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Product Hunting
Search volume is a number which shows how often the
number of times a keyword is searched in a specific platform
like Amazon
Keyword can be from multiple time frames
ASIN stands for “Amazon Standard Identification
ASIN is a random number which is given by Amazon
To every product listed on Amazon.
 This ASIN is unique for every product
 This ASIN is basic identity of every product.
The name of a registered company is known as Brand
Every Seller which sell a specific product and do private label
against that product must have a Brand Name.
Common Brands are; Apple, Adidas,
BMW and Honda etc.
Rank /BSR / Position
BSR stands for “Best Seller Rank”
Best seller rank or BSR is a type of rank in that specific category
given by Amazon to every seller on the basis of their past
history and sales velocity.
This is a kind of reward which shows that how much a seller is
performing good.
Seller Type
Seller type means that either the seller is doing
Reviews are the Public Feedback on each listed product on
Amazon, Reviews are actually the thoughts of the buyer when
they use the product.

While ratings are the feelings or emotions of the buyer about

that product, There are five stars for every product, this is the
decision of a buyer to choose as much of 5 as they want.
Seasonal Product
Seasonal Product are that product which performs good
In a specific season and than again performance decreases,
For Example, the products for winter and cold (i.e. thick
sweater) performs good in winter but as summer starts, no one
ask about winter items (thick sweater).
Trend mean that if the product performs good in a specific
period of time and than performance decreases,
For example: Hand Sanitizer
Hand sanitizer was a product that a little people used to know
about it but as Covid-19 started the sales graph of Hand
Sanitizer boomed and as the Covid ended the graph came
How to check product Trend
There is a free website from google which show trend graph of
any specific product in the world.
If the graph repeats a specific pattern again and again it
means that the product is trendy so we have to look for the
product which graph is higher than 25.
Product Hunting Criteria
US Criteria
 Price: $15 - $40
 Search Volume: 7500+
 9Revenue Consistency Top 15: Majority of the sellers in Top 15 must be making
more than $8000
Reviews: There must be 3-4 sellers in Top 15 having less than 300 reviews and making
more than $5000
Reviews: ideally there should not be any seller having more than 1000 reviews but if
yes, only 3-4 allowed in top 10
Unit Sold per Month: Majority of the sellers in Top 15 must be selling more than 400
units per month
Amazon as seller: Less than 3 times in top 10
No Brand Dominancy: A brand must not have more than 3 times in top 10
Not Trendy Or Seasonal

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