Solitaire Rules

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1st & Goal

Solitaire Rules
Version 1.1
1st & Goal Game & Die-Rolling Play Chart
Two differently colored sets of d12, d10, & d8 (one for Offense, one for Defense)
After looking on BGG for a good way to play this wonderful game solo and still have it be somewhat fun, I saw the variant where you pick your
play on offense, and roll a d12 for the defensive play. I thought about taking this one step further and rolling dice for both offense and defense.
So I set up a reference page for checking die results and the result is this!
Timing The Game:
Use the Offensive deck as a timer flipping cards for each play ran (burning an extra card for running plays per the game rules). Each run through
the deck counts as a Half. You can even split each “half’s” deck in half and play quarters which might allow a running play to be ran while only
burning one card!
Express Game: Build a deck of 30 Offensive cards.
Short Game: Build a deck of 45 Offensive cards.
Full Game: Use all Offensive cards.
“Calling” Plays
When ready to determine plays, roll both d12. Specify before you start your game which color will represent the offense and which will repre-
sent the defense. Cross reference the die results on the chart and roll the game dice accordingly.
Time Outs:
If you call a Time Out you may do ONE of the following:
1. Choose the play you wish to run and roll the Defensive die as normal. This must be called before play-selection dice are rolled.
2. Re-Roll a play-selection roll. This must be “called” before the game dice are rolled. You may use this type of Time Out to change
to a Punt or Field Goal if the 4th Down play matchup doesnt look favorable.
Red Zone:
Within the 20 yard line, both Offense and Defense roll a d10 for play selection as “Medium Pass” & “Bomb” may not be selected within the 20.
Within the 10 yard line both Offense and Defense roll a d8 for play selection as in addition to “Medium Pass” & “Bomb”, “Slant” and “Short
Pass” also may not be chosen.
Field Goal/Punt Fakes:
When attempting a fake punt or field goal, roll the dice as if you were going through with the kick along with both the Play & Referee Die. A
combination of “Defensive Penalty” & “X” (or two “X”’s) will result in a failed attempt. The ball is turned over on the line of scrimmage. Either of
those two rolls along with a “T” (or two “T”’s but ONE is all it takes) and the botched attempt is also a turnover and the ball is turned over at
the line of scrimmage and all of the yardage rolled on for the kickoff is applied as a run back from the turnover. A combination of “Breakaway”
& “Offensive Penalty” or “Hail” & “Mary” results in a successful attempt Applpy yardage rolled and if that results in a 1st down, the drive may
continue. Any other combination of dice results in a NORMAL punk/kick and yardage dice are applied as normal.
End Of Half’s & Hail Mary’s:
I play till the offense deck is exhausted and then attempt a Hail Mary. If the final play/card flipped results in a Touch Down, the extra point is
kicked even though there is no card to burn for it. The opposing team gets a kickoff return again even though there is no card to burn and they
get a Hail Mary attempt as well. With Hail Mary’s, I call them when the deck is completely exhausted as a “final” play for the half. The attempt
does not need to be made.

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