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Islamic Principles
Two main principles can be identified within FAMBRAS activities, they are:
Brotherhood and dawah.

The teaching of Islam in the regard of Brotherhood is that despite differences of color,
language, etc., people should harbor no ill-will towards those who are apparently unlike
themselves, for differentiating between one man and another is not approved by God. They
should rather promote fellow feeling towards others, even if at first glance they appear like
total strangers to them. Bearing in mind that they are all traceable back to Adam and Eve,
they should be each other’s well-wishers and willingly come to one another’s assistance, like
members of the same large family. Ideally, the relation among humans is not meant to be
hostile but one of familiarity; not being far from one another, but of getting closer; not of
hatred but of love.1

The term Dawah in Arabic translates to mean, ‘to call or to invite’. In the Islamic
context, the word refers to the process of calling, conveying, inviting people towards the
Message of Islam, towards God, towards the Truth, towards the right path prescribed by the
Almighty for all of mankind. The call of Dawah invites, inclines, and encourages people to
voluntarily submit to the Will of Allah, by worshipping Him alone and following His

There are many types of dawah: social media, face to face (this should always
continue, as it is more persona, and should be the primary means of dawah), radio stations
and TV. There are three forms of dawah: (1) behavior in public and private, (2) dealing with
both Muslims and non-Muslims in business, and (3) respect towards other people, how to
treat them.

In FAMBRAS, the Brotherhood is present since its establishment with the very first
concern about Muslim immigrants condition and ability to perform their faith in Brazil. Until
nowadays, this organization is vital for the Muslim minority of Brazil as an increasing

Concept of Brotherhood in Islam. (n.d.) CPS International. Retrieved from
What is Dawah in Islam.(n.d.). The Sincere Seeker. Retrieved from
What is Dawah? (2015) One Path. Retrieved from
number of Middle-
Eastern refugees go to the country each year.

When it comes to Dawah, FAMBRAS’ social projects are largely directed to the
spread of Islam in Brazil, even among local people. As the institution noticed an impressive
lack of awareness of what Islam truly is among Brazilian people, the distribution of materials
and information is substantial for the realization of the peaceful existence of Islam by the

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