Chapter 2 - L1

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The Language of Mathematics
Expressions versus Sentences
You learned in your English subject that expressions do not state a
complete thought, but sentences do, Mathematical sentences state
a complete thought. On the other hand, mathematical expressions
do not. You cannot test if it is true or false.

Mathematical Mathematical
Expression Sentence
26.14 - 11 + 7 = -4
5+2 1 – 4 = -3
X+ 2 1٠ x = x
Classify each given equation as a mathematical
expression (E) or a mathematical sentence (S)

1. a + 9
2. B + 0 = b
3. 100
4. 3.1416
5. X + y = y + x
Conventions in the Mathematical Language
The common symbol used for multiplication is x but it can be
mistakenly taken as the variable x. There are instance when the
centered dot (.) is shorthand to be used for multiplication especially
when variables are involved. If there will be no confusion the symbol
may be dropped. 8٠y = 8y
a٠b٠c = abc
t٠s٠9 = 9st
It is conventional to write the number first before the letters. If in case
the letters are more than one, you have to arrange the letters
Abstraction (Critical Thinking)

For each of the following expressions, write each in the most

conventional way.
1. 3 ٠ x
2. 𝑧 ٠𝑦٠5
3. 8٠𝑦٠𝑥
4. C2 ⋅ a 4⋅ b2 ⋅ 3
5. 11 ٠ 𝑧10 ٠t٠𝑦 6
Sets, Functions, Relations, and Binary Operations

As discussed previously, uppercase letters represent sets. For example, the
set of integers is represented by the symbol Z. A set is a collection of any object.
It is a mathematical expression in which a name is given to some collection of
Elements or members refer to the objects in a set. If the numbers of elements in
a set can be enumerated, then it is called a finite set. Otherwise, infinite set. A set
that has no members is called the empty set which is denoted using {} or Φ.
Sets, Functions, Relations, and Binary Operations

List method is a way of describing the set in which the members are separated by
commas and enclosed in braces like S = {4, 8, 12}. The set has 3 elements which are 4, 8,
and 12. Below are some symbols used to represent the relationship of an element to a

Symbol Read as
∈ “Is in “/” is an element of “/” is a
member of”
∉ “is not in “/” is not an element of
“/” is not a member of”
To say that 4 is an element of set S, it is represented as 4 ∈ S. if the
member of the set is infinite or cannot be easily described using the list
method, then the set builder notation can be used.

Let us go back to our given set S. The sets {4}, {8}, {12}, {4, 8}, {4,
12}, {8, 12}, {4, 8, 12}, and { } are called subsets of the given set
S. A set is a subset of a given set if any one of the following three
conditions holds: it is the given set, it is the empty set, or each
member of the set is also an element of the given set.
Function and Relations
You learned in your General Mathematics class the difference
between a function and a relation. A relation is a set of ordered
pairs, element A function is a relation in which the element of the
first set (domain) corresponds to only one element of the second
set (range). A function may also be many to one correspondence
Determine if the following are functions or not then represent each
item correctly depending on the labels by either drawing arrows or
writing ordered pairs.
{(W, -2), (O, -1), (R, 0), (L, 1), (D, 2)}
Function/Not: Function
W --------> -2
O ---------> -1
R -----------> 0
L -------------> 1
D -------------> 2
A = {(0,-2), (1,4), (-3,3), (5,0)} B = {(-4,0), (2,-3), (2,-5)}
Function:_______________ Function:_______________

15 15 17 17
C = {(-5,1), (2,1), (-3,1), (0,1)} D = {(17, ), ( , 17), (15, ), ( , 15)}
4 4 4 4
Function:_______________ Function:_______________
Input 3 4 5 6
Output 3 4 5 6
Binary Operations
A binary operation is for a single number and assigns another
number to it, Addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (x), and
division (÷) are examples of binary operations. The word “binary”
means composition of two pieces. A binary operation refers to
joining two values to create a new one.
Study the following properties to addition and
multiplication, as binary operations on the set of real

I. Closure Property
Addition: The sum of any two real numbers is also a real number.
Example: 12 + 34 = 46
Multiplication: The product of any two real numbers is also a real
Example: 7 x 20 = 140
Commutative Property
Addition: For any two real numbers x and y, x + y = y + x
Example 1.5 + 7.8 = 7.8 + 1.5
9.3 = 9.3
Multiplication: The product of any two real numbers is also a real
Example 8 x 5 = 5 x 8
40 = 40
Applying the commutative property of addition, we may write the
equivalent expression of 8m + 7n as 8m + 7n = 7n + 8m. What do you
think is the equivalent expression of (12a) ٠ (17b)?
Associative Property
Addition: For any two real numbers x, y and z, x + (y + z) = (x + y) + z
Example: 3+(10+9) = (3+10) + 9
3+19 = 13+9
22 = 22
Multiplication: For any two real numbers x, y and z, x ٠(y٠z) = (x٠y)٠z
Example: 3٠(9٠6)=(3٠9)٠6
3٠(54) = (27)٠6
162 = 162
Using the associative property of multiplication, we may write the
equivalent expression of (42𝑐 3 ) ٠ (16𝑎2 𝑏 5 ) as (42𝑐 3 ) ٠(16𝑎2 𝑏 5 ) =
(16𝑎2 𝑏 5 ) ٠ (42𝑐 3 )
I. Identity Property
Addition: For any real number x, x + 0 = x. The number “0” is called the
additive identity.
Example: 78 + 0 = 78
Multiplication: For any real number x, x ٠ 1 = x. The number “1” is called the
multiplicative identity.
Example: 98 ٠ 1 = 98
Using the identity property, we may write an equivalent expression of a
mathematical expression by substituting an expression that is equal to the
additive identity or multiplicative identity. Study the examples below.
3𝑐 7
Example 1. Write an equivalent expression of by multiplying instead of 1.
5 7
𝟑𝒄 𝟑𝒄
= ٠1
𝟓 𝟓
𝟑𝒄 𝟕
= ٠
𝟓 𝟕
21𝑐 3𝑐
Therefore, and are equivalent expressions.
35 5
I. Inverse of Binary Operations
Addition: For any real number 𝑥′ x + (-x) = 0
Example: 100 + (-100) = 0
Multiplication: For any real number 𝑥, x٠ = 1.
Example: 98 ٠ =1
Work Activities

Write a mathematical equation for each sentence.

1. Twelve diminized by a number is 53.

2. Four times a number is 45.
3. The quotient of number and 8 is 12.
4. A number subtracted from 38 is 8.
5. 38 less than a number is 8.
Write a mathematical equation for each sentence.

6. One- third of a number is 30.

7. The difference between a number and 34 is-34
8. Twenty-five is forty more than a number.
9. A number increased by -5 is 9
10.A number divided by 12 equals one-fourth.
Write an algebraic equation for each sentence then solve the

1. The product of a number and -6 is -30

2. The product of a number 7 is -63
3. A number divided by -8 is -8
4. Fifteen equals the quotient of a number and -15.

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