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-world- This world although it looks like earth and it is called earth it is not necessary the

earth we know. It is 70+ bigger than earth and the animals, chemical elements and many
other things are different as well. However these things for the normal citizens don't differ a
lot from ours. They go to school just like us, go to their job just like us, only that their jobs
may differ a bit from ours. Generally everything is the same. What changes things are the
people that are in power. Those people generally don’t need just a smart brain but also
strength. Some even rule with strength only so obviously the main regime is royalty and
dictatorship. The people in power are strong because they have a lot of energy

-Energy- The main difference between our world and theirs is that they have something
called “energy”. It is not energy that you can gain from eating or resting but energy that you
get from the nature surrounding you. The energy however when it enters into you is
affected by your DNA, that it also has a different structure than ours, resulting in being
expressed in a different way for every person. Because of that change every person has
different abilities and elements than the others and kids about a 70% of the time their
energy resembles their parent’s energy

-Elements –The one thing that every human can do is being able to control an element with
energy. Those can be fire, water, earth and air. What every person has depends on their
1)For example should someone be stable, not be easily annoyed and fights face to face
usually controls earth.
2)Should he easily be affected by his emotions, never gives up and is a bit irritable then he
usually controls fire.
3) Should he be free-spirited, has a big sense of justice and likes peace the he usually
controls air.
4) At last should he easily be able to adapt to in different situations and has harmony
between mind and body then he usually controls water. And because women generally have
harmony between mind and body about 90% of those that control water are women. Those
people are called “element”-bender for example: airbender, waterbender. Those are the 4
elements. They are the basics and every person has only one.

-sub elements- However depending on the person every human can have one, two, three,
four, …, all Sub_elements (though having one with 3 is 1/1000 and one with 4 is
1/10000000). Those Sub_elements may be for example: metal, spirit, ice, lightning, gravity,
dark, light, shadow, nature, mental and many others. Except from metal that only
earthbenders can control, ice with only waterbenders can control, mental which only
airbenders can control and lightning which only firebenders can control everybody can have
any sub_element.
For example: One Airbender can have gravity and nature for sub_element but can’t have
metal for sub_element since only earthbenders can have metal for sub_element.

-main element- Every person between their element κand sub_elements that he has, has
one of those as his main element. With that element/sub_element they feel more
comfortable and are stronger with it than with others. That is because the energy that they
have inside them transforms more easily to that element/sub_element. Για αυτό τον λόγο
με λιγότερη ενέργεια μπορεί να χρησιμοποιήσει το main element του πιο εύκολα από ότι
ένα άλλο με μεγαλύτερη ποσότητα ενέργειας Αυτό το main element μπορεί να είναι και
element και sub_elements.
Πχ. Ένας waterbender με sub_element ice can have his main element as ice which means he
can use ice easier than water.
-balance- Balance is a very key part of this world. The 4 elements are created in a way in
which none of them is better than the others but the difference maker is the person who
uses them. Also while there are people which have talent meaning some things are for them
way easier than for others and while everyone is good at different things, EVERYONE can be
the strongest in the word. For a few it will be easy, for a lot difficult, for special cases almost
impossible and for ONE it is impossible till the end of his life but everyone has the potential
although it wasn’t like that always. But because you can doesn’t mean you will be able. In a
peaceful era the strongest people are less than 100 in the whole world.

-animals- Animals also are different than ours. Human actually are not the strongest
creature in the world. The animal can also use energy and for that reason the fight between
animals and humans has yet to end. Just like humans have their cities they have areas that
are called monster zones where only animals live, usually in the mountains or forests. The
survival rate in those areas is small and the strongest animals are often equal to the
strongest human. The stronger an animal is the stronger his mental capacity is. At the top of
the food chain are the dragons. While the dragons are unimaginably strong they don’t
usually worry themselves with the world but when they do the geography of the world ends
up changing a lot. Even the weakest dragon can hardly die to the strongest human’s hands.
That is because dragons don’t a main element. Actually more like the don’t have an element
that isn’t their main element. This is something that can hardly be achieved by humans and
if done by 1 or 2 people at most.

-backstory- The story begins with a boy in a village in the middle of nowhere. He has dark
black eyes, black hair and lives just like a child in our earth. His dream is to be a hero that
saves the world just like the ones he heard in his bed time stories. But those heroes were
actually real not fake like ours so that dream is possible. He wanted to go around and hunt
monsters while saving the innocents. Now he is 17 years old and has grown up quite a bit.
He had a muscular body at a point where you can just see the abs but one thing never
changed. His dream was still to become someone powerful but he had now realized how
real world works. He knows that in order to achieve his dream he had to know how to use
energy something he can learn in three ways. The first one was to join a magic academy but
that was out of the question since you need a lot of money to enter something his family
with just a butcher shop could never afford. Even worse to get to the good magic academies
he needed to pass a CSE, combat skills evaluation, which evaluate how good you are at
fighting (martial, sword, spear... Arts) and your compatibility with energy. The second way is
to have a personal teacher but that also cost money and in some cases even more money.
But personal teachers are not that common nowadays since even though they can teach you
how to fight they can’t help you with your energy since everybody handles energy
differently. At last the third way to advance is to learn everything by yourself but that way
more difficult than someone teaching you especially if you don’t have talent for this. Sadly,
coming from a middle class family that makes money through their butcher shop and some
side business his only option is to teach himself. This time of year is especial bad since some
wealthy family, the Leona family, came to town because of an excavation nearby and has
opened their own butcher shop since the business is quite good. Ευτυχώς όμως οι χωρικοί
τους εμπιστεύονται περισσότερο άρα ακόμα αγοράζουν από αυτούς πάρα τις ανώτερες
τιμές. Για αυτό τον λόγο προσπαθεί να μάθει μόνος του αν και δεν έχει δώσει πολλά
αποτελεσμάτα. Το σώμα του έχει γίνει πολύ δυνατό μιας και οδηγεί τα πρόβατα στο βουνό
και πίσω και έχει συνηθίσει την αίσθηση του σπαθιού στο χέρι του αλλά όσον αφορά την
ενέργεια δεν έχει ανέβει πολύ. Παρόλα αυτά δεν είναι αδύναμος μιας και κατάφερε μία
φορά να σκοτώσει μία αρκούδα με μόνο τα χέρια του.
-the event- Γενικώς όμως η ζωή του ήταν αυτή. Όλα άλλαξαν όμως εκείνη την ημέρα. Ήταν
βράδυ και γυρνούσε από το βουνό όταν άρχιζε να βλέπει καπνό. Ύστερα άρχιζε να μυρίζει
στάχτη στον αέρα και ενώ έτρεξε να δει αν πάλι ο κύρ Γιώργος ξέχασε να σβήσει την φωτιά
σταμάτησε να τρέχει . Του έπεσε το σπαθί από το χέρι. Η φωτιά ήταν στο κρεοπωλείο.
Άρχιζε να ουρλιάζει ενώ έτρεχε κάτω την πλάγια και ήλπιζε οι γονείς του να μην ήταν μέσα.
Ήξερε ότι τέτοια ώρα περίπου ήταν που θα έκλιναν το μαγαζί άρα είχε ελπίδα στην καρδιά
του. Όταν έφτασε όμως χάθηκε αυτή η ελπίδα αφού άκουσε κάποιον να φωνάζει:
-"Somebody please, there are still people inside"Χωρίς να διστάσει καθόλου μπροστά στις
τεράστιες φωτιές όρμησε μέσα στο κρεοπωλείο και άρχιζε να κοιτάζει δεξιά αριστερά. Είδε
τον πατέρα με πληγές από σπαθί σε ολόκληρο το στήθος του. Πίσω του ήταν η μητερα του
η οποία είχε ένα μαχαίρι στην κοιλιά της. Η μητέρα του αιμορραγούσε και ήταν θαύμα πως
δεν είχε πεθάνει. Με την τελευταία της πνοή είπε: 

-"Son, we are so sorry for not being able to help you achieve your dream."

Εκείνο το δευτερόλεπτο μη ξέροντας τι να κάνει άρχιζε να φωνάζει και να τσιρίζει. Με όλη

του την δύναμη άρχισε να τραβάει την πτώμα της μητέρας και πατέρα 5ου προς την έξοδο.
Η φωτιά τους είχε περικυκλώσει. To δεξί του χέρι άρχισε να μαυρίζει από τον πόνο αλλά
δεν άφησε την μητέρα του πίσω. Βγαίνοντας έξω κοίταξε το χέρι του που είχε καεί και τότε
συνειδητοποίησε τον πόνο που ένιωθε . Λιποθύμησε. 

-the aftermath- Μετά από τρεις μέρες κάνανε την κηδεία και μέσα του έβριζε την κακοτυχία
που τους έπεσε. Έμεινε εκεί ακόμα και όταν όλοι οι άλλοι. Έλεγε συνέχεια από μέσα του: 

- "Why did this happen ? "

- "Why?" 

- "Why did it have to be us? " 

- "What did we do?"

- "Whyyyyy?" 

Και τότε είναι που κατάλαβε. Ο πατέρας του δεν κάηκε αλλά πέθανε από μάχη . Η μητέρα
του κυριολεκτικά είχε ένα μαχαίρι στην κοιλιά της. 

- "They were murdered, THEY WHERE MURDERED"

Γέμισε η καρδιά του μίσος.

- "Who dares?"

Αυτό ήθελε να μάθει. Δεν είχανε εχθρούς. Όλοι φίλοι ήταν. Σίγουρα, δεν είχαν την
καλύτερη σχέση με τους Μπαρμπαδόνες αλλά δεν θα σκότωναν ο ένας τον άλλον. 

- "We haven't done anything. We had only a Butcher shop ."


"The Leona family ". 

Έτρεξε γρήγορα μπροστά στο σπίτι της οικογένειας Liona και άρχισε να βαράει την πόρτα
φωνάζοντας του να κατέβει. Μόλις τον είδε πήγε κατευθείαν να τον βαρέσει. Θα τον είχε
βαρέσει αν δεν υπήρχε ο σωματοφύλακας του που τον σταμάτησε. Του φώναξε:

-  "You killed my parents you piece of shit" 

- "What are you talking about. I did nothing. Where is the evidence " 

Του φώναξε πίσω θυμωμένος με τη κοροϊδευτικό βλέμμα που του έριχνε: 

-"How do you explain then the stab wounds and the knife in my mother's heart ."

Άρχισε ξανά να γελάει και γυρνώντας στο σωματοφύλακα του λέει: 

"Redrigo teach this a lesson about being disrespectful to a Leona core family member". 

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