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1. It is defined as the scientific study of mental processes.

A. Biology
B. Chemisty
C. Social Sciences
D. Psychology
2. This pertains to behavior that you can see, observe, or measure directly
A. Covert Behavior
B. Overt Behavior
C. Behavior
D. Obvious Behavior
3. The following are goals of Psychology. Point the exception.
A. Explain
B. Predict
C. Influence
D. None of these
4. This approach to Psychology is interested in the basic elements of human
A. Structuralism
B. Functionalism
C. Inheritable Traits
D. Gestalt Psychology
5. This approach to Psychology is focused on the functions or actions of the
conscious mind and the goals or purposes of behaviors.
A. Gestalt Psychology
B. Inheritable Traits
C. Functionalism
D. Structuralism
6. This approach to Psychology puts primary emphasis on heredity.
A. Inheritable Traits
B. Psychodynamic
C. Gestalt Psychology
D. Functionalism
7. Supporters of this approach argued that perception is more than the sum of
its parts—it involves a “whole pattern”.
A. Psychodynamic
B. Gestalt Psychology
C. Functionalism
D. Inheritable Traits
8. This approach to Psychology emphasizes how each person is unique and
has a self-concept and potential to develop fully.
A. Humanistic Psychology
B. Biological Psychology
C. Psychology
D. Social Psychology
9. What type of Psychologists study physical, emotional, cognitive, and social
changes that occur throughout life?
A. Experimental Psychologists
B. Developmental Psychologists
C. Psychiatrists
D. Physiologists
10. ____________________ work in business settings or within the government
to study the effects of the environment on people.
A. School Psyhologists
B. Developmental Psychologists
C. Environmental Psychologists
D. Counseling Psychologists
11. This concept refers to a child’s realization that an object exists even when he or
she cannot see or touch it
A. Place Permanence
B. Object Permanence
C. Representational Thought
D. Cognitive ability
12. The Principle of Conservation states that______________________________.
A. a given quantity changes when its appearance is changed.
B. a given quantity does not change when its appearance is not changed
C. a given quantity does not change when its appearance is changed
D. None of these
13. Which of the following is the correct order of Piaget’s Cognitive Developmental
A. Formal Operations, Concrete Operations, Preoperational, Sensorimotor
B. Concrete Operations, Formal Operations, Sensorimotor, Preoperational
C. Sensorimotor, Properational, Formal Operations, Concrete Operations
D. Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete Operations, Formal Operations
14. This parenting style enforces that children can make many decisions for
themselves, but the parents retain the right to veto the plans of which they
A. Democratic / Authoritative
B. Authoritarian
C. Uninvolved
D. Permissive
15. According to Sigmund Freud’s Psychosexual Theory, this stage happens when
sexual thoughts are repressed and the child focuses on developing his social and
intellectual skills.
A. Phallic Stage
B. Oral Stage
C. Anal Stage
D. Latency Stage
16. This pertains to a period of inner conflict during which adolescents worry
intensely about who they are .
A. Identity Crisis
B. Infancy
C. Puberty
D. Adolescent Stage
17. ___________________ is the set of behaviors that society considers appropriate
for each sex.
A. Gender Stereotype
B. Gender Roles
C. Gender
D. Gender Identity
18. This is defined as the prejudice or discrimination against the elderly.
A. Eldery hate
B. Eldery Prejudice
C. Ageism
D. None of these
19. This phenomenon happens when woman’s production of sex hormones is
sharply reduced.
A. Menopause
B. Menarche
C. Ovulation
D. Childbirth
20. What is the first stage of Elisabeth Kubler Ross’ Death Stages?
A. Bargaining
B. Depression
C. Acceptance
D. Denial
21. The neurotransmitter that facilitates learning and memory.
A. Norepinephrine
B. Dopamine
C. Acetylcholine
D. Serotonin
22. Deficiency of this neurotransmitter causes Parkinson’s Disease
B. Dopamine
C. Norepinephrine
D. Acetylcholine
23. Too little of this neurotransmitter may cause depression while too little will cause
A. Epinephrine
C. Norepinephrine
D. Serotonin
24. This neurotransmitter is considered as the “worry” chemical of the brain.
B. Serotonin
C. Norepinephrine
D. Dopamine
25. The main function of this neurotransmitter is to decrease neuronal activity.
B. Dopamine
C. Serotonin
D. Acetylcholine
26. Action potential that is used for short- distance communication only.
A. Nerve Action Potential
B. Graded Potentials
C. Muscle Potential
D. Impulse Potential
27. _____________ is a region where communication occurs between two neurons.
A. Axon
B. Dendrite
C. Synapse
D. Cleft
28. What are the two divisions of the Nervous System?
A. Brain and Spinal Cord
B. Somatic and Autonomic Nervous System
C. Central and Peripheral Nervous System
D. Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous System
29. This special nervous system is referred to as the “brain of the gut”
A. Central Nervous System
B. Peripheral Nervous System
C. Enteric Nervous System
D. Gut Nervous System
30. The Temporal Lobe is regarded as?
A. Center of Emotion
B. Center of Learning
C. Denter of Memory
D. Center of Love
31. ______________ a group of cells that produces and secretes, or gives off,
A. Organ
B. Gland
C. Brain
D. Tissue
32. This organ regulates hunger, thirst, and sex drives
A. Thalamus
B. Heart
C. Pituitary Gland
D. Hypothalamus
33. Which gland is believed to be the master of the Endocrine System?
A. Pituitary Gland
B. Adrenal Gland
C. Hypothalamus
D. Testes
34. Which gland of the Endocrine System makes the chemical melatonin that is
essential for one’s body clock?
A. Testes
B. Pituitary Gland
C. Adrenal Gland
D. Pineal Gland
35. This gland function to make the thyroid hormone, which controls one’s
metabolism, increases protein synthesis, promotes glycolysis, gluconeogenesis,
glucose uptake.
A. Pineal Gland
B. Thyroid Gland
C. Parathyroid Gland
D. Adrenal Gland
36. These gland are a set of four small glands behind THE thyroid. They are
important for bone health.
A. Pineal Gland
B. Parathyroid Gland
C. Adrenal Gland
D. Pineal Gland
37. What hormone from the Thymus stimulate the development of T-Cells?
A. Thymosin
B. Parathymosin
C. Parathormone
D. Thymus hormone
38. What are the two parts of the Adrenal Gland?
A. Main Adrenal and Secondary Adrenal
B. Adrenal Cortex and Adrenal Medulla
C. Adrenal Medulla and Adrenal Cell
D. None of these
39. TRUE OR FALSE. The pancreas is both an Exocrine and Endocrine Gland.
A. Neither
B. Either
C. False
D. True
40. The General Adaptation Syndrome is also called as?
A. Emotion Response
B. Flight Response
C. Stress Response
D. Fight Response

What are the Four Lobes of the brain? (4)

Enumerate atleast 3 functions of the Endocrine system (3)
What are the three phases of The General Adaptation Syndrome (3)
Enumerate at least hormones of the Hypothalamus (4)
Enumerate the hormones of the Posterior Pituitary Gland (2)
Enumerate the hormones of the Anterior Pituitary Gland (6)
What are the hormones produced by the Ovaries in Females? (2)
What are the hormones produced by the testes in Males? (2)
Enumerate the 3 stages of the General Adapation Syndrome (3)

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