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FB Health Declaration Form – HO and Projects

1. Employee Name ___________________________

2. Work Assignment _____________________________
2. Age
60 and above
Below 60
3. Do you have any of the following medical conditions ?
Hypertension / Chronic Heart Disease
Respiratory illnesses / Chronic Lung Disease (Asthma, Bronchitis, Emphysema)
Immunocompromised state (Cancer, Blood deficiencies,HIV/AIDS,Steroids or Chemotherapy)
Chronic Liver, Spleen , Kidney and Neurologic Diseases
High Risk Pregnancy
Morbid Obesity (BMI>40)
4. Current Address (pls. include specific Baranggay, Municipality, Province) _____________________________________
5. Kindly check if your area which you are presently residing has this type of quarantine restriction or none
Localized / Granular Lockdown
Modified Enhanced
Modified General
6. Please check any symptoms you have in the past 14 days or none
Sore Throat
Body Weakness / Fatigue
Body Malaise / Pain
Recent Loss of smell or taste
Diarrhea / Nausea / Vomiting / Loss of appetite
Difficulty of breathing / Altered Mental Status
7. Please check for any exposure you had during the Quarantine period in the past 14 days:
You have travelled from an area locally or abroad identified as COVID-19 hotspots by health authorities
You were identified as a Close Contact, Suspect, Probable or COVID-19 Confirmed in your Baranggay or Municipality.
You were living with or providing direct care for a COVID-19 patient
You were living in the same household with symptoms of COVID-19 within a 14-day period stated at No. 6
8. Are there members in the household who are: aged 60 and above, have other illnesses such as uncontrolled Hypertension,
Diabetes, Respiratory illnesses (Asthma, Bronchitis, Emphysema), High risk pregnancy
9. COVID-19 Vaccination Status
Fully Vaccinated, date of 1st dose _______ vaccine brand _______ / date of 2nd dose_______ vaccine brand ________ /
Booster: date of last booster shot _______ vaccine brand _______
Partially Vaccinated, date of the last dose ____________________________, vaccine brand ___________________
Unvaccinated but willing to get vaccinated, planned schedule ___________________
Unvaccinated and unwilling to be vaccinated
10. Declaration
I declare that the information above is true, correct, and complete. As warranted, I will follow instructions directed by our company
and authorized health care professionals. I understand that failure to answer any of the questions nor follow their instructions may
have serious consequences.

Print Name and Signature / Date signed:

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