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Codex Adeptus Custodes(alpha)

By Zeebaa Sahal (

We are the Custodian Guard. We protect His throne. His will be our duty, His command be your death. You shall not pass by our mighty blades, for the Emperor of Man will be protected; I lay down my life for His... (Insert Fluff here)

Special Rules
Holy Knights The Adeptus Custodes are the holy knights of The Emperor and thus always emit a blinding light. The Adeptus Custodes unit adds +1 to combat resolution; also the enemy must take a leadership test to charge the Custodes unit. Righteous Attack The Adeptus Custodes can focus their hatred toward all enemies of the Emperor into highly disciplined attacks. Grants the unit Furious Charge and Preferred Enemy (all) special rules. Righteous Defense The Adeptus Custodes intense training and discipline allow them to advance and fight even when under the most hostile circumstances. Grants the units Counter-Attack and Stubborn special rules. The Emperors Grace The Adeptus Custodes duty is to protect The Emperor, but in turn He also protects them. Before each game the Adeptus Custodes player must choose 2 of the following special rules. Each special rule can be used only ONCE per game. They can be used in any players turn / phase unless otherwise stated. You may select the same rule twice. By His Glorious Name The Adeptus Custodes player nominates an enemy unit (single, vehicle or squad) and may choose to move that unit their normal speed. Used in your opponents movement phase. The unit affected must take a pinning test after the forced movement is made. Your opponent cannot move that unit again during the turn. Suffer Not the Heretic The Adeptus Custodes player nominates an enemy unit (single, vehicle or squad) engaged in close combat and forces them to retreat with no leadership test. The Adeptus Custodes unit must consolidate 3. Used before attacks are made. We Shall Cleanse The Adeptus Custodes player chooses a single friendly unit and re-rolls any failed attempt to wound in close combat. Lasts 1 turn. The Emperor Guides My Blade The Adeptus Custodes player chooses a single friendly unit and may re-roll all failed attempts to hit. May only be used for units in close combat. Lasts 1 turn. Faith is Our Shield The Adeptus Custodes player re-rolls ANY failed save for a single squad or unit. The Emperor Protects The Adeptus Custodes player nominates a friendly unit and regenerates D3 wounds (you may raise fallen units this way, but not raise fallen Independent characters).

Adeptus Custodes Armoury

Blessed Blade of the Emperor * ! Sacred blade crafted by The Emperor himself, bestowed to the most courageous of His knights. This is a two-handed power sword, +D6 attacks every turn, Master Crafted, +2 strength, Re-roll wounds. Guardian Armour * - All warriors of the Adeptus Custodes are gifted with the master crafted, golden armour of the Emperors Knights. It proved much more protection and maneuverability than power armour. Grants a 3+ save and a 5+ invulnerable save. Guardian Terminator Armour * - Custodes with exceptional skill are gifted with a suit of golden Guardian Tactical Dreadnought armour. This provides a significant amount of more protection than standard Terminator armour as its shields have been greatly increased. Grants a 2+ save, 4+ invulnerable save, a power weapon and a storm bolter. The unit may Deep Strike. The unit may also move and still shoot heavy weapons. Guardian Spear The preferred close combat weapon of the Adeptus Custodes. Crackling with energy, this weapon not only cuts through armour with ease but also grants the user a significant boost in strength. A 1 handed weapon, Grants +1 strength, counts as a power weapon. Even though it is 1 handed you cannot gain the extra attack for having another ccw. The Guardian Lance also comes with a las lance.

Las Lance R 18 , S 4 , AP 4 , Assault 1 Guardian Defense Huge shields used by the Adeptus Custodes to repel firepower from weak or vulnerable spots in the battle line. Congers a 2+ save against all shooting attacks and a 4+ invulnerable save against both shooting and close combat. This takes 1 hand to wield. Sword of the Defender Swords crackling with arcane energy; Grants the user a significant boost in strength. The defender sword is a one-handed power sword that grants the use +1 strength. Power Gladius The standard side arm of all Adeptus Custodes and defenders of Terra. May only be given to units with a bolter or stormbolter. On a roll of a 6 to wound (in close combat) the unit automatically wounds regardless of the enemy toughness. Also confers a -2 save modifier. Invisible Armour The technology for his armour was found by members of the 63rd Expeditionary Fleet. This armour bends light at almost perfect angles making it almost impossible to see the wearer (at least when they are standing still or at a distance). This armour also provides significant protection. Grants a 4+save with a 3+ cover save (may be combined with go to ground). Units wishing to shoot at a unit with invisible armour must roll a 2D6 x2 and use that at the modified range. If the unit is not in range they may not choose another target. In close combat a unit wishing to strike a unit with invisible armour hits on a 5+ unless otherwise stated. Eagle Standard * ! A huge almost totem like object carried by members of the elite Eagle squads. As only one can be carried per battle group, these are very precious to the Adeptus Custodes and emit fear up their foes. Always confers a -2LD to every enemy unit with in 18. Once per battle the unit with the Eagle Standard may re-roll any hits (melee or shooting), wounds (melee) OR saves. Banner of Terra * ! The sacred banner of Terran unification. This accompanied The Emperor during the Unification Wars, held by His bodyguards. Everyone loyal to the Emperor rallies at its sight; every enemy of the Imperium cowers. All friendly units with in 18 gain the Fearless special rule. The unit carrying the Banner of Terra gains the Feel No Pain special rule. Once per battle the unit carrying the Banner of Terra may re-roll any failed hits, wounds (close combat only) or saves. Banner of the Guardians Banner carried by the armed forces on Terra. Does not have the Emperors heraldry but instead the symbol of His guardians. This standard grants +1 to combat resolution and a -1 LD modifier to an enemy unit in close combat with the squad holding the banner. In His Image * ! Akin to the space marines Company Champion, is the Adeptus Custodes Emperors champion. These individuals are the strongest and the most courageous warriors the Imperium has to offer. Warriors of this caliber are very close the Emperor and thus some of The Emperors own powers are transferred to the soldier. The user gains the Eternal Warrior special rule, receives a 3+ invulnerable save and also adds +1 to their original save. I am His Defender * ! Every so often a member of the Adeptus Custodes is filled with such devotion and determination to defend his Emperor that he will not allow himself to fall no matter how severe his wounds. If the unit with I am His Defender is brought to 0 wounds, place the unit on its side. At the beginning of the Adeptus Custodes players turn, before anything is done, roll a D6. On the roll of a 4+ the unit is brought back with 1 wound. Place the unit on the same spot it was killed. Null Blade I Used by the Sisters of Silence to combat psykers and other evils of the warp. A single handed sword that always wounds on a 4+. Always wounds psykers on a 3+ Null Whip I Used by the Sisters of Silence, this weapon allows them to target and capture enemies in hiding, dragging them into the open to be judged. The unit with a null whip is able to ignore all other units in close combat, to directly attack any enemy of their choice. This attack may not be allocated to special bodyguard units, familiars or anything with a similar rule. Burning Incense I Sisters of Silence constantly spray burning fire around them in battle. What the fire burns are the incense that the Sisters use in exorcist rites. Before close combat rolls are made, roll a D6 for every unit in Assault with the sisters. On a 6 the unit takes a wound, saves aloud.

Blessings of The Emperor

All of the special rules below are upgrades that may be purchase by the Adeptus Custodes and other unuts. They represent excessive training, genetic enhancements or special attacks. Some even call on the Emperors name. Blessed Strikes - +1 Attack Blessed Strength - +1 Strength Blessed Speed - +1 Initiative Blessed Resilience - +1 Toughness Blessed Genetics - +1 Wound

Superior Genetics Grants Feel No Pain The Emperors Guidance Grants 1 re-rolled missed hit per turn. The Emperors Fury Grants the unit Rending. Fear Not The Psyker Grants the unit immunity to all psychic powers. Praise be His Name The unit may force an enemy unit to re-roll a successful wound in close combat.

Vehicle Armoury
Besides their own armoury, the Adeptus Custodes have access to all vehicle upgrades of the Space Marines and the Imperial Guard. Omnissiahs Blessing Grants +1 to all armour values of the chosen vehicle. Each vehicle may only receive this upgrade once. Burning Incense I For all enemy units within 6 of the vehicle, roll a D6, on the roll of 6 they take a wound, saves are aloud.

Note: Items marked with a: * - Custodes only I Sisters of Silence only ! 1 per army

Army List

Legio Custodes Captain WS 7 BS 5 S 4(5) T 4 W 4 I 5 A 4 LD 10 SV 3+(5+I)

Fearless Holy Knight Guardian Spear Guardian Armour Frag, Krak, Flash grenades May purchase Up to 4 Blessings of The Emperor Up to 150 points from the armoury Righteous Defense or Righteous Attack Eagle Squad

Legio Custodes Knight-LT WS 6 BS 5 S 4(5) T 4 W 3 I 5 A 3 LD 10 SV 3+(5+I)

Fearless Holy Knight Guardian Spear Guardian Armour Frag, Krak, Flash grenades

May Purchase Up to 3 Blessings of The Emperor Up to 100 points from the armoury Righteous Defense or Righteous Attack Eagle Squad

Legio Custodes Renowned Dreadnought WS 6 BS 4 S 6(10) FA 13 SA 13 RA 10 I 5 A 4(5)

Holy Knight Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon x2 Flamer x2 Smoke Launchers Extra Armour May Purchase Any item from the vehicle armoury May Replace 1- Dreadnought CCW & flamer with any one of the following - Twin-linked Heavy Bolter - Twin-linked Lascannon - Twin-linked Auto Cannon - Assault Cannon - Plasma Cannon Divine Purpose All friendly units within 12 receive a +1 to combat resolution The Meaning of Haste Instead of shooting the Renowned Dreadnought may move 6 Venerable May force your opponent to re-roll on the vehicle damage chart, the second roll stands.

Legio Custodes Eagle Squad (3-9) WS 5 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 5 A 2 LD 10 SV 3+(5+I)

Fearless Holy Knights Guardian Armour Bolters Frag, Krak and Flash grenades May Purchase Banner of Terra or Eagle Standard Entire squad may receive 1 Blessing of The Emperor Righteous Defense or Righteous Attack Apothecary Power Gladius Entire squad may replace bolters with Guardian Spears Entire squad may replace Guardian Armour with Guardian Terminator Armour Squad leader Power weapon + Bolt Pistol - May receive and additional Blessings of The Emperor - May purchase up to 50 points from the armoury. Transports Land Raider Rhino Razorback


Legio Custodes Invisibles (3-10) WS 5 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 5 A 2(1) LD 10 SV 4+(3+ cover)

Fearless Holy Knights Invisible Armour Power Weapon + CCW Infiltrate Scouts May Purchase Righteous Defense or Righteous Attack Apothecary Defender swords Squad leader Power weapon + CCW - May receive 1 Blessing of The Emperor - May purchase up to 50 points from the armoury

Legio Custodes Terminators (3-10) WS 5 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 5 A 2(3) LD 10 SV 2+(4+I)

Fearless Holy Knights Guardian Terminator Armour Power Weapon Stormbolter May Purchase Banner of the Guardians Entire squad may receive 1 Blessing of The Emperor Righteous Defense or Righteous Attack Apothecary Entire squad may replace Power weapons and Stormbolters - x2 Lightning Claws - Power Weapon and Guardian Defense May replace power weapons with Defender Swords Squad leader Power weapon + Stormbolter - May receive an additional Blessing of The Emperor - May purchase up to 50 points from the armoury Transport Land Raider

Legio Custodes Venerable Dreadnought WS 5 BS 4 S 6(10) FA 13 SA 13 RA 10 I 5 A 3(4)

Holy Knight Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon x2 Flamer x2 Smoke Launchers Extra Armour May Purchase Any item from the vehicle armoury May Replace

1- Dreadnought CCW & flamer with any one of the following - Twin-linked Heavy Bolter - Twin-linked Lascannon - Twin-linked Auto Cannon - Assault Cannon - Plasma Cannon Venerable May force your opponent to re-roll on the vehicle damage chart, the second roll stands.

Officio Assassinorium Operatives (0-1) WS 5 BS 5 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 5 A 3 LD 10 SV 4+I

Fearless Move through cover Infiltrate Power weapon + ccw Vindicare Culuxeus Callidus Evisor Venenum Vanus

Venenum Temple Replace power weapon with Excruciation Poison Blades +D3 attacks Always wound on a 2+ (saves are aloud) Poison Command After Deployment, but before the 1st turn, roll a D2 On a 2 the Custodes players nominates a single unit to be badly poisoned (may be Independent Characters) On a 1 the opposing play MUST choose one unit from their own army to be badly poisoned After every turn including the 1st turn, the badly poisoned unit takes a wound without any saves on the roll of a 4+ (D6). However, if a 1 is rolled, than the badly poisoned unit is cured or dissipates. A unit killed in this manner will not deliver Victory Points. Poison Supply The Custodes player nominates a single enemy unit This unit must roll a D6 every turn. On the roll of a 4+ the unit counts as if moving through difficult terrain. On a roll of a 1, the poison dissipates or is cured.

Vanus Temple Replace power weapon with x2 CCW Future Sight The Adeptus Custodes player rolls an additional dice on the roll to see who takes the first turn. Do not add the dice instead take the highest roll. Supreme Manipulation Before the 1st turn, but after the Deployment Phase, Roll a D6 for every enemy unit/vehicle. On a 5+, you may move the unit D6 in any direction Hidden The Vanus assassin deploys within any enemy infantry squad of your choice. You do not have to show your opponent which the assassin is in, or represent it with a model During the Assault phase the assassin may choose to leave the squad using the Hit and Run special rule May ONLY use Passive Manipulation OR Aggressive Persuasion when hidden Both are used at the beginning of the opponents turn Passive Manipulation

The Adeptus Custodes player nominates an enemy unit and rolls a D6, on the roll of a 4+ the Custodes player may move that unit D6 in any direction Aggressive Persuasion The Adeptus Custodes player nominates a single enemy unit and rolls a D6, on the roll of a 4+ the Custodes player forces that unit to take a leadership test at LD 7 Discovered! On a roll of a 1 for both of these special rules rolls, the assassin is detected and is placed in close combat with the unit he has hidden in.


Legio Custodes Tactical Squad (3-15) WS 5 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 5 A 2 LD 10 SV 3+(5+I)

Fearless Holy Knights Guardian Armour Bolters Frag, Krak and Flash grenades May Purchase Banner of the Guardians Righteous Defense or Righteous Attack Apothecary Power Gladius 1 Special weapon - flamer - metla gun - plasma gun 1 Heavy weapon - Lascannon - Heavy Bolter - Rocket Launcher Squad leader- Power weapon + Bolt Pistol - May receive 1 Blessing of The Emperor - May purchase up to 50 points from the armoury Transport Rhino Razorback

Legio Custodes Justicar Squad (3-10) WS 5 BS 4 S 4(5) T 4 W 1 I 5 A 2 LD 10 SV 3+(5+I)

Fearless Holy Knights Guardian Spears Guardian Armour Frag, Krak and Flash grenades May Purchase Banner of the Guardians Righteous Defense or Righteous Attack Apothecary Squad Leader Guardian Spear - May receive 1 Blessing of The Emperor - May purchase up to 50 points from the armoury Transport Rhino Razorback

Legio Custodes Defender Squad (3-10) WS 5 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 5 A 1 LD 10 SV 3+(5+I) / 2+ (4+I)

Fearless Holy Knights Guardian Shield Close Combat Weapon Guardian Armour Frag, Krak and Flash grenades Bolt Pistol May Purchase Banner of the Guardians Righteous Defense or Righteous Attack Apothecary Power Weapons Defender Swords 1 Heavy Weapon - Lascannon - Heavy Bolter - Rocket Launcher Squad leader Power weapon + Guardian Shield - May receive 1 Blessing of The Emperor - May purchase up to 50 points from the armoury Shield Wall Before hits are rolled, an enemy unit wishing to shoot a unit behind a Defender Squad must roll a D6 for every shot fired On the roll of a 3+ the shot is allocated to the Defender Squad

Sisters of Silence Witch Seeker Squad (5-15) WS 5 BS 4 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 5 A 1 LD 10 SV 3+

Fearless Holy Knights Pariah Gene Fear not the psyker Psychic Abomination Power Armour Bolters May Purchase Banner of the Guardians Righteous Defense or Righteous Attack May replace bolters with Null blades + Bolt Pistol 1 Special Weapon - Flamer - Melta - Plasma Null Hounds Squad leader- Null blade + Bolt pistol, Psyk-out grenades - May receive 1 Blessing of The Emperor - May purchase up to 50 points from the armoury Pariah Gene All non Adeptus Custodes models within 12 of the sister squad have a modified LD of 7, unless it would normally be less Psychic Abomination Any psyker within 6 of the sister squad must take a LD test of fall back Transport Rhino Chimera Razorback

Fast Attack

Sisters of Silence Oblivion Knight Squad (5-15) WS 5 BS 4 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 5 A 2(3) LD 10 SV 3+

Fearless Holy Knights Pariah Gene Fear not the psyker Psychic Abomination Power Armour Null Blades + CCW May Purchase Banner of the Guardians Righteous Defense or Righteous Attack May replace Null Blades with Power Weapons May replace Null Blades with Defender Swords 1 Special Weapon - Flamer - Melta - Plasma Null Hounds Squad leader- Null blade + Bolt pistol, Psyk-out grenades - May receive 1 Blessing of The Emperor - May purchase up to 50 points from the armoury Pariah Gene All non Adeptus Custodes models within 12 of the sister squad have a modified LD of 7, unless it would normally be less Psychic Abomination Any psyker within 6 of the sister squad must take a LD test of fall back Transport Rhino Chimera Razorback

Null Hounds (2-5, 1 per sister of silence squad) WS 5 BS 1 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 6 A 4 LD 7 SV 6+

Pariah Gene Fear not the psyker Beasts Fleet Rending Psychic Hunger Must charge pskyers if no sisters of silence are within 12 May ignore other models to directly attack any psykers in assault

Legion Custodes Jetbikes (2-10) WS 5 BS 4 S 4 T 4(5) W 1 I 5 A 2(3) LD 10 SV 3+(5+I)

Fearless Holy Knights Guardian Armour Jetbikes TW Stormbolter CCW + Bolt Pistol Hit & Run

May Purchase Righteous Defense or Righteous Attack Apothecary May replace Ccw with - Guardian Spear (take away bolt pistol) - Defender Sword - Power Weapon Squad leader Power weapon + Bolt pistol - May receive 1 Blessing of The Emperor - May purchase up to 50 points from the armory

Deep Striking Legio Custodes Tacrical Squad

Deep Striking Legio Custodes Justicar Squad

Heavy Support

Legio Custodes Redeemer Squad (3-10) WS 5 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 5 A 2(1) LD 10 SV 3+(5+I)

Fearless Holy Knights Guardian Armour Bolter Frag, Krak and Flash Grenades May Purchase Banner of the Guardians Righteous Defense or Righteous Attack Apothecary Tank Hunter Skill Power Gladius All models may replace their Bolters with any of the following weapons. However add +5 pts for every heavy weapon taken All models with a Heavy Weapon loose 1 attack - Heavy bolter - Multimelta - Rocket Launcher - Autocannon - Lascannon - Plasma Cannon - Heavy Flamer Squad leader- Power Weapon + Bolt Pistol - May receive 1 Blessing of The Emperor - May purchase up to 50 points from the armoury Focus Fire Once per game, all units of the redeemer squad may re-roll any failed hits to shoot.

Land Raider


Leman Russ

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