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Engllsh I

Submltted by: Submltted to:
Chrlstlne Joy M. Avlles Mrs. Buon
I-St. John G-5 Teucher
It happened
in the
White House

Author: Kathleen Karr
Table of Contents

Chupter I- Home Improvements
Chupter II- All the Presldents Dogs
Chupter III- The flrst Klds
Chupter IV-Whlte us u Ghost
Chupter V-Curlos, Strunge, und welrd-ull
huppened here
Chupter VI-Buckstuge und the Wln

Architect- One who designs and supervises the construction of buildings or
other large structures.
Benefit- A theatrical performance, a concert, or the like, the proceeds of which
do not go to the lessee of the theater or to the company, but to some
individual actor, or to some charitable use.
Convenience- The quality of being suitable to one's comfort, purposes, or
Disguised- To modify the manner or appearance of in order to prevent
Emancipation- The act of setting free from the power of another, from
slavery, subjection, dependence, or controlling influence.
Fessed- A wide horizontal band forming the middle section of an escutcheon.
Grinning- To smile broadly, often baring the teeth, as in amusement, glee,
embarrassment, or other strong emotion.
Hermitage- was more commonly used to mean a settlement where a person or
a group of people lived religiously, in seclusion.
Illumination- a condition of spiritual awareness; divine illumination.
January-is the first month of the year.
Kneed-The joint between the thigh and the lower leg, formed by the
articulation of the femur and the tibia and covered anteriorly by the patella.
Leave- period of time during which you are absent from work or duty.
Marshy- Of, resembling, or characterized by a marsh or marshes.
North- That one of the four cardinal points ofthe compass, atany place, which
lies in the direction of the true meridian.
Occurred- To take place; come about.
Perhaps- maybe; possibly; could be.
Quickly- Speedily; with haste or celerity; soon; without delay; quick.
Rheumatism- Any of several pathological conditions of the muscles, tendons,
joints, bones, or nerves, characterized by discomfort and disability.
Succeeded- To come next in time or succession.
Thought- the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about.
Understand- To perceive and comprehend the nature and significance of;
Very- In a high degree.
Weird- Fate; destiny; one of the Fates, or Norns; also, a prediction.
You- the person to whom one is speaking.
Zigzagged- A line or course that proceeds by sharp turns in alternating
Skipped-to move in a light, springy manner by bounding forward with
alternate hops on each foot.
Brambles- a prickly shrub of the genusRubus, including the blackberry and
the raspberry.
Gossip- Rumor or talk of a personal, sensational, or intimate nature.
Dampness- Moisture in the air; humidity. Foul or poisonous gas that
sometimes pollutes the air in coal mines.
Conquering- To gain the victory; to overcome; to prevail. To gain or obtain,
overcoming obstacles in the way; to win; as, to conquer freedom; to conquer a
Confederate- United in a league; allied by treaty; engaged in a confederacy;
banded together; allied.
Bibliography- A list of the works of a specific author or publisher.
Horrified-To cause to feel horror.To cause unpleasant surprise to; shock.
Reputable- Having a good reputation; honourable.
Intimidated- the act of intimidating a weaker person to make them do
something.the feeling of discouragement in the face of someone's superior
fame or wealth or status etc.

Summary of the Story
I have a little one who is interested in everything
to do with the presidents of the Untied States. He
LOVES me to read this to him, because he likes
hearing the funny stories! His favorite is how fat
President Howard Taft was and about him
getting stuck in the tubs in the White house.

The White House is the residence of the President of the United States of America and his (possibly her) family.
Located at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave Washington DC, The White House has been the scene of a variety of historical
events and many different family configurations have lived there. This feature salutes the building that is recognizable
the world around as a seat of American political strength.
We have included a wealth of informative books as well as some interesting fiction with The White House appearing
as a featured "character" We are also featuring a special anthology from Candlewick Press, Our White House:
Looking in Looking Out (with an introduction by David McCullough), which has been created by 108 well known
authors and illustrators and The National Children's Book and Literacy Alliance. This amazing book includes writings
and illustrations from Pulitzer Prize winners, Newbery Medal winners, Caldecott Medalists, Coretta Scott King
Award winners as well as the National Ambassador for Young People's Literature. The list of contributors reads like
the ultimate "Who's Who" of Children's and Young Adult literature.
David McCullough's introduction is as eloquent as anything he has offered to adult readers, describing The White
House as "the most important, the most famous, the most historic, the most beloved house in all the land,..." He
reminds readers that the White House is filled with stories that range from "great moments of national celebration" to
those of "... overwhelming sorrow." He writes of events that have taken place within its walls including: weddings,
state banquets, grand balls, births, and deaths of "Presidents and the beloved of presidents, ..." He says "Ideas have
been born there. Momentous decisions wise and foolish have been made there." The White House has had a
tremendous influence on events both here in The United States as well as the rest of the world

Characters and
their Roles
Dolley Madison- Prepared a victory dinner for her husband and his guest.
General Robert Ross- Held back his fire-happy troops.
President John Adams- Arrived in the brand new Washington City.
James Monroe- Invited the citizens of Washington City to come and see the
rebuilt mansion.
James Madison- It took almost four years to rebuild the inside of the
Presidents house
Martin Van Buren- Put in the first furnace for heating.
James Knox Polk- Installed gas light.
Abigail Fillmore- Scholar teacher, she was horrified to learn the house held
not even a bible or dictionary.
James Garfield- Ordered an elevator for the use of his aging mother.
Benjamin Harrison- Brought electricity to the white house.
Alexander Graham Bell- He give a personal demonstration to Rutherford B.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt- Added a fire alarm system and a swimming pool.
John F. Kennedy- Added a hot line to Moscow.
Jimmy Carter- Interested in energy conservation and had solar panels
installed in the White House roof.
Theodore Roosevelt- Strong disciplinarian and he had the West Wing build,
and moved all the offices.
Richard M. Nixon-Most famous dog checkers.

Where did the whole story
Who is the one that hated the
New York as the first Capital?
What did John Quincy Adams
added in the white house?
Why did Zachary Taylor bring
his White horse in the White
How much is the annual salary
of Bill Clinton?

At the White House in the
George Washington
Billiard Table that cost $84.50
To gave rides, admiring their
neighborhood children
It is $200,000

Lesson of the
If somebody is a good leader
and responsible in their nation,
their country has a possibility to
become rich, famous and a good
model country in the whole
Now I know if why is
theAmerica is the powerful
country in the whole world,
Thats because of their good
leadership and the discipline of
their country man.

My Reactions in
the Story
My reaction in reading this story is
happy, because I learned that there
are still leaders that are concern for
their nation and countrymen.

Submitted by: Submitted to:
Christine Joy Aviles Mrs. Delos Reyes
I-St. John Teacher

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