Supporting Factors

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Supporting Factors, Obstacles & Prospect

Attempting to foresee the factors that surround the existence of FAMBRAS in Brazil,
it might be said that both pros and cons are easily found. In a country formed by a mixture of
culture from all continents, adapting and introducing new concepts might not be that difficult.

The acceptance of both Brazilian people and constitution toward immigrants and
religions, made room for FAMBRAS to exist and to establish diplomatic ties which get
stronger over time. The success of this institution in implementing the halal concept in Brazil
helped escalating the export of Brazil, due to Muslim-majority countries requirements in
trading. Today, Brazil is the largest exporter of meat and of halal food. Most of this was
possible due to FAMBRAS Halal, which is a sub-organization of FRAMBRAS.

It is undeniable that hindrances to develop the relations further are also found. One of
them is the general view that the Western part of the globe has regarding Islam and Muslims.
As previously stated, it has been noted that Brazilians have little or no knowledge of Islam.
Therefore, it makes it very likely for the press to build a public opinion based on
islamophobia, following U.S. behavior pattern. Being able to distinguish the Arab culture
from the Islam is also one form to facilitate the process of non-Muslims to gain awareness of
the religion. Blending both aspects in one has chances to cause objection of a certain nation
to change its own culture due to a new faith. However, when they are well divided, it is quite
visible to define the line between the changes in belief from changes in a people’s customs.

FAMBRAS is a very important organization for the Muslim minority present in

Brazil. That may not be popular, but causes many impacts in the lives of Muslims who are
seeking for a new home or to Brazilians that are interested in converting to Islam. In case the
wars currently taking place in the Middle East maintain their pace, this is very likely that
Brazil become a major recipient of the refugees who are denied by places like European
States and North America. This is where FAMBRAS has a major role to contribute to the
government in handling and inserting newcomer into the local structure and culture.

2. Conclusion
Muslims have been a very often neglected part of Brazilian history since colonial
times. The need for people to help building the country after independence played an
important role in attracting, among many others, Arab Muslims that would for the first time
be legally allowed to maintain their religious practices in Brazil.

FAMBRAS was created to aid those that helped Brazil in becoming what it is today.
Hajj Hussein’s sympathy to new immigrants’ situation and his strong Arab network were the
catalysts for the emergence of the most important Muslim federation in Brazil. Moreover, it is
responsible for Brazilian economic success in halal products export and established strong
international relations with Muslim-majority countries.

The future of FAMBRAS is not totally predictable by now. However, it is possible to

foresee the widening of its working field as the number of Muslims slowly increases in
Brazil, due to both migration and conversion. This kind of diplomacy shows, with no doubts,
how crucial non-governmental actors are within International Relations and the possibility for
very different nations to remain good-natured to one another.

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