Chapter 3 Problem Solving and Reasoning For BSN

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Chapter 3

Problem Solving and Reasoning


Most occupations require good

problem-solving skills.
One goal of this chapter is to help
you become a better problem solver.
It is also aimed to demonstrate that
problem solving can be an enjoyable
What you will learn…
Use different types of reasoning to justify
statements and arguments made about
mathematics and mathematical concepts
Write clear and logical proofs
Solve problems involving patterns and other
problems following Polya’s problem-solving
Organize one’s methods and approaches for
proving and solving problems
Inductive and Deductive Reasoning
Inductive reasoning – generates a conclusion based on
the examination of specific examples (the
conclusion formed by using inductive reasoning is
called conjecture – it may or may not be correct
depending on the truthfulness of the argument)
Deductive reasoning – generates a conclusion by
applying general assumptions, procedures, or

This approach of problem solving focuses on the ability

to vary methods/strategies of solving problems.
 Inductive is based on moving from the specific to general
information, while deductive starts from the general and moves to
 The inductive approach begins with a set of empirical observations,
seeking patterns in those observations, and then theorizing about
those patterns. The deductive approach begins with a theory,
developing hypotheses from that theory, and then collecting and
analyzing data to test those hypotheses
Inductive Reasoning
Inductive reasoning– generates a conclusion based on the
examination of specific examples
*The conclusion formed by using inductive reasoning is
called conjecture – it may or may not be correct
depending on the truthfulness of the argument)
* A statement is a true statement provided that it’s true in
all cases and it only takes one example to prove
the conjecture is false, such example is called a
Use of Inductive Reasoning to predict a number

 When you examine a list of numbers and predict the next

number in the list according to some pattern you have
observed, you are using inductive reasoning.
 Use inductive reasoning to predict the next number in each of
the following list
a. 3, 6, 9, 12, ?
b. 2, 5, 10, 17, 26, ?
c. 1/3, 5/6, 8/6, 11/6, ?
d. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ?
e. 2, 5, 10, 17, 26, ?
Use of Inductive Reasoning to make a conjecture

Consider the following : Pick a number. Multiply

by 8, add 6 to the product, divide the sum by 2,
and subtract 3.
Complete the procedure for several different
numbers. Use inductive reasoning to make a
conjecture about the relationship between the
size of the resulting number and the size of the
original number.
Use of Inductive Reasoning to make a conjecture

Suppose we pick 5 as our original number. Then the
procedure would produce the following results.
Original number: 5
Multiply by 8: 8(5) = 40
Add 6: 40 + 6 = 46
Divide by 2: 46 / 2 = 23
Subtract 3: 23 – 3 = 20
Use of Inductive Reasoning to make a conjecture

We started with 5 and followed the procedure to

produce 20. Starting with 6 as our original number
produces a final result of 24. Starting with 10
produces a final result of 40. Starting with 100
produces a final result of 400. You can verify it.
In each of these cases the resulting number is 4 times
the original number.
We conjecture that following the given procedure
produces a number that is four times the original
Use of Inductive Reasoning to make a conjecture
 A tsunami is a sea wave produced by an underwater earthquake. The
height of tsunami as it approaches land depends on the velocity of the
tsunami. Use the table below and inductive reasoning to answer the
following questions.
a. What happens to the height of a tsunami when its velocity is doubled?
b. What should be the height of a tsunami if its velocity is 30 ft/sec?

Velocity of tsunami (ft/sec) Height of tsunami (ft)

6 4
9 9
12 16
15 25
18 36
21 49
24 64
 1 is an odd number
11 is an odd number
21 is an odd number
Therefore, __________.
 Essay test is difficult.
Problem solving test is difficult.
Therefore, __________
A statement is true statement provided that it is
true in all cases. If you can find one case for which
a statement is not true, called a counterexample,
then the statement is a false statement.

Verify that each of the following statements is a

false statement by finding a counterexample
a. x/x =1 b. x2 > x c. (x + 3)/3 = x + 1
Deductive Reasoning – is the process of
reaching a conclusion by applying general
assumptions, procedures or principles
What is the conclusion:

All birds have feathers.

Ducks are birds.
Therefore, _________
All Science teachers are bald.
Mark is a science teacher.
Therefore, ________ .
Deductive vs. Inductive
 No man can stop the passage of time. Noel is a man.
Therefore, _______.
 Felix is a dog. Dog has a keen sense of smell. Therefore,
 Let’s say you want to avoid heavy traffic today. You
noticed that in the past three months, the traffic tends to
be heavy between 8AM to 10AM. You conclude that to
avoid traffic, you have to drive earlier than 8AM or later
than 10AM.
 All living organisms are made up of cells.
All humans are living organisms.
Therefore, ___________________.
Critical Thinking and Clinical Reasoning

Nurses make decisions while providing patient care by using

critical thinking and clinical reasoning.

Critical thinking is a broad term used in nursing that includes

“reasoning about clinical issues such as teamwork, collaboration,
and streamlining workflow.”

Using critical thinking means that nurses take extra steps to

maintain patient safety and don’t just “follow orders.”

It also means the accuracy of patient information is validated and

plans for caring for patients are based on their needs, current
clinical practice, and research.
“Critical thinkers” possess certain attitudes that foster rational thinking. These attitudes are as
• Independence of thought: Thinking on your own
• Fair-mindedness: Treating every viewpoint in an unbiased, unprejudiced way
• Insight into egocentricity and sociocentricity: Thinking of the greater good and not just
thinking of yourself. Knowing when you are thinking of yourself (egocentricity) and when you
are thinking or acting for the greater good (sociocentricity)
• Intellectual humility: Recognizing your intellectual limitations and abilities
• Nonjudgmental: Using professional ethical standards and not basing your judgments on your
own personal or moral standards
• Integrity: Being honest and demonstrating strong moral principles
• Perseverance: Persisting in doing something despite it being difficult
• Confidence: Believing in yourself to complete a task or activity
• Interest in exploring thoughts and feelings: Wanting to explore different ways of knowing
• Curiosity: Asking “why” and wanting to know more
Clinical reasoning is defined as, “A complex cognitive process that
uses formal and informal thinking strategies to gather and analyze
patient information, evaluate the significance of this information, and
weigh alternative actions.” To make sound judgments about patient
care, nurses must generate alternatives, weigh them against the
evidence, and choose the best course of action. The ability to
clinically reason develops over time and is based on knowledge and
Inductive and Deductive Reasoning and Clinical Judgment

Inductive and deductive reasoning are important critical thinking skills. They help the nurse
use clinical judgment when implementing the nursing process.

Inductive reasoning involves noticing cues, making generalizations, and creating


Cues are data that fall outside of expected findings that give the nurse a hint or indication of
a patient’s potential problem or condition. The nurse organizes these cues into patterns and
creates a generalization.

A generalization is a judgment formed from a set of facts, cues, and observations and is
similar to gathering pieces of a jigsaw puzzle into patterns until the whole picture becomes
more clear. Based on generalizations created from patterns of data, the nurse creates a
hypothesis regarding a patient problem.

A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a situation. It attempts to explain the “why”

behind the problem that is occurring. If a “why” is identified, then a solution can begin to be
No one can draw conclusions without first noticing cues. Paying
close attention to a patient, the environment, and interactions with
family members is critical for inductive reasoning. As you work to
improve your inductive reasoning, begin by first noticing details
about the things around you. A nurse is similar to the detective
looking for cues.

Be mindful of your five primary senses: the things that you hear,
feel, smell, taste, and see.

Nurses need strong inductive reasoning patterns and be able to

take action quickly, especially in emergency situations. They can
see how certain objects or events form a pattern (i.e.,
generalization) that indicates a common problem (i.e., hypothesis).

A nurse assesses a patient and finds the surgical incision site is

red, warm, and tender to the touch. The nurse recognizes these
cues form a pattern of signs of infection and creates a hypothesis
that the incision has become infected. The provider is notified of
the patient’s change in condition, and a new prescription is
received for an antibiotic. This is an example of the use of inductive
reasoning in nursing practice.
Deductive reasoning is another type of critical thinking that is
referred to as “top-down thinking.” Deductive reasoning relies
on using a general standard or rule to create a strategy.

Nurses use standards set by their state’s Nurse Practice Act,

federal regulations, the American Nursing Association,
professional organizations, and their employer to make
decisions about patient care and solve problems.

Based on research findings, hospital leaders determine patients

recover more quickly if they receive adequate rest. The hospital
creates a policy for quiet zones at night by initiating no overhead
paging, promoting low-speaking voices by staff, and reducing
lighting in the hallways.

The nurse further implements this policy by organizing care for

patients that promotes periods of uninterrupted rest at night. This is
an example of deductive thinking because the intervention is
applied to all patients regardless if they have difficulty sleeping or
 In the inductive study, Kristin Ferguson and colleagues (Ferguson, Kim, & McCoy,
2011) analyzed empirical data to better understand how best to meet the needs of
young people who are homeless. The authors analyzed data from focus groups with
20 young people at a homeless shelter. From these data they developed a set of
recommendations for those interested in applied interventions that serve homeless
 In a recent deductive study, Melissa Milkie and Catharine Warner (2011) studied the
effects of different classroom environments on first graders’ mental health. Based on
prior research and theory, Milkie and Warner hypothesized that negative classroom
features, such as a lack of basic supplies and even heat, would be associated with
emotional and behavioral problems in children. One might associate this research
with systems theory. The researchers found support for their hypothesis,
demonstrating that policymakers should probably be paying more attention to the
mental health outcomes of children’s school experiences, just as they track academic
outcomes (American Sociological Association, 2011).
Clinical judgment is the result of critical thinking and clinical reasoning using
inductive and deductive reasoning.

Clinical judgment is defined by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing

(NCSBN) as, “The observed outcome of critical thinking and decision-making. It
uses nursing knowledge to observe and assess presenting situations, identify a
prioritized patient concern, and generate the best possible evidence-based
solutions in order to deliver safe patient care.”

The NCSBN administers the national licensure exam (NCLEX) that measures
nursing clinical judgment and decision-making ability of prospective entry-level
nurses to assure safe and competent nursing care by licensed nurses.
•A hiring manager studies the retention rate of hired staff through different
platforms and finds that those who came through an employee referral scheme
stayed at the company the longest. Therefore, they decide to increase their focus
on the employee referral scheme for new staff.
•An IT manager finds that more staff members come to her with problems with
computers of Brand A than Brand B. Therefore, she stops purchasing Brand A
computers and only buys Brand B in the future.
•A manager conducts an employee survey and finds that 80% of his employees
value flexible working patterns more than other aspects of work. Therefore, he
offers flexible working to all employees.
•A marketing manager wants to attract more people in the 18-24 age bracket to
his company's website. He reads that people in this age group may spend the
most time on a particular social media platform, so he invests his budget in
adverts on this platform.
•A store manager finds that more people buy snack food items when they are
placed near the checkout counters. So, he makes sure there is always a selection
of crisps and chocolate near the counters to maximize sales.
•A customer service team leader notices their team receives higher satisfaction
ratings when calls are picked up in under one minute, no matter the problem the
customer is experiencing. They take this information to their manager and
convince them to hire two new employees so that a full staff can answer all calls
in this time frame.
Example: Erin is twelve years old. For three years, she
has been asking her parents for a dog. Her parents
have told her that they believe a dog would not be
happy in an apartment, but they have given her
permission to have a bird. Erin has not yet decided
what kind of birds she would like to have. What can
you conclude from this situation?
a) Erin’s parents like birds better than they like dogs
b) Erin does not like birds.
c) Erin and her parents live in an apartment.
d) Erin and her parents would like to move.

•A hiring manager studies the retention rate of hired staff through different platforms and
finds that those who came through an employee referral scheme stayed at the company
the longest. Therefore, they decide to increase their focus on the employee referral
scheme for new staff.
•An IT manager finds that more staff members come to her with problems with computers
of Brand A than Brand B. Therefore, she stops purchasing Brand A computers and only buys
Brand B in the future.
•A manager conducts an employee survey and finds that 80% of his employees value
flexible working patterns more than other aspects of work. Therefore, he offers flexible
working to all employees.
•A marketing manager wants to attract more people in the 18-24 age bracket to his
company's website. He reads that people in this age group may spend the most time on a
particular social media platform, so he invests his budget in adverts on this platform.
•A store manager finds that more people buy snack food items when they are placed near
the checkout counters. So, he makes sure there is always a selection of crisps and
chocolate near the counters to maximize sales.
•A customer service team leader notices their team receives higher satisfaction ratings
when calls are picked up in under one minute, no matter the problem the customer is
experiencing. They take this information to their manager and convince them to hire two
new employees so that a full staff can answer all calls in this time frame.
Deductive or Inductive
1.) All even numbers are divisible by 2. Twenty-
eight is even. Therefore, _______.
2.) 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, __. The next term is going to be
3.) My daddy has curly hair. My brother has
curly hair. Therefore everyone I am related to
has curly hair.
4.) An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Joe
ate an apple every day. Dr. Dre stayed away.
Deductive or Inductive
5. Jimmy got bitten by a dog. Jimmy is
now scared of all dogs.
6. My soda had a roach in it. All soda has
7. Two episodes of the Big Bang Theory
made me laugh and laugh LOLOLOLOL.
Therefore, Big Bang Theory is always funny.
12. During the past 10 years, a tree has produced mangoes
every other year. Last year the tree did not produce mangoes,
so this year the tree will produce mangoes.

13. All home improvements cost more than estimate. The

contractor estimated that my home improvement will cost
P100,000. Thus my home will cost more than P100,000.
Each of four neighbors, Sean, Maria, Sarah, and Brian, has a
different occupation (editor, banker, chef, or dentist). From the
following clues, determine the occupation of each neighbor.
1. Maria gets home from work after the banker but before the
2. Sarah, who is the last to get home from work, is not the editor.
3. The dentist and Sarah leave for work at the same time.
4. The banker lives next door to Brian.

Editor Banker Chef Dentist

Alex, Susan, Elvi, and Rey were recently elected as the
new class officers (president, vice-president, secretary,
treasurer) of the freshmen class at University ABC. From
the following clues, determine which position each
1. Rey is younger than the president but older than the
2. Alex and the secretary are both the same age, and
they are the youngest members of the group.
3. Elvi and the secretary are next-door neighbors.

Pres VP Sec Treas

Actual Process




Proof Counterexample Give up

Generalize Extend For now For ever!

George Polya

Hungarian mathematician
Best known for his work on problem solving
George Polya (1887-1985)

 He was a mathematics educator who strongly believed that the skill of

problem solving can be taught.
 He developed a framework known as Polya’s Four-Steps in Problem Solving.
 This process addressed the difficulty of students in problem solving. He firmly
believed that the most efficient way of learning mathematical concepts is
through problem soling and students and teachers become a better
problem solver.
Polya’s Problem-Solving Strategy
The basic problem-solving strategy that
Polya advocated consisted of the
following four steps.
Process of Problem Solving

Version of the


Solution to the Answer to

mathematical Interpret Original
version Problem
Understand the Problem
Can you restate the problem in your own
Can you determine what is known about these
types of problems?
Is there missing information that, if known would
allow you to solve the problem?
Is there extraneous information that is not
needed to solve the problem?
What is the goal?
Devise a Plan
Make a list of the known information.
Make a list of information that is
Draw a diagram.
Make an organized list that shows all the
Make a table or a chart.
Work backwards.
Devise a Plan
Try to solve a similar but simpler problem.
Look for a pattern.
Write an equation. If necessary, define
what each variable represents.
Perform an experiment.
Guess at a solution then check your
Carry out the Plan
Work carefully.
Keep an accurate and neat record of
all your attempts.
Realize that some of your initial plans will
not work and that you may have to
devise another plan or modify the
existing plan.
Review the Solution
Ensure that the solution is consistent with the
facts of the problem.
Interpret the solution in the context of the
Ask yourself whether there are generalizations
of the solution that could apply to other

A Short and a sando cost P100. The short

costs P90 more than the sando. What are
the cost of the Short and the cost of the
In the example…
Understand the Problem
At first, you may think that the Short costs P90
and the sando costs P10. The sum of these
costs is P100, but the cost of the Short is only
90 more than the cost of the sando. So, we
need to find two Peso amounts that differ by
P90 and whose sum is P100.
In the example…

Devise a Plan

Write an equation using h for the cost of the

sando and h + 90 for the cost of the short.

h + (h + 90) = 100
In the example…
Carry out the Plan
Solve the equation.
2h + 90 = 100 Combine like terms.
2h = 10 Solve for h.

The cost of the sando is P5 and the cost of

the short is P90 + P5 = P95.
In the example…

Review the Solution

The sum of the costs is P5 + P95 = P100,

and the cost of the short is P90 more
than the cost of the sando. This check
confirms that the sando costs P5 and the
Short costs P95.
Let’s have some more examples!
There were 3 times as many sweets as chocolate bars in a jar.
After 12 sweets were eaten and another 4 chocolate bars were
added to the jar, there was an equal number of sweets and
chocolate bars in the jar. How many sweets were there in the jar
at first?

2 units → 16
1 unit →8
3 units → 24
the width
3 times
of the
First, 4 choc bars
12 sweets were
many now.
I need
were added. There were 24
sweets in the jar at
Pearl read 10 pages of a book
on Monday. She read 1/3 of the
remainder on Tuesday. If she still
had 24 pages to read, how
many pages were there in the
Pearl read 10 pages of a book on Monday. She read 1/3 of
the remainder on Tuesday. If she still had 24 pages to read,
how many pages were there in the book?

2 units → 24
How doremainder
many Ipages
the need
did she
did 1 unit → 12
into to
3 units → 36
36 + 10 = 46
There were 46 pages in the book.
Let’s have some more examples!
A total of 100 chickens and carabaos are in a farm. If
the total number of legs of the animals is 340, how
many carabaos are there?
Let’s have some more examples!
A total of 100 chickens and carabaos are in a farm. If
the total number of legs of the animals is 340, how
many carabaos are there?
Number of Number of Total Number Number of Number of Total Number
Carabaos Chickens of Animals Carabao Feet Chicken Feet of Feet
1st 20 80 20 + 80 = 20 x 4 = 80 80 x 2 = 160 80 + 160 =
Guess 100 ✓ 240 
2nd 30 70 30 + 70 = 30 x 4 = 120 70 x 2 = 140 120 + 140 =
Guess 100 ✓ 260 
3rd 60 40 60 + 40 = 60 x 4 = 240 40 x 2 = 80 60 + 80 =
Guess 100 ✓ 140 
4th 70 30 70 + 30 = 70 x 4 = 280 30 x 2 = 60 280 + 60 =
Guess 100 ✓ 340 ✓
Mathematical Problems Involving Patterns
 Number are everywhere in our daily lives and math
is based on numbers. Math is useful to predict and
number pattern is about prediction.
 Write the first three terms of the sequence whose nth
term is given by the formula an = 3n + 1
 Construct the difference table to predict the next
term of each sequence.
a. 3, 7, 11, 15, …
b. 2, 4, 9, 17, 28, …
c. 6, 9, 14, 26, 50, 91, …
Mathematical Problems Involving Patterns

 Write the first three terms of the sequence whose nth

term is given by the formula an = 3n + 1

1st term: a1 = 3(1) + 1 = 4

2nd term: a2 = 3(2) + 1 = 7
3rd term: a3 = 3(3) + 1 = 10
Mathematical Problems Involving Patterns

 Construct the difference table to predict the next term of

the sequence.
a. 3, 7, 11, …
Sequence 3 7 11 15 19

1st differences 4 4 4 4
The next term is 23.
Mathematical Problems Involving Patterns

Construct the difference table to predict the next term of

the sequence.
b. 2, 4, 9, 17, 28, …
Sequence 2 4 9 17 28 42

1st differences 2 5 8 11 14

2nd differences 3 3 3 3
The next term is 42.
Construct the difference table to predict the next term of the
c. 6, 9, 14, 26, 50, 91, …
Sequence 6 9 14 26 50 91 154

1st differences 3 5 12 24 41 63

2nd differences 2 7 12 17 22

3rd differences 5 5 5 5

The next term is 154.

Problem Solving Strategies
Suppose the NCAA basketball championship is
decided on a best of five series game. In how many
different ways can a team win the championship?
Two times the sum of a number and 3 is equal to thrice
the number plus 4. Find the number
Sara is 5 years older than Jane. Darcy is twice as old as
Jane. The sum of the ages of the three girls is 65. How
old is each?
If the length of the top of a rectangle is 15 inches more
than its width and the area is 1350 square inches. Find
the dimension of the table.
Problem Solving Strategies

Suppose the UAAP basketball championships is decided on

a best of five series game. In how many different ways can
a team win the championships?

Let W – represent win

L – represent lose
Different ways a team wins the championship:
Problem Solving Strategies
Two times the sum of a number and 3 is equal to thrice
the number plus 4. Find the number.
Understand the problem
Let a be the number

Devise a plan

Equation: 2(a + 3) = 3a + 4
Carry out the plan
2(a + 3) = 3a + 4
2a + 6 = 3a + 4
6 – 4 = 3a – 2a
Review the solution
Equation: 2(a + 3) = 3a + 4
Since a = 2,
2(a + 3) = 3a + 4
2(2 + 3) = 3(2) + 4
10 = 10
Therefore, the given number is a = 2
Problem Solving Strategies
Sara is 5 years older than Jane. Darcy is twice as old as
Jane. The sum of the ages of the three girls is 65. How
old is each?

Understand the problem

Let a = be the age of Jane

a+5 = age of Sara
2a = age of Darcy
65 = sum of the ages of the 3 girls
Devise a plan

Let a = be the age of Jane

a+5 = age of Sara
2a = age of Darcy
65 = sum of the ages of the 3 girls

a + (a + 5) + 2a = 65
Carry out the plan

a + (a + 5) + 2a = 65
4a + 5 = 65
4a = 65 – 5
4a/4 = (65 – 5)/4
a = 15 → age of Jane
Problem Solving Strategies
If the length of the top of a rectangle is 15 inches more
than its width and the area is 1350 square inches. Find
the dimension of the table.
If the hypotenuse of a right triangle measures 10
meters, and one leg is 2 meters more than the
other. Find the length of the legs.
Understanding the problem

Let a = length of one leg
a + 2 = length of the other leg
hypotenuse = 10
Devise a plan

Apply the Pythagorean Theorem:

The sum of the squares of the legs of a right
triangle is equal to the square of the
hypotenuse (longest side)

a2 + (a + 2)2 = 102
Carry out the plan
Solve for a:
a2 + (a + 2)2 = 102
a2 + a2 + 4a + 4 = 100
2a2 + 4a – 96 = 0
a2 + 2a – 48 = 0
(a + 8)(a – 6) = 0
a = 6 or a = –8 (extraneous root)
Review the solution
If a = 6
a2 + (a + 2)2 = 1002
62 + (6 + 2)2 = 100
36 + 64 = 100
100 = 100
Therefore, length of one leg is 6 m and the
other leg is 6+2 = 8 m with 10 m as the length
of hypotenuse.
A Famous Puzzle
 The Tower of Hanoi is a puzzle invented by Edouard Lucas in
1883. The puzzle consists of three pegs and a number of disks of
distinct diameters stacked on one of the pegs such that the
largest disk is on the bottom, the next largest is placed on the
largest disk, and so on.
 The object of the puzzle is to transfer the tower to one of the
other pegs. The rules require that only one disk be moved at a
time and that a larger disk may not be place on a smaller disk .
All pegs may be used.
 Determine the minimum number of moves required to
transfer all of the disks to another peg for each of the
following situations.
a. You start with only one disk
b. You start with two disks
c. You start with three disks. (You can use a stack of various
size coins to simulate the puzzle)
d. You start with three disks
e. You start with 5 disks
f. You start with n disks
Connect the Dots
Nine dots are arranged as shown below. Is it possible
to connect the nine dots with exactly four lines if you
are not allowed to retrace any part of a line and you
are not allowed to remove your pencil from the

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