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Lesson Plan in Science VI

by: Mr. Jayson E. Dijon

I. A. General Objectives
a. Content Standard: The learners demonstrate understanding of the different
characteristics of vertebrates and invertebrates
b. Performance Standard: The learners should be able to make inventory of
vertebrates and invertebrates that are commonly seen in the community
c. Learning Competency: The learners should be able to determine the
distinguishing characteristics of vertebrates and invertebrates.
B. Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to:
a. Describe a rain forest.
b. Identify the organisms living in a rainforest.
c. Cite the importance of conserving a rainforest.

II. Content
A. Subject Matter: Tropical Rain Forest
B. References: CG (S6MT-Iii-j-5),
C. Materials: AVP, manila paper and pentel pen
D. Values Integration: Respect to the environment (Forest Conservation)
E. GAD Practices: Group Discussions, Gender equality in groupings, Positive
F. GAD Concept: Shared responsibility - Commitment to protect the natural
beauty of the environment
G. Teaching Approach: Practical Work Approach and application of Multiple

III. Procedure
A. Preparatory Activities:
a) Prayer
b) Greetings
B. Review:
Ask the pupils: What are the three classes of non-flowering plants?
C. Motivation:
Show the jumbled picture below and ask the pupils “what have you
observed in the jumbled picture?” Collate all the pupils’ observations by

J.DIJON-HJMES (Governor Generoso South)

writing it on the board. Ask again, “What can you create out of the
given jumbled picture?”
D. Lesson Proper:
Show the arranged picture from the motivation phase. Using the data
on the board during the motivation phase, state that the topic is all
about rainforest.

1. Activity:
o Divide the class into five groups or as desired according to the
number of learners. (Teacher should ensure that there is an equal
distribution of gender in every group, emphasize also team-work in
performing the given task.)
o Select a leader and secretary
o Distribute the activity worksheets/tasks and perform this in just 15
o Present an output to the big group.

Presentation/Reporting of outputs by group and giving feedbacks.

(GAD Practice: Teacher must be attentive in giving positive
comments and facial reactions along the discussions of the answers
after the reporting of the group activities)
2. Analysis

J.DIJON-HJMES (Governor Generoso South)

o Teacher will present possible answers of the given activities.
o Discussion on the important facts about rainforest.
Rainforest - is a forest of all tall trees in a region of year-round warmth with an
average of 50 to 120 inches of rain falls yearly.

Layers of Rainforest

 Forest Floor Layer - Because of the extreme lack of sunlight that is able to
penetrate into the Forest Floor Layer, very little is able to grow here. The air is
humid and there is no wind or breeze. Leaves and other organic matter decay
very quickly in such a dark, damp and still environment. Fungi can feed on the
decaying matter as can numerous types of small insects. Scorpions, Green
Iguanas, Army Ants, Giant Armadillos, and Giant Anteaters are all foragers
who are well adapted to digging their flood out of the ground. These types of
animals thrive in a habitat such as the Forest Floor. They do spend a lot of
time looking at the ground which can make them easy targets for predators.

 Understory layer - As the third level from the sunlight, the Understory Level is
quite dark. It only gets 2-15% of the sunlight that reaches the layers above.
The Understory Layer has a heavy concentration of insects. The hot, damp
and humid conditions in this layer are perfect for mosquitoes and other insects
to breed and thrive. Red-eyed tree frogs, Jaguars, Leopards, Fruit Bats, Boa
Constrictors (among others) all live in the Understory Layer and all use
camouflage to disguise themselves. Common house plants that don't require
much light such as zebra plants, peace lilies, and philodendrons come from
the Understory Layer.

 Canopy Layer - The main layer of a tropical rainforest is the Canopy Layer. At
60-90 feet (18.29-27.43 meters) above the ground, it gets its name from the
thick dense covering layer it forms over the bottom two layers. Many leaves
and branches intertwine in a maze-like fashion to form this layer where
sunlight becomes more limited. Food is plentiful in the Canopy Layer and is
therefore home to most of the animals and organisms of the rainforest. Tree
frogs, Toucans, Coati, and snakes are commonly found here. Because of the
densely packed trees and branches, many animals seek this level for shelter
as well.

 Emergent Layer - Oversized trees reaching heights of 150-250 feet (45.7-76.2

meters) tall are found in the Emergent Layer. Together, the top branches and

J.DIJON-HJMES (Governor Generoso South)

leaves from Emergent layer trees form an umbrella or mushroom shape
above the thick Canopy layer below. The tree trunks are as impressive as the
height of the tree, with circumferences reaching 16 feet (4.9 meters).
Common animals found living at the Emergent Level include sloths, monkeys,
bats, birds, and butterflies. Bright sunlight mixed with high temperatures
causes many of the tree tops to become burnt.
3. Abstraction:
o What is a rainforest?
o What are the organisms that can be found in it?

4. Application:
o As a young citizen, how can you protect our forest?
(GAD Concept: Teacher should instil shared responsibility in
taking care of the environment and encourage active
participation in government’s national greening project)
Teacher: Go Green and 1 Million Tree Project are some of the
ways of the government to ensure that trees won’t vanish. In
line with this you as young citizens are being challenge to be a
part of this advocacy, let us plant trees and as much as
possible let us create a man-made forest that is very beneficial
both the human and the animals.
(Curriculum Content Integration: Application of learning in ESP and
Araling Panlipunan)

IV. Evaluation:
Instruction: Read each item properly then write only the letter of your choice on the

____1. Which do you think of the given animals are most likely found in the
a. chicken b. pig c. dog d. sloth
____2. It is the highest level of strata in the rainforest.
a. Emergent b. canopy c. understory c. forest floor
____3. Where can a rainforest be found?
a. Near the south pole c. Near the north pole
b. At the vast desert d. Near the equator
____4. Why is it that animals mostly live in the canopy of a rainforest?
a. Because there are more water in the canopy.

J.DIJON-HJMES (Governor Generoso South)

b. Because it has the very least light.
c. Because there are so much food available.
d. Because there is only a very little air movement.
____5. Which of the following is an importance of conserving rainforest?
a. Conserving rainforest reduces oxygen in the ecosystem
b. Conserving rainforest saves the animals from extinction
c. Conserving rainforest endangers human habitat
d. Conserving rainforest does not affect any human activity

V. Assignment:
Make a poster showing the ways to take care of the rainforest.

J.DIJON-HJMES (Governor Generoso South)

Activity 1: Arrange the strips of words/phrases to form a meaningful definition of a

Rainforest yearly with an average

is a forest of all tall trees of 50 to 120 inches
in a region of year-round warmth of rain falls

For video presentation (Source):

Rubric for Group 3

Composition and presentation of one stanza song about rainforest
5 4 3 2 1
Can compose a very catchy song with melody and
rhythm of a children’s song
Song is with relevance to the given topic
Presents the song properly

Rubric for Group 4

Creation of rainforest mobile
5 4 3 2 1
Can create a rainforest mobile with accuracy
Mobile developed has balance and color
Presents and explain the mobile with mastery

Group V
Write a poem about the given topic: “The Rainforest”
5 4 3 2 1
Can write a very catchy poem with rhyme
Poem is with relevance to the given topic
Performs the poem properly and with artistry

J.DIJON-HJMES (Governor Generoso South)

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