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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 74 (2017) 1119–1130

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Energy consumption, carbon dioxide emissions and economic development: MARK

Evaluating alternative and plausible environmental hypothesis for
sustainable growth

Khalid Zamana, , Mitwali Abd-el. Moemenb
Department of Economics, University of Wah, Quaid Avenue, Wah Cantt, Pakistan
College of Law and Political Science, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Keywords: Pursuit of excellence in economic development, in the midst of damaging the natural environment, is a
Carbon dioxide emissions shameless growth. The economic impacts on environmental degradation are quite visible in industrialized
GDP per capita economies where human health is compromised by rapid economic growth and energy induced emissions. This
Energy Consumption study examines the interrelationship between energy consumption, economic growth and carbon dioxide (CO2)
Environmental Kuznets curve
emissions under the six alternative and plausible hypothesis including Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC),
Pollution haven hypothesis
Pollution Haven Hypothesis (PHH), population based emissions (IPAT), energy led emissions, sectoral growth
Panel GMM technique
emissions and Emissions emancipated Human Development Index (eHDI) in the context of low and middle
income countries, high income countries and in aggregated panel, over the period of 1975–2015. The results
supported the EKC hypothesis, IPAT hypothesis, energy induced emissions, and sectoral growth emissions in
different regions of the world, while PHH and eHDI hypothesis does not confirm across regions. This study
exclusively determines the key socio-economic and environmental problems in a large pool of the world
economies to understand the need of development policy agenda for sustainable growth.

1. Introduction on fossil fuels to gear the pace of economic growth to utilized energy
demand. OECD emissions will be contribute around 13.8 billion metric
The global growth is projected around 3.4% in 2016 and it would be tons in 2040 while non-OECD emissions contributes around 29.4
added at 0.2% in 2017 that make around 3.6%. This estimate would billion metric tons, which is about 8% and 51% higher than the existing
larger than 0.3% (2016) and 0.5% (2017) from the year 2015, which is emissions level of 2012.
currently estimated at 3.1% points. Although, this projection as The recent trends of economic growth and energy -induced CO2
simulated by World Economic Outlook [64] largely emphasized on emissions strike the need of well-balanced economic model that
the positive growth trajectory in some BRICS countries and some fundamentally approved by sustainable agencies for better health and
countries of the Middle East, however, the slow down & rebalancing wealth. This study takes an initiative to propose an interactive
the Chinese economy and distress economic growth in emerging environmental model that aligned with the key factors of green growth
markets, the IMF report provoked to see some positivity in the global and renewable energy resources to support sustainable growth agenda
economic growth. across the globe. The importance of sustainable growth in a policy
According to the latest report of International Energy Outlook [30], liaison is broad-based that need careful examination to evaluate
the devastating rate of CO2 emissions resulting due to the combustion energy, environment and economic growth in a heterogeneous panel
of fossil fuels, which is further linked with the climate change debate. of countries by including financial and trade liberalization, social
The report projected that global energy- induced CO2 emissions would expenditures, and sectoral value added. This study attempts to explore
increase around 35.6 billion metric tons in 2020 which will further these factors in a panel of low, medium, and high income countries.
added up to 7.6% in 2040 to make a figure up to 43.2 billion metric The relationship between CO2 emissions and per capita income
tons, which would be far greater than the estimates of 2012 i.e., 32.3 extensively debated in the academic arena. Kuznets [58] explored an
billion metric tons. The report further argued that emissions’ growth is inverted U-shaped relationship between income inequality and per
highly sensitive in the developed nations that continue to rely heavily capita income. The followers of Kuznets school of thought added CO2

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (K. Zaman).
Received 25 November 2015; Received in revised form 2 February 2017; Accepted 21 February 2017
Available online 17 March 2017
1364-0321/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K. Zaman, M.A.-e. Moemen Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 74 (2017) 1119–1130

emissions in relation with the per capita income and evaluate the EKC 2010. The results do not confirm the EKC hypothesis in the 28 current
hypothesis, which is still the icon for the academic arena (See, EU member states. Ozturk and Al-Mulali [40] investigated the EKC
[46,53,57,21,51]; etc). Seldon and Song [46] investigated the EKC hypothesis in Cambodia by using the two stage least square and
hypothesis in the panel of cross sectional countries and found that air generalized method of moments technique and found that macroeco-
quality pollutants including suspended particulate matter, sulfur nomic variables including energy demand, trade liberalization, urba-
dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides, and carbon monoxide increases along nization and income per capita significantly increases CO2 emissions in
with the increase per capita income, while at the later stages of a country, however, EKC hypothesis was not visible at nationwide.
development, these air pollutants significantly decline over time, hence The above literature confirmed the viability of EKC hypothesis in
the EKC hypothesis was found in all of the four air pollutants. Stern different countries and regions of the world. This study followed the
et al. [53] discussed the EKC hypothesis in relation with the global air pattern of EKC modeling and builds the theoretical framework in order
pollutants and per capita income, and found a significant rise in SO2 to assess the EKC hypothesis in a panel of selected countries for open
emissions and deforestation till the years 2025. Torras and Boyce [57] policy discussions.
investigated the triangular relationship between per capita income,
income inequality and pollution and found that literacy, political rights 1.2. Tradeoff between CO2 emissions, trade openness and FDI inflows
and civil liberties significantly impact on environmental quality in low (pollution haven hypothesis)
income countries. Dinda [21] evaluated the global literature on EKC
hypothesis and argued that income per capita does not identify the The relationship between CO2 emissions and trade (FDI inflows)
income range where environmental pollutants start to decline. are widely discussed topic in the trade and environmental literature.
However, EKC hypothesis holds with the local pollutants. Stern [51] The link between CO2 emissions and trade-FDI inflows come to the
presented the history of EKC hypothesis and discussed the rise and fall meaningful conclusion that we called “Pollution Haven Hypothesis
of EKC in different countries/ regions. Stern and Common [52] (PHH)”. The PHH is the most conceivable hypothesis that has been
evaluated EKC hypothesis in relation with the SO2 emissions and per investigated in different countries across the globe. The major motiva-
capita income and found that EKC hypothesis was not related with the tion behind all of the studies is that polluting industries damage the
income of the country/region, however, it was pronounce with the time natural environment of the world's precious resources that should have
factor. In addition, EKC hypothesis holds in high income countries with to be preserved with the effective environmental regulation policies.
the SO2 emissions. The diverse literature is available on EKC hypoth- Shahbaz et al. [47] investigated the relationship between FDI inflows
esis which needs to be critically examine in a large pool of countries for and CO2 emissions in the panel of low, middle and high income
robust inferences. The subsequent sections critically discussed the countries and confirmed the visibility of PHH in different regions of the
different alternative and plausible environmental hypothesis for sus- world. Aktas [4] found that globalization promotes polluting industries
tainable growth. in Turkey, while Ali et al. [6] argued that environment is on the stake,
as rapid progression of air pollutants are merely due to the higher
1.1. Tradeoff between CO2 emissions and economic growth economic growth. Tang and Tan [55] investigated the PHH in the
(Environmental Kuznets Curve approach) context of Vietnam, using the time series data set ranging from 1976 to
2009. The results show that energy demand, economic growth, and FDI
The relationship between air pollutants and income per capita is inflows have a strong determinant to influence CO2 emissions in a
widely discussed in the environmental economics that linked with the country. The policies should be taken with care while handling
theory of ‘Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC)’. The recent strikes of environmental issues with respect to FDI and economic growth
the literature on the EKC hypothesis is the ray of hope that provide sun together. Salahuddin et al. [45] examined the long-run relationship
shine to the other regions of the world i.e., Tutulmaz [59] investigated between energy demand, per capita income, financial development,
the possible reasons of controversial EKC results for similar model and and CO2 emissions in the selected Gulf cooperation countries and
selected a case study of Turkish economy, by using the time series data found that energy demand and per capita income both increase CO2
ranging from 1986 to 2007. The results discussed some major rationale emissions while financial development significantly decreases CO2
by using a selection of model in a country's perspectives and in a panel emissions. Ibrahim and Law [28] investigated the impact of trade
of developing countries, and discussed the policy implications for openness, institutional supremacy, and their interaction term on CO2
sustainable growth agenda. The study of Yang et al. [66] reinvestigated emissions in a panel of selected Sub-Sahara African countries and
the EKC hypothesis in relationship with the different air pollutants in found that trade openness significantly increases environmental quality
29 provinces of China, by using extreme bound analysis from the of those countries that have a strong institutional supremacy and hurt
period of 1995–2010. The results do not confirm the inverted U – environmental quality where institutional quality reforms are poor.
shaped relationship in relation with different pollutants and China's The above discussion confirmed the strong nexus between CO2
per capita income. Bernard et al. [15] examined the EKC hypothesis emissions, FDI inflows and trade in different countries settings. The
with the CO2 emissions and SO2 emissions and found the validity of PHH is valid in different countries’ contexts, and we find the traces of
EKC hypothesis in the context of OECD countries. Robalino-López significant association of FDI and trade with the CO2 emissions from
et al. [44] followed the EKC hypothesis in Venezuela for the period the literature. The present study attempts to explore PHH in the panel
1980–2025, and were unable to find any significant sign of EKC of selected countries.
hypothesis during the study time period. Jeblie and Youssef [31]
included renewable energy sources, non-renewable energy sources, 1.3. Tradeoff between CO2 emissions and population growth (IPAT
trade, and economic growth in EKC model for Tunisia during the hypothesis)
period of 1980–2009. The results show that non-renewable energy
sources and trade both have a positive and significant impact on CO2 The impact of population growth on CO2 emissions is widely visible
emissions, while renewable energy sources decreases CO2 emissions at topic and a normative debate in the environmental arena, however, the
nationwide. In addition, EKC hypothesis does not hold in the country's blame on population growth to deteriorate environment is not fairly
context. [6,9] investigated the EKC hypothesis in the panel of 93 justice. McGee et al. [36] investigated the impact of economic growth,
countries by using ecological indicator and confirmed the EKC technology and population on carbon emissions for the panel of 173
hypothesis across countries. Mazur et al. (2015) investigated the countries and concluded that stochastic impacts by regression on
relationship between environmental quality and growth per capita in population, affluence and technology have considerable policy implica-
the panel of European Union countries, by using the data from 1992 to tions on future technology generation. Zhang and Liu [67] investigate

K. Zaman, M.A.-e. Moemen Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 74 (2017) 1119–1130

the role of ICT industries on CO2 emissions in China by using STIRPAT affect the health and wealth of the countries. Rahman et al. [41]
model, over the period of 2000–2010. The results show that ICT examined the relationship between energy demand and sectoral
industry is less sensitive to CO2 emissions, as it is significantly decline productivity in Malaysia and found that energy consumption signifi-
CO2 emissions during the study time period. Hassan and Salim [26] cantly increases Malaysia's economic growth at aggregate level, how-
investigated the impact of population ageing and economic growth on ever, at disaggregate level, this result is evaporated. The study further
CO2 emissions in the panel of OECD countries and supported the EKC confirmed the strong association between CO2 emissions and sectoral
hypothesis. Wang et al. [60,61] modeled population growth in relation- growth at country level. Ouyang and Lin [39] examined the energy led
ship between emissions and growth and found the inverted U-shaped emissions in China's industrial sector and show that industrial activity
EKC relationship under the premises of population growth that makes significantly increases CO2 emissions while energy intensity declined
the EKC steeper and reached up to the higher peak. Alam et al. [5] CO2 emissions at nationwide. In the similar lines, Cheng et al. [17]
found the positive relationship between CO2 emissions and population empirically investigated the impact of CO2 emissions on Chinese
growth in India and Brazil, however, this relationship is insignificant in exports and found that regulations on CO2 emissions significantly
the context of China and Indonesia. Halkos et al. [24] found that higher increases Chinese exports. Robaina-Alves et al. [43] investigated the
per capita income and population growth tend to worsen the environ- impact of energy consumption and CO2 emissions on Portuguese
mental efficiency that required sustainable policy actions to reexamine tourism industry and found that energy and CO2 emissions both
environmental actions for healthier region. The above discussion significantly affected tourism industry in a country. Xu and Lin [65]
significantly indicates the tradeoff between population and carbon examined the relationship between urbanization, industrialization and
emissions across the globe. This study attempts to investigate the its resulting impact on CO2 emissions in the provinces of China and
impact of population growth on CO2 emissions in the panel of selected confirmed the EKC hypothesis for urbanization and industrialization
countries. growth across region.
The above stated studies indicate the sectoral productivity and CO2
1.4. Tradeoff between CO2 emissions and energy consumption emissions nexus. There is no doubt about the efficiency of manufactur-
(energy led emissions hypothesis) ing sector; however, the policy should be taken care with the handling
of air quality indicators and technological innovations that may
The relationship between CO2 emissions and energy consumption is increase the CO2 emissions during the production process. The present
one of the ongoing debates in the energy economics literature since last study attempted to investigate the sectoral associated emission in the
two decades. The search for renewable energy sources is one of the panel of selected countries.
fundamental ways to reduce/ minimize CO2 emissions from the atmo-
sphere. Mudakkar et al. [37] examined the causal relationship between 1.6. Tradeoff between CO2 emissions and human development
energy demand and various macroeconomic factors, and found the indicators [emissions emancipated human development index (eHDI)]
unidirectional causality running from nuclear energy to industrial
GDP, water resources, and CO2 emissions, while energy demand Now-a-days, the term emissions emancipated human development
Granger cause agriculture GDP. The study further finds a feedback index (eHDI) is widely appeared in the economic literature which
relationship between energy demand and Pakistan's population den- associated with the human efforts in terms of attaining better health,
sity. Akhmat et al. [3] investigated the relationship between nuclear education and wealth, however, human efforts lead to increase CO2
energy demand and climatic factors in the panel of 35 developed emissions that deteriorate the environmental quality across the globe.
countries and found that nuclear energy consumption significantly Koroneos and Rokos [33] critically evaluated the term sustainable
decline air pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. [2] in the development and coined the new word i.e., ‘Worth-living Integrated
similar lines found that energy consumption significantly increases CO2 Development” for policy making purpose. The worth-living integrated
emissions in the panel of SAARC countries. Khan et al. [32] investi- development, basically the amalgamation of economic prosperity,
gated the impact of energy demand on global GHG emissions and social inclusion and environmental protection that desirable for human
found that energy demand Granger cause GHG emissions in the development and sustainable development together. Nussbaumer et al.
different regions of the world. Apergis and Payne [13] emphasized [38] created the link between energy demand and millennium devel-
the need of renewable energy sources for increasing economic growth opment goals including climate change and income poverty across the
and mitigating the climate change containing the CO2 emissions. Ajmi globe. The results emphasized the role of energy services that required
et al. [1] investigated the impact of energy consumption and economic both for human development and mitigating climatic variations. The
growth on CO2 emissions and found the bidirectional time varying statistical link clearly shows the strong positive correlation between
causality running between CO2 emissions and energy demand in the provision of energy services and human development index. Dancy and
U.S, while unidirectional causality running from energy consumption Wiebelhaus-Brahm [20] explored the relationship between transitional
to carbon emissions in France. Cheema and Javid [16] examined the justice with three human development indices i.e., economic develop-
relationship between economic growth, CO2 emissions, and disaggre- ment, income inequality and human development. The results con-
gate energy consumption in Asian perspectives and found that all forms firmed the statistical positive correlation between human development,
of energy demand pollute environment that exhibit the EKC hypothesis income inequality and transitional justice; however, it is uncorrelated
in the region. with the economic development. Ranganathan et al. [42] explored
The above studies emphasize the role of energy demand that played different sustainable development goals in order to improve the well-
a vital role to increase economic growth, however, it may compromised being of the common peoples in terms of child mortality and CO2
to the environment that may lead to further cause of climatic change emissions. Sweidan and Alwaked [54] statistically examined the impact
worldwide. The present study seeks to investigate the energy led of economic development on the energy intensity of human well-being
emissions in the panel of low, middle and high income countries. (EIWB). The data set is used from 1995 to 2012 in the panel of GCC
countries for estimation purpose. The results show that there is a
1.5. Tradeoff between CO2 emissions and sectoral growth (sectoral significant and positive association between economic development
induced carbon emissions) and EIWB in the region.
The above cited studies indicate the positive relationship between
There is undeniable fact that industrialization or sectoral produc- human development and sustainable policies in order to mitigate
tivity played a vital role in economic development, however, the society environmental hazards across the globe. The present study seeks to
bears the unmanageable cost in terms of environmental damage which examine the interrelationship between CO2 emissions and eHDI in the

K. Zaman, M.A.-e. Moemen Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 74 (2017) 1119–1130

panel of selected countries. The overall results of the literature survey 2. Data source and methodological framework
confirmed all of the six plausible hypotheses which have a close
association with the sustainable development across the globe. The study used number of promising variables to examine the
impact of growth factors, sectoral growth and human development
factors on CO2 emissions in the panel of selected low income countries
1.7. Contribution of the study (income ranges from $1035 or less), lower middle and upper middle
income countries (income ranges from $1036 to $ 12,615), and high
Although, the study topic is widely assessed area in academic and income countries (income ranges from $12,616 or more). The study
research arena, however, there is still a significant gap in the literature. used stratified random sampling technique, as World Bank classified
The previous literature majorly focused on EKC hypothesis with world income groups in three strata i.e., low income countries, middle
different air pollutants (see, [66,15], etc), while some studies added income countries, and high income countries. The study randomly
renewable energy, non-renewable energy, energy demand, trade open- selected 90 countries from these three strata including 25 countries
ness, and urbanization in EKC framework (see, [31,40], etc). The from low income countries, 42 from lower middle and upper middle
present study follows the sequential empirical illustrations from the income countries, and 23 high income countries for the general
existing literature and included few more variables in the EKC frame- representation of the respective world income groups for the period
work i.e., FDI inflows, population growth, social expenditures (i.e., of 1975–2015. The classification of countries has been taken from
education and health indicators) and sectoral value added indicators World Bank [62] on the basis of Gross National Income (GNI) per
(i.e., agriculture, industry and services value added) for robust policy capita. The following variables are used in order to assess the growth
inferences. Secondly, the previous studies added FDI inflows (see, factors including energy consumption, foreign direct investment (FDI)
[47,55]), financial development indicators (see, [45]), trade openness inflows, GDP per capita, trade openness, and annual percentage of
and institutional factors (see, [28]) to determine the Pollution Haven population growth; while, sectoral growth comprises agricultural value
Hypothesis (PHH) across diversified economic settings, while as per added, industry value added and services value added. Human devel-
authors knowledge, none of the study added FDI inflows, trade opment factors include health expenditures per capita, and government
openness, social expenditures, and sectoral value added in EKC expenditures on education. CO2 emissions served as a dependent
framework to investigated the PHH in a large panel settings. Thirdly, variable in order to assess the environmental quality in the panel of
the previous studies added different energy sources in relation with low, middle and high income countries. The annual time series data of
carbon emissions including nuclear energy (see, [37,3]), renewable 90 countries from 1975 to 2015 taken from World Development
energy (see, [13]), energy demand (see, [1,2]), and disaggregated Indicators (WDI) published by World Bank [63] and International
energy demand (see, [16]), while the present study used energy Financial Statistics (IFS) published by IMF (2015). The panel data set
demand along with social expenditures and sectoral value added under is unbalanced in many countries across the region. Table 1 shows the
the EKC framework to support the energy induced emissions across list of variables and their expected signs.
nations. Fourth, the relationship between carbon emissions and Table 1 shows the list of variables and their expected signs. The
sectoral value added is less explored area, and mainly exercised on relationship between GDP per capita and CO2 emissions is expected to
Malaysia (see, [41]) and Chinese economy (see, [39], Cheng et al. [17], be positive while it tends to become negative after squaring the per
[65] etc.) while this study added the larger set of variables and larger capita GDP, which supports the EKC hypothesis across countries. The
pool of the countries to estimate the sectoral induced carbon emissions impact of FDI inflows and trade openness on CO2 emissions is expected
across the globe. Finally, the emissions emancipated human develop- to be positive which support the ‘pollution haven hypothesis’ that
ment index (eHDI) mainly explored in relationship between carbon describes the intensity of carbon emissions due to industrial growth in
emissions and income poverty (see, [38]), income inequality (see, [20]) the developed countries. However, as time surpass, developed econo-
and child mortality (see, [42]), while this study included more policy mies strictly regulate their environmental policies that restrict the
intervening variables in the regression apparatus i.e., education and pollution intensive products and imposed high taxes for the polluting
health expenditures to analyze the eHDI hypothesis in a larger set of industry. This regulation shifts the burden from developed countries
countries panel. These differences clearly indicate the need of inter- towards developing countries, where low wages and less environmental
active environmental model where the entire hypothesis included in a regulations provide pollution haven to the industries (see, Akbostnci
single regression equation to the diversified panel of countries for et al., 2007, [7] etc.). The study further evaluated the IPAT hypothesis
robust inferences. The present study focused on these alternative and which indicates that massive population hindrance to achieve environ-
plausible environmental hypotheses and proposed an interactive mental sustainability. The relationship between energy demand and
sustainable model across the globe.

Table 1
List of Variables.

Variables Symbol Measurement Expected Sign Theoretical hypothesis

Carbon dioxide emissions CO2 Metric tons per capita

GDP per capita GDPPC Constant 2010 US $ + Environmental Kuznets curve
GDP per capita square GDPPC2 Constant 2010 US $ –
Foreign direct investment, FDI % of GDP + Pollution Haven Hypothesis
Trade Openness TOP % of GDP +
Population POP Annual % + Environmental Impacts (I) are the product of Population (P), Affluence (A)
and Technology (T) i.e., IPAT hypothesis
Energy use ENRG kg of oil equivalent per capita + Energy induced emissions (EIE)
Agriculture, value added AGRV Annual % of growth + Primary source of air pollution that not recycled waste.
Industry, value added INDV Annual % of growth +
Services, value added SERV Annual % of growth +
Health expenditures per capita HEXPPC Current US $ + Emissions emancipated Human Development Index (eHDI)
Government expenditures on GEE % of GDP +

K. Zaman, M.A.-e. Moemen Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 74 (2017) 1119–1130

CO2 emissions is expected to be positive to support energy induced As IPAT hypothesis based on technology acceptance model, there-
emissions, while the sectoral growth including agriculture value added, fore, for utilizing the technological factors in the regression equation,
industry and service value added also exposed to the environment due we added energy demand factor to evaluate energy induced emissions,
to not recycled wastes of manufacturing industries, power generation, i.e.,
road, rail & air transport and agriculture & timber production (see,
[25,56,23] etc.). Costa et al. [19] agreed the notion ‘Emissions Log(CO2i, t ) = β0 + β1Log(GDPPC )i, t + β2Log(GDPPC )i2, t + β3 log (FDI )i, t
emancipated Human Development Index (eHDI)’ which is more prone + β4Log(TOP )i, t +
to social expenditures induced emissions that need to be addressed β5Log(POP )i, t + β6Log(ENRG )i, t + β7Log(λ )i, t + εi, t
caution with the environmental degradation. The lists of sample
countries are shown in appendix A-Table A1. (4)
The study evaluated the following hypothesis in order to assess the Where, ENRG is energy demand.
relationship between economic development and CO2 emissions in the Sectoral growth variables considered the primary sources of pollu-
panel of selected countries i.e., tion, therefore, these variables further included in Eq. (4) i.e.,
H1. There will be an inverted U-shaped relationship between CO2 Log(CO2i, t ) = β0 + β1Log(GDPPC )i, t + β2Log(GDPPC )i2, t + β3 log (FDI )i, t
emissions per capita and per capita income in the context of low,
middle, high income countries. + β4Log(TOP )i, t +
β5Log(POP )i, t + β6Log(ENRG )i, t + β7Log(AGRV )i, t + β8Log(INDV )i, t
H2. Trade openness and FDI inflows both will increase CO2 emissions.
+ β9Log(SERV )i, t
H3. The rapid increase in population growth will significantly associate
β10Log(λ )i, t + εi, t
with the increase CO2 emissions.
H4. Higher energy demand deteriorates the environmental quality.
Where, AGRV is agriculture value added, INDV is industry value
H5. The rapid increase in the sectoral growth will damages the added, and SERV is service value added.
environmental quality, and Finally, human development indicators added in Eq. (5) to assess
the Emissions emancipated Human Development Index (eHDI) in-
H6. Human development index will be correlated with the increase
cluding health expenditures per capita (HEXPPC) and government
CO2 emissions in the panel of selected countries.
expenditures on education (GEE) i.e.,
The following non-linear regression is used to examine the impact
of economic growth on CO2 emissions in the panel estimation mode Log(CO2i, t ) = β0 + β1Log(GDPPC )i, t + β2Log(GDPPC )i2, t + β3 log (FDI )i, t
+ β4Log(TOP )i, t +
Log(CO2i, t ) = β0 + β1Log(GDPPC )i, t + β2Log(GDPPC )i2, t + β3 log (λ )i, t
β5Log(POP )i, t + β6Log(ENRG )i, t + β7Log(AGRV )i, t + β8Log(INDV )i, t
+ εi, t (1) + β9Log(SERV )i, t
Where CO2 is carbon dioxide emissions, GDPPC is GDP per capita, β10Log(HEXPPC )i, t + β11Log(GEE )i, t + εi, t
GDPPC 2 is the square of GDP per capita, λ is the set of other
explanatory variables, ‘i′ is cross-section identifiers, ‘t′ is time period.
Eq. (1) shows the EKC hypothesis, as expected β1 > 0, β2 < 0 that The present study employed different panel unit root tests i.e., Im
show the inverted U-shaped relationship between CO2 emissions and et al. [29] and ADF & PP Fisher chi-square unit root test [35] to check
GDP per capita. λ is the set of explanatory variables including FDI and the stationarity series of the candidate variables, while Johansen
trade openness, both would facilitate to specify the industry intensive system cointegration test is used for long-run relationships between
pollution growth, called ‘pollution haven hypothesis’. Eq. (1) now the variables. The study further employed difference Generalized
becomes a more elaborative form i.e., Method of Moments (Panel GMM) estimator and dynamic fixed effect
regression model that avoid the spurious regression by using appro-
Log(CO2i, t ) = β0 + β1Log(GDPPC )i, t + β2Log(GDPPC )i2, t + β3 log (FDI )i, t priate instrumental list of the variables (in difference GMM estimator),
+ β4Log(TOP )i, t + i.e.,
β5Log(λ )i, t + εi, t
ΔLog(CO2i, t ) = β0 + β1ΔLog(CO2)i, t −1 + β2ΔLog(GDPPC )i, t
+ β3ΔLog(GDPPC )i2, t + β4Δ log (FDI )i, t
Where FDI is foreign direct investment inflows and TOP is trade
+β5ΔLog(TOP )i, t + β6ΔLog(POP )i, t + β7ΔLog(ENRG )i, t + β8ΔLog(AGRV )i, t
openness. As expected both .. which implies the pollution haven effect
across the countries. Further, we added population growth in Eq. (2) + β9ΔLog(INDV )i, t
that provides the existence of IPAT, i.e., environmental impact depends +β10ΔLog(SERV )i, t + β11ΔLog(HEXPPC )i, t + β12ΔLog(GEE )i, t + zi, t + Δεi, t
upon the population growth, followed by the affluence and technology.
We have already included ‘wealth’ (i.e., GDPPC) in Eq. (2) that help to
capture the impact of ‘affluence’ on carbon emissions, while for Where, Δ shows first difference and ‘z′ is the list of instrumental
technology indicator; both the trade openness and FDI has been added variables which are taken the first lag of the explanatory variables. Eq.
in Eq. (2) that corresponds to the technological stocks. The more (7) is used to access the impact of growth factors, sectoral growth and
advanced form of Eq. (2) is as follows: human development indicators on CO2 emissions in the different
regions of the world i.e., low income countries (i=25), middle income
Log(CO2i, t ) = β0 + β1Log(GDPPC )i, t + β2Log(GDPPC )i2, t + β3 log (FDI )i, t countries (i=42), high income countries (i=23) and total countries
+ β4Log(TOP )i, t + (i=90).
β5Log(POP )i, t + β6Log(λ )i, t + εi, t The major motivation is to employed difference GMM estimator to
produce correct and robust inferences without affected serial correla-
(3) tion in the stochastic terms. Arellano and Bond [14] provide a sound
Where, POP is annual percentage of population growth. debate on the GMM estimator to fix endogeneity problems and

K. Zaman, M.A.-e. Moemen Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 74 (2017) 1119–1130

heteroskedasticity, which produces efficient parameter estimates. By The results of IPS panel unit root test show that FDI inflows (FDI),
first differencing GMM estimator not only eliminates the country- agriculture value added (AGRV), industry value added (INDV), and
specific effects while it further account for possible endogeneity among service value added (SERV) stationary at their level, while remaining
regressors. The first difference ‘response variable i.e., CO2 emissions in variables are differenced stationary. Both the ADF Fisher chi-square
this study used first lagged period that provide a valid instrument in the and PP Fisher chi-square tests indicate that per capita GDP (GDPPC),
idiosyncratic disturbance terms. The first differenced regressors with health expenditures (HEXPC) and education expenditures (GEE) are
lagged period served as instrumental variables for unbiased parameter differenced stationary variables while the remaining variables are level
estimates. The difference GMM estimator further gives an analytical stationary. The high volatility in the data series of the variables show
estimation tool to find an evidence of possible autocorrelation in the insignificant probability values that tend to be significant at their first
given model, for this purpose, we applied AR(1) and AR(2) serial difference, which confirm the order of integration is one, i.e., I(1).
correlation tests to investigate whether the stochastic term exhibits an Table 5 shows the cross-section dependency estimates and confirmed
evidence of serial correlation. The positive and significant coefficient that all the selected variables have a strong dependency in the cross-
value of lagged dependent variable would indicate the inertia in the sectional identifier that gives a good justification to used dynamic panel
level of carbon emissions that provide the sound rationale to form estimators that reduced the problem of simultaneity from the given
dynamic panel model. The insignificant statistics value of AR(2) would models.
implies the absence of serial correlation at second order in the The study employed difference panel GMM estimator and panel
differenced errors thus to support the validity of instruments in the fixed effect regression on aggregate data, low, middle & upper middle
given model. Thus, the log-log model is used to estimate the given income countries, high income countries, and aggregated panel of
models in order to interpret the results in elasticity form. countries and presented the results in Table 6.
The results confirmed the existence of EKC hypothesis by using
both of the panel estimators (i.e., panel GMM and panel fixed effect) in
3. Results the panel of aggregate countries. This result confirmed that at the
initial level of development, CO2 emissions increases along with the
Table 2 shows the descriptive statistics of the variables, which increase in per capita income (GDPPC), however, at the later stages of
includes maximum value, minimum value, mean, standard deviation, development, CO2 emissions significantly decreases. This result pro-
skewness and kurtosis. In addition, time period and cross-section vides good insight about the existence of carbon - EKC hypothesis
identifiers also presented for the ready reference. These statistics is across countries. Policy makers should have to pursue sustainable
shown as a rough sketch of the candidate variables in the panel of policies in order to reap the maximum benefit from economic growth,
selected countries. caution with care the handling issues of environmental pollution. The
Table 3 shows the correlation matrix between the candidate results are in line with the previous studies of Anand and Kanbur [10],
variables. The results indicate that there is a positive correlation Stern et al. [53], Andreoni and Levinson [11], Dinda [21], [6,8],
between CO2 emissions and energy demand that confirmed the energy Apergis and Ozturk [12] etc., as these studies described the different
induced CO2 emissions, while the positive relationship between CO2 shapes of EKC in diversified panel of countries. The results do not
emissions, FDI inflows, and trade openness support the pollution validate the pollution haven hypothesis in the aggregated data, as FDI
haven hypothesis in a region. The relationship between CO2 emissions inflows and trade openness (TOP) both does not signify their positive
and per capita income shows the monotonic increasing relationship impact on CO2 emissions, however, we may not ignore the significant
between them, whereas, the negative relationship between population impact of sectoral value added on CO2 emissions, as industry value
growth and CO2 emissions rejected the IPAT hypothesis across nations. added (INDV) and services value added (SERV) both significantly
There is a negative correlation between sectoral value added and CO2 correlated with the CO2 emissions in the panel fixed effect regression
emissions, which does not support the sectoral induced CO2 emissions, model, however, agriculture value added (AGRV) significantly de-
however, the correlation results validate the eHDI emissions, as public creases CO2 emissions by using panel GMM estimator. The previous
spending on education and health significantly correlated with the CO2 literature confirmed that FDI inflows and trade openness (TOP) have a
emissions in a panel of countries. positive impact on CO2 emissions i.e., Akbostnci et al. (2007), Shahbaz
After analyzing the descriptive statistics and correlation matrix, et al. [47], Cole et al. [18], Al-Mulali and Ozturk [7] etc., that
there is a substantial need to check the stationarity properties of the substantiate the viability of polluting industries all across the world.
given variables. Table 4 shows the different panel unit root tests to In the fixed effect regression model, it is evident that energy demand
check the order of integration of the given variables.

Table 2
Descriptive Statistics.
Source: [63].

(% of GDP) (metric (kg of oil (% of GDP) (constant (constant ( %of (current (annual (annual %) (annual (% of
ton per equivalent 2010 US$) 2010 US$) GDP) US$) % of % of GDP)
capita) per capita) growth) growth)

Mean 1.964 5.536 2449.197 4.525 18539.100 3.87E+08 4.621 1358.803 3.147 0.942 4.024 82.863
Maximum 39.551 19.748 7974.711 142.416 75424.280 5.74E+09 10.679 9386.514 49.255 5.322 42.671 439.657
Minimum −41.008 0.065 135.210 −79.737 244.137 13325.39 0.010 3.010 −73.661 −2.258 −15.898 16.439
Std. Dev. 7.855 4.273 1806.447 8.207 18805.120 7.73E+08 1.450 1782.222 6.888 1.071 4.105 53.188
Skewness −0.291 0.714 0.706 6.199 0.877 2.874706 0.111 1.616 −1.182 0.012 0.675 3.087
Kurtosis 7.383 3.273 2.917 115.620 2.510 13.23798 3.199 5.134 24.804 3.263 15.031 17.796
Countries 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
Observations 2695 3098 2779 2981 3147 3147 2572 2585 2593 3489 2600 3071
Time Period 1975–2015 1975– 1975–2015 1975–2015 1975–2015 1975–2015 1975– 1975– 1975– 1975–2015 1975– 1975–
2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015

K. Zaman, M.A.-e. Moemen Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 74 (2017) 1119–1130

Table 3
Correlation Matrix.




CO2 −0.091* 1
(0.005) –

ENRG −0.095* 0.898* 1

(0.004) (0.000) –

FDI −0.038 0.144* 0.162* 1

(0.248) (0.000) (0.000) –

GDPPC −0.112* 0.676* 0.802* 0.168* 1

(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) –

GEE −0.032 0.312* 0.377* 0.080** 0.389* 1

(0.331) (0.000) (0.000) (0.015) (0.000) –

HEXPC −0.087* 0.607* 0.727* 0.111* 0.909* 0.381* 1

(0.008) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) –

INDV 0.150* −0.114* −0.123* 0.058*** −0.165* −0.162* −0.201* 1

(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.076) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) –

POP 0.092* −0.387* −0.383* −0.027 −0.222* −0.189* −0.194* 0.136* 1

(0.005) (0.000) (0.000) (0.415) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) –

SERV 0.068** −0.221* −0.250* 0.048 −0.285* −0.209* −0.310* 0.367* 0.249* 1
(0.040) (0.000) (0.000) (0.147) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) –

TOP −0.069** 0.167* 0.228* 0.347* 0.173* 0.120* 0.031 0.052 −0.002 0.071** 1
(0.0365) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.348) (0.1130) (0.9468) (0.0305) –

Note: Small bracket shows probability values. *, **, and *** shows 1%, 5%, and 10% level of significance respectively.

Table 4
Results of Panel Unit Root.

Variables Im, Pesaran, Shin (IPS) ADF Fisher Chi-square PP Fisher chi-square

Level 1st Difference Level 1st Difference Level 1st Difference

CO2 1.430 −49.234* 266.436* 2030.35* 522.375* 2112.56*

(0.923) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
GDPPC 25.115 −28.260* 61.766 1136.19* 57.975 1169.71*
(1.000) (0.000) (1.000) (0.000) (1.000) (0.000)
FDI −14.315* −64.137* 597.123* 2466.17* 589.143* 2480.78*
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
POP −0.402 −24.396* 296.403* 920.627* 298.636* 978.898*
90.343) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
TOP −0.571 −47.540* 206.465*** 1948.99* 202.198 2149.85*
(0.283) (0.000) (0.085) (0.000) (0.123) (0.000)
ENRG 2.260 −39.524* 226.866* 1524.26* 233.531* 1531.12*
(0.998) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
AGRV −58.391* −88.200* 2167.31* 2814.91* 2665.60* 4711.33*
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
INDV −30.207* −64.332* 1236.25* 2517.25* 1292.38* 2898.94*
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
SERV −27.200* −62.650* 1121.75* 2424.43* 1120.23* 2455.83*
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
HEXPPC 18.751 −18.463* 24.164 659.883* 25.496 682.240*
(1.000) (0.000) (1.000) (0.000) (1.000) (0.000)
GEE 2.047 −18.634* 146.990 707.630* 146.999 1048.55*
(0.979) (0.000) (0.852) (0.000) (0.852) (0.000)

Note: AGRV is agriculture value added, CO2 is carbon dioxide emissions, ENRG is energy use, FDI is foreign direct investment inflows, GDPPC is GDP per capita, GEE is government
expenditures on education, HEXPPC is health expenditures per capita, INDV is industry value added, POP is population growth, SERV is service value added and TOP is trade openness.
* and *** indicates 1% and 10% significant level. Small bracket shows probability values.

K. Zaman, M.A.-e. Moemen Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 74 (2017) 1119–1130

Table 5
Estimates of Cross-Section Dependency Test.


Breusch-Pagan LM 4551.789* 44128.70* 42207.68* 18549.08* 88105.23* 63453.38* 8245.584* 42459.1* 8340.808* 5010.903*
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Pesaran scaled LM 9.483* 447.310* 469.362* 164.342* 938.676* 663.232* 52.6860* 428.656* 53.799* 210.492*
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Bias-corrected scaled LM 8.408* 446.126* 468.298* 163.230* 937.551* 660.864* 51.611* 427.531* 52.724* 210.204*
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Pesaran CD 4.721* 28.037* 49.644* 89.484* 234.177* 248.792* 41.553* 65.145* 38.633* 63.243*
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)

Note: * shows 1% level of significance. Small bracket shows probability value.

Table 6
Estimates of Panel GMM Estimator and Fixed Effect Regression.

Variables Aggregate Data High Income Countries Low income, lower Middle and Upper Middle
Income Countries

Difference GMM Fixed Effect Difference GMM Fixed Effect Difference GMM Estimates Fixed Effect
Estimates Estimates

C −0.910** −6.264* −14.748 7.052 −9.088* −6.370*

(0.045) (0.000) (0.143) (0.674) (0.000) (0.000)
ln(CO2)i,t−1 0.960* 0.593* 0.973* 0.308* 0.587* 0.555*
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.003) (0.000) (0.000)
ln(GDPPC)i,t 0.181** 0.737* 2.849 −2.500 1.445* 0.857*
(0.025) (0.000) (0.137) (0.439) (0.000) (0.000)
ln(GDPPC^2) i,t −0.010** −0.042* −0.132 0.126 −0.083* −0.050*
(0.039) (0.000) (0.143) (0.406) (0.003) (0.000)
ln(FDI) i,t −0.013 −0.00059 0.0013 −0.025* −0.0086 0.0060
(0.138) (0.849) (0.858) (0.001) (0.358) (0.344)
ln(TOP) i,t 0.010 0.013 −0.326*** −0.143*** 0.013 0.0023
(0.354) (0.462) (0.055) (0.062) (0.796) (0.933)
ln(POP) i,t 0.005 0.0082 0.021** −0.011 0.018 −0.013
(0.390) (0.185) (0.029) (0.541) (0.589) (0.310)
ln(ENRG) i,t 0.004 0.478* −0.030 0.932* 0.462* 0.414*
(0.778) (0.000) (0.233) (0.000) (0.007) (0.000)
ln(HEXPC) i,t 0.014 −0.0045 −0.024 −0.048 −0.013 0.026
(0.390) (0.727) (0.167) (0.091) (0.777) (0.281)
ln(GEE) i,t 0.019 0.0074 0.016 0.021 0.015 0.019
(0.212) (0.697) (0.585) (0.821) (0.774) (0.442)
ln(AGRV) i,t −0.031** −0.00035 −0.00031 −0.0052 −0.0019 8.02E−05
(0.013) (0.266) (0.663) (0.219) (0.526) (0.984)
ln(INDV) i,t 0.041 0.0011* 0.0059* −0.0055 0.0057* 0.0058
(0.112) (0.006) (0.000) (0.421) (0.009) (0.305)
ln(SERV) i,t −0.011 0.0020* −0.0087** −0.0060 −0.010 0.019**
(0.515) (0.004) (0.017) (0.565) (0.294) (0.035)

Estimation of Turning Point for inverted U-shaped EKC

Extremum point = −βˆ /2γˆ 9.05 8.773 8.704 8.570
90% confidence interval, [7.44, 9.58]
Fieller method
90% confidence interval, Delta [7.33, 9.47]

Statistical Tests
R-squared 0.989 0.997 0.951 0.985 0.9949 0.9979
Adjusted R-Squared 0.988 0.996 0.948 0.980 0.9941 0.9974
F-statistics – 3263.694* – 179.531* – 2184.444*
J-statistics 1.79E−15 – 7.48E−07 – 5.56E−11 –
Hausman Test (Chi-square – 277.214* – 84.808* – 130.663*
J-statistic p > 0.090 – p > 0.090 – p > 0.090 –
AR(1)-prob.value 0.994 – 0.901 0.000
AR(2) – prob-value 0.955 – 0.856 0.737
Number of Observations 1621 2414 328 541 857 1524
Counties 90 90 23 23 67 67

Note: Dependent variable: log (CO2)i, t . *, ** and *** indicates 1%, 5% and 10% significant level. Instrumental variables used as the first lag of the explanatory variables. Small bracket
shows “probability values”.

K. Zaman, M.A.-e. Moemen Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 74 (2017) 1119–1130

Fig. 1. With or without ‘U′ EKC. a) Robustness Check for Aggregate EKC b) Robustness Check of EKC for low and middle income countries.

(ENRG) has a positive and significant association with the CO2 The study applied robustness check for with or without ‘U′ as
emissions that substantiate the energy induced emissions in an proposed by Lind and Mehlum [34] (in some other studies i.e., [22,27]
aggregated panel data. The results are in line with the previous studies etc) and found that the extremum point of inverted U-shaped Kuznets
of Soytas et al. [50], Zhang and Cheng [68], Soytas and Sari [49] etc., as curve for aggregated data and low income & middle income countries
these studies confirmed the existence of energy induced emissions that fall in the critical values of Fieller [7.44, 9.58] and Delta method
across countries. [7.33, 9.47] at 90% confidence interval i.e., the value of extremium
The results of high income countries show that there is no/flat point for aggregated data by panel GMM estimator is about 9.05 and by
relationship between CO2 emissions and economic growth (GDPPC), by panel fixed effect method is about 8.773, while the extremium point
using both of the panel estimators. The results of both the panel value for low income & middle income countries for panel GMM
estimator describe that trade openness (TOP) have a negative and estimator is about 8.704 and by panel fixed effect regression is about
statistical significant relationship with the CO2 emissions, as if there is 8.570. The point of attention is that the extremium values are quite
1% increase in trade openness (TOP), CO2 emissions decreases by higher in panel GMM estimator as compared to panel fixed effect
−0.326% in panel GMM estimator and −0.143% in panel fixed effect, regression. The other statistical tests confirmed the good explanatory
while by using the panel fixed effect estimates, it is evident that FDI power to explain response variable, while model stability is proven by
inflows also have a negative correlation with the CO2 emissions, as if F-statistics in panel fixed effect regression model. The Sargan-Hansen
there is 1% increase in FDI inflows, per capita income decreases by J-statistics confirmed the instrumental validity that enforces the
−0.025% points. The results do not support the pollution haven reliability of the coefficient estimates by using panel GMM estimator,
hypothesis, as both the FDI inflows and trade openness (TOP) have while the absence of serial correlation at second order confirmed the
an insignificant probability values. In the fixed effect regression model, validity of instruments in the given model. Fig. 1 shows the inverted U-
the result confirmed the energy induced carbon emissions, as 1% shaped EKC relationship in different world income group as per
increase in energy demand (ENRG) increases CO2 emissions by estimated results.
0.932%. The sectoral value added on CO2 emissions have a differential The summary of the hypothesis are presented in Table 7 for the
impact, as industry value added (INDV) contribute to escalate CO2 ready reference.
emissions, while services value added (SERV) reduces the CO2 emis-
sions that partially supported the sectoral induced carbon emissions in Table 7
a panel of countries. The results supported the findings of Hansen et al. Summary of the Hypotheses.
[25], Tegtmeier and Duffy [56], Frankel and Rose [23] etc., as these
S.No. Hypothesis Low income, Lower High income Total
studies confined the findings of sectoral induced CO2 emissions in a upper and middle countries Countries
panel of countries. upper income
Finally, in a panel of low income and middle income countries, the countries
result supports the EKC hypothesis. The impact of energy consumption
1 Existence of EKC √ ≠ √
(ENRG) on CO2 emissions is positive in both of the panel estimator 2 Existence of PHH ≠ ≠ ≠
that confirmed the energy induced carbon emissions in a region. The 3 Existence of IPAT ≠ √ ≠
positive impact of sectoral value added on CO2 emissions is visible, as 4 Existence of Energy √ √ √
panel GMM estimator confirmed that industry value added (INDV) led emissions
5 Existence of eHDI ≠ ≠ ≠
increases CO2 emissions, while panel fixed effect regression model
6 Existence of √ Partial √
confirmed the positive relationship between service value added Sectoral growth accepted
(SERV) and CO2 emissions that support the sectoral induced carbon associated
emissions in a panel of countries. The eHDI hypothesis does not emissions
establish, as the impact of social expenditures on CO2 emissions was
Note: √ indicate the acceptance of hypothesis, while ≠ indicate rejection of the
insignificant. The previous literature, however, confirmed the eHDI
hypothesis in the studies of Shanthini [48] and Costa et al. [19].

K. Zaman, M.A.-e. Moemen Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 74 (2017) 1119–1130

The results of Table 7 indicate the existence of different hypothesis Financial liberalization and trade liberalization policies both are
across the world regions. Out of six hypotheses, the visibility of four good for economic growth; however, there is considerable need to
hypothesis including EKC hypothesis, energy induced emissions, IPAT device environmental friendly policies that would not be compromised
hypothesis and sectoral induced emissions across selected countries, with the progressive growth. Developing countries provided the vacant
while the remaining two hypothesis including PHH and eHDI, both place for the pollution haven industries; therefore, there is a strong
does not find any existence during the study time period. The existence need to fill this vacant post with the carbon free policies. Energy
of EKC hypothesis disappeared in high income countries while in the demand is considered one of the important vehicle for economic
aggregated panel data and low income and middle income countries, growth, this vehicle need too much energy for gearing their momentum
the visibility of inverted U-shaped EKC relationship been hold. The in an efficient manner, however, this momentum produce greater CO2
positive impact of FDI inflows and trade openness is statistical emissions, so policies should be formulated to handle with the care
insignificant; however, energy associated emissions and sectoral in- while using energy intensity to promote economic growth. The inverted
duced carbon emissions clearly observable which create the doubt of U-shaped relationship between CO2 emissions and per capita income,
presence of polluting industries that may affiliate in different regions of have a significant policy implications i.e., at the early stages of
the world. The impact of social expenditures on CO2 emissions is development, CO2 emissions increases, while at later stage of develop-
insignificant, which does not validate the eHDI hypothesis in a panel of ment, CO2 emissions significantly go down. The policies should be
selected countries. The results confirmed the strong association device in a way to reduce CO2 emissions at the later stages of economic
between CO2 emissions and income per capita, which should need a development. Pursuit of excellence in world development, in the midst
strong policy vista for the environmental reforms that need to be of damaging the natural bonanza, is a shameless growth. The ‘pollution
caution with the matter of sustainability across the globe. haven hypothesis’ in developing countries surpasses the income per
capita that substantially increases CO2 emissions in the region. Apart
4. Conclusions from developed countries, the existence of EKC gives food-for-thought
for the environmentalist to device sustainable policies. Energy demand
Environmental Kuznets curve is one of the oldest debates in the associated with the high carbon emissions in developed countries need
environmental literature. The rise and fall of EKC have different policy policy caution for sustainability matters. The results of the study
implications that set for policy makers to device sustainable policy for emphasized the strong policy vista for environmental sustainability
different regions of the world. Low income countries have a blame to across the globe.
destroy the natural environment; however, it is evident that polluting The following policy implication emphasized the need of environ-
industries have shifted from developed countries to developing coun- mental friendly policies that need to sustain long term policy vista
tries because of their low environmental reforms. The developed across the globe. World is like a stadium where every player wants to
countries should have to limit the polluting industries relatively to win-win situation, whatsoever the cost that it would be bear. This
provide an opportunity to shift their resources towards developing competition damage the natural flora of the world's resources that
countries. considered is the brazen growth for the countries. Therefore, there is a
This study provides an opportunity to the policy makers in order to strong need to set an optimistic target for growth that would easily be
redesign their environmental strategies for global sustainability. The achieved without the cost of environmental degradation across the
objective of the study is to examine the six different hypothesis from globe. The contribution of the study is to evaluate with or without ‘U′
across the countries i.e., EKC, PHH, IPAT hypothesis, energy led shaped EKC across countries. In addition, this study confirmed the
emissions, sectoral growth associated with the CO2 emissions, and energy induced emissions followed by industrial emissions. The
Emissions emancipated Human Development Index (eHDI). The result population pressure further escalates the CO2 emissions that support
does not show any visible sign of eHDI and PHH in the panel of the IPAT hypothesis in high income countries. This study designed to
selected countries. The sectoral growth associated emissions including evaluate environmental resource policy to attract the policy makers to
industry value added tend to increase CO2 emissions in low & middle device long-term sustainability policies for better health and wealth.
income countries, and high income countries, while agricultural value
added decreases the CO2 emissions in the panel of total 90 selected
countries. In evaluating IPAT hypothesis, population growth increases Funding
CO2 emissions in the panel of high income countries. The impact of
energy demand on CO2 emissions is positive and significant in the The authors are thankful to the College of Law and Political Science,
panel of selected countries. The existence of inverted U-shaped EKC Deanship of Scientific Research, King Saud University, Riyadh Saudi
hypothesis is visible across countries, while there is flat/no relationship Arabia for funding research through research group project RGP-VPP-
between income and emissions in the panel of high income countries. 280.

Appendix A

See the Table A1 here.

K. Zaman, M.A.-e. Moemen Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 74 (2017) 1119–1130

Table A1
List of Countries.
Source: [68].

Low Income Lower Middle and Upper High Income

Countries Middle Income Countries Countries

Bangladesh Algeria Austria

Benin Angola Australia
Burkina Faso Argentina Belgium
Central African Bhutan Barbados
Republic Bulgaria Canada
Chad Brazil Cyprus
Ethiopia Botswana Denmark
Ghana Cuba Finland
Haiti China France
Kenya Colombia Germany
Liberia Chile Greece
Malawi Czech Rep. Ireland
Mozambique Costa Rica Italy
Nepal Estonia Japan
Pakistan Fiji Newzealand
Rwanda Georgia Netherland
Senegal Indonesia Portugal
Sudan India Spain
Tajikistan Jordan Singapore
Tanzania Kazakhstan Sweden
Uganda Korea Rep. Switzerland
Uzbekistan Jamaica United Kingdom
Vietnam Lativa United States
Yemen, Rep. Lithuania
Zambia Libya
Zimbabwe Malaysia
South Africa
Sri lanka
Total: 25 42 23

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