10 Environmental Justice Issues

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10 Environmental Justice Issues

Kai Marshall

1. Non-Recycling: I feel like people don’t recycle anymore it's not even a
topic of discussion when was the last time you saw someone recycle?
We need to bring more awareness to the damage and harm we can
get from the environment and ourselves when we release waste to
the public.
2. Pollution: Chicago, Detroit, and Michigan all have something in
common, pollution or at least dealing with toxins within the air.
People have to sit and suffer as the air they breathe in slowly
intoxicates them which often led to sickness and illness within these
major cities.
3. Land-Use Since I'm from Florida I feel like it's a big issue for my state
to handle hurricanes and tornadoes. So many people go to work every
single day just to afford to pay their bills or even to eat, and all that
hard work is just swept away in an instant. Unfortunately, the
hurricanes aren’t going away but if this continues to happen we can
look at an increase in sea levels but also the loss of property as well.
4. Climate: Often companies will gander into things they shouldn’t be in,
like the extensive use of fossil fuels, like oils and other substances are
running out and we need to take into consideration how we use fossil
fuels because we haven’t found a great replacement of it and the
consistent burning of fossil fuels has a big effect on the atmosphere
and environment.
5. Clean Water: Often towns or even cities will eventually run across the
problem of not having clean water to drink. Around 80 percent of the
world's water waste is dumped into untreated rivers, lakes, and
oceans causing pollution within the area. Unsafe water is unsafe for
our health.
6. Energy: Often our main source of producing energy comes from
mostly greenhouse gases. This leads to more CO2 being released into
the air. As stated before this can lead to harmful effects on the
7. Biodiversity: This is one I personally here about. So biodiversity is the
loss of life in the world or a certain ecosystem. Now, why is this a
problem? Well, biodiversity undermines the ability for a selection of
life to perform effectively thus causing nature's natural ability to
uphold a healthy environment. This eventually causes a big chain of
cause and effect which often lead to loss of biodiversity which
reduces nature's resilience to change.
8. Food: I think food is a big environmental issue considering the
amount of waste it causes every day. How many amounts of plates
filled with food get tossed out? Thrown to the curb? Or just not even
touched or eaten? When food is wasted we also waste the energy,
water, and time it took to crop, transport, and package it. The rest of
the food that doesn’t get eaten often goes to landfills and rots where
food is turned into methane and methane is used in the Greenhouses
to create more CO2.
9. Consumption: This can mean a plethora of things, the misuse of
consumptions can often lead to the cause of not handling our
resources and property well. This will often lead to the exporting of
pollution and waste from rich countries or communities too poor
countries or communities. Consumption can also lead to obesity
which is due to excessive consumption a cycle of waste, disparities,
and poverty
10. Transportation: This is another one that I know of. The
combustion of fossil fuels leads to the notion within its no-brainer
why this made it to the list. Transportation systems degrade our air
quality tremendously, you ever stroll on a street and a big truck comes
by honking its horn but when it passes it leaves behind a funny smell?
That's the fuels burn and releasing back into the air. Which again of
course leads to pollution as well have a detrimental effect on our
ecosystem through multiple direct or indirect interactions.

Part II Conclusion:

I think a lot of the points I have added often relate back to each other since
a lot of them have to deal with the change in the ecosystem either through
pollution or waste. The one video I will say that adds clarity and value to
one of my points is the Greta Thunberg video on telling the US to use their
common sense on climate change. I think I love the courage and braveness
of her confronting a national problem that affects us all and I think her
points on fossil fuels were unique and relatable to what I was listing in my
list as well. I agree 100 % with the viewpoint she had and what she thought
needed to be done in order to fix our issue. As a Cybersecurity specialist I
feel like I can make a website to show and educate people on the damages
these things can cause to the environment.

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