there is poor ventilation. This is why mask-wearing,
hand hygiene and physical distancing are essential to preventing COVID-19.
What are symptoms of coronavirus? COVID-19 symptoms include cough, fever or chills, shortness of breath or
difficulty breathing, muscle or body aches, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell,diarrhea,headache,new
fatigue,nausea or vomiting,congestion or runny nose.Some people infected with the coronavirus have mild COVID-19
illness, and others have no symptoms at all. In some cases, however, COVID-19 can lead to respiratory failure,
lasting  lung and  heart muscle damage,  nervous system problems,  kidney failure  or death.
How do you protect yourself from this?There are several  COVID-19 vaccines recommended by the CDC. It is also
important to receive a  booster when you are eligible.
______1. What is a corona virus?
A. Corona virus is an infectious disease B. It is a virus identified in 2019
C.Corona virus is also known as COVID-19 D. All of these
______ 2. How is it transmitted?
A. It is transmitted via respiratory droplets. B. It is transmitted through the bacteria in the water.
C. It is transmitted through sharing personal things. D. It is transmitted via insect bite.
_______3. The following are ways to prevent Covid 19, EXCEPT?
A. Observe physical distancing B. Wash your hands with soap and water.
C. Avoid contact with animals. D. If you develop cough, use a medical face mask.
______4. What are its symptoms?
A. Fever, cough, difficulty in breathing, and rashes B. Fever, cough, difficulty in breathing, muscle pain and sore eyes
C. Fever, cough, difficulty in breathing, muscle pain, tiredness and sore throat D. Fever, cough, colds, muscle pain, and
stomach ache
______5. The following information were available from the text, EXCEPT?
A. The manner on how Coronavirus can be spread B. The ways to prevent the spread of Covid
C. The symptoms of Covid D. The mortality rate of Covid
______6. What is the purpose of this information?
A. To persuade people to do all necessary things to avoid getting the virus.
B. To inform the people about Covid 19, its symptoms, transmissions and ways to prevent it.
C. To entertain the people through the creative representation of the details.
D. To inspire people to be more careful amidst this health crisis.
______7. Do you think this info comes from a reliable source? Why?
A. No, because it lacks more explanation.
B. No, because it only includes few information about the topic.
C. Yes, because it contains facts about the virus, and supported by valuable data.
D. Yes, because the information is enough for people to understand.

TEST II. Direction: Read the description below and identify specific characteristics under fluency, tone, cohesion
and correctness.
Ex. tone__1. The speaker’s voice was loud and clear.
Start here
____________8. The speaker said the words in text effortlessly and efficiently with meaningful expression.
____________9. The speaker used variation in the pitch of the voice while speaking.
____________10. The speaker presented information a logical and well-developed ideas.
____________11. The speaker used appropriate words that could be easily understood by his audience.
____________12. The speaker delivered the speech with appropriate voice quality.
____________13. The speaker showed mastery of the topic discussed.
____________14. The speaker used appropriate transition words to allow the reader to comprehend what is being
referred to throughout the text.

TEST III. Directions: Fill in the graphic organizer with the descriptions of each writing technique below. Write
the letter only.
15. 18. 21.
16. 19. 22.
17. 20. 23.
a. It makes claims based on factual evidence.
b. It provides amount of information without having to convince the readers.
c. It uses precise word choice.
d. It presents logical arguments with an emotional connection that persuades the reader to adopt the writer’s personal
opinions and beliefs.
e. It makes counter claims-the author neutralizes or defeats opposing ideas.
f. It allows the writer to be neutral in giving out details.
g. It simply emphasizes the subject at hand.
h. It is a logic-based that convinces the audience through the merit and rationality of the claim and evidence offered.
i. It intends to change the reader’s mind by convincing him/her to agree with the writer’s point of view.

TEST IV. Direction Read each statement carefully and identify the concepts describe in each statement from the
pool of words inside the box. Write the letter of the correct answer.

a. climax b. character c. conflict d. falling action

______24. The story element also known as the problem of the story
______25. A person or animal which takes part in the action of the story.
______26. The turning point of the story
______27. This is when the problem starts to have a solution.

a. Compare and Contrast/Venn Diagram b. Sequence Chart c. Cause-and-Effect Diagram d. Concept

_______28. A textual aid is that used to identify the similarities and differences between two or more concepts.
_______29. A textual aid that serves as a tool to graphically represent the order of steps in a process and/or a timeline of
_______30. A textual aid that highlights the direct relationship between different events or concepts?
_______31. An organizer that has many different shapes which can be used to show any type of relationship that can be
a. Discussion b. Significance of the Study c. Qualitative method d. Review of Related Literature
_______32. Provides a review of what others have written or researched concerning on the topic.
_______33. This method of research refers to the meaning, concepts, definitions, characteristics. metaphors, symbols and
descriptions of things,
_______34. This part of research paper tells the purpose and importance of the research.
_______35. It presents the information gathered through the research.

TEST V. GRAMMAR. Directions: Complete the paragraphs below by choosing appropriate conjunction /modals. Write
the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.
a. or b. neither c. yet d. and e. nor
Lisa (36)____ Susan were debating if they should bake chocolate cake (37)._____ apple pie for dessert. While Lisa
wanted cake, Susan preferred pie.(38) ______ Lisa (39)_____ Susan wanted to bake cookies, even though Chad wanted
cookies. Before Lisa and Susan could object, Chad baked both cookies and pie. Lisa and Susan were surprised (40)______
pleased at this turn of events.
a. will b. would c. shall d. might e. may
I have been moving across the globe; however, I feel I (41)______ not be doing so in the coming days. Recently I
acquired a new office position that (42). ______ demand most of my time. I (43) _______, however, delegate most of my
works. After a year or so, I( 44)______ think of continuing with my travel business since (45) _____ have covered most of
the work that I need to cover at the moment.

TEST VI. Writing: Direction: Choose one among the three techniques (Informative writing, Persuasive writing, or
Argumentative writing)that you are going to use in writing your essay based on the topic below.( 5 points)
You can use the back portion of your answer sheet.(Choose one topic only)

What is the most difficult challenge confronting today's students?

Is modular learning as good as face to face learning?

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