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The four basic mathematical operations

 Addition (Finding the Sum; ‘ + ’)
 Subtraction (Finding the difference;  ‘ - ’)
 Multiplication (Finding the product; ‘ × ’ )
 Division (Finding the quotient; ‘ ÷ ’)

- Adding two (or more) numbers means
finding their sum (or total).  The symbol
used for addition is '+'.
Example 1
Find the sum of 9 and 8.
Example 2
Find the sum of 5897, 78, 726, and 8569.

- Subtracting one number from another
number is to find the difference between
them. The symbol used for subtraction
is '–'. This is known as the minus sign.
Example 1
Subtract 9 from 16.
Example 2
Find the difference between 7064 and 489
- Multiplication means times (or repeated
addition).  The symbol used for
multiplication is '×'.
Example 1
Calculate 765 × 9.
Example 2
Calculate 169 × 68.
- Division 'undoes' multiplication and
involves a number called
the dividend being 'divided' by another
number called the divisor.  The symbol
used for division is '÷'.
Example 1 Example 2
Calculate 692 ÷ 4 Calculate 315 ÷ 7
The four basic mathematical operations are:

Adding two (or more) numbers means finding their sum
(or total).  The symbol used for addition is '+'.
Example 1 Example 2

Find the sum of 9 and 8. Find the sum of 5897, 78, 726
and 8569.
Solution: Solution:
9 + 8 = 17

Subtracting one number from another number is to find
the difference between them. The symbol used for
subtraction is '–'. This is known as the minus sign.
Example 1 Example 2

Subtract 9 from 16. Find the difference between

7064 and 489
Solution: 16 – 9 = 7 Solution:
Multiplication means times (or repeated addition).  The
symbol used for multiplication is '×'.
Example 1 Example 2

Calculate 765 × 9. Calculate 169 × 68.

Solution: Solution:


Division 'undoes' multiplication and involves a number

called the dividend being 'divided' by another number
called the divisor.  The symbol used for division is '÷'.
Example 1 Example 2

Solution: Solution:

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