Oral Communication - Week 2

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What I Need To Know: ( Read and Understand) ✔

What’s In Word Pool

1. Communication
2. Sender
3. Receiver
4. Written
5. Nonverbal
6. Decoding
7. Message
8. Behavior
9. Motivates
10. Interact

What’s New: Output 1

-We always eat together; ever since I was a kid, there was no mealtime that we didn't share.
Whether someone is still doing something, you should ask if he or she prefers to wait. We
genuinely believe that a family that eats together stays together forever and We usually talk
about one another. Does everyone want to know how our day went? How did we spend our
day? Are we'll okay? Where are you having a hard time?

After reading, answer the following questions:

1. Verbal, Non-Verbal, and Listening are the Communication Instances present in the
story above.
2. Communication develops in the narrative scenario because the listeners comprehend
and listen carefully to who is communicating or conveying feelings and opinions. It
delivers information to his companions in an organized, detailed, and clear manner,
as well as to the person who expresses himself. That's why communication was
prospering in that circumstance.
3. The conflict in the situation occurs after Mang Cardo hangs up the phone and then
stands there, contemplating how he would inform his family that he may lose his job.
The struggle in the narrative is between the character and fate, as well as the
character and itself. It initially affected because it required a few extra seconds or
minutes of silence, no one talked, and chatting around broke the creativity and
activeness of Mang Cardo's companions. But because Mang Cardo's family was
well-educated, the entire family didn't take it personally, instead of looking for the bad
side, the good side, or the brighter side of what occurred to their situation. Instead,
they discovered new methods to earn money and survive.
4. If you want others to listen to your ideas and thoughts, be a great lister. To avoid
misunderstanding and animosity, always be clear on what you are saying and be
cautious with your words when you want to express anything or have to give
5. Since communication has always been the answer, the key, and the solution for me.
Communication is important because it binds us all together and allows us to flourish.
There can be no comprehension if there is no communication. There can be no
peace if there is no communication. Therefore, contemplate how important
communication is in our life; can we live happily and peacefully without
communication? What are your personal opinions about it? In our everyday lives, we
rely heavily on communication. Although not everyone in the world can speak, we all
have various methodologies of communicating, and we all have the ability to
communicate, regardless of our disparities as individuals in the world.

What Is It: ( Read and Understand) ✔

What’s more: A. Directions: In the Venn diagram below, show the similarities
and differences of the three communication models.

Linear models are a
means to describe a
reaction variable as a
linear predictor
The linear The
model and communica
interactive tion passes
Interac model are from Transacti
As they're transmitter
tive alike since
both two- to receiver onal
both have
way in both
included a
In contrast to correspondent communicati linear and
on While the
the interactivewho carries paradigms, al systems.
the Transaction
approach, communicatio
indicates that n. and
the sender and are alike. assumes that
recipient roles we are both
and receiver

1. F
2. T
3. F
4. F
5. F
6. C
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. D
11. C
12. D
13. A
14. D
15. C

I have learned that… You need to be mindful of the words and terms that you use every
time you communicate to have effective communication between individuals. Make sure it is
precise, thorough, clear when providing or sharing information to prevent communication

I realized that…. In the occurrence of life, there is always a problem between two
individuals, but communication is not enough to solve the problem when they communicate.
Communication skills are essential. Yes, communication is key. But think of two individuals
who want to resolve their situation, but they're not genuine. The key to peaceful coexistence
is communication, but it still depends on the two individuals in dispute. communication. Are
they committed or not in addressing the issues?

Therefore, I will… Put all I've gained from this class into successful communication. I must
first ponder and meditate since I do not want to be in strained relations with people. before I
speak. I'll be more mindful to communicate to individuals who I don't know about, in
particular. I mean, I ought not to care about it, but as my family has properly taught me, you
are so free to express yourself more, as long as no complications or judgments regarding
you are there.

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