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Ysabel Allyna B.

Communication Skills for Lawyers Section 1A
September 26, 2022

Last Monday, the 19th of September, millions and billions of people watched the death of the
longest reigning monarch in British history, Queen Elizabeth, who reigned for a long-standing 70

For many decades, Her Highness has touched the lives of the British people in various ways.
Though she is the only Queen that most of the British today know, that does not mean they are
all happy with it - and as this is their government, there’s not much they can do about it. It is an
undeniable fact that many are deeply saddened by her passing but with it came the outpouring of
negativity as well from the other side of the story.

At only 25 years old, Her Highness had already stepped on the throne and became the Queen. As
you may notice, the UK is not the only country headed by Queen Elizabeth. With a quick search
on Google, you can see that she is actually the Monarch for a whopping 15 countries. Though
these countries are independent and sovereign, it should not be forgotten how they gained their
independence through uprisings against British colonial rule.

It is quite a controversial topic as there were an unforgettable number of people who were
oppressed just for the gain of the rule. Indeed, Her Highness’ death is something that you only
imagine to be seen at the movies due to her long reign - the only Queen most of us know. And
for me, I don’t mind having royalty as some countries’ form of government. The only thing I
could say is if they arose to enormous power in such inhumane ways, then that’s where I would
bat an eye.

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