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Questions to probe the candidate’s underpinning
Yes No
Extension/Reflection Questions
1. Why a nail technician must identify at least most of
 
nail disorder?
2. Why Salon technician must follow salon procedures
 
and policies?
Safety Questions
3. Why is there a need to consider the safety and  
precautionary measures inside the training venue?
4. Why do we need to observe accuracy in doing work  
using tools and equipment?
5. Why should the nail technical wear personal  
protective equipment?
Contingency Questions
6. How will you explain to the patrons especially, if  
there are indications that you should not proceed to
the service they want us to render?
7. What will you do if your client has an allergy on one  
of the products that you will be using?
Infrequent Events
8. What will you do if you encounter difficult clients?  
9. What will you do to make sure that the workshop is  
ready for the next user?
Rules and Regulations
10. Why do you need to know the standard and salon  
policies in beauty care (nail)?
11. Why do we need to use the appropriate tools and  

The candidate’s underpinning  Satisfactory  Not

knowledge was: Satisfactory
Feedback to Candidate:
General comments [Strengths / Improvements needed]

Acceptable answers:

1. A nail technician must consider the contraindication before rendering

massage to ensure the clients safety. If the contraindication will be set
aside, there may be an instance that it could trigger the condition of the
2. It is the key to the success of the salon; it will serve as a guide to follow
to make sure the smooth operation.
3. To avoid repair cost and for the smooth flow of the service.
4. As a nail technician must always wear personal protective clothes to
prevent herself and her client from infection and other contaminants
that might harm her and her clients.
5. We need to let them know that if we proceed to the treatment, she may
be harm or worsen her condition, and we also need to explain to them
know that we always consider the safety not only the clients and the
Salon Technician.
6. I will find other options or I will not proceed to the service.
7. Keep calm and always remind yourself that the success of your
business give a key from the clients side.
8. After using the workshop area, I will make sure that before I leave,
everything is under control, with the tools, equipment and the
workshop area itself.
9. It is essential to know the standard policies of salon, so that, after the
training, we were able to understand the difference of the theories
provided in the book and the real setting along industry exposure.
10. Because the different kinds of tools and materials has its own uses and
11. We need to make sure the correct measurement of the chemicals to
avoid triggering conditions of the foot and to prevent diseases.

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