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-Are we going to travel to Paris by train or by plane?
-I think we should go by train. If we travel by train, we'll arrive right in the city centre.
-That's a good idea.And if we take he train we won't have to arrive so early to check in.The
journey will be more relaxing, and we can read the travel guide.
-I can't read. If read on trains, I get travel sick
-Bob have you almost finished packing? We'll get stuck in traffic we don't leave soon.
-Yes,I've packed these two bags
-You can't take all that with you -Okay, If I take out some of these clothes, by bags will be
-Well, hurry up! Unless we leave rigth now, we'll miss our flight. X no es condicional
-What time do we need to leave tomorrow to catch the ferry?
-We need to leave at 8 o'clock. If we arrive late, we won't be able to get on the ferry.
-What will happen if the weather is bad?
-If the weather is bad, they cancel the ferry.

-Hello. Sally. You're very late. What happened?
-I'm so sorry. I would have been on time if the traffic hadn't been so sad. X no vimos esta
condicionall y no se pone
-I was so surprised when you called me yesterday and told me you wanted to come to the
gym with me
-I think that's fantastic.
-You know, lately I've felt so out of shape, so I want to change my lifestyle.
-And I want to lose weight,too. If I hadn't gained so much weight. I would have been more
energetic. X no vimos esta conditional y no se pone

-I know you are an expert in this so, If you have any advice for me, I'll be happy to listen.
-Well, If you didn't eat so many sweet any more , you would definitely lose weight.
-You're right. I have been eating too many sweets lately, almost every day.
-And I know that if you eat too many sweets, you gain weight.
-You should also try to avoid junk food.
-Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. You will not get enough vitamins if you don't eat fresh
-If I drank packaged juice instead of eating fruits and vegetables, would that be enough? X
es second
-I wouldn't drink packaged juice If I were you. It has lots of sugar.
-If you want to be in good shape, exercise at least two times a week. Do you practice any
-Not any more.I used to go to the swimming pool a few years ago.
-If I could work out twice a week that would be awesome!
-So… Workout, lots of fruits and veggies, no junk food. What else should I do?
-You need to get enough rest if you want to stay healthy. Do you get enough sleep?
-I am afraid not. I sleep only 5 or 6 hours a night, I watch TV until very late because I'm not
sleepy at all.
-Do you still drink cola in the evening?

Marquez Crispin Jose Eduardo V403 2050910001400

Vázquez Estrada Aylin Itzel V403 2050910001732
Yreta González Alondra V403. 2050910001756
Martinez Martinez Yareth 2050910009817
-Yes ,I do
-If you din't drink cola in the evening any more, you would be sleepy.
-Okay, I'll stop drinking cola in the evening.
-It's so much effort to make. If I don't lose weight, I will be disappointed.
-If I lost weight, I would be happier and more energetic.
-Have I told you that I want to apply to the Academy of Dramatic Arts and become an
-No, you haven't. That sounds awesome!
-That's why I need to be healthy, fit and look good.
-If you were a famous actress what type of movies would you like to act in?
-If I were to act in a movie, I would like it to be an action movie.
-The only problem is that my dad is not supportive.
-He said that if I became an actress, he would be very disappointed.
-Oh, I'm very sorry to hear that.
- What would you do if you were in my place?
-Well, If I were you, I would try to change his mind.
-If your dad sees how important this is to you, he might accept it finally.
-If I had had any actings skills, I would have considered becoming an actress,too.
-so what are you going to do after your graduate high-school?
-I would like to become an air hostess.
- If I were an air hostess, I could visit so many interesting countries and people and I would
have such a thrilling life.
-But if I travelled so much, I wouldn't have time for my family.
-I want to get married one day and have kids.
-How could I take care of my kids If I were not home?
- You would have many days off,so that you could spend time with your family, you know.
-You're right. I have to think more about this.
-So how about running together tomorrow morning through the park?
-Oh, if I can wake up early enough, I will come.
-If you go to bed early, you will be able to wake up.

Marquez Crispin Jose Eduardo V403 2050910001400

Vázquez Estrada Aylin Itzel V403 2050910001732
Yreta González Alondra V403. 2050910001756
Martinez Martinez Yareth 2050910009817

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