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Checklist of Planning Activities For 2016


1. EWB CC Plantilla of Organization

a. Identify CC employees to be –
i. Retained (Finalize by December 18 & inform individually by text)
“We are happy to inform you that Management will
retain your employment based on your performance
in 2015. Please text back or coordinate with Ms May
to indicate your willingness to continue working with
Call Best on or before December 20. Non-response
shall be interpreted as resigned effective December
20. Thank you.”
ii. Re-evaluated by a panel (Finalize decision before Dec. 20)
iii. Terminated (notification by text)
“We regret to inform you that Call Best is considering
you as resigned effective December 20, 2015. Our
credit card business has been reduced that will make
your position redundant. Please coordinate with Ms
May to commence your clearance processing. Thank
b. Back-end
i. Campaign officer,
ii. Quality Checker,
iii. Document Fulfillment & Message Alert,
iv. Recon & Campaign Assistant
v. Turn-in and Delivery
2. Recruitment & Training

1. EWB PL Plantilla of Organization

a. Identify PL employees to be –
i. Retained (Finalize by December 18 & inform individually by text)
“We are happy to inform you that Management will
retain your employment based on your performance
in 2015. Please text back or coordinate with Ms May
to indicate your willingness to continue working with
Call Best on or before December 20. Non-response
shall be interpreted as resigned effective December
20. Thank you.”
ii. Re-evaluated by a panel (Finalize decision before Dec. 20)
iii. Terminated (notification by text)
“We regret to inform you that Call Best is considering
you as resigned effective December 20, 2015. Our
credit card business has been reduced that will make
your position redundant. Please coordinate with Ms
May to commence your clearance processing. Thank
b. Back-end
i. Campaign supervisor,
ii. Team Leaders,
iii. Turn-in and Delivery

1. EWB IT Plantilla of Organization

a. Identify IT employees to be –
i. Retained (Finalize by December 18 & inform individually by text)
“We are happy to inform you that Management will
retain your employment based on your performance
in 2015. Please text back or coordinate with Ms May
to indicate your willingness to continue working with
Call Best on or before December 20. Non-response
shall be interpreted as resigned effective December
20. Thank you.”
ii. Re-evaluated by Board of Directors (Finalize decision before Dec. 20)
iii. Terminated (notification by text)
“We regret to inform you that Call Best is considering
you as resigned effective December 20, 2015. Our
credit card business has been reduced that will make
your position redundant. Please coordinate with Ms
May to commence your clearance processing. Thank
2. Schedule of work during the holidays
a. Identify with BMA, JNP and JOS new location of EWB CC campaign,
b. Check condition of all computers and report all equipment needing
maintenance or repairs (Summarize in worksheet),
c. Schedule inventory (with Rod Bastero) of all office equipment, furniture, and
submit to Marichu before end of 2015,
d. Do inventory of all telco lines, and discuss with BMA and Marlon any changes
in numbering plans for each of the existing and new campaigns, i.e., AUB CC,
Maybank CC, and Maybank PL,
e. Provide telco diagram for E1 (# of channels) assignments per campaign,
existing and new,

1. Database planning
a. Disposition codes for EWB CC
i. Initial Verification
 CC Verified for Dupping
 PRC Verified for Dupping
 Incomplete for Dupping
 Not Interested
 Wrong Name
 No CC
 Fax tone
 Outside coverage
 No tone
ii. Full Verification
 For Completion
 CC Verified for Turn-in
 Completion Call Back
 Not Interested for Full Verification
 Cancelled
 KOR 2
 Outside coverage 2
 For Future Callout
2. Database Classification – EWB CC
a. Approved for CC
i. Date approved
ii. Card type
iii. Credit limit
b. Declined for CC
i. Date declined
ii. Reason for decline
c. Cancelled
i. Date last cancelled
ii. Reason for cancelled
d. Pending
i. Date Turned-in
3. Database Classification – EWB RegApp
a. Approved for CC
i. Date approved
ii. Card type
iii. Credit limit
b. Declined for CC
i. Date declined
ii. Reason for decline
c. Cancelled
i. Date last cancelled
ii. Reason for cancelled
d. Pending
i. CI Date
4. Database Classification – EWB PL
a. Booked for PL
i. Date booked
ii. Amount
b. Unbooked Approval
i. Date approved
ii. Reason for not booking
c. Cancelled
i. Date cancelled
ii. Reason for cancelled
d. Declined
i. Date declined
ii. Reason for decline
e. Pending
i. Date Turned-in
5. Daily disposition report to pinoyleads starting January 4 (EWB only)
a. Use “Initial Verification” codes for this purpose
6. Updating of Call Best website (coordinate with BMA)
7. Presentation of AUB CMS (screenshots)
a. Based on website application form
b. Formulation by BMA of disposition codes

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