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Ismael Ortega

(Sorry teacher I have only been at a wedding one time in my life, and I didn’t even remember good that
wedding, so I tell you a story about a party, It is the same I guess jjajaj) Sorry again

Once upon a time, I was on a party which were only like five people, just close friends. It was at a friend
department, who also was his birthday. We bought some alcohol for the party, so we started drinking and
dancing. When it was about 1am we were screaming and having a lot of fun, yeah, I know, it was that time
of the party. However, one neighbor seems not do liked our party, and it was understandable, it was late
already. This neighbor came to our door with the guard of the department and literally kick us off the
party, so it was like 2 in the morning, we were on the streets and far away from our houses. Luckily, my
friend and I live close to each other, we took a cab and went to our houses. You know? It was a crazy
party, and a crazy night, I will never be going to forget it.

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