Grad Assignment 1

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Understanding of Self Paper

Sy Barnett

Davenport University


Raven Lindsey

Week 1 Day 7

Table 1.2

Standard 1: Mission, Vision, and Core Values—Effective educational leaders develop, advocate, and

enact a shared mission, vision, and core values of high-quality education and academic success and well-

being of each student. Standard 2: Ethics and Professional Norms—Effective educational leaders act

ethically and according to professional norms to promote each student’s academic success and well-

being. Standard 3: Equity and Cultural Responsiveness—Effective educational leaders strive for equity of

educational opportunity and culturally responsive practices to promote each student’s academic success

and well-being. Standard 4: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment—Effective educational leaders

develop and support intellectually rigorous and coherent systems of curriculum, instruction, and

assessment to promote each student’s academic success and well-being. Standard 5: Community of Care

and Support for Students—Effective educational leaders cultivate an inclusive, caring, and supportive

school community that promotes the academic success and well-being of each student. Standard 6:

Professional Capacity of School Personnel—Effective educational leaders develop the professional

capacity and practice of school personnel to promote each student’s academic success and well-being.

Standard 7: Professional Community for Teachers and Staff—Effective educational leaders foster a

professional community of teachers and other professional staff to promote each student’s academic

success and well-being. Standard 8: Meaningful Engagement of Families and Community—Effective

educational leaders engage families and the community in meaningful, reciprocal, and mutually

beneficial ways to promote each student’s academic success and well-being. Standard 9: Operations and

Management—Effective educational leaders manage school operations and resources to promote each

student’s academic success and well-being. Standard 10: School Improvement—Effective educational

leaders act as agents of continuous improvement to promote each student’s academic success and well-



I think that all of these statements may resonate as true and that all of them play a key role in

putting into effect within a school system. I do believe that there are many elements that are missing

within the table that I think are extremely important for students to be successful. One thing that I do

for myself that I believe should be implemented in every school district as a leader of the community

are: Goals and Plan of Action. I think that Standard one covers it briefly but not to the level it needs to. I

think in order for students to be successful they need to have goals these are set out for a student to

achieve. Identifying keep goals daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, five years and ten years need to be

written down and reviewed for the students. I think with this it keeps the student on track to be

successful. Urban Leaders need to recognize this in order to implement the play for students knowing

their goals as aa student and school district will allow us to develop strategies the will best benefit the

student and body at large. I think Standard 8 should be brought to light more. Being able to engage

families and communities to hop on board with what the school district is trying to do is incredible

important for the student’s journey of life. It is more than just getting the students to graduate it’s about

educating them to be successful in life. How they can use the skills they learn either through interaction

or classroom that will help set them up to reach the highest potential of success they can.

My leadership type is to reach the person I am 10 years from today. I am continuously improving

and looking to improve at some aspect of life every day. As that is said, my greatest aspect of leading is

my ability to lead by example. This stands for more than just doing the right thing. Commitment, being

punctual, sharing knowledge and thoughts that benefit the whole or one, listening, caring. I think that

these are my big four traits that make me a great leader. Caring so much to the point of being insane

can be a great leadership quality. Going above and beyond to develop relationships with individuals to

do everything in your power to help make another successful and getting the gratification of seeing

another person reach their goals. I think everyone sees these actions from me every day of my life I hold

myself to an incredibly high standard for the things that I care about and take pride in.

Three things that I want to imply or liked from the reading

Learning and building on student’s prior knowledge is something that I really enjoyed from the

readings. There was a video on this pertaining the importance of why it is important to use prior

knowledge to help a student gain new knowledge or using ways to help them learn through it.

Being an Effective leader needs multiple actions. I listed prior a few ideas that were not in the main

reading but having a Mission for the school is important this was constantly stated in the reading and I

do believe you as a leader of the school district need to know where you are wanting to go and how you

are wanting to get there through your mission for the student body. Next would be using the mission to

create a vision showing the school and community how to develop students using organizational

practices that will help promote success using the 10 standards that may take time to implement. This is

how I will start every time I look to help lead a team, student, school, or community. Explaining what I

am wanting to do, how we are going to do it, and these will be the results we will have.

Leadership behavior in schools what is expected and what is going to be done is my last and final

thing I took from the reading. Like I said in the above text it takes time to implement all the standards

and practices and knowing that it does patience is required. As I would master these standards and how

I will implement them accordioning the text states that I may only be able to get 3-4 standards done

each year and knowing that I need to stick to the plan and constantly be evaluating and recording the



Green, Reginald. “Practicing the Art of Leadership Chapter 1.” pp. 1–70.

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