Foresight Analysis - Activity 3

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Innovation Management – 2022- Session 3- Activity 3

Foresight Analysis – P1: the foresight system

Team N°: [9] Carolina, Dina, Berta and Maria

1. Definition of the topic – (few lines)


Industry 4.0 is the rise of automated systems and data exchange technology used in the

manufacturing industries. Thanks to the Internet of things (IoT), additive manufacturing (AM),

the blockchain, and artificial intelligence (AI)... This idea is gathering force and will affect

every corner of the factory and the supply chain. In other words we can say that Industry 4.0

is the growing trend toward automation, digitalization and process between companies.

Some benefits of I4.0 include boost in productivity, improved quality and savings in operating


Circular Economy:

The circular economy is a system of resource efficiency. The model is based on three

principles: eliminating waste and pollution; keeping products and materials in use; and

regenerating natural systems. Where the reduction of elements takes precedence:

minimizing production to the indispensable minimum, and when it is necessary to make use

of the product, reusing those elements that cannot be returned to the environment due to

their properties. When a product reaches the end of its life, its materials are kept within the

economy wherever possible. These can be productively used again and again, thus creating

additional value.
Innovation Management – 2022- Session 3- Activity 3

The concept recognises how important the functioning of the economy is at every level -

large and small businesses, organizations and individuals, globally and locally.

Driven by design and underpinned by the use of renewable energy and materials, the circular

economy revolutionizes the way we design, produce and consume.

2. List of key drivers:

Table A: The 10-12 most important key drivers

Key driver – (Name-Sentence) Points according to
its perceived
Natural resources 7
Global warming 6
Manufacturers 10
New generation 12
climate change 2
Big data 8
Regulation 9
Environmental policies 11
Digitalization 3
Economic crisis 1
Production 5
Technology 4

NB: you can use the collective activity and/or make some (minor) changes. Be careful, the
google sheet will only be available for 24 hours

3. List of preconceived ideas

Table B: The 5-10 most important preconceived ideas

Preconceived ideas Points according to
its perceived
The circular economy avoids food waste. 9
With the circular economy, companies will reach new consumers 5
characterized by a commitment to sustainability.
I4.0 makes information processing faster. 2
I4.0 is an ally of sustainable development, which improves the 4
Sustainable measures in the medium and long term help to 3
reduce costs for companies.
Innovation Management – 2022- Session 3- Activity 3

With the circular economy, products are more durable and easily 5
I4.0 demands new skills and knowledge, which are new 7
challenges for employees.
Cyber security and data protection problems are going to arise 1
The circular economy would completely remove waste. 8
Innovation Management – 2022- Session 3- Activity 3

4. Foresight system design

A. Based on Tables A and B, identify 10 to 12 key drivers and key actors:

● …Natural Resources

● …Global warming

● …Manufacturers

● …New generation

● …Climate change

● …Big data

● …Regulation

● …Environmental policies

● …Digitalization

● …Economic crisis

● …Production

● …Technology
Innovation Management – 2022- Session 3- Activity 3

B. Design the foresight system based on the key drivers and actors (the topic must appear at the center of your system) (cf. Illustration in
Bootz et al. 2022 on Moodle)
Innovation Management – 2022- Session 3- Activity 3

5. Which company or specific manufacturing industry would you like to explore?


Too Good to Go1 is a digital platform aimed at preventing food waste, where consumers can

buy magic boxes at different points of sale that contain food products that are nearing the

end of their useful life. This application acts as an intermediary between restaurants or stores

that offer products or food for sale that they have not sold at the service of consumers so as

not to waste food. Currently the application is available in most European countries.

They define themselves as a community of Waste Warriors. Their mission is to make sure

good food gets eaten, not wasted and what they want is to convert To Good to Go in a

movement so they are teaming up with schools, business and public affairs.

That is the company we want to explore because Food waste is one of the biggest

challenges to sustainability in both developed and developing countries. In the first one, food

waste is concentrated at the bottom of the chain.

Also we want to explore this company because It is clear that this company uses a circular

economy but we think that To good to go can benefit from I4.0 in many ways for example with

data exchange technology.

The company focuses on sustainability and thanks to the digital methodology they have

developed for social institutions they have come to give food to families, thus facilitating

access to decent food to people with few resources. This is what differentiates them from

their competitors.

Too Good To Go. (s. f.). 28 de september of 2022,

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