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Word PoS English meaning Vietnamese Examples


1 Cohesion n -(of objects) -sự dính liền The social cohesion between

the state of sticking together -liên kết, là m the richest and poorest regions
→social/political/economic -or (of people) being việc/hoạ t độ ng must be maintained
cohesion in close agreement and worki cù ng nhau
ng well together:
≠ cohesiveness

2 High-rise tall, with many floors: Cao ngấ t, cao The monumental buildings
adj tầ ng (dù ng để were demolished and made
miêu tả nhữ ng room for luxurious high-
nhà nhiều tầ ng ) rise apartment blocks.
3 Compartmentalize v to separate (something) into Ngă n cá ch Instead of compartmentalizing
(compartmentalise) sections or categories, tasks, employees can be
especially so that one thing trained broadly.
does not affect another
4 waterfront n a part of a town that is next to Bờ sô ng She owns a popular tourist rest
an area of water aurant on the town's

5 Gated community n a form of residential Mô hình cộ ng In absolute numbers, California

community or housing đồ ng dâ n cư and Florida are home to the
estate containing strictly khép kín most gated communities
controlled entrances
6 Housing estate n a group of homes and other Khu ở , khu vự c In developed countries, there is
buildings built together as a quy hoạ ch là m a growing number of new
single development khu dâ n cư housing estates.

7 Prospective adj likely to come about : (thuộ c) tương We've had three sets of
→ prospective buyers, expected to happen lai, mai sau, sau prospective buyers looking at
employers, parents, → people who nà y the house.
etc. are expected to buy somethin
g, employ someone, become p
arents, etc.:
8 Well-off adj Rich Già u -Her family was very well off.
→the well-off →rich people →nhà già u -The city is well
→well-off for → having a lot of or →có nhiều cá i gì off for parks and gardens.
a number of đó

9 trailblazer n the first person to do ngườ i tiên Orville and Wilbur Wright

something or go somewhere, phong, ngườ i were aviation trailblazers.
who shows that it is khở i xướ ng
also possible for other people


Word English meaning Vietnamese Examples


1 altruism n willingness to do things that bring lò ng vị tha She's not known for her altruism.
=selflessness advantages to others, even if it
results in disadvantage for yourself

2 seizure n the action of taking something by sự chiếm lấ y Seizures of illicit drugs have
force or with legal authority increased by 30 percent this year.

3 interpret v to decide what the intended thô ng dịch It’s difficult to interpret these
meaning of something is statistics without knowing how they
were obtained.

4 proclaim v to announce something publicly or tuyên bố All the countries have proclaimed
officially, especially something their loyalty to the alliance

5 grim-faced adj Having a very serious or The grim-faced hotel owner, who did
gloomy expression not want to give his name, said he
knew nothing about the incident.

6 advocate v to publicly support or suggest an biện hộ He advocates the return of capital

idea, development, or way of doing punishment.

7 outperform v to do well in a particular job or vượ t trộ i The company has consistently
activity compared to others of a outperformed its rivals this season.
similar type

8 assert v to behave in a way that expresses khẳ ng định I really must assert myself more in
your confidence, importance, or meetings.
power and earns you respect from

9 immaterial adj not important, or not relating to khô ng quan trọ ng, Whether the book is well or badly
the subject you are thinking about khô ng liên quan written is immaterial (to me) - it has
an important message.

10 cost-benefit adj showing the advantages of an sự phâ n tích quan hệ He will apply cost-benefit tests to
action in relation to its cost vố n-lã i Defense department programs
that fund commercial research.

11 split-second n a very short moment of time khoả ng thờ i gian They brought out guns and for a split
ngắ n second nobody moved.

12 plausible adj seeming likely to be true, or able to có vẻ hợ p lý I thought her explanation was
be believed perfectly plausible.

13 inclined adj likely or wanting to do something có ý sẵ n sà ng, thích No one seemed inclined to help.
là m gì đó
14 foster v to encourage the development or khuyến khích, thú c I'm trying to foster an interest in
growth of ideas or feelings đẩ y, cổ vũ classical music in my children.

15 disintegrate v to become weaker or be destroyed tan rã , phâ n tá n The spacecraft disintegrated as it

by breaking into small pieces entered the earth's atmosphere.

16 goodwill n friendly and helpful feelings thiện chí The school has to rely on the
goodwill of the parents to help it
raise money.

17 cohesive adj united and working together cố kết, dính liền The higher the value of the points
effectively received from others, the more
valuable subjects' relationships and
the more cohesive the group.

18 fete v to praise or welcome someone cổ vũ , tung hô She was feted by audiences both in
publicly because of their her own country and abroad.


Word English meaning Vietnamese Examples


1 anthropology n the study of the human race, its nhâ n chủ ng họ c Because of its relationship to the
culture and society, and its debate construed as the central debate
physical development for linguistic anthropology, their
work is also construed as crucially

2 startling adj surprising and sometimes ngạ c nhiên, sử ng số t He made some startling admissions
worrying about his past.
3 hominid n a member of a group that consists họ ngườ i However, this unique brain/body
of humans, chimpanzees, gorillas, coupling in hominids may well have
and orang-utangs, or an early form evolved by virtue of selection for
of one of these increased brainpower.

4 testimony n spoken or written statements that sự chứ ng nhậ n, lờ i Some doubts have been expressed
something is true, especially those khai about his testimony.
given in a law court

5 dissect v to cut open something, especially a mổ xẻ, giả i phẫ u We had to dissect a frog in our
dead body or a plant, and study its biology class.

6 carcasses n the body of a dead animal, xá c độ ng vậ t Vultures flew around in the sky
(carcase) especially a large one that is soon waiting to pick at the rotting carcass of
to be cut up as meat or eaten by the deer
wild animals

7 carnivore n an animal that eats meat độ ng vậ t ă n thịt Concurrent with habitat loss is the
decreasing numbers of wild animals,
particularly carnivores, in many

8 scavenge v to search for and collect unwanted tìm thịt thố i rử a để The crows scavenged on the dead
food or objects, or of animals or ăn carcass.
birds to feed on decaying flesh

9 fixated adj unable to stop thinking about I am fixated on making tomorrow

something better.
10 affinity n a liking or sympathy for someone mố i quan hệ, sự The affinities have been clearly
or something, especially because of giố ng nhau displayed, and the points of
shared characteristics disagreement brought into
unmistakeable view.

11 manifest v to show something clearly, through biểu lộ , biểu thị And this is because the community
signs or actions manifests equal concern, and the rule
is integral in defining rights and roles
in the community.

12 beast of burden n an animal employed to carry heavy

loads or to perform other heavy
work (such as pulling a plow)

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