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A, An, Some, Any

We use A or AN with We use SOME with We use ANY with

singular nouns. countable nouns (only countable nouns (only
A is used when a noun with their plural) and with their plural) and
starts with a consonant with uncountable nouns. with uncountable nouns.
sound; SOME is used in: ANY is used in:
e.g. a dog, a book, etc. * positive sentences; * negative sentences;
AN is used when a noun e.g. I have got some e.g. I haven‘t got any
starts with a vowel time. time.
sound; * questions, expressing * general questions;
e.g. an apple, an hour, requests and offers; e.g. Have you got any
etc. e.g. Would you like some sisters?
tea?       Is there any tea
        Can I have some left?
Choose the correct
1. “Is there ... tea in 9. “Are there any 17. The Browns 25. I haven’t got …
this kitchen?” girls in your class?” haven’t got  … books to read.
“No, there aren´t … children.
 any            so  some           a

me any            s n
 an                 ome
 a                    a                  a
an  a                 ny
 any             a an
2.  Sorry, there isn’t 10. Are there … 18. Have the 26. Is there … book
… more tea. lamps in the house? Collins got … on the table?
 some           a  some             a                  a
ny a   an                n
 a                    any                some           a
an an  a                   ny
3. Has Mr. Evans 11. This is … 19. “Is there any 27.  There are …
got … coffee? interesting coffee in the cups of tea on the
newspaper. kitchen?” “Yes, table.
 some           a
there is.....”
ny  a                     some           a
an  some            ny
 an               a  any                a                  a
some  a                  n
4.  Have the Evans 12.  “Have you got 20. Have you got 28.  Is there … beer
got … flat? any glasses?” “No, I … chair for in the glasses?
haven’t got …” me?
 any             s  a               an
ome  some          a  any            
 some           a
 an               a  any           an  an ny
5.  There aren’t … 13. There isn’t … 21. “Is there any 29.  There isn’t …
flats to rent. water in the glass. coffee in the cup?” beer in the bottle.
“Yes, there is …”
an                s  some             a                 s
ome a  a                   ome
  any            a  an               a an                a
ny  some            ny
6.  Are there … 14. In the park 22. I’m  reading 30. Mrs Green is
boys in this class? there are … very … interesting having … coffee
nice trees. book. with milk.
an               a
ny  some          a  an                 some         an
ny any y
some        a
 an               a  some          a                  a
a n
7.  We haven’t got 15. Mr. Smith is 23. There are … 31. Is there … wine
… cinemas here. having … bread. children in the in the glass?
 any         so  any                some           a
me some  any            
 any              a
 an            a a                 a n
n  an              
8. There are … girls 16. “Is there any 24.  Has Peter got 32.  Have they got
in this class. beer in the glass” … interesting … books?
“No, there isn’t …” books?
 any              s  any              s
ome  some          a   some          ome
ny any
 an               a an                a
a                an   an              

The indefinite article

Gap-fill exercise

Fill in either "a" or "an".

1.   mouse 2.   book 3.   house 4.   

hour 5.   uniform
6.   old house 7.   boring lesson 8.   
exciting lesson
9.   funny unit 10.   unit 11.   lesson
12.   uncle
13.   old uncle 14.   nice uncle 15.   
table 16.   hamster
17.   hungry hamster 18.   interesting
hamster 19.   aunt
20.   German car 21.   English car 22.   
American car
23.   car 24.   train 25.   underground


Type any or some in the boxes below.

1. We don't have   milk.

2. I bought   hamburgers for dinner.
3. They have   videos in that shop.
4. She doesn't want   beer.
5. He would like   peanuts.
6. Can I have   apples, please.
7. I haven't got   money.
8. They're doing an exam. Don't make   noise.
9. He has   stamps for our letters.
10. She tried on   new shoes yesterday.

Practice this, it contains audio. Do not copy!!!!

Countable /Uncountable nouns and quantifiers

Choose the appropriate quantifier: a, an, some, any, much, many, a lot of.

1. How ... milk do you want in your coffee?

A.   ?    much

B.   ?    many

C.   ?    some

2. I listened to ... music.

A.   ?    a

B.   ?    much

C.   ?    some

3. I haven't got my camera, so I can't take ... photographs.

A.   ?    some

B.   ?    any
C.   ?    much

4. I didn't buy a pen, I bought ... hat for my mother.

A.   ?    a

B.   ?    an

C.   ?    some

5. I read ... book last month.

A.   ?    a

B.   ?    an

C.   ?    some

6. How ... people are coming to the party?

A.   ?    some

B.   ?    much

C.   ?    many

7. I haven't got ... luggage.

A.   ?    many

B.   ?    some

C.   ?    any
8. I drink ... tea.

A.   ?    much

B.   ?    a lot of

C.   ?    many

9. Paula hasn't got ... money.

A.   ?    many

B.   ?    much

C.   ?    a

10.Could I have ... orange?

A.   ?    an

B.   ?    a

C.   ?    any

11.She didn't eat much for lunch, only ... apple.

A.   ?    some

B.   ?    an

C.   ?    many

12.We met ... interesting people at the party.

A.   ?    an
B.   ?    any

C.   ?    some

13.There aren't ... hotels in this town.

A.   ?    many

B.   ?    much

C.   ?    some

14.Are there ... empty shops in your village?

A.   ?    some

B.   ?    much

C.   ?    a lot of

Try this it is very funny.



 Common Nouns: Countable or Uncountable?

Choose A , B, C or D.

English speakers think most things can be counted.

books, people, ideas

But they believe some things cannot be counted,
or are too difficult to be counted:

water, hair, love

Some things are sometimes considered to be

countable and sometimes not, depending on the situation.
For example:
"Cheese is made from milk."
"There are a lot of different French cheeses."

Here's a short list.

Show questions one by one

1. People who ride .......................... don't often eat .......................... .

A.   ?    horse horse

B.   ?    horse horses

C.   ?    horses horse

D.   ?    horses horses

2. You've got some .......................... on your face.

A.   ?    egg

B.   ?    eggs

3. The young woman had beautiful .......................... , but her father was almost bald - he had
only a few white .......................... left on his head.
A.   ?    hair hair

B.   ?    hairs hair

C.   ?    hair hairs

D.   ?    hairs hairs

4. If you do your .......................... you can watch .......................... .

A.   ?    homework television

B.   ?    homework televisions

C.   ?    homeworks television

D.   ?    homeworks televisions

5. How many .......................... do you speak?

A.   ?    language

B.   ?    languages

6. If you ask me what distinguishes human beings from animals, I would

say, .......................... .

A.   ?    language

B.   ?    languages

7. For the picnic, my girlfriend and I took

some .......................... , .......................... , .......................... and .......................... .

A.   ?    chicken, fruit, bread and egg

B.   ?    chicken, fruit, bread and eggs

C.   ?    chickens, fruits, breads and eggs

D.   ?    chicken, fruits, bread and eggs

8. The factory was full of the most modern .......................... and .......................... .

A.   ?    tool equipment

B.   ?    tool equipments

C.   ?    tools equipment

D.   ?    tools equipments

9. When I'm in a foreign country, I prefer to carry traveller's .......................... rather

than .......................... .

A.   ?    cheque cash

B.   ?    cheque cashes

C.   ?    cheques cash

D.   ?    cheques cashes

10. Before he left home, his mother gave him some good .......................... .

A.   ?    advice

B.   ?    advices

11. Sometimes he's aggressive, sometimes he flatters, sometimes he is silent; I don't like
his .......................... .

A.   ?    behaviour

B.   ?    behaviours

12. The .......................... he took required a great deal of .......................... .

A.   ?    decision courage

B.   ?    decisions courage

C.   ?    decisions courages

D.   ?    decision courages

13. I had a lot of .......................... in deciding where to go.

A.   ?    difficulty

B.   ?    difficulties

14. The employees' .......................... and .......................... were defined in the agreement.

A.   ?    right duty

B.   ?    rights duty

C.   ?    right duties

D.   ?    rights duties

15. The social worker said that in her .......................... by the age of 20 most young people had
had several sexual .......................... .

A.   ?    experience experience

B.   ?    experience experiences

C.   ?    experiences experience

D.   ?    experiences experiences

16. The .......................... of these countries is made up of the tragic .......................... of many

A.   ?    history history
B.   ?    history histories

C.   ?    histories history

D.   ?    histories histories

17. We listened to the .......................... on the radio but we didn't get any ..........................
about the military coup.

A.   ?    new informations

B.   ?    new informations

C.   ?    news information

D.   ?    news informations

18. When I'm driving I don't have time to really appreciate the .......................... .

A.   ?    scenery

B.   ?    sceneries

19. The play is divided into a number of .......................... .

A.   ?    scene

B.   ?    scenes

20. Sorry I'm late. It's because of the .......................... .

A.   ?    traffic

B.   ?    traffics

21. In the country the .......................... is better than in town.

A.   ?    air

B.   ?    airs

22. He can play some of the old country .......................... .

A.   ?    air

B.   ?    airs

23. Vittel, Vichy and Perrier are the names of some French mineral .......................... .

A.   ?    water

B.   ?    waters

24. Do you drink a lot of .......................... ?

A.   ?    water

B.   ?    waters

25. Did you have good .......................... on your holiday?

A.   ?    weather

B.   ?    weathers

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