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Reflection Paper 1

Reflection Paper

Sy Barnett

Davenport University


Raven Lindsey

Week 2 Day 7
Reflection Paper 2

Exercise 1: Permission Slips

Exercise instructions on developing key strategies within a group that allows individuals to

speak openly on group ideas or self-improvements. This exercise works spectacular it allows

innovation and a platform for individuals to speak openly. It would best be used at the

beginning and end of tasks. For instance, I would use this exercise at the beginning of each

month and at the end of each month. This will give everyone the opportunity to speak about

what they are wanting to change or improve on and having one at the end to reflect on with

the group accomplished what they stated at the beginning.

Exercise 1: Square Squad

I personally do not like this exercise that much. I don’t see the point of it that will help improve

the group. I think that there is other ways to try and engage everyone within the group. I do like

the second question that is asked but I don’t like isolating individuals in the group by having

each person write down who they trust the most within the group. I think that open discussions

that are open minded within the group is more beneficial. I believe that doing a physical/mental

exercise is better to help with leadership and trust worthiness is a better way of tackling this


Exercise 2: The Six Myths of Vulnerability

I like the idea of vulnerability exercise. I believe it’s good to know the groups idea of

vulnerability I would change the second part to weaknesses and questions on that to get a

better understanding of what the groups judgements are on what they think they are not

strong in. I would then wrap it up with a session on how we can improve these vulnerabilities

and weakness to help strength our core values and group. I use aa SWOT analysis on a daily
Reflection Paper 3

basis and I think it’s important for a group to understand what they need to improve on and

know their weakness and how they can use vulnerability to their advantage.
Reflection Paper 4

Works Cited

“Dare to Lead Read-along Workbook.” Brené Brown, 29 Oct. 2021,

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