Come On, Everyone! 4 - Teacher's Book

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Amy Gradin • Lisa Young

Teacher’s Book
Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 1 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:32
Come On, Everyone
Teacher’s Book 4
Published and distributed by Neungyule Education, Inc.
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2016 Neungyule Education, Inc. • NE_Build & Grow | All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
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photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publisher.

NE_Build & Grow is the children’s education division of Neungyule Education, Inc.

ISBN: 979-11-253-0995-6 Teacher’s Book with DVD-ROM 4

Senior Managing Editor: Karoline Lee

Managing Editor: Pandora Kim
Assistant Editors: Stacy Park, Sunny Jang
Contributing Writer: Jisun Kim
Design: Hyemin Yun
Audio Recordings & DVD-ROM: ARAM Multimedia Co., Ltd.
Illustrations: Byungchul Yun; Dongyoon Kim; Early Spring; James Horvath; Steve Wood (Advocate Art);
Christos Skaltsas (Advocate Art)

Cover Design: BLaunch Graphics

Cover Illustrator: James Horvath

Photo Credits:
Shutterstock pp. 129, 132

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 2 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:32

Scope and Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Unit 5 Vacation Plans . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Unit 6 On Vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Unit Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Review 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Games and Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Unit 7 Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Unit 8 Habits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Starter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Review 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Unit 1 School Clubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Reader’s Theater Storybook
Unit 2 Dream Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 .......................................... 110
Review 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Workbook Answer Key . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Worksheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Unit 3 In Town . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Unit 4 At the Festival . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Test Answer Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Review 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Nick Amy Tim Ming Kevin Rosa

Coco Speedy

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 3 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:32

Scope & Sequence
Unit Title Lesson 1 Lesson 2
Vocabulary: Our Favorite Clubs Vocabulary: Club Activities
yoga club, music club, drama club, knitting club, robotics club, do yoga, play instruments, perform in plays, knit gloves,

magic club build robots, do magic tricks
Clubs Structures
A: Do you like to do yoga? B: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
A: Which club do you like best? B: I like the music club best.
A: Does he like to perform in plays?
A: Which club does he like best? B: He likes the yoga club best.
B: Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t. He likes to knit gloves.
Vocabulary: Things to Be Vocabulary: Things to Do
reporter, fashion designer, cartoonist, movie star, athlete, interview famous people, create new clothes, draw funny
astronaut cartoons, go to space, win gold medals, play a superhero

2 Dream
A: What do you want to be?
A: What do you want to do?
B: I want to be a cartoonist/an astronaut. B: I want to interview famous people.
A: What does he want to be? A: What does she want to do?
B: He wants to be a reporter/an athlete. B: She wants to go to space.

Review 1
Vocabulary: What I Did
Vocabulary: Places in Town
go shopping, get a haircut, buy some fruit, borrow a book,

mall, hair salon, grocery store, library, movie theater, park
watch a movie, walk my dog
In Town
Structures Structures
A: Where were you yesterday? B: I was at the park. A: What did you do yesterday? B: I went shopping.
A: Where was he yesterday? B: He was at the mall. A: What did she do yesterday? B: She borrowed a book.
Vocabulary: Where We Were Vocabulary: What We Did
hotdog cart, souvenir stand, dart game booth, information tent, eat a hotdog, buy a T-shirt, see a clown, win a prize,

first aid tent, stage get a map, get a bandage
At the
Festival Structures
A: Were you at the hotdog cart? B: Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t.
A: Did you eat a hotdog? B: Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
A: Was she at the dart game booth? A: Did he buy a T-shirt?
B: Yes, she was. / No, she wasn’t. She was at the information tent. B: Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t. He saw a clown.

Review 2
Vocabulary: Activities Vocabulary: Camping Things
travel to Paris, pick peaches, go camping, visit my grandparents, a flashlight, a tent, a sleeping bag, a swimsuit, sunscreen,
go to a soccer camp, go to the beach bug spray

5 Vacation
A: What are you going to do on vacation?
A: Are you going to take a flashlight with you?
B: I’m going to travel to Paris. B: Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
A: What’s she going to do on vacation? A: Is she going to take a tent with her?
B: She’s going to visit her grandparents. B: Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.
Vocabulary: At the Beach Vocabulary: Beach Things
tall–taller, short–shorter, strong–stronger, weak–weaker, big–bigger, small–smaller, clean–cleaner, dirty–dirtier,

old–older, young–younger pretty–prettier, ugly–uglier
Vacation Structures
He’s tall. She’s taller.
The red swim tube is bigger than the blue one.
A: Who’s older, Dave or Ken? A: Which towel is cleaner?
B: Dave is older. B: The white towel is cleaner than the pink one.

Review 3
Vocabulary: Getting Sick Vocabulary: Getting Better
headache, stomachache, runny nose, fever, sore throat, take some medicine, stay in bed, blow your nose,

7 Health
take your temperature, drink some hot tea, see a dentist
A: What’s the matter? B: I have a fever. A: I have a headache. B: You should take some medicine.
A: What’s the matter? B: She has a stomachache. A: He has a runny nose. B: He should blow his nose.
Vocabulary: Healthy Habits Vocabulary: Healthy Habits
drink lots of water, skip breakfast, choose healthy snacks, have brush my teeth, get enough sleep, take a shower, work out

8 Habits
junk food, eat vegetables, eat late at night

(always, usually, sometimes, never)
A: How often do you brush your teeth?
Drinking lots of water is good. Skipping breakfast isn’t good.
B: I always brush my teeth.
Review 4

4 Scope & Sequence

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Vocabulary: Jobs, School Rooms Structures
firefighter, police officer, cook, vet, nurse, A: What’s his job? B: He’s a firefighter.
mechanic, music room, science lab, gym, art room, A: Where’s the cafeteria? B: It’s next to the art room. / It’s across from
cafeteria, nurse’s office the science lab. / It’s between the art room and the nurse’s office.

Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5

Vocabulary Wrap Up Activity Reading
Listening Wrap Up Activity Club Posters (Social Studies)

Phonics Grammar
Presentation Make Your Own Newspaper!
cl, cr Present Simple: like to

Vocabulary Wrap Up Activity Reading

Listening Wrap Up Activity Fun Jobs (Social Studies)

Phonics Grammar
Presentation What’s Your Dream Job?
fl, fr Present Simple: want to

Vocabulary Wrap Up Activity Reading

Listening Wrap Up Activity Let’s Have Blueberry Pie! (Math)

Phonics Grammar
Speaking Task Our Silly Day!
st, sm Past Simple: the verb be

Vocabulary Wrap Up Activity
Story The Cooper’s Hill Cheese-Rolling Festival
Listening Wrap Up Activity
(Social Studies)

Phonics Grammar
Speaking Task Memory Game
sh, ch Past Simple: Statements & Yes/No Questions

Vocabulary Wrap Up Activity Reading

Listening Wrap Up Activity How to Make a Volcano (Science)

Phonics Grammar
Presentation Make Vacation Plans!
ng, nk Future: be going to

Vocabulary Wrap Up Activity Reading

Listening Wrap Up Activity My Family’s Beach Day (Math)

Phonics Grammar
Presentation Board Game
th, wh Comparatives

Vocabulary Wrap Up Activity Reading

Listening Wrap Up Activity How to Stay Healthy (Health)

Phonics Grammar
Speaking Task Doctor and Patient Game
oo, ew Modal Verb: should

Vocabulary Wrap Up Activity Reading

Listening Wrap Up Activity Eating Heathy (Health)

Phonics Grammar
Presentation My Habits Minibook
oi, oy Gerunds & Frequency Adverbs

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 5 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:32

Course Description Critical Thinking: Learners truly understand a concept
when they know how to ask their own questions about it,
not when they have memorized the correct set of answers.
Come On, Everyone is a six-level coursebook series that
Twenty-first century students require an education that leads
gives elementary school students a confident start to learning
them to explore and test their knowledge in practical ways.
English. The series is designed to help students keep a
Creativity: In the real world, the solution to a problem often
steady, natural pace, practicing English as often as they can.
turns out to be something that has never been tried before.
In the student books, creative individualized activities,
Successful problem solvers therefore need not only logic
projects, and presentations in each lesson provide fun
and intelligence but also creativity and boldness. Twenty-
opportunities for students to collaborate and to practice
first century teachers must commit to the responsibility of
key structures both on their own and with each other. Story-
training students to think well by also encouraging them to
making activities enable students to utilize their creativity
invent and test out new ideas.
by personalizing a cartoon or reading passage. CLIL lessons
contain culture tips and useful information about subjects
 ontent and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
relevant to students, preparing them to use English in the real
world. Finally, songs and chants take advantage of the natural Content and Language Integrated Learning simply means
aid of rhythm to help students memorize and practice key teaching about subjects such as science, art, history, and
vocabulary and expressions. others in a foreign language. Students feel more accomplished
As supplements to the student books, reader’s theater when they learn all about how recycling works in English
storybooks provide creative opportunities for class discussion than when they memorize a list of vocabulary words related
and decision-making as students choose between two possible to recycling. Come On, Everyone provides connections to
endings to a retold classic story or Greek myth and perform subjects outside of language learning itself, allowing students
the story as a play. opportunities to use English in practical settings.
CLIL has the advantage of helping students develop a greater
interest in English because they use the language as a medium
for learning about subjects they already enjoy. This shifts their
Course Theory Background focus off of trying to remember linguistic information and onto
the task of understanding the content, activating their language-
I. 21st Century Skills learning skills more naturally as they use English in the same
English is a dynamic language that changes every day way they already use their first language.
as it is spoken by communities of people across the world.
The success of the English classroom, as in any language III. Communicative Approach
classroom, has far more to do with critical thinking and self- It goes almost without saying that the main purpose of
motivation than with memorization techniques. Come On, language is communication. The more students use English to
Everyone incorporates the 21st century skills into its English communicate their thoughts and understand communication
instruction methods, preparing students to become their own from others, the more confident they feel and the more they
English teachers in their day-to-day lives. The four Cs of the fulfill the purpose of studying a foreign language. With the
21st century skills are communication, collaboration, critical goal of equipping students to use real-life English, Come On,
thinking, and creativity. Everyone features activities structured on the communicative
Communication: In a global society, the ability to approach.
communicate effectively is more important than ever. The The basic principle of the communicative approach is
only way to become a consistently clear communicator learning a foreign language by using it as a way of exchanging
is real-life practice. Therefore, 21st century students information. This is what people do in their first language every
need to be given the chance to challenge themselves time they introduce themselves, tell a story about their day,
by communicating different sorts of information through ask for directions, or participate in their classes at school.
different types of media. Under the communicative approach, students use English as a
Collaboration: Life is a group effort, and learning should way of delivering and receiving new information. For example,
mirror its structure. One of the most vital skills students they may complete information gap and role-play activities in
can gain for their future careers and social lives is the English. The goal of these activities is to simulate situations
ability to work together with others. Teachers in the 21st that language learners are likely to encounter outside the
century classroom should be diligent in providing students classroom and allow them to practice using English as a
with opportunities to cooperate with each other. form of day-to-day communication, the same way that native
speakers use it.

6 Introduction

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Student Book
Eight units on relevant topics with five lessons each
Four review sections, one after every two units
Vibrant, engaging artwork that captures students’ interest
Natural-sounding vocabulary and sentence structures
Fun activities designed for students to enjoy learning English

Make Your Own Stories

Open-ended cartoons for students to personalize their own stories
Fun activities that incorporate writing, circling options, choosing
stickers, and acting

Animated stories, chants, songs, and extra practice for students to
review their lesson in class and at home
Audio files of all the vocabulary and dialogues in the student book

Reader’s Theater Storybook

A classic story retold for young learners
Scenes that can be read as a story or acted out as a play
Language points from the student books for students to practice
Two possible endings for students to choose from

Pages that correspond to the lessons in the student book
Interesting activities that reinforce each lesson’s vocabulary and grammar
Suitable for use in class or as homework

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Teacher’s Book
Detailed guides that support teachers of all levels
Ready-made plans that facilitate efficient planning and preparation
Useful teaching suggestions for all elements of each page in the student
Exciting ideas for additional activities to engage the class in the lesson
Extra worksheets and tests with teaching notes and answer keys

Animated stories, chants, songs, and extra practice for students to review
their lesson in class and at home
Print-ready, editable achievement tests and unit tests
Class and test audio files
Interactive activities ready to use with every lesson in class
Classroom presentation software suitable for both interactive whiteboards
and computer data projectors

* Placement tests are available on our website. Visit us to download the test sheets or have
students take the placement tests online.

Picture Cards

Pictures on one side and vocabulary words on the other
Integrated into every lesson plan in the teacher’s book

8 Introduction

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Unit Guide
Lesson 1

A A full-page illustration introduces the keywords in context. The students listen to the keywords
pronounced by a native speaker and repeat them to practice their own pronunciation.

B A short dialogue incorporates one of the new keywords into a conversation. The students
practice identifying the new vocabulary in speech by listening and circling the correct keyword.

C-D Text, images, and audio material introduce the lesson’s key structure(s). The students
practice both the keywords and key structure(s) through a speaking activity.

Chant (Lesson 1) and Song (Lesson 2)

An enjoyable chant and song take advantage of the natural aid of rhythm to help the students
memorize and practice the keywords and key structures.

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 9 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:32

Lesson 2

A Clear, vivid illustrations present new keywords and one or more new key structure(s) to the

B The students practice exchanging information with a partner using the keywords and key

Speaking Task / Presentation

An interactive speaking-based task or presentation requires the students to use the key structures
in order to accomplish a task or play a game. Depending on its structure, the activity may include
cards, stickers, and/or worksheets.

10 Unit Guide

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Lesson 3

A A fun story provides extra listening and reading comprehension practice. The students
practice reading fluently using the keywords and key structures.

B Comprehension questions test the students and encourage them to look back and check the
facts of the story.

C The students internalize the key language by making their own customized version of the

Tongue Twisters
Silly tongue twisters teach the students phonics and give them specific pronunciation practice.


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Lesson 4

A The students review the keywords from lessons 1 and 2 through a writing exercise.
B The students review the key structures from lessons 1 and 2 through a listening activity.

Speaking Task / Presentation

An interactive speaking-based task or fun presentation helps the students effectively review what they
learned in lessons 1 and 2.

Lesson 5

A reading passage connects English to other school subjects such as social studies, math, and science.
The grammar concept applied in the unit’s key structures is presented in a chart. The students then
complete writing exercises to practice it.

12 Unit Guide

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A A listening exercise reviews the keywords from the two previous units.
B The students revisit the key structures from the two previous units by listening to sentences
and/or dialogues and choosing the correct pictures.
C The students read and answer questions about a passage containing keywords and key
structures from the two previous units.

Reader’s Theater Storybook

A retold classic story provides creative opportunities for class discussion and decision-making. The
students choose between two possible endings to the story and then perform it as a play to increase
their language proficiency.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 13 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:32

Games and Activities
This is a list of games and activities that appear in this teacher’s book. To see which games and activities
are recommended for each lesson, check the lesson plans. Keep in mind that some games and activities
work better with certain key structures than others.

10-Second Draw Write the keywords on slips corresponding card. If they are correct, they get to
of paper and put them in a hat or bag. Have put their chip on it. If they are incorrect, the next
a student choose one at random and read it player goes. If they already have a chip on the
out loud. Then tell the class that they have 10 card, they should still say the keyword, but they do
seconds to draw it. When the time is up, have not put another chip down. The first player to have
everyone hold up their drawings and vote on the chips on all six flashcards is the winner.
best one. The student that wins gets to choose
the next keyword. Board Race Divide the students into two teams and
line them up at the back of the classroom. Give
Around the World Tell the students to make a circle the first student on each team a marker and show
or line and have two of them stand up. Show them them a flashcard picture. As soon as they see it,
a flashcard and have them make a sentence with they should run to the board and write its keyword.
it as fast as they can. The first student to say a The fastest one to spell it correctly wins a point
correct sentence wins the round and moves to for their team.
stand by the next student while the losing student
sits down. Repeat the activity with the next two Charades Write out the keywords on small pieces
students and continue through the circle or line of paper and put them into a hat. Have the
in this way. The student who wins the last round students take turns choosing and acting them out.
wins the game. While they are acting, ask the rest of the students
the key question. The first person to answer
Backwards Quiz Tell the students that instead of correctly with a full sentence gets to act next.
giving the answer to a question, they should say
the question for an answer. Say a sentence and Choose and Chant Put pictures of the keywords into
tell the students to raise their hand as soon as a bag and have the students take turns choosing
they know its question. The fastest student to them. As soon as they choose one, the rest of the
raise their hand and say the correct question wins class should do a verse of the chant using it.
a point.
Chronology Race Write a sequence of four or five
Bingo Have the students create simple 3 x 3 sentences summarizing a reading passage. Then
grids and write an item name in each space. If cut them up and mix them around for the students
you want, the center square can be a free space. to put back in order as fast as possible. The first
Then play bingo by saying random item names and person to do it wins.
having the students cross them off their grids. The
Circle Rotation Have the students make two circles,
first student to get three in a row and say “Bingo!”
one inside the other, and face each other. After
wins the game.
you say a keyword, the student in the inner circle
Blackout Divide the students into groups of should ask their partner in the outer circle one
three or four. Give each group two dice, three of the key questions from the unit. If the outer
or four different colors of playing chips, and student answers correctly, the inner student should
the flashcards. The students should take turns initial their paper. Then the two circles should
rolling the dice and saying the keyword of the rotate in different directions and repeat. After a

14 Games and Activities

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while, have the two circles switch places. At the loser becomes the next person to go around the
end of the activity, the student with the most circle.
signatures wins.
Explain a Word Divide the class into two teams and
Crazy Blanks Create a short story but leave a have each team send a representative up to sit
bunch of words blank. Without showing the story in a chair facing away from the board. Tell them
to the students, ask them for any nouns, verbs, that they are not allowed to turn around. Then
and adjectives that they can think of and use them write one of the keywords on the board. Their
to fill in the blanks in your story. Then read the teammates must try to make them guess what
silly result to the class while acting it out with the is on the board by doing anything but saying the
students. You can repeat the game with different actual word itself. The first person to guess it wins
stories as many times as you want. a point for their team.

Creative Collages Bring in some old magazines and Fast Slap Put the students in groups of four or
let the students cut and paste the people from five with copies of the flashcards in front of
them into collages. Have them show them to each them, word side up. Say the keywords one by
other or present them to the class and talk about one and have the students compete to be the
them using the key structures. Then hang them up fastest person in their groups to slap the correct
around the classroom’s walls. flashcard. After a while, tell them to turn the
flashcards over so that the pictures are facing up.
Description Draw Have a student go up to the board
and give them a marker. Tell them that they aren’t Feature Swat Divide the students into two or three
allowed to turn around. Then show a picture to the teams and put the flashcards on the board.
rest of the class. Have them take turns describing Have each team send one student to the board,
the picture to the student at the board for them and give them a flyswatter. The other students
to draw. When they are finished, compare the should take turns using key structures from the
student’s drawing to the original picture. unit to describe a person, place, or thing. The
first student at the board to find the feature they
Draw and Run Tape the flashcards in different mention and hit it with their flyswatter earns a
corners of the room. Then have one student draw point for their team.
one of the keywords on the board. Tell the other
students to run to that keyword’s flashcard as Find the Word Write a bunch of the words from the
soon as they figure out what it is. The first person passage on the board. Then divide the students
there can be the next to draw. into two or three teams and have each team
send one student up to the board. Say one of the
Draw It Split the class into two or three teams and words and have the students find and hit it with
have each team send a student to the board. Then flyswatters as fast as possible. The first one to do
whisper one of the unit’s keywords to them. On so wins a point for their team.
your signal, they should draw as fast as possible
while their teammates guess what the keyword is. Find Your Partner Write the keywords on slips of
The first team to guess gets a point. paper and divide the class in half. Give half the
students the lesson 1 keywords and have them
Duck, Duck, Goose Draw or write the keywords on stand on one side of the room. Then give the
the board. Have the students either sit or stand other half the lesson 2 keywords and have them
in a circle and play duck, duck, goose. However, stand on the other side. On your signal, the
instead of saying “goose,” the student going students should find the student on the other side
around the circle should say a keyword instead. of the room with the keyword that matches theirs
When they do, they and the student whose head by asking and answering the key structures from
they touched should both race to the board and the unit.
slap the correct keyword as fast as possible. The

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 15 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:32

Go Fish Make a deck of cards with two copies of down, mix them up, and take turns flipping two
each keyword picture. Put the students into groups of them over. When they do, they should use the
and divide the cards evenly between them. Each words in the key structures. If the two cards are a
turn, one student should ask another the key matching picture and keyword, the student gets to
question using one of the keywords they have. If keep them. If they aren’t, the student should flip
the other student has that keyword, they should them back over.
answer affirmatively and give it to the first student.
The first student should then take the card and Mission Time Have the students make lists of two
put it and its pair on the table. If the second or three keywords. Then give the class a mission
student doesn’t have the keyword, it is the next (e.g. Find two people with (object).) and have them
student’s turn. The person with the most pairs at mingle and use the key structures to accomplish
the end wins the game. the mission. The first one to finish wins.

Hot Potato Have the students make a large circle. Musical Chairs Push the desks to the sides of the
Toss a beanbag to a student and ask them the classroom and make a circle of chairs using one
key question. After they answer, the student fewer than the number of students. Each chair
should toss the beanbag to another student and should have a keyword written on it. Play the song
do the same thing. Once the students understand from lesson 2 and have the students walk around
the routine, play some music and tell them that the chairs and sing it. Then pause the song at a
when it stops, the person with the beanbag is out. random spot and have the students all sit in a
Repeat the activity until there is only one student chair as fast as possible. Only one student can
left. be in each chair, so one student should be left
standing. That student is then out of the game.
Letter Arrangements Put the students in pairs. Give The rest of the students should say the key
each pair enough paper letters to make any of the structure with the keyword they are sitting on.
unit’s keywords. Then say the keywords and see Then one chair is removed from the circle, and
which pairs can use the letters to spell them the the game is repeated. The last student left is the
fastest. If you want, you can keep score and give winner.
the winning pair a small prize.
Musical Statues Clear the floor and play some
Line by Line Draw a picture of a keyword on the catchy music for the students to dance or move
board one line at a time. Have the students guess around to in any way they want. After a few
what it is after each line using a key structure. seconds, pause the music and say one of the
The first student to guess gets to come to the unit’s keywords or key phrases. The students
board and draw the next picture. should instantly freeze in a pose demonstrating
the word or phrase. Any student who moves or
Logic Puzzle Make a logic puzzle using the has an incorrect pose is out. The last person left
keywords and key structures for the students to standing wins the game.
Object Race Put some objects related to the
Make Your Own Verse Have the students take turns keywords at the front of the classroom. Have the
making up and singing their own verses for chants same number of students line up at the back of
and songs. the classroom. On your signal, they should each
race to the front, grab one of the objects, and
Memory Game Put the students in small groups and
act out the keyword associated with it. Then have
give each group copies of all the flashcards. Half
them use the key structure to talk about the
of the cards should have the keywords on them,
keyword or object with the rest of the class.
and the other half should have their corresponding
pictures. The students should turn them upside

16 Games and Activities

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 16 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:32

Packing List Play a memory game with the Anyone who hits an incorrect flashcard loses a
students. The first student should say the key point for their team.
structure with one keyword. Then the next student
should say the key structure with the same Roll to Win Put the flashcards on the board and
keyword and an additional one, and so on. The number them from one to six. Split the class into
students should all say the same keywords in two teams and have the team member whose
the same order. As soon as a student makes a turn it is roll a die. If the team says the correct
mistake the game is over. keyword for the card whose number the die landed
on, they get a point. The team that gets the most
Paper Airplanes Draw a target with a bull’s-eye points within a certain time wins.
on the board and have the students make paper
airplanes. Then tell them to make a line at the Rows and Columns Have all the students stand up.
back of the classroom and ask them various key If their desks are not in a grid-like pattern, have
structure questions. If they answer correctly, they them stand in lines in the center of the classroom.
get to throw their airplanes at the target. If they Then ask a student a key question. If they answer
don’t, they have to move to the back of the line. correctly, they can choose to let either the entire
Each time they hit the target, they get a point. row or column that they are in sit down. Continue
the game until either all the students are sitting
Picture Relay Divide the students into teams of again or there is only one student left.
four or five and have them line up. Then hold up
a picture of a keyword. The first student in each Say and Sit Write all the keywords on the board and
line should ask the next student the key question have the whole class stand up. On your signal,
with the keyword in it. The second student should anyone can say one of them and sit down. Then
answer the first student and then ask the third someone else can say a second one and sit down,
student the same question, and so on. The first and so on. If someone says a keyword incorrectly,
team to finish wins the relay. Time the teams to they have to stand back up, and someone else
see how long it takes all of them. has to say it the right way. But if any two students
speak at the same time, everyone has to stand up
Quick Fire Have the students stand up. Then flip and start over. See how many tries it takes to go
through the flashcards and have the students say through the list.
them. Do it faster and faster so that the students
have less time to react. If they say the wrong Sentence Making Have the students work in pairs.
word, they are out. The last one standing wins the Tell each pair that they have two minutes (you can
game. extend the time limit if necessary) to make as
many sentences as possible using the keywords.
Reading Race Put all the students into pairs and Each correct sentence they make is worth one
time them to see who can accurately read through point. The team with the most points wins the
the passage the fastest. Then give them time to game.
practice on their own and hold the reading race
again. If you want, you can even have a third race Simon Says Have all the students stand up and
to see whose speed improved the most. play Simon Says by saying “Simon says (action).”
You can play this game with keywords and phrases
Ready, Aim, Fire Put the flashcards all over the from the unit or other actions if you want. If you
board. Then split the students into two or three say an action without saying “Simon says” and
teams and have them each send one student up a student does it, they are out of the game and
to the front. Give each student a squishy or sticky have to sit down. The last player standing is the
ball. When you say a keyword or phrase, they winner.
should throw their ball at the correct flashcard.
Anyone who hits it earns a point for their team.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 17 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:32

Slapjack Make simple playing cards with pictures Spelling Relay Divide the students into two or three
of the keywords on them and play slapjack teams and have each team make a line in front
with the students. In groups of four or five, the of the board. When you say one of the keywords
students should make a circle and pass out the or a word from one of the key phrases, the first
cards evenly. Explain that they should NOT look student in each line should run to the board,
at their cards. Instead, they should take turns write the first letter, run back, and give the chalk
flipping them over in a pile in the center. After or marker to the next student, who runs up and
each card is flipped over, all the students should writes the second letter, and so on. The first team
say the keyword that it shows. Choose one of to correctly spell the word wins a point.
the keywords and write it on the board. Whenever
this card comes up, the students should all slap Spin and Say Have the class make a circle around
it. The fastest one gets to take the entire pile of a student. Put a blindfold on them and then
cards. The first student to collect all the cards spin them around a few times. Before taking the
wins. blindfold off, have them point straight out. Then
ask them a key question about the student they
Spelling Bee Have the students line up along pointed at. That student can then take the first
the classroom wall and ask them to spell the student’s place in the middle.
keywords one by one. If a student spells a
keyword correctly, they get to move to the back of Stand and Spell Make large, individual letters for
the line and participate in the next round. But if each of the keywords. Then pass them out to the
they spell it incorrectly, they are out of the game. students and say a word. The students should
The last student left wins the game. spell it out by arranging themselves along the
classroom wall. Time them to see how fast they
Spelling Detectives Write the keywords all over the can do it.
board and tell the students to put their heads
down. Change a word, misspell it or switch the Story Sequence Put the students in groups of two
tense. Then ask the students “Spelling detectives, or three and tell them all to close their books.
what’s wrong?” Call on a student and have them Then give the groups pieces of paper with one line
spell the changed word correctly. If they are right, from the story on each one. On your signal, all the
the class gets a point. If they are wrong, you get a groups should try to arrange the lines into their
point. proper order as fast as possible. The first group to
finish wins.
Spelling Hopscotch Divide the students into two
teams and put two sets of large letters on the Telephone Draw Have the students sit in one
floor. Have one student from each team stand large circle and give them each a stack of small,
in front of the letters. Then say a keyword and rectangular pieces of paper. Tell them to write a
tell the students to hop or stomp on the letters key sentence on the top card of their stack. On
to spell it out. The rest of the class can say the your signal, they should pass the entire stack
letters out loud while they do. The first student to to their right. The next student should read the
finish wins a point for their team. sentence, put that card on the bottom of the
stack, and then draw a picture about it. On your
Spelling Race Divide the students into two or three next signal, they should pass it to the right again.
teams. Have each team send one student to the The third student should look at the picture and
board for a spelling race. After you say one of then write a sentence about it without looking at
the unit’s keywords, the students should write the the original sentence. Have them continue passing
word on the board as fast as possible. Whoever the stacks around the circle and alternating
correctly spells the word first wins a point for their between writing and drawing until each person
team. gets their original stack. Then have each person
look through the drawings and sentences in order
and see how their sentences changed.
18 Games and Activities

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 18 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:32

Tongue Twister Race Teach the students a phrase on the board. Whoever finishes first wins a point
using the tongue twister phonics and encourage for their team. Continue the game until all the
them to say it as fast as possible. If you like, you words have been used.
can have a class-wide competition to see who can
say it the most times in 10 seconds. Word Bowling Write the unit’s keywords on paper or
plastic cups. Then set them up like bowling pins
Toss the Ball Toss a soft, squishy ball to a student and have the students take turns rolling a squishy
and show them a flashcard. If they correctly say ball at them. After they bowl, they should say a
its keyword, they get to toss the ball to a student key sentence with the keywords from all the cups
of their choice and that student becomes the they knocked over.
next one to say a keyword. If a student answers
incorrectly, take the ball back and choose the next Word Find Have all the students sit down and open
student yourself. their books to the reading passage. Then say a
word from the passage and tell the students to
Two Truths and a Lie Hold up an object or picture in find it as fast as possible. As soon as they find it,
front of the students and say three things about they should stand up and read out the line it is in.
it. Two of these statements should be true, and The fastest person to find it wins.
one should be false. Try to use the key structures
as much as possible. The students should identify Word Swat Divide the class into two teams and
which statement is false either individually or in write the keywords all over the board. Place two
teams. The person or team that names the false chairs facing away from the board with a flyswatter
statement first gets a point. on each of them, and call up one student from
each team to sit in them. After you say one of the
Vocabulary Basketball Divide the students into two keywords out loud, the students should run to the
teams. Show one of the students a picture of one board and hit the word with their flyswatter to earn
of the keywords and have them say and/or write a point for their team. However, tell them that they
it. If they do so correctly, they have the chance to only have one swat and that if neither student
shoot a small, squishy ball into a box or basket. hits the correct word, neither team gets the point.
If they make the shot, they earn a point for their Continue until every student has had a chance to
team. participate.

Voice Recognition Have a volunteer come to the Word Trace Have the students sit in a circle,
front of the class and put a blindfold on. Gently or make team lines if you have a larger class.
spin them around several times while the other Choose a keyword and tell it to the first student
students change spots so that the blindfolded in the circle or in each line. On your signal, the
student doesn’t know where they are. Then ask student(s) should trace the word onto the back
and answer one of the key structures with a of the person in front of them. That person then
student. After each one, the blindfolded student does the same thing to the next person and so
should guess who gave the answer. If they want, on until the word reaches the end of the line. The
the students can try to disguise their voices to last student should run up and write the word on
trick them. the board. If it is the correct word, the team or
class wins a point.
Whispering Game Divide the class into two teams
and have each team form a line. Whisper one Word Unscramble Scramble all the keywords and
of the unit’s keywords into the ear of the first give them to the students. Time them to see how
student in line for each team. On your signal, have long it takes them to unscramble them. Then give
the students whisper the message down the line them some key structure sentences to unscramble
until it gets to the last student for each team. as well.
Those students must then write the correct word


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 19 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:32

Student Book pages 4–5
Lesson Objective
To learn about common jobs and
school rooms

firefighter, police officer, cook, vet,
nurse, mechanic, music room, science
lab, gym, art room, cafeteria, nurse’s

Key Structures
What’s his/her job?
He’s/She’s a firefighter.
Where’s the cafeteria?
It’s next to the art room.
It’s across from the science lab.
It’s between the art room and the
nurse’s office.

CD tracks 02–05

Student Book page 4 2. Let the students listen to the recording. Then
play it again and ask the students to point to
Warm Up each letter and picture and say them.

1. Introduce yourself by saying “Hi! I’m (name).” Point TR 02

to yourself and say your name a few more times. 1. firefighter 2. police officer 3. cook
4. vet 5. nurse 6. mechanic
2. Encourage the students to say your name. Do
this by saying your name normally and having
them repeat it. Then say your name in other ways Game Suggestion

(loudly, quietly, with a high-pitched voice, etc.) and Around the World Tell the students to make a circle
have the students copy you. or line and have two of them stand up. Show them a
3. Ask “What’s your name?” and have the students flashcard of a job and have them say it as fast as they
take turns answering. can. The first student to say it correctly wins the round
and moves to stand by the next student while the
Teaching Tip
losing student sits down. Repeat the activity with the
next two students and continue through the circle or
1. Give the students nametags or make nametags
line in this way. The student who wins the last round
together in class. Use them until everyone is
wins the game.
comfortable with each other’s names.
2. (optional) If the students do not have English names, 3. Play the recording for the students. Then play
allow them to choose names from a list. it again and tell them to point to each picture
when it comes up.
A Listen and say. Then practice.
TR 03
1. Before class, make flashcards of this unit’s job What’s his job? He’s a firefighter.
1. What’s his job? He’s a firefighter.
keywords if needed. Use them to introduce or 2. What’s her job? She’s a police officer.
review the jobs with the students. Then say 3. What’s her job? She’s a cook.
4. What’s her job? She’s a vet.
each of the jobs and have the students repeat
5. What’s his job? He’s a nurse.
after you. 6. What’s his job? He’s a mechanic.

20 Starter

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 20 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:32

4. Introduce the lesson’s first key structure. Write TR 05
it in black on the board with “his/her” and Where’s the cafeteria?
“He’s/She’s” in red and the job name in blue. It’s next to the art room.
It’s across from the science lab.
Then practice it with the students several times. It’s between the art room and the nurse’s office.
5. Have all the students write down a job on 1. Where’s the music room?
It’s next to the science lab.
a piece of paper and hold it up. Use these
It’s across from the art room.
answers to practice the key structure as a class. 2. Where’s the science lab?
Then put the students in pairs and have them It’s next to the music room.
It’s across from the cafeteria.
point at their classmates and ask and answer It’s between the music room and the gym.
the key structure with each other. 3. Where’s the gym?
It’s next to the science lab.
Differentiation It’s across from the nurse’s office.
4. Where’s the art room?
For above-level students, you can expand the lesson to It’s next to the cafeteria.
include the key structure “What’s your job? I’m a (job),” It’s across from the music room.
as well. 5. Where’s the cafeteria?
It’s next to the art room.
It’s across from the science lab.
It’s between the art room and the nurse’s office.
Student Book page 5 6. Where’s the nurse’s office?
It’s next to the cafeteria.
B Listen and say. Then practice. It’s across from the gym.

1. Before class, make flashcards of this unit’s

school room keywords. Use them to introduce Differentiation

the rooms to the students. Then say each of the For below-level students, you can play this game with
rooms and have the students repeat after you. keywords rather than whole sentences. You can also
2. Let the students listen to the recording. Then choose not to send anyone out of the game if you
play it again and ask the students to point to want.
each room and say it.

TR 04
1. music room 2. science lab 3. gym
4. art room 5. cafeteria 6. nurse’s office

3. Introduce the lesson’s other key structures.

Write them on the board with the rooms in red
and “next to,” “across from,” and “between”
in blue. Then practice them with the students
several times.

Teaching Tip

There are two easy ways to teach the students what

“next to,” “across from,” and “between” mean. First,
you can draw a simple map on the board with a
number of the keywords labeled on it. Then you can
point to different places and have the students use the
key structures to describe their location. Second, you
can arrange the students’ desks into rows and have
the students describe their own location in relation to
their classmates.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 21 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:32

1 School Clubs Lesson 1 Our Favorite Clubs
Student Book pages 6–7
Lesson Objectives
To understand and produce the key
To correctly ask and answer about
people’s favorite clubs using the
words “like” and “best”

yoga club, music club, drama club,
knitting club, robotics club, magic

Key Structures
Which club do you like best?
I like the magic club best.
Which club does he/she like best?
He/She likes the yoga club best.

CD tracks 06–10, flashcards 01–06

Student Book page 6 on the board so that students who want more options
in later activities can refer to them. (Suggested words:
Warm Up soccer club, Spanish club, science club)

1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Game Suggestion

2. Say “My name is (name).” Then have the students
introduce themselves again.
Roll to Win Put the flashcards on the board and number
them from one to six. Split the class into two teams
and have the team member whose turn it is roll a
die. If the team says the correct keyword for the card
A Listen, point, and say.
whose number the die landed on, they get a point. The
1. Use the club flashcards to introduce the team that gets the most points within a certain time
vocabulary. Check the student’s background wins.
knowledge by asking “Are you in a club?” or
“Does your school have clubs?” If they don’t B Listen and circle.
know the keyword in English, say it and have
1. Tell the students to listen and circle the club
them repeat it several times.
that is being talked about.
2. Have the students look at the picture. Ask them
2. Check the answer as a class.
what they can see.
3. Let the students listen to the recording. Then TR 07
play it again and ask the students to point to Girl: Wow! There are many clubs!
Boy: Yeah. They all look interesting.
each keyword and say it.
Girl: Which club do you like best?
Boy: I like the magic club best. Here it is!
TR 06 Girl: Wow! Look at that! A rabbit came out of the hat!
1. yoga club 2. music club 3. drama club
4. knitting club 5. robotics club 6. magic club
Answer magic club

Teaching Tip

Introduce some extra vocabulary words and write them

22 Unit 1 • School Clubs

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 22 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

Student Book page 7 They should ask and answer the key question
for each room they land in.
C Ask and answer.
1. Introduce the lesson’s first key structure. Write Teaching Tip

it in black on the board with “you” in red and Review the difference between “you” and “he/she” by
the club name in blue. Then practice it with the pointing at a student and asking them the first key
students several times. structure then pointing at a different student while still
2. Explain that “best” means the “most good” or asking the first student the second key structure.
the “number one good thing.” If the students
know the word “favorite,” you can also explain Game Suggestion
that the key structure is the same as “Which
Hot Potato Have the students make a large circle. Toss
club is your favorite?”
a beanbag to a student, point at a different student,
3. Play the recording and ask the students to
and ask the first student “Which club does (name) like
look and point at the pictures under the key
best?” After they answer, the student should toss the
beanbag to another student and do the same thing.
TR 08 Once the students understand the routine, play some
Which club do you like best? I like the music club best. music and tell them that when it stops, the person
1. Which club do you like best? I like the music club best. with the beanbag is out. Repeat the activity until there
2. Which club do you like best? I like the robotics club best.
is only one student left.
3. Which club do you like best? I like the magic club best.
4. Which club do you like best? I like the yoga club best.
5. Which club do you like best? I like the knitting club best. Differentiation
6. Which club do you like best? I like the drama club best. For below-level students, have them do the previous
activity at their own pace without music playing or the
4. Use the pictures to practice the key structure possibility of getting out.
as a class. Then have the students practice it in
Student Book page 94

For above-level students, take a vote on which club is

the best by asking “Who likes the (club name) best?” 1. Read the lyrics line by line and have the
for each type of club. students repeat them after you.
2. Play the recording and do the chant together as
D Ask and answer. a class.

1. Introduce the lesson’s second key structure. TR 10

Write it in black on the board with “he/she” in Which Club Do You Like Best?
Which club do you like best? Which club do you like best?
red and the club name in blue. Then practice it I like the robotics club. I like the robotics club best.
with the students several times.
2. Play the recording and ask the students to Which club does she like best? Which club does she like best?
She likes the knitting club. She likes the knitting club best.
look and point at the pictures under the key
structure. Which club does he like best? Which club does he like best?
He likes the drama club. He likes the drama club best.
TR 09
Which club does he like best? He likes the yoga club best.
1. Which club does he like best? He likes the yoga club best.
3. Play the chant again and have the students do
2. Which club does she like best? She likes the drama club best. a simple action (such as tapping their fingers)
3. Which club does he like best? He likes the music club best. while saying it.
4. Which club does she like best? She likes the magic club best.
5. Which club does she like best? She likes the robotics club best.
Extra Practice
6. Which club does he like best? He likes the knitting club best.
Assign pages 2–3 in the workbook as homework. You
3. Have the students practice the keywords by can also have the students complete the worksheet on
putting their erasers on the picture and playing page 122 of the teacher’s book in class.
rock-paper-scissors to move through the rooms.

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 23 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

1 School Clubs Lesson 2 Club Activities
Student Book pages 8–9
Lesson Objectives
To understand and produce the key
To correctly ask and answer about
people’s favorite club activities using
the phrase “like +infinitive”

do yoga, play instruments, perform
in plays, knit gloves, build robots, do
magic tricks

Key Structures
Do you like to do yoga?
Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
Does he/she like to perform in plays?
Yes, he/she does. / No, he/she
doesn’t. He/She likes to knit gloves.

CD tracks 11–14, flashcards 01–12

Student Book page 8 of just acting them out. The first team that correctly
spells all the words in the key phrase gets the point.
Warm Up 2. Play the recording for the students. Then play
1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then it again and tell them to point to each picture
check the previous day’s homework or collect it when it comes up.
from the students.
TR 11
2. (optional) Go over the chant on page 94 again. 1. do yoga 2. play instruments 3. perform in plays
3. Review the club flashcards from the previous 4. knit gloves 5. build robots 6. do magic tricks
lesson using the key structures “Which club do
you like best? I like the (club name) best,” and 3. Introduce the lesson’s first key structure. Write
“Which club does he/she like best? He/She likes it in black on the board with “you” in red and
the (club name) best.” the activity in blue. Then practice it with the
students several times.
4. Play the recording for the students.
A Listen and say. Then practice.
TR 12
1. Use the flashcards (you can add the cards from Do you like to do yoga? Yes, I do.
lesson 1 also) to introduce the vocabulary. Say Do you like to do yoga? No, I don’t.
1. Do you like to do yoga? Yes, I do.
each word several times and have the students 2. Do you like to play instruments? Yes, I do.
repeat after you. 3. Do you like to perform in plays? Yes, I do.
4. Do you like to knit gloves? Yes, I do.
Teaching Tip 5. Do you like to build robots? Yes, I do.
6. Do you like to do magic tricks? Yes, I do.
Have the students stand up and act out the
vocabulary. Create a class action for each keyword. 5. Practice the structure as a class using the
students’ club preferences.
Differentiation 6. Have the students work in pairs and use the
For above-level students, have them write out the club pictures to ask and answer.
activity key phrases and bring them to you instead

24 Unit 1 • School Clubs

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 24 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

B Ask and answer. 2. Have the students complete the sentence “My
group’s members like to (club activity) best.”
1. Introduce the lesson’s second key structure.
Write it in black on the board with “he/she” in
red and the club activity in blue. Then practice Student Book page 94
it with the students several times.
2. Play the recording for the students. Then play it Song
again and tell them to act out each club activity 1. Say the lines from the song and have the
when they hear it. students repeat them. Do this a few times until
the students are familiar with the lyrics.
TR 13
Does he like to perform in plays? Yes, he does.
2. Play the recording and have the students listen
Does he like to perform in plays? No, he doesn’t. He likes to knit to the music. Then play it again and have them
gloves. sing along.
1. Does he like to perform in No, he doesn’t. He likes to knit
plays? gloves.
TR 14
2. Does she like to knit gloves? Yes, she does.
Do You Like to Do Yoga?
3. Does he like to play No, he doesn’t. He likes to build
Do you like to do yoga?
instruments? robots.
Yes, I do. Yes, I do.
4. Does she like to do yoga? No, she doesn’t. She likes to
Do you like to perform in plays?
play instruments.
No, I like to do yoga more.
5. Does she like to build robots? Yes, she does.
6. Does he like to do magic Yes, he does.
Does she like to do magic tricks?
Yes, she does. Yes, she does.
Does she like to build robots?
Teaching Tip No, she likes to do magic tricks more.

To give the students more practice with the second Does he like to play instruments?
key structure, have them write their favorite club Yes, he does. Yes, he does.
activity on a piece of paper and hold it up. Then ask Does he like to knit gloves?
No, he likes to play instruments more.
various students the structure and have them answer
according to what their classmates wrote on their
3. Sing the song once more, but before starting
encourage the students to think of some actions
or gestures for it.
4. Play the instrumental version of the song and
Student Book page 9
have the students sing along while doing the
Speaking Task actions or gestures they came up with.
1 Game Suggestion
1. Demonstrate that the students should each Make Your Own Verse Have the students take turns
check three activities that they like to do. making up and singing their own verses about club
2. Make sure that they do NOT write in the activities.
number of friends by each one yet.
Extra Practice
2 Assign pages 4–5 in the workbook as homework. You
1. Put the students in groups of about four. can also have the students complete the worksheet on
2. Have them use the key structures to find out page 123 of the teacher’s book in class.
how many students in their group like to do
each activity.
1. Demonstrate how to make a bar graph on the


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 25 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

1 School Clubs Lesson 3 Story
Student Book pages 10–11
Lesson Objectives
To read and answer questions about
a comic related to the key vocabulary
To complete and present an
individualized comic

Keywords from lessons 1 and 2

Key Structures
Key structures from lessons 1 and 2

CD tracks 15–16, flashcards 01–12

Student Book page 10 A Listen. Then act it out.

1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
Warm Up
them what they can see.
1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then
Teaching Tip
check the previous day’s homework or collect it
from the students. Preview the reading by having the students make up a
2. (optional) Practice the song on page 94 again. Play simple story about what they think will happen based
the music and sing along while the students listen on the pictures. Encourage them to be creative as they
and/or sing along. do it.
3. Ask the students if they remember the actions and
2. Play the recording and let the students listen to
gestures they created, and have them use them
while they sing the song as a class. the story once. Play it a second time and ask
4. Afterward, review the flashcards from lessons 1 them to point at each character while they are
and 2 using the key structures. talking.

TR 15
Game Suggestion Ming: Tim, I have two tickets for Nick’s magic show.
Tim: Awesome!
Word Swat Divide the class into two teams and write Ming: Why don’t you come with me?
the keywords all over the board. Place two chairs Tim: Sure, Ming.
Does Nick like to do magic tricks?
facing away from the board with a flyswatter on each
Ming: Yes, he does. He loves to do them.
of them, and call up one student from each team to sit Oh no! I don’t see Speedy! Where is he?
in them. After you say one of the keywords out loud, Tim: Shh. The show is starting!
the students should run to the board and hit the word Nick: Let’s count down from five to one!
Students: Five, four, three, two, one!
with their flyswatter to earn a point for their team.
Tim: Is that Speedy?
However, tell them that they only have one swat and Ming: Oh no! Speedy! Come here!
that if neither student hits the correct word, neither
team gets the point. Continue until every student has 3. Read the story to the students. Try to change
had a chance to participate. your voice to match the characters’ voices.

26 Unit 1 • School Clubs

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 26 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

Differentiation spots so that the blindfolded student doesn’t know
For above-level students, have them write down where they are. Then ask and answer one of the
anything they can remember from the story. Then key structures with a student. After each one, the
put them in groups to try to put the whole text back blindfolded student should guess who gave the answer.
together from the pieces that each person remembers. If they want, the students can try to disguise their
voices to trick them.
4. Pause after each scene to check the students’
comprehension of any new words or
C Make your own story.
5. Practice saying the lines in the story as a class. 1. Have the students work in pairs and turn to
6. When the students have a good grasp of the page 99.
language, have them work in pairs to practice 2. Explain to the pairs how to circle their
it. preferred options, fill in the blanks, and use
7. Have the pairs take turns acting the story out the stickers to make their own story. Then have
in front of the class. You can choose whether to them practice their story together.
have them try it with or without their student 3. Ask each pair to act out their story in front of
books. the class. You can choose whether to have them
try it with or without their books.
Teaching Tip

When the students act out the story, you can play Tongue Twisters
Nick’s part and tell the entire class “Let’s count
down from five to one!” They should then count down 1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
together with the performing students. them what they can see.
2. Play the recording and let the students listen to
8. Afterward, read the question at the bottom the tongue twisters.
of the page. Have the students answer it
TR 16
individually or work in pairs and talk about it
1. Clair cleans the clock and closes the club room.
with their partner. 2. Crabs crawl, crows cry, and cream crackers crack.

3. Read the tongue twisters out loud to the class.

Student Book page 11 Ask the students what the letter combinations
B Choose the correct answers. “cl” and “cr” sound like and have them
underline the “cl” and “cr” words in their
1. Ask the students to choose the correct answers.
2. Check the answers as a class.
4. Practice reading the sentences a few times as a
Answers 1. b 2. c 3. a class. Then have the students take turns saying
the tongue twisters on their own.
Teaching Tip Differentiation
One method for checking the answers is to have one For any students who cannot pronounce “cl” and “cr”
student read the question and then have everyone properly, demonstrate how to form them with your
answer it together. This is especially good for classes lips and tongue in an exaggerated manner. Have the
where the students don’t like to be put on the spot students copy you as you slowly make the sounds,
when it comes to giving answers. switch back and forth between them, and gradually get
Game Suggestion
Extra Practice
Voice Recognition Have a volunteer come to the front
of the class and put a blindfold on. Gently spin them Assign pages 6–7 in the workbook as homework.
around several times while the other students change


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 27 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

1 School Clubs Lesson 4 Wrap Up
Student Book pages 12–13
Lesson Objectives
To complete a writing and a listening
exercise using the key vocabulary
To practice the key structures by
making a newspaper

Keywords from lessons 1 and 2

Key Structures
Key structures from lessons 1 and 2

CD track 17, flashcards 01–12

Student Book page 12 A Fill in the blanks.

1. Review how to spell the different club and club
Warm Up
activity keywords with the students.
1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then
Game Suggestion
check the previous day’s homework or collect it
from the students. Spelling Race Divide the students into two or three
2. Go through the flashcards from lessons 1 and 2 teams. Have each team send one student to the board
with the students using the key structures “Which for a spelling race. After you say one of the unit’s
club do you like best? I like the (club name) best,” keywords, the students should write the word on the
“Which club does he/she like best? He/She board as fast as possible. Whoever correctly spells the
likes the (club name) best,” “Do you like to (club word first wins a point for their team.
activity)? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t,” and “Does he/ 2. Have the students look at the pictures and say
she like to (club activity)? Yes, he/she does. / No, what they see. Then tell them to fill in the
he/she doesn’t.” blanks with key phrases from the unit. Check
3. (optional) Do the chant and song on page 94
the answers as a class.
again. Encourage the students to stand up and act
out the lyrics while they chant or sing. 1. Yoga club 2. to do magic tricks.
Answers 3. Robotics club 4. to knit gloves.
5. to perform in plays. 6. Music club
Teaching Tip

Use a call/response format to review the chant and

Teaching Tip
song. That is, chant or sing each line for the students
Point out to the students that each badge has three
to repeat after you. Once they are comfortable with the
pieces of information in the same order: the club
words again, they can chant or sing them all the way
name, student name, and club activity. Remind them
through without your help.
that the club name and club activity should match
each other.

28 Unit 1 • School Clubs

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 28 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

Differentiation 2
For above-level students, have them make nametags 1. Put the students in groups of three and show
of their own in the same style as the nametags in the them how to ask the questions on the left side
activity. If you want, you can also have them introduce of the page.
themselves to the class with “Hello. My name is
2. Once they have asked and answered the
(name). I like to (club activity).”
questions, make sure that they write down their
partners’ answers.
B Listen and choose.
1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
1. After all the groups have finished Step 2, show
them what they can see.
them how to complete their newspapers with
2. Play the recording and tell the students to
their partners’ information.
choose the correct pictures. Check the answers
2. Have them present their newspapers to the
as a class.
TR 17
1. Which club does she like best? Teaching Tip
She likes the knitting club best.
If you do not have enough time, you can have the
2. Which club does he like best?
He likes the drama club best. students present their newspapers to a partner rather
3. Does he like to build robots? than presenting them to the whole class individually.
Yes, he does.
4. Does she like to play instruments?
No, she doesn’t. She likes to do magic tricks. Differentiation

For below-level students, this speaking task may look

Answers 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. a very challenging. You can make it easier by having
the entire class ask you the questions in Step 2 and
Game Suggestion
record your answers in the “Friend 1” column. Then
they will more easily be able to interview each other on
Ready, Aim, Fire Put the flashcards from lessons 1 and
their own for the “Friend 2” column. Next, you can fill
2 all over the board. Then split the students into two
out the first half of the newspapers in Step 3 together
or three teams and have them each send one student
as a class since all the students will have the same
up to the front. Give each student a squishy or sticky
first “friend.”
ball. When you say a keyword or phrase, they should
throw their ball at the correct flashcard. Anyone who Extra Practice
hits it earns a point for their team. Anyone who hits an
Assign pages 8–9 in the workbook as homework.
incorrect flashcard loses a point for their team.

Student Book page 13

1. Explain to the students that they will make and
present a newspaper in this task.
2. Demonstrate how to complete the sentences
at the top of the page. Then have the students
complete them with their own opinions.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 29 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

1 School Clubs Lesson 5 Skills Up!
Student Book pages 14–15
Lesson Objectives
To read and answer questions about
a text on school clubs
To review the usage of “like”+

origami, arts and crafts, trumpet,

Grammar Point
Using “like to” in the present simple

CD track 18, flashcards 01–12

Student Book page 14 Teaching Tip

Ask if the students know how to make any origami

Warm Up shapes. If they do, ask them to demonstrate how with
origami paper. Then teach the class to make one or
1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then
two simple origami shapes. Make sure to connect
check the previous day’s homework or collect it
them to the pictures of the origami club in the book.
from the students.
2. Briefly review the vocabulary from lessons 1 and 2. 3. Play the recording of the passage for the
Game Suggestion
TR 18
Object Race Put some objects related to the club Origami Club!
keywords at the front of the classroom. Have the Are you good at arts and crafts? Do you like to play with
paper? Come to the origami club! We meet on Thursdays at
same number of students line up at the back of the
4:00 in Ms. Akin’s room. You can make cute paper shapes and
classroom. On your signal, they should each race to animals with us. You can also make new friends!
the front, grab one of the objects, and act out the
club associated with it. Then have them use the key Marching Band!
The marching band needs more players! Any musician can join
structure to talk about the club or object with the rest us. Bring your flute, trumpet, or other instrument to the soccer
of the class. field on Monday afternoon. We will practice from 3:30 to 5:30.
You can learn to march and play the school song with us!

A Listen and read.

4. Read the passage to the students. Then read it
1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask as a class.
them what they can see. Then show the 5. Have the students read the passage once again
students actual club posters or pictures of actual either individually or as a class.
club posters and ask them if their school has
Teaching Tip
posters like this.
2. Tell the students what the passage will be about Use timed repeated readings to help the students
and introduce any new vocabulary. build their fluency. Have them take turns reading the
passage for one minute. As soon as time is up, cut

30 Unit 1 • School Clubs

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 30 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

them off and see how many words they were able understand that the word “to” is actually part
to get through. Then have them do it again with the of the second verb rather than “like.” This may
challenge of beating their previous record. If you have be confusing at first for them since the previous
a lot of students in your class, you can have them do lessons did not treat the key phrases from
this in pairs or small groups. lesson 2 as infinitives.
2. Read the chart as a class. Make sure that the
Differentiation students practice making positive sentences,
For above-level students, give them additional negative sentences, and yes/no questions with
pronunciation and inflection tips in between readings the structure.
so that they can improve those as well as their fluency.

B Look and write.

B Choose the correct answers.
1. Have the students look at the chart. Point out
1. Have the students complete the reading each smiling or frowning face and ask if the
comprehension questions. person likes or doesn’t like that activity.
2. Check the answers as a class. 2. Complete the first sentence based on the chart
Answers 1. b 2. a 3. c
as a class. Then tell the students to complete
the other sentences on their own.
Teaching Tip 3. Check the answers as a class or have the
Using letter paddles is a good way to check how well students work in pairs to check their answers.
the students understand the reading passage without
1. build robots 2. do yoga, make cookies
putting them on the spot. Have each student write the Answers
3. doesn’t like to dance, likes to build robots
letters “a,” “b,” and “c” on different pieces of paper.
Then read through the comprehension questions out
loud and have the students hold up their answers. You C Look and write.
will be able to see which students are having trouble
1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
without embarrassing them in front of their classmates.
them what they can see.
2. Complete the first dialogue as a class. Then tell
Activity Suggestion
the students to complete the other dialogues
Club Posters Have the students create their own club on their own. If they have trouble, tell them to
posters about clubs that they want to start. Encourage
refer back to the grammar chart at the top of
them to choose clubs that were not covered in the unit
the page as a guide on the structure of yes/no
(e.g. photo club, book club, etc.). Make sure that they
have the club name and activities in the form of key
structures on the poster somewhere. Then have the
3. Check the answers as a class or have the
students present their clubs to the class. students work in pairs to check their answers.

1. like to, I do 2. Do, they do

Differentiation Answers
3. Does, like to, No, he doesn’t
For below-level students who are not able to write full
sentences creatively yet, have them write their club
Extra Practice
names and activities in bullet points and present them
to the class. Assign pages 10–11 in the workbook as homework.

Student Book page 15

A Look and learn.

1. Go over the structure “like”+infinitive with
the students. Make sure that the students


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 31 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

2 Dream Jobs Lesson 1 Things to Be
Student Book pages 16–17
Lesson Objectives
To understand and produce the key
To correctly ask and answer about
people’s dream jobs using the phrase
“want to be”

reporter, fashion designer, cartoonist,
movie star, athlete, astronaut

Key Structures
What do you want to be?
I want to be a cartoonist.
What does he/she want to be?
He/She wants to be a reporter.

CD tracks 19–23, flashcards 13–18

Student Book page 16 Teaching Tip

Introduce some extra vocabulary words and write them

Warm Up on the board so that students who want more options
in later activities can refer to them. (Suggested words:
1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then
taxi driver, librarian, lifeguard)
check the previous day’s homework or collect it
from the students.
2. Have the students list as many jobs as they can. B Listen and circle.
Write these jobs on the board and ask them which
ones they like best. 1. Tell the students to listen and circle the job that
is being talked about.
2. Check the answer as a class.
A Listen, point, and say.
TR 20
1. Use the job flashcards to introduce the Boy: Look! They’re filming a news story!
Girl: There’s the reporter!
vocabulary. Check the student’s background Boy: I want to be a reporter! Can we talk to her?
knowledge by asking “What is it?” If they don’t Girl: Let’s ask!
know the keyword in English, say it and have
them repeat it several times. Answer reporter
2. Have the students look at the picture. Ask them
what they can see. Differentiation
3. Let the students listen to the recording. Then For below-level students, print out the dialogue and
play it again and ask the students to point to have them slowly read it as a class after the recording
each keyword and say it. to practice their pronunciation and intonation.

TR 19
1. reporter 2. fashion designer 3. cartoonist
4. movie star 5. athlete 6. astronaut

32 Unit 2 • Dream Jobs

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Student Book page 17 2. Play the recording and ask the students to
C Ask and answer. look and point at the pictures under the key
1. Introduce the lesson’s first key structure. Write
it in black on the board with “you” in red TR 22
What does he want to be? He wants to be a reporter.
and the job in blue. Then practice it with the
What does he want to be? He wants to be an athlete.
students several times. 1. What does he want to be? He wants to be a reporter.
2. Remind the students that jobs that start with a 2. What does she want to be? She wants to be an athlete.
3. What does he want to be? He wants to be an astronaut.
consonant take “a” in front of them, but that 4. What does she want to be? She wants to be a fashion
jobs that start with a vowel take “an.” designer.
3. Play the recording and ask the students to 5. What does she want to be? She wants to be a cartoonist.
6. What does he want to be? He wants to be a movie star.
look and point at the pictures under the key
Teaching Tip

TR 21 Review the difference between “you” and “he/she” by

What do you want to be? I want to be a cartoonist. pointing at a student and asking them the first key
What do you want to be? I want to be an astronaut.
1. What do you want to be? I want to be a cartoonist.
structure then pointing at a different student while still
2. What do you want to be? I want to be an astronaut. asking the first student the second key structure.
3. What do you want to be? I want to be an athlete.
4. What do you want to be? I want to be a reporter.
5. What do you want to be? I want to be a movie star.
6. What do you want to be? I want to be a fashion designer. Student Book page 94

4. Use the pictures to practice the key structure Chant

as a class. Then have the students practice it in 1. Read the lyrics line by line and have the
pairs. students repeat them after you.
2. Play the recording and do the chant together as
Game Suggestion
a class.
Vocabulary Basketball Divide the students into two
teams. Show one of the students a picture of one of TR 23
the keywords and have them say and/or write it. If they What Does She Want to Be?
What does she want to be? She wants to be a cartoonist.
do so correctly, they have the chance to shoot a small, What does he want to be? He wants to be a reporter.
squishy ball into a box or basket. If they make the What do you want to be? I want to be an athlete.
shot, they earn a point for their team. Wow, what a fun dream that is!

What do you want to be? I want to be an astronaut.

D Ask and answer. What does he want to be? He wants to be a movie star.
What does she want to be? She wants to be a fashion designer.
1. Introduce the lesson’s second key structure. Wow, what a fun dream that is!
Write it in black on the board with “he/she” in
red and the job name in blue. Then practice it 3. Play the chant again and have the students do
with the students several times. a simple action (such as clapping their hands)
while saying it.
Teaching Tip
Extra Practice
Remind the students that “want” in the third person
present tense needs to have “-s/-es” after it (i.e. Assign pages 12–13 in the workbook as homework.
“wants”). Write other regular verbs on the board and You can also have the students complete the
have the students practice putting them all in the third worksheet on page 124 of the teacher’s book in class.
person singular.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 33 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

2 Dream Jobs Lesson 2 Things to Do
Student Book pages 18–19
Lesson Objectives
To understand and produce the key
To correctly ask and answer about
people’s dream job activities using
the phrase “want”+infinitive

interview famous people, create new
clothes, draw funny cartoons, go
to space, win gold medals, play a

Key Structures
What do you want to do?
I want to interview famous people.
What does he/she want to do?
He/She wants to go to space.

CD tracks 24–27, flashcards 13–24

Student Book page 18

TR 24
1. interview famous people 2. create new clothes
3. draw funny cartoons 4. go to space
Warm Up
5. win gold medals 6. play a superhero

1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then

check the previous day’s homework or collect it Teaching Tip
from the students. Make sure to explain what each of the words in the
2. (optional) Go over the chant on page 94 again. keyword phrases means. Start by showing pictures of
3. Review the job flashcards from the previous lesson the nouns (i.e. people, clothes, cartoons, etc.). Then
using the key structures “What do you want to be? act out the verbs (i.e. interview, create, draw, etc.).
I want to be a (job),” and “What does he/she want
to be? He/She wants to be a (job).”

For above-level students, encourage them to mix up

Game Suggestion the nouns and verbs to see what new phrases they
Charades Write out the job keywords from lesson 1 on can make. If a combination makes sense, act it out.
small pieces of paper and put them into a hat. Have
3. Introduce the lesson’s first key structure. Write
the students take turns choosing and acting them out.
While they are acting, ask the rest of the students
it in black on the board with “you” in red and
“What does he/she want to be?” The first person to the job activity in blue. Then practice it with
answer correctly with a full sentence gets to act next. the students several times.
4. Play the recording for the students.
A Listen and say. Then practice. TR 25
What do you want to do? I want to interview famous people.
1. Use the flashcards (you can add the cards from
1. What do you want to do? I want to interview famous people.
lesson 1 also) to introduce the vocabulary. Say 2. What do you want to do? I want to create new clothes.
each word several times and have the students 3. What do you want to do? I want to draw funny cartoons.
4. What do you want to do? I want to go to space.
repeat after you. 5. What do you want to do? I want to win gold medals.
2. Play the recording for the students. Then play 6. What do you want to do? I want to play a superhero.
it again and tell them to point to each activity
when it comes up.
34 Unit 2 • Dream Jobs

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 34 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

5. Practice the structure as a class using the given job and they can win points by answering
students’ actual job ambitions. correctly. The one with the most points at the
6. Have the students work in pairs and use the end wins.
pictures to practice the structure. 4. If needed, demonstrate one turn on the
board. Then have the students play the game
Activity Suggestion
Job Fair Have the students draw themselves wearing
the clothes of whatever job they want to have in the Differentiation
future. Then have a “job fair” where the students hold For below-level students, you can play the board game
up their pictures, mingle, and ask and answer the key as a class by splitting the students into two teams and
structure with each other. having them all say the questions or answers together.


For higher-level students, do the above activity but with Student Book page 94
the following twist: give the students an “autograph
paper” and tell them to get the job name and
autograph of each person they talk to. The student 1. Say the lines from the song and have the
that gets the most autographs in a certain period of students repeat them. Do this a few times until
time wins the game. the students are familiar with the lyrics.
2. Play the recording and have the students listen
B Ask and answer. to the music. Then play it again and have them
1. Introduce the lesson’s second key structure. sing along.
Write it in black on the board with “he/she” in TR 27
red and the job in blue. Then practice it with What Do You Want to Do?
There are so many things that we want to do.
the students several times.
Like create new clothes and draw funny cartoons.
2. Play the recording for the students. Then play it I want to play a superhero. She wants to go to space.
again and tell them to act out each job activity. He wants to win gold medals, run in a race,
or interview famous people in a famous place.
TR 26 There are so many dreams that we can chase.
What does she want to do? She wants to go to space.
1. What does she want to do? She wants to go to space. What about you? What do you want to do?
2. What does he want to do? He wants to win gold medals. Create new clothes or draw funny cartoons?
3. What does she want to do? She wants to play a superhero. Do you want to play a superhero? Do you want to go to space?
4. What does she want to do? She wants to draw funny cartoons. Do you want to win gold medals, run in a race,
5. What does he want to do? He wants to interview famous or do a different job in a different place?
people. There are so many dreams that you can chase.
6. What does he want to do? He wants to create new clothes.
3. Sing the song once more, but before starting
encourage the students to think of some actions
Student Book page 19 or gestures for it.
4. Play the instrumental version of the song and
Speaking Task have the students sing along while doing the
1. Put the students in pairs and give each pair a actions or gestures they came up with.
Extra Practice
2. Explain that the students should take turns
flipping the coin to determine how many spaces Assign pages 14–15 in the workbook as homework.
You can also have the students complete the
they can move. Explain that they can decide
worksheet on page 125 of the teacher’s book in class.
which direction they move to as well.
3. Then explain that on each hexagon, they should
ask and answer the key structure using the


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 35 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

2 Dream Jobs Lesson 3 Story
Student Book pages 20–21
Lesson Objectives
To read and answer questions about
a comic related to the key vocabulary
To complete and present an
individualized comic

Keywords from lessons 1 and 2

Key Structures
Key structures from lessons 1 and 2

CD tracks 28–29, flashcards 13–24

Student Book page 20 A Listen. Then act it out.

1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
Warm Up
them what they can see.
1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then 2. Play the recording and let the students listen to
check the previous day’s homework or collect it the story once. Play it a second time and ask
from the students. them to point at each character while they are
2. (optional) Practice the song on page 94 again. Play talking.
the music and sing along while the students listen
and/or sing along. TR 28
Nick: Hey, look at this!
3. Ask the students if they remember the actions and
Tim: Who is he, Nick?
gestures they created, and have them use them Nick: He’s my favorite athlete. He’s really famous.
while they sing the song as a class. Ming: Cool!
4. Afterward, review the flashcards from lessons Tim: Do you want to be an athlete?
Nick: Yes, I do. I want to win gold medals! What do you want to
1 and 2 using the key structures “What do you be, Ming?
want to be? I want to be a (job),” “What does he/ Ming: I want to be a cartoonist. I want to draw funny cartoons.
she want to be? He/She wants to be a (job),” Tim: That sounds fun.
Nick: How about you, Tim?
What do you want to do? I want to (action),” and
Tim: I want to be a reporter. I want to interview famous people.
“What does he/she want to do? He/She wants to Nick: That’s great! You can interview me one day.
(action).” Tim: Okay. I promise.

3. Read the story to the students. Try to change

Teaching Tip
your voice to match the characters’ voices.
Have the students draw pictures of their families and
label them with their names and jobs. You may need to Teaching Tip
help some of the students with job names that they do If you want, you can focus on improving the students’
not know yet. Afterward, they can present them using pronunciation, enunciation, and inflection in this
“My mom/dad is a (job),” and hang them up on the lesson. Read each line clearly and have the students
classroom walls. mimic your voice and repeat it back to you. Then read
it again, but this time point your hand upwards to

36 Unit 2 • Dream Jobs

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 36 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

indicate a higher inflection or downwards to indicate a Game Suggestion
lower inflection. Have the students copy these motions
Story Sequence Put the students in groups of two or
as well. three and tell them all to close their books. Then give
the groups pieces of paper with one line from the story
Differentiation on each one. On your signal, all the groups should try
For above-level students, say the sentence “He’s my to arrange the lines into their proper order as fast as
favorite athlete” several times. Each time, stress a possible. The first group to finish wins.
different part of the sentence (e.g. “He’s my favorite
athlete.” vs. “He’s my favorite athlete.”). Then explain C Make your own story.
that stressing different words is a very subtle way
to change your meaning. Have the students say the 1. Have the students work in groups of three and
sentence over and over while stressing different words turn to page 100.
to practice hard and soft stressing. 2. Explain to the groups how to fill in the blanks
to make their own story. Then have them
4. Pause after each scene to check the students’
practice their story together.
comprehension of any new words or
3. Ask each group to act out their story in front of
the class. You can choose whether to have them
5. Practice saying the lines in the story as a class.
try it with or without their books.
6. When the students have a good grasp of the
language, have them work in groups of three to
practice it. Tongue Twisters
7. Have the groups take turns acting the story out 1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
in front of the class. You can choose whether to them what they can see.
have them try it with or without their student 2. Play the recording and let the students listen to
books. the tongue twisters.

Teaching Tip TR 29
1. Flamingoes fly over the flat flower field.
Bring in props like pictures of athletes and cartoons for
2. My friend Fred from France fries french fries on Fridays.
the students to use in their acting.
3. Read the tongue twisters out loud to the class.
8. Afterward, read the question at the bottom
Ask the students what the letter combinations
of the page. Have the students answer it
“fl” and “fr” sound like and have them
individually or work in pairs and talk about it
underline the “fl” and “fr” words in their
with their partner.
4. Practice reading the sentences a few times as a
Student Book page 21 class. Then have the students take turns saying
the tongue twisters on their own.
B Choose the correct answers.
1. Ask the students to choose the correct answers.
2. Check the answers as a class. For below-level students, you can simplify the tongue
twisters into “Fleas fly over flowers” and “Fred fries
Answers 1. a 2. b 3. c French fries.” Once they are comfortable with them,
they can begin working their way up to the full tongue
Teaching Tip
twisters instead.

Before having the students answer the questions, Extra Practice

go over the term “Olympic Games” in class to make
Assign pages 16–17 in the workbook as homework.
sure that the students know what it is. Then ask the
students what their favorite Olympic sports are.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 37 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

2 Dream Jobs Lesson 4 Wrap Up
Student Book pages 22–23
Lesson Objectives
To complete a writing and a listening
exercise using the key vocabulary
To practice the key structures by
presenting about dream jobs

Keywords from lessons 1 and 2

Key Structures
Key structures from lessons 1 and 2

CD track 30, flashcards 13–24

Student Book page 22 Differentiation

For above-level students, play the previous game with

Warm Up entire sentences rather than just keywords.

1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then

check the previous day’s homework or collect it A Fill in the blanks.
from the students. 1. Review how to spell the different job and job
2. Go through the flashcards from lessons 1 and 2 action keywords with the students.
with the students using the key structures “What
do you want to be? I want to be a (job),” “What Teaching Tip
does he/she want to be? He/She wants to be a Sometimes students simply need to write a word
(job),” What do you want to do? I want to (action),” several times in a row to learn its spelling. Motivate
and “What does he/she want to do? He/She them to do this by having spelling drills where you say
wants to (action).” a word or show the class a picture, and the students
3. (optional) Do the chant and song on page 94 compete to see who can correctly write it out three
again. Encourage the students to stand up and act times first.
out the lyrics while they chant or sing.
2. Have the students look at the chart and say
Game Suggestion
what they see. Then tell them to fill in the
blanks with keywords and phrases from the
Whispering Game Divide the class into two teams and
unit. Check the answers as a class.
have each team form a line. Whisper one of the unit’s
keywords into the ear of the first student in line for 1. go to space 2. an athlete
each team. On your signal, have the students whisper Answers 3. play a superhero 4. a reporter
the message down the line until it gets to the last 5. draw funny cartoons 6. a fashion designer
student for each team. Those students must then write
the correct word on the board. Whoever finishes first
wins a point for their team. Continue the game until all B Listen and choose.
the words have been used. 1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
them what they can see.

38 Unit 2 • Dream Jobs

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 38 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

2. Play the recording and tell the students to phrase “for (number) years” means by drawing
choose the correct pictures. Check the answers a rough timeline on the board.
as a class.
TR 30 1. Have the students take turns presenting their
1. What does he want to be? He wants to be a reporter.
2. What does she want to be? She wants to be a movie star.
dream job to the class.
3. What do you want to do? I want to win gold medals. 2. If you want, you can put the students in pairs
4. What does he want to do? He wants to create new clothes. and have them present their dream jobs to each
Answers 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a
Teaching Tip

Differentiation Since this activity has a lot of writing, it would be best

to plan lots of time for it and do it in slow, incremental
For above-level students, have them close their books
steps that all the students can easily follow. For
and listen to the recording again. Tell them to write
example, rather than having the students fill in the
down what job each dialogue is about without the
information in Step 1 all at once, it might be better
pictures in the book to help them. You can also make
to first have everyone complete the sentence “I want
up and say your own sentences for further listening
to be a/an (job).” Once they have finished that, have
them all complete the sentence “I want to (action),”
Game Suggestion and so on.
Find Your Partner Write the keywords from lesson 1 and
2 on slips of paper and divide the class in half. Give Extra Practice
half the students the lesson 1 keywords and have them Assign pages 18–19 in the workbook as homework.
stand on one side of the room. Then give the other half
the lesson 2 keywords and have them stand on the
other side. On your signal, the students should find the
student on the other side of the room with the keyword
that matches theirs (e.g. astronaut – go to space) by
asking and answering the key structures from the unit.


For below-level students, the above activity can be

done by having the students say only their keywords
instead of entire sentences.

Student Book page 23

1. Explain to the students that they will answer
questions about their future dream job.
2. Have each student pick a job and draw
themselves doing it in the box on the left.
3. For question 3, explain that the students can
either answer it with a place or a company
name (e.g. “London,” “Samsung,” etc.).
4. If the last question is too hard for the students,
focus on the answer and explain what the


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 39 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

2 Dream Jobs Lesson 5 Skills Up!
Student Book pages 24–25
Lesson Objectives
To read and answer questions about
a text on fun jobs
To review the usage of “want”+

delicious, travel, package, crowded

Grammar Point
Using “want to” in the present simple

CD track 31, flashcards 13–24

Student Book page 24 A Listen and read.

1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
Warm Up
them what they can see. Then show the
1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then students pictures of jobs not covered in the
check the previous day’s homework or collect it unit. Ask whether the students know what they
from the students. are.
2. Briefly review the vocabulary from lessons 1 and 2. 2. Tell the students what the passage will be about
and introduce any new vocabulary.
Game Suggestion
3. Play the recording of the passage for the
Slapjack Make simple playing cards with pictures of
the keyword jobs on them and play slapjack with the TR 31
students. In groups of four or five, the students should Fun Jobs
make a circle and pass out the cards evenly. Explain Do you like ice cream? There’s a perfect job for you. Be an ice
cream taste tester! Ice cream taste testers eat ice cream every
that they should NOT look at their cards. Instead, they
day. They find the best flavors for new types of ice cream. To find
should take turns flipping them over in a pile in the these delicious flavors, they travel around the world!
center. After each card is flipped over, all the students If you like to ride your bike, how about being a bike
should say the name of the job that it shows. Choose messenger? Bike messengers ride their bikes and take packages
to people. Because large cities are very crowded, cars often can’t
one of the jobs and write it on the board. Whenever go very fast. That’s why people use bike messengers!
this job comes up, the students should all slap it. The
fastest one gets to take the entire pile of cards. The 4. Read the passage to the students. Then read it
first student to collect all the cards wins. as a class.
5. Have the students read the passage once again
either individually or as a class.
For above-level students, you can make the game
more interesting by saying that the pile can also be Teaching Tip
slapped when any job comes up twice in a row or in a
Make the reading more interesting by having the
“sandwich” (i.e. one job, a different job, and then the
students alternate between reading extremely slowly
first job).

40 Unit 2 • Dream Jobs

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 40 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

in low, deep voices and reading extremely fast in high, 2. Tell the students to read the verbs in the
squeaky voices. You can say “slow,” “fast,” or other parentheses and complete the sentences. Remind
phrases to make them alternate. Once the students them that all the verbs should be in infinitive
are used to it, they can take turns setting the reading form (i.e. “to”+verb).
pace for everyone else. 3. Check the answers as a class or have the
students work in pairs to check their answers.
B Choose the correct answers. 1. want to be 2. want to eat
Answers 3. wants to be 4. wants to have
1. Have the students complete the reading
5. wants to go 6. wants to take
comprehension questions.
2. Check the answers as a class.
C Look and write.
Answers 1. a 2. b 3. b
1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
Game Suggestion them what they can see.
Backwards Quiz Tell the students that instead of giving
2. Explain to the students that they need to
the answer to a question, they should say the question complete the sentences with the phrases in the
for an answer. Say a sentence (e.g. “John wants to be box. If necessary, demonstrate how with the
a reporter.”) and tell the students to raise their hand first sentence on the board.
as soon as they know its question (“What does John 3. Check the answers as a class or have the
want to be?”). The fastest student to raise their hand students work in pairs to check their answers.
and say the correct question wins a point. You can use
1. to help sick people 2. to eat some food
this game to review the other key structures from this Answers
3. to go to space
unit as well.

Student Book page 25 For below-level students, you can give hints on how to
complete the questions and answers. For example, you
A Look and learn.
can point out to them that all of the answers start with
1. Go over the structure “want”+infinitive with “to.”
the students. Make sure that the students
Extra Practice
understand that the word “to” is actually part
of the second verb rather than “want.” This Assign pages 20–21 in the workbook as homework.
may be confusing at first for them since the
previous lessons did not treat the key phrases
from lesson 2 as infinitives.
2. Read the chart as a class.

Teaching Tip

Show the students how to make negatives sentences

with the form “don’t/doesn’t want”+infinitive as well.
Have them practice by saying all the jobs they do NOT
want to have.

B Read and write.

1. Read the sentences as a class. Have all the
students say “blah blah” in silly voices
whenever they come to a blank.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 41 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

Review 1 Unit 1 - Unit 2
Student Book pages 26–27
Lesson Objective
To review the key structures and
vocabulary learned in units 1 and 2

practice, magician, entertain, chef

CD tracks 32–34, flashcards 01–24

Student Book page 26 2. Play the recording and tell the students to write
the correct number next to each picture. Check
Warm Up the answers as a class.

1. Show the students the flashcards from units 1 TR 32

and 2 and practice saying the keywords and key 1. I like the drama club.
2. He like the robotics club.
structures from the units.
3. She likes the magic club.
2. Give the flashcards to different students and 4. I want to be an astronaut.
ask them to stand up. Tell them that when you 5. She wants to be a reporter.
say “Go!” they should start walking around the 6. He wants to be an athlete.

classroom but stop right away when you say

“Stop!” Answers 6, 5, 2, 3, 1, 4
3. Point to one student’s flashcard. Have the rest of
the students ask “What do you like/want to do?”
and then tell the student to answer. Do this for all B Listen and choose.
of the students holding flashcards. After a while, 1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
you can switch questions and have them ask them what they can see.
“Which club/job do you like best?”
2. Play the recording and tell the students to circle
the correct letters. Check the answers as a class.
Teaching Tip
TR 33
Choose a game from unit 1 and/or unit 2 that the
1. Do you like to do yoga?
students enjoyed and play it again to practice the key Yes, I do.
words and structures. 2. Does she like to play instruments?
No, she doesn’t.
3. What do you want to do?
I want to draw funny cartoons.
A Listen and number. 4. What does he want to do?
He wants to create new clothes.
1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
them what they can see.

42 Review 1

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 42 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

Answers 1. a 2. c 3. a 4. b

Student Book page 27

C Listen and read.

1. Tell the students what the passage will be about
and introduce any new vocabulary.
2. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
them what they can see.
3. Play the recording and let the students listen to
the passage.

TR 34
My School Club
Hi! I’m John. I live in Canada. My school has a Harry Potter club.
I like it a lot. We practice magic tricks. I want to be a magician. I
want to entertain people! Which club do you like?
Hi! I’m Lily from the U.S. I like the dinner club at my school. We
cook and eat together! I want to be a chef, so it’s a good club for
me. I want to have my own restaurant! What do you want to do?

4. Read the passage to the students. Then read it

as a class.

Activity Suggestion

Funny Reading Have the students work in groups. Tell

each group to think of a unique way to read the story.
They can change their voices, sing or rap the lines,
do silly actions, etc. After all the groups have finished
reading the story, have the class vote on which group
they thought was the funniest.

D Choose or write the correct answers.

1. Have the students read the sentences and circle
or write the correct answers.
2. Check the answers as a class.

1. b 2. a
3. She wants to have her own restaurant.

Extra Practice

Ask the students to complete pages 22–23 in their

workbook as homework.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 43 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

3 In Town Lesson 1 Places in Town
Student Book pages 28–29
Lesson Objectives
To understand and produce the key
To correctly ask and answer about
people’s location using the question
word “where” and the simple past

mall, hair salon, grocery store, library,
movie theater, park

Key Structures
Where were you yesterday?
I was at the park.
Where was he/she yesterday?
He/She was at the mall.

CD tracks 35–39, flashcards 25–30

Student Book page 28 Game Suggestion

Draw and Run Tape the place flashcards in different

Warm Up corners of the room. Then have one student draw one
of the places on the board. Tell the other students to
1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then
run to that place’s flashcard as soon as they figure out
check the previous day’s homework or collect it
what it is. The first person there can be the next to
from the students.
2. Ask the students what their favorite places are.
Make a list of places on the board and vote on Teaching Tip
which is the best.
Introduce some extra vocabulary words and write them
on the board so that students who want more options
in later activities can refer to them. (Suggested words:
A Listen, point, and say. bus stop, gas station, police station)
1. Use the place flashcards to introduce the
vocabulary. Check the student’s background
B Listen and circle.
knowledge by asking “What is it?” If they don’t
know the keyword in English, say it and have 1. Tell the students to listen and circle the place
them repeat it several times. that is being talked about.
2. Have the students look at the picture. Ask them 2. Check the answer as a class.
what they can see.
TR 36
3. Let the students listen to the recording. Then Girl: Hey, are those new jeans?
play it again and ask the students to say each Boy: Yes, they are.
Girl: Did you buy them yesterday?
Boy: Yes, I did. I was at the mall with my mom. She bought them
for me.
TR 35
1. mall 2. hair salon 3. grocery store
4. library 5. movie theater 6. park Answer mall

44 Unit 3 • In Town

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 44 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

Student Book page 29 in red, “was” in blue, and the place name in
C Ask and answer. another color. Then practice it with the students
several times.
1. Introduce the lesson’s first key structure. Write 2. Play the recording and ask the students to
it in black on the board with “you” in red, look and point at the pictures under the key
“were” in blue, and the place name in another structure.
color. Then practice it with the students several
times. TR 38
Where was he yesterday? He was at the mall.
2. Explain that this structure is about the past,
1. Where was he yesterday? He was at the mall.
not the present. Draw an arrow from the word 2. Where was she yesterday? She was at the movie theater.
“yesterday” to the word “were” to help explain 3. Where was he yesterday? He was at the park.
4. Where was he yesterday? He was at the library.
why it is not “are.” 5. Where was she yesterday? She was at the hair salon.
3. Play the recording and ask the students to 6. Where was she yesterday? She was at the grocery store.
look and point at the pictures under the key
Student Book page 95
TR 37
Where were you yesterday? I was at the park. Chant
am, was, is, was, are, were
1. Where were you yesterday? I was at the park. 1. Read the lyrics line by line and have the
2. Where were you yesterday? I was at the grocery store.
students repeat them after you.
3. Where were you yesterday? I was at the hair salon.
4. Where were you yesterday? I was at the mall. 2. Play the recording and do the chant together as
5. Where were you yesterday? I was at the movie theater. a class.
6. Where were you yesterday? I was at the library.
TR 39
4. Use the pictures to practice the key structure Where Was He? Where Was She?
as a class. Then have the students practice it in Where was he? Where was she?
They were at the library.
Where were you? Where was John?
Teaching Tip We were at the hair salon.

Introduce the word “last” as another past tense word

Where was Sally? Where was George?
and teach the students what “last week,” “last month,” They were at the grocery store.
and “last year” mean. Then use them in the key
structure. Where was Mary? Where was Paul?
They were at the shopping mall.

Game Suggestion Where were you? With my aunt.

We were at a restaurant.
Duck, Duck, Goose Draw a large city map on the board
and label it with a lot of different places, including all Where were you? With him and her.
of the lesson’s keywords. Have the students either We were at the movie theater!

sit or stand in a circle and play duck, duck, goose.

However, instead of saying “goose,” the student going 3. Play the chant again and have the students do
around the circle should say a place name instead. a simple action (such as snapping their fingers)
When they do, they and the student whose head they while saying it.
touched should both race to the board and slap the
Extra Practice
correct place as fast as possible. The loser becomes
the next person to go around the circle. Assign pages 24–25 in the workbook as homework.
You can also have the students complete the
worksheet on page 126 of the teacher’s book in class.
D Match. Then ask and answer.
1. Introduce the lesson’s second key structure.
Write it in black on the board with “he/she”


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 45 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

3 In Town Lesson 2 What I Did
Student Book pages 30–31
Lesson Objectives
To understand and produce the key
To correctly ask and answer about
people’s activities using the question
word “what” and the simple past

go shopping, get a haircut, buy some
fruit, borrow a book, watch a movie,
walk my dog

Key Structures
What did you do yesterday?
I went shopping.
What did he/she do yesterday?
He/She borrowed a book.

CD tracks 40–43, flashcards 25–36

Student Book page 30 lesson 1 also) to introduce the vocabulary. Say

each word several times and have the students
Warm Up repeat after you.
2. Play the recording for the students. Then play
1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then
it again and tell them to point to each picture
check the previous day’s homework or collect it
when it is mentioned.
from the students.
2. (optional) Go over the chant on page 95 again. TR 40
3. Review the place flashcards from the previous 1. go shopping 2. get a haircut 3. buy some fruit
lesson using the key structures “Where were you 4. borrow a book 5. watch a movie 6. walk my dog

yesterday? I was at the (place),” and “Where was

he/she yesterday? He/She was at the (place).” Differentiation

For below-level students, simplify the key phrases

Teaching Tip by teaching the nouns and verbs separately. Have
Pass out copies of a map of the city your students live the students repeat the nouns many times before
in. Encourage them to find and circle all the keyword expanding them to include the verbs as well.
places from the previous lesson. If the places on the 3. Introduce the lesson’s first key structure. Write
map are labeled in a different language or alphabet, it in black on the board with “you” in red and
have the students label them in English for writing “did,” “do,” and the answer verb in blue. Then
practice. You can also encourage them to point out
practice it with the students several times.
and circle where they live. If you like, you can have
4. Play the recording for the students.
the students compete to see who lives the closest to
a mall, a hair salon, etc. Then talk about the different TR 41
places using the key structures from the previous What did you do yesterday? I went shopping.
lesson. go, went, get, got, buy, bought, borrow, borrowed, watch, watched,
walk, walked
1. What did you do yesterday? I went shopping.
2. What did you do yesterday? I got a haircut.
A Listen and say. Then practice. 3. What did you do yesterday? I bought some fruit.
4. What did you do yesterday? I borrowed a book.
1. Use the flashcards (you can add the cards from 5. What did you do yesterday? I watched a movie.
6. What did you do yesterday? I walked my dog.

46 Unit 3 • In Town

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 46 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

Teaching Tip the board. Give some guidelines for what to do
Write the verbs from the key phrases on the board if the clip lands between sections.
by themselves and demonstrate how each of them 2. Have the students take turns spinning the
changes into the past tense. Start with “borrow,” paperclip and asking and answering the key
“watch,” and “walk” since they are the three regular structure with each other.
ones. Then explain that the other three verbs are 3. After they ask and answer about a place, the
irregular so they have strange spellings. Make student who spun the paperclip can make a
flashcards of the verbs by themselves so that the check mark next to it. The first student to
students can practice quickly changing them from the check all six places wins the game.
present to the past tense. Then expand them to their
entire key phrases. Differentiation

For above-level students, have the student who spun

5. Practice the structure as a class using the
also spell the place name after they have asked and
pictures. answered about it. If they are incorrect, they can’t
6. Have the students work in pairs and use the check the box.
pictures to practice the structure.

Student Book page 95

B Ask and answer.
1. Introduce the lesson’s second key structure. Song
Write it in black on the board with “he/she” 1. Say the lines from the song and have the
in red and “did,” “do,” and the answer verb in students repeat them. Do this a few times until
blue. Then practice it with the students several the students are familiar with the lyrics.
times. 2. Play the recording and have the students listen
2. Play the recording for the students. Then play to the music. Then play it again and have them
it again and tell them to act out each type of sing along.
activity when they hear it.
TR 43
TR 42 What Did You Do Yesterday?
What did she do yesterday? She borrowed a book. What did you do yesterday? What did you do yesterday?
1. What did she do yesterday? She borrowed a book. I bought some fruit. I borrowed a book.
2. What did she do yesterday? She got a haircut. I watched a movie, had dinner, and got a haircut!
3. What did she do yesterday? She walked her dog.
4. What did he do yesterday? He went shopping. What did she do yesterday? What did she do yesterday?
5. What did he do yesterday? He watched a movie. She went shopping. She bought some fruit.
6. What did he do yesterday? He bought some fruit. She read a book, had dinner, and got a haircut!

What did he do yesterday? What did he do yesterday?

Game Suggestion He bought some shoes. He borrowed a book.
He took a nap, had dinner, and got a haircut!
Two Truths and a Lie Hold up an object or picture in front
of the students and say three things about it. Two 3. Sing the song once more, but before starting
of these statements should be true, and one should
encourage the students to think of some actions
be false. Try to use the key structures as much as
or gestures for it.
possible. The students should identify which statement
4. Play the instrumental version of the song and
is false either individually or in teams. The person or
have the students sing along while doing the
team that names the false statement first gets a point.
actions or gestures they came up with.

Extra Practice
Student Book page 31
Assign pages 26–27 in the workbook as homework.
Speaking Task You can also have the students complete the
1. Put the students in pairs and show them how to worksheet on page 127 of the teacher’s book in class.
spin a paperclip around a pencil in the center of


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 47 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

3 In Town Lesson 3 Story
Student Book pages 32–33
Lesson Objectives
To read and answer questions about
a comic related to the key vocabulary
To complete and present an
individualized comic

Keywords from lessons 1 and 2

Key Structures
Key structures from lessons 1 and 2

CD tracks 44–45, flashcards 25–36

Student Book page 32 A Listen. Then act it out.

1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
Warm Up
them what they can see.
1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then 2. Play the recording and let the students listen to
check the previous day’s homework or collect it the story once. Play it a second time and ask
from the students. them to point at each character while they are
2. (optional) Practice the song on page 95 again. Play talking.
the music and sing along while the students listen
and/or sing along. TR 44
Ming: Hi, Amy. Were you busy yesterday?
3. Ask the students if they remember the actions and
Amy: Uh … Yes, I was. I borrowed a book at the library.
gestures they created, and have them use them Ming: Wait, what? I saw you at the mall.
while they sing the song as a class. Amy: What? No! Uh … I was at the library.
4. Afterward, review the flashcards from lessons 1 Ming: That’s strange …
Tim: Hey, Ming. What are you doing?
and 2 using the key structures. Ming: Oh, Tim. What did you do at the bakery yesterday?
Tim: The bakery? I was at the movie theater. I saw a movie.
Ming: That’s strange … Amy! Tim! I know you weren’t at the
Game Suggestion library or movie theater!
Tim: Well …
Musical Chairs Push the desks to the sides of the
Tim & Amy: Surprise! We bought you a hairband and a cake!
classroom and make a circle of chairs using one fewer Happy birthday, Ming!
than the number of students. Each chair should have Ming: That’s so sweet. Thank you.
a place name on it. Play the song from lesson 2 and
have the students walk around the chairs and sing it. 3. Read the story to the students. Try to change
Then pause the song at a random spot and have the your voice to match the characters’ voices.
students all sit in a chair as fast as possible. Only one
4. Pause after each scene to check the students’
student can be in each chair, so one student should
be left standing. That student is then out of the game.
comprehension of any new words or
The rest of the students should say “I went to the expressions.
(place they are on).” Then one chair is removed from 5. Practice saying the lines in the story as a class.
the circle, and the game is repeated. The last student 6. When the students have a good grasp of the
left is the winner. language, have them work in pairs to practice it.

48 Unit 3 • In Town

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 48 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

Teaching Tip 3. Ask each group to act out their story in front of
Use a random method to divide the students in pairs, the class. You can choose whether to have them
like choosing names out of a hat, rolling a die, playing try it with or without their books.
rock – paper– scissors, or having them guess a number.
Tongue Twisters
7. Have the pairs take turns acting the story out
in front of the class. You can choose whether to 1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
have them try it with or without their student them what they can see.
books. 2. Play the recording and let the students listen to
the tongue twisters.
Teaching Tip
TR 45
Have the students in each pair take turns reading the
1. Stuart stopped and stared at the strange starfish.
sentences in the story. Time them to see how long it 2. The small, smart cat smiled at a smooth, smelly fish.
takes them to finish.
3. Read the tongue twisters out loud to the class.
8. Afterward, read the question at the bottom Ask the students what the letter combinations
of the page. Have the students answer it “st” and “sm” sound like and have them
individually or work in pairs and talk about it underline the “st” and “sm” words in their
with their partner. books.
4. Practice reading the sentences a few times as a
class. Then have the students take turns saying
Student Book page 33
the tongue twisters on their own.
B Choose the correct answers.
1. Ask the students to choose the correct answers.
For above-level students, slowly say the tongue twisters
2. Check the answers as a class.
faster and faster until you are speaking at a normal
Answers 1. b 2. a 3. b speed with normal enunciation for a native speaker.
Encourage the students to do the same to see if they
can match your speed and inflection.
Game Suggestion

Word Unscramble Scramble all the key words and Teaching Tip
phrases from lessons 1 and 2 and give them to the Point out to the students that the letter combinations
students. Time them to see how long it takes them to “st” and “sm” are at the beginning of the words in the
unscramble them. Then give them some key structure tongue twisters. Then ask the students if there are any
sentences to unscramble as well. words with “st” and “sm” at the end instead of the
beginning. Chances are, the students will be able to
think of several examples for “st” (e.g. “first,” “last,”
For lower-level students, unscramble the words and “post,” etc.) but none for “sm” since those words are
sentences together as a class on the board. Help the too hard for them (e.g. “prism,” “chasm,” etc.). Explain
students sound out each syllable of the words, and to them that “st” is very common at the end of words,
point out any common consonant or vowel pairs that but that “sm” isn’t.

Extra Practice
C Make your own story.
Assign pages 28–29 in the workbook as homework.
1. Have the students work in groups of three and
turn to page 101.
2. Explain to the groups how to fill in the blanks
to make their own story. Then have them
practice their story together.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 49 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

3 In Town Lesson 4 Wrap Up
Student Book pages 34–35
Lesson Objectives
To complete a writing and a listening
exercise using the key vocabulary
To practice the key structures by
making silly sentences

Keywords from lessons 1 and 2

Key Structures
Key structures from lessons 1 and 2

CD track 46, flashcards 25–36

Student Book page 34 A Look and write.

1. Review how to spell the different place and
Warm Up
activity keywords with the students.
1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then
Game Suggestion
check the previous day’s homework or collect it
from the students. 10-Second Draw Write the key words or phrases on slips
2. Go through the flashcards from lessons 1 and of paper and put them in a hat or bag. Have a student
2 with the students using the key structures choose one of each at random and read them out loud.
“Where were you yesterday? I was at the (place),” Then tell the class that they have 10 seconds to draw
“Where was he/she yesterday? He/She was at the it. When the time is up, have everyone hold up their
(place),” “What did you do yesterday? I (action),” drawings and vote on the best one. The student that
and “What did he/she do yesterday? He/She wins gets to choose the next key word or phrase.
(action).” 2. Have the students look at the pictures and say
3. (optional) Do the chant and song on page 95 what they see. Then tell them to fill in the
again. Encourage the students to stand up and act blanks with key words and phrases from the
out the lyrics while they chant or sing.
unit. Check the answers as a class.

1. watched a movie 2. borrowed a book

Teaching Tip Answers
3. got a haircut 4. bought some fruit
Have the students stand up and act out the actions
with the aid of props like fruit, scissors, books, and
DVDs. Of course, they shouldn’t actually cut their hair
with the scissors. For below-level students, check the exercise by having
the entire class spell the words out loud all together.
Make sure that this is done slowly enough for all of
the students to keep up.
For above-level students, have them take turns coming
to the front and leading the class in the song and/or
chant. They can even make up new actions or verses
for the class to do, if they want.

50 Unit 3 • In Town

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 50 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

B Listen and choose. 2
1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask 1. Have the students ask and answer about their
them what they can see. days in their groups.
2. Play the recording and tell the students to 2. Tell them to write down their partners’ answers
choose the correct pictures. Check the answers on the lines below. If needed, the students
as a class. should say their answers several times so that
their partners can write all of them.
TR 46
3. Ask each group which person had the silliest
1. Where were you yesterday?
I was at the grocery store. day. Have those students stand up and read
2. Where were you yesterday? their sentences for the class.
I was at the movie theater. I watched a movie with my family.
3. What did you do yesterday? Differentiation
I walked my dog at the park.
Did you have fun? For above-level students, have them write any places
Yes, I did. and actions that they want (not necessarily from this
4. What did you do yesterday?
unit) on pieces of paper and mix them up. Then have
I got a haircut at the hair salon. What did you do?
I got a haircut too! the students repeat the activity with these phrases and
see what kind of silly sentences they have now.
Answers 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a
Extra Practice

Assign pages 30–31 in the workbook as homework.

Teaching Tip

Give the students more writing practice by slowly

reading the dialogues while the students write them
down. Make sure to check all their answers for correct
spelling and grammar.

Game Suggestion

Letter Arrangements Put the students in pairs. Give

each pair enough paper letters to make any of the
unit’s keywords. Then say the keywords and see which
pairs can use the letters to spell them the fastest. If
you want, you can keep score and give the winning pair
a small prize.

Student Book page 35

Speaking Task
1. Put the students in groups of about four. Have
them turn all the blue and yellow cards upside
down and mix them up.
2. Demonstrate to the students that they need
to draw a yellow card and a blue card and
complete the sentences in the book with them
on their own.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 51 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

3 In Town Lesson 5 Skills Up!
Student Book pages 36–37
Lesson Objectives
To read and answer questions about
a story on making blueberry pie
To review the past tense of the verb

flour, grab, on sale, bake

Grammar Point
Using the verb “be” in the past
simple tense

CD track 47, flashcards 25–36

Student Book page 36 Teaching Tip

Focus on all the ingredients items mentioned in the

Warm Up passage (i.e. flour, sugar, butter, salt). Bring in pictures
of each of these items and ask what sorts of foods
1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then
are made from them. If you want, you can even expand
check the previous day’s homework or collect it
them to other common baking ingredients like eggs,
from the students.
milk, baking soda, and baking powder.
2. Briefly review the vocabulary from lessons 1 and 2.
3. Play the recording of the passage for the
Game Suggestion students.
Sentence Making Have the students work in pairs. TR 47
Tell each pair that they have two minutes (you can Let’s Have Blueberry Pie!
extend the time limit if necessary) to make as many This morning, my mom asked me, “Do you want to have
blueberry pie this afternoon?” I answered, “Yes, I do!” so she
sentences as possible using the keywords from
said, “Then let’s go to the grocery store.”
lessons 1 and 2. Each correct sentence they make is At the store, my mom found some flour and sugar for $3 each.
worth one point. The team with the most points wins She also got salt for $1. I grabbed some butter. It was on sale,
the game. so it was only $2.
Back home, we opened the shopping bag and started baking.
But something wasn’t there. Uh-oh! We forgot to buy blueberries!
A Listen and read.
4. Read the passage to the students. Then read it
1. Have the students look at the picture. Ask them
as a class.
what they can see. Then show the students
5. Have the students read the passage once again
pictures of different popular foods in their
either individually or as a class.
country. Ask them what kinds of ingredients
are in these foods.
B Choose the correct answers.
2. Tell the students what the story will be about
and introduce any new vocabulary. 1. Have the students complete the reading
comprehension questions.

52 Unit 3 • In Town

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 52 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

2. Check the answers as a class. 3. Check the answers as a class by reading them
out loud all together.
Answers 1. c 2. c 3. c
Answers 1. was 2. wasn’t 3. were 4. weren’t

Student Book page 37

C Look and write.
A Look and learn.
1. Explain to the students that they need to look
1. Go over the past tense of the verb “be” with at the pictures and complete three questions
the students. and answers.
2. Read the chart as a class. Use it to explain how 2. Demonstrate how to complete the first one on
to form positive sentences, negative sentences, the board. Then have the students finish the
and yes/no questions with the verb “be” in the other ones on their own.
past tense. 3. Check the answers as a class or have the
students work in pairs to check their answers.
Teaching Tip

Expand the lesson by explaining to the students how 1. Were, Yes, I was 2. Was, No, she wasn’t
3. Were, Yes, they were
to form information questions as well, not just yes/no
questions. Write the question words “What,” “When,”
“Where,” “Who,” “Why,” and “How” on the board and Differentiation
tell the students what each one is used for. Then For above-level students, give them practice converting
explain that the past tense structure of information sentences from the past tense to the present tense
questions is “(question word) was/were (noun/ as well. Write a variety of sentences on the board in
pronoun)?” One example of this structure is in the key the past tense for them to change. They can do this
structure “Where were you yesterday?” individually, in groups, or as a class. You also have the
flexibility to have them write and/or say the changed
Differentiation sentences.
For below-level students, you can limit the explanation Extra Practice
about information questions to “Where” since it is the
Assign pages 32–33 in the workbook as homework.
easiest to explain.

Game Suggestion

Blackout Divide the students into groups of three or

four. Give each group two dice, three or four different
colors of playing chips, and the flashcards from lessons
1 and 2. The students should take turns rolling the
dice and saying the keyword of the corresponding card.
If they are correct, they get to put their chip on it. If
they are incorrect, the next player goes. If they already
have a chip on the card, they should still say the
keyword, but they do not get to put another chip down.
The first player to have chips on all six flashcards is
the winner.

B Read and circle.

1. Have the students read the sentences on their
2. Tell them to circle the correct option for each


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 53 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

4 At the Festival Lesson 1 Where We Were
Student Book pages 38–39
Lesson Objectives
To understand and produce the key
To correctly ask and answer yes/no
questions about people’s locations in
the simple past tense
hotdog cart, souvenir stand, dart
game booth, information tent, first
aid tent, stage
Key Structures
Were you at the hotdog cart?
Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t.
Was he/she at the dart game booth?
Yes, he/she was. / No, he/she
He/She was at the information tent.
CD tracks 48–52, flashcards 37–42

Student Book page 38 Teaching Tip

Introduce some extra vocabulary words and write them

Warm Up on the board so that students who want more options
in later activities can refer to them. (Suggested words:
1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then
restroom, water fountain, ring toss stand)
check the previous day’s homework or collect it
from the students.
2. Explain what a “festival” is and ask them what B Listen and circle.
kinds of festivals they have in their country. Then
ask what things are at these festivals. 1. Tell the students to listen and circle the place
that is being talked about.
2. Check the answer as a class.
A Listen, point, and say.
TR 49
1. Use the place flashcards to introduce the Girl: Were you at the information tent?
Boy: Yes, I was.
vocabulary. Check the student’s background Girl: Do they have maps there?
knowledge by asking “What is this?” If they Boy: Yes, they do. Here you go. I got you one.
don’t know the keyword in English, say it and
have them repeat it several times. Answer information tent
2. Have the students look at the picture. Ask them
what they can see.
3. Let the students listen to the recording. Then Student Book page 39
play it again and ask the students to say each
C Ask and answer.
1. Introduce the lesson’s first key structure. Write
TR 48
1. hotdog cart 2. souvenir stand 3. dart game booth
it in black on the board with “you” in red;
4. information tent 5. first aid tent 6. stage “were,” “was,” and “wasn’t” in blue; and the
place name in another color. Then practice it
with the students several times.

54 Unit 4 • At the Festival

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 54 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

2. Explain to the students that questions in this TR 51
structure always put the verb “be” before the Was she at the dart game booth? Yes, she was.
subject, and that their answers always start with Was she at the dart game booth?
No, she wasn’t. She was at the information tent.
either “yes” or “no.” 1. Was she at the dart game booth?
No, she wasn’t. She was at the information tent.
Teaching Tip 2. Was he at the souvenir stand?
Yes, he was.
Explain to the class that the question and answer use
3. Was she at the first aid tent?
different verb forms because “I” matches with “was” Yes, she was.
but “you” matches with “were.” Draw a was/were chart 4. Was she at the hotdog cart?
on the board with “I,” “he,” and “she” in one column No, she wasn’t. She was at the dart game booth.
5. Was he at the stage?
and “we,” “you,” and “they” in the other. Yes, he was.
6. Was he at the information tent?
3. Play the recording and ask the students to No, he wasn’t. He was at the hotdog cart.
look and point at the pictures under the key
Student Book page 95
TR 50
Were you at the hotdog cart? Yes, I was. Chant
Were you at the hotdog cart? No, I wasn’t.
1. Were you at the hotdog cart? No, I wasn’t. 1. Read the lyrics line by line and have the
2. Were you at the information tent? Yes, I was.
3. Were you at the stage? No, I wasn’t.
students repeat them after you.
4. Were you at the first aid tent? Yes, I was. 2. Play the recording and do the chant together as
5. Were you at the dart game booth? No, I wasn’t. a class.
6. Were you at the souvenir stand? Yes, I was.
TR 52
4. Use the pictures to practice the key structure Where Could They Be?
as a class. Then have the students practice it in Was he at the hotdog cart?
No, he wasn’t at the hotdog cart.
pairs. Where could he be?
Where was he if he wasn’t at the hotdog cart?
Game Suggestion
Was she at the dart game booth?
Spelling Bee Have the students line up along the No, she wasn’t at the dart game booth.
classroom wall and ask them to spell words from the Where could she be?
lesson one by one. If a student spells a word correctly, Where was she if she wasn’t at the dart game booth?
they get to move to the back of the line and participate
Were you at the information tent?
in the next round. But if they spell it incorrectly, they Yes, I was at the information tent.
are out of the game. The last student left wins the And so was he, and so was she.
game. We were all at the information tent.

3. Play the chant again and have the students do a

D Ask and answer.
simple action (such as stomping their feet) while
1. Introduce the lesson’s second key structure. saying it.
Write it in black on the board with “he/she” in
red, “was” and “wasn’t” in blue, and the place
names in another color. Then practice it with For above-level students, do the chant again with the
the students several times. students’ names and random festival places.
2. Play the recording and ask the students to Extra Practice
look and point at the pictures under the key
Assign pages 34–35 in the workbook as homework.
You can also have the students complete the
worksheet on page 128 of the teacher’s book in class.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 55 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

4 At the Festival Lesson 2 What We Did
Student Book pages 40–41
Lesson Objectives
To understand and produce the key
To correctly ask and answer yes/no
questions about people’s activities in
the simple past tense

eat a hotdog, buy a T-shirt, see a
clown, win a prize, get a map, get a

Key Structures
Did you eat a hotdog?
Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
Did he/she buy a T-shirt?
Yes, he/she did. / No, he/she didn’t.
He/She saw a clown.

CD tracks 53–56, flashcards 37–48

Student Book page 40 minutes. Once the students are all able to easily say
the past tense conjugations, have them practice writing
Warm Up them as well. In particular, focus on the word “bought”
since it is long and has a complicated spelling.
1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then
check the previous day’s homework or collect it Differentiation
from the students.
For below-level students, focus on teaching them to
2. (optional) Go over the chant on page 95 again.
say the irregular verbs. Leave the verbs’ past tense
3. Review the place flashcards from the previous
spelling for a future lesson.
lesson using the key structures.
Game Suggestion

Memory Game Put the students in small groups and

A Listen and say. Then practice.
give each group copies of all the flashcards from
1. Use the flashcards (you can add the cards from lessons 1 and 2. The students should turn them
lesson 1 also) to introduce the vocabulary. Say upside down, mix them up, and take turns flipping two
each word several times and have the students of them over. When they do, they should use the words
repeat after you. in the key structures. If the two cards are a matching
2. Play the recording for the students. Then play place and activity, the student gets to keep them. If
it again and tell them to point to each picture they aren’t, the student flips them back over.
when it is mentioned. Differentiation

TR 53 For above-level students, combine two sets of

1. eat a hotdog 2. buy a T-shirt 3. see a clown differently marked cards to make the game harder.
4. win a prize 5. get a map 6. get a bandage
3. Introduce the lesson’s first key structure. Write
Teaching Tip
it in black on the board with “you” in red,
“did” and “didn’t” in blue, and the action in
To help the students memorize the irregular
another color. Then practice it with the students
conjugations of all these verbs, have them practice
them with the flashcards as a class for one or two several times.
4. Play the recording for the students.

56 Unit 4 • At the Festival

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 56 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

TR 54
3. Have the partners line up their pages. As a
Did you eat a hotdog? Yes, I did. class, ask the first question, trace the line, and
Did you eat a hotdog? No, I didn’t. answer it.
1. Did you eat a hotdog? Yes, I did.
2. Did you buy a T-shirt? Yes, I did. 2
3. Did you see a clown? Yes, I did.
4. Did you win a prize? Yes, I did. 1. Have the students ask and answer the key
5. Did you get a map? Yes, I did.
questions for their action stickers. They should
6. Did you get a bandage? Yes, I did.
take turns, with one partner asking the even
5. Practice the structure as a class using the numbered questions and the other asking the
flashcards. odd numbered ones.
6. Have the students work in pairs and use the 2. After each answer, they should write an “O”
pictures to practice the structure. if the activities match each other or an “X” if
they don’t. Then they should answer how many
B Ask and answer. Os they got.

1. Introduce the lesson’s second key structure.

Write it in black on the board with “he/she” in Student Book page 95
red, “did” and “didn’t” in blue, and the activity
in another color. Then practice it with the
students several times. 1. Say the lines from the song and have the
students repeat them. Do this a few times until
Teaching Tip the students are familiar with the lyrics.
Point out to the students that past tense verbs are 2. Play the recording and have the students listen
conjugated the same way regardless of their subject. to the music. Then play it again and have them
sing along.
2. Play the recording for the students. Then play
it again and tell them to act out each activity TR 56
Did He Eat a Hotdog?
when they hear it.
Did he eat a hotdog? Yes, he did. Yes, he did.
Did he get a map? No, he didn’t.
TR 55
He didn’t get a map, but he ate a hotdog.
Did he buy a T-shirt? Yes, he did.
Did he eat a hotdog? Yes, he did.
Did he buy a T-shirt? No, he didn’t. He saw a clown.
buy, bought, get, got, see, saw, win, won, eat, ate
Did she buy a T-shirt? Yes, she did. Yes, she did.
1. Did he buy a T-shirt? No, he didn’t. He saw a clown.
Did she get a bandage? No, she didn’t.
2. Did she get a map? No, she didn’t. She won a prize.
She didn’t get a bandage, but she bought a T-shirt.
3. Did he get a bandage? Yes, he did.
Did she buy a T-shirt? Yes, she did.
4. Did she see a clown? No, she didn’t. She bought a T-shirt.
5. Did he win a prize? No, he didn’t. He got a map.
Did you win a nice prize? Yes, I did. Yes, I did.
6. Did she eat a hotdog? Yes, she did.
Did you see a clown? No, I didn’t.
I didn’t see a clown, but I won a nice prize.
Did you win a nice prize? Yes, I did.

Student Book page 41

3. Sing the song once more, but before starting
Speaking Task encourage the students to think of some actions
or gestures for it.
4. Play the instrumental version of the song and
1. Put the students in pairs so that one is Student have the students sing along while doing the
A and one is Student B. Have Student B turn to actions or gestures they came up with.
page 107.
2. Demonstrate that Student A and Student B Extra Practice

should stick the stickers in any order in the Assign pages 36–37 in the workbook as homework.
white spaces. You can also have the students complete the
worksheet on page 129 of the teacher’s book in class.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 57 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

4 At the Festival Lesson 3 Story
Student Book pages 42–43
Lesson Objectives
To read and answer questions about
a comic related to the key vocabulary
To complete and present an
individualized comic

Keywords from lessons 1 and 2

Key Structures
Key structures from lessons 1 and 2

CD tracks 57–58, flashcards 37–48

Student Book page 42 their airplanes at the target. If they don’t, they have to
move to the back of the line. Each time they hit the
Warm Up target, they get a point.

1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then

A Listen. Then act it out.
check the previous day’s homework or collect it
from the students. 1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
2. (optional) Practice the song on page 95 again. Play them what they can see.
the music and sing along while the students listen 2. Play the recording and let the students listen to
and/or sing along. the story once. Play it a second time and ask
3. Ask the students if they remember the actions and them to point at each character while they are
gestures they created, and have them use them talking.
while they sing the song as a class.
4. Afterward, review the flashcards from lessons 1 TR 57
and 2 using the key structures “Were you at the Ming: Hey, Tim. Where were you?
Tim: I was at the stage. I saw a clown.
(place)? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t. I was at the
Ming: That sounds fun!
(place),” “Was he/she at the (place)? Yes, he/ Tim: How about you, Ming? Were you at the souvenir stand?
she was. / No, he/she wasn’t. He/She was at Ming: No, I wasn’t. I was at the dart game booth. I won a prize.
the (place),” “Did you (action)? Yes, I did. / No, I Tim: I’m going to the hotdog cart over there. Do you want to
didn’t,” and “Did he/she (action)? Yes, he/she did. Ming: Sure.
/ No, he/she didn’t. He/She (action).” Tim: Hey, look! Isn’t that Kevin?
Ming: Kevin!
Kevin: Oh, hey, guys.
Game Suggestion Tim: Where were you? Were you at the hotdog cart?
Ming: Or were you at the stage?
Paper Airplanes Draw a target with a bull’s-eye Kevin: Well … I was lost. I couldn’t read this map.
on the board and have the students make paper Ming & Tim: Kevin, you’re looking at it upside down!
airplanes. Then tell them to make a line at the back Kevin: Oh no!

of the classroom and ask them various key structure

questions. If they answer correctly, they get to throw 3. Read the story to the students. Try to change
your voice to match the characters’ voices.

58 Unit 4 • At the Festival

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 58 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

4. Pause after each scene to check the students’ Teaching Tip
comprehension of any new words or If the students are intimidated by all the writing in this
expressions. activity, have them simply make a list of five different
5. Practice saying the lines in the story as a class. festival places without looking at the cartoon. Then
6. When the students have a good grasp of the have them write the past tense activities that match
language, have them work in groups of three to the first two places. Last, have them copy these
practice it. places and activities into their stories.
7. Have the groups take turns acting the story out
3. Ask each group to act out their story in front of
in front of the class. You can choose whether to
the class. You can choose whether to have them
have them try it with or without their student
try it with or without their books.
8. Afterward, read the question at the bottom
of the page. Have the students answer it Tongue Twisters
individually or work in pairs and talk about it 1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
with their partner. them what they can see.
2. Play the recording and let the students listen to
the tongue twisters.
For below-level students, simplify the question to “What
do you do at festivals?” TR 58
1. Sharon saw shiny shoes on the shelf at the shop.
2. Rich reached the bench and watched the beach.

Student Book page 43

3. Read the tongue twisters out loud to the class.
B Choose the correct answers. Ask the students what the letter combinations
1. Ask the students to choose the correct answers. “sh” and “ch” sound like and have them
2. Check the answers as a class. underline the “sh” and “ch” words in their
Answers 1. b 2. c 3. c 4. Practice reading the sentences a few times as a
class. Then have the students take turns saying
Game Suggestion the tongue twisters on their own.
Word Find Have all the students sit down and open
Teaching Tip
their books to the reading passage. Then say a word
from the passage and tell the students to find it as Say the tongue twisters as fast as you can for the
fast as possible. As soon as they find it, they should students several times. Then encourage them to say
stand up and read out the line it is in. The fastest them and time them to see who can do it the fastest.
person to find it wins.
Extra Practice

C Make your own story. Assign pages 38–39 in the workbook as homework.

1. Have the students work in groups of three and

turn to page 102.
2. Explain to the groups how to fill in the blanks
to make their own story. Then have them
practice their story together.

Teaching Tip

It may be helpful to make a big version of the story

to put on the board. This can be used to demonstrate
how to complete the story.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 59 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

4 At the Festival Lesson 4 Wrap Up
Student Book pages 44–45
Lesson Objectives
To complete a writing and a listening
exercise using the key vocabulary
To practice the key structures by
playing a game

Keywords from lessons 1 and 2

Key Structures
Key structures from lessons 1 and 2

CD track 59, flashcards 37–48

Student Book page 44 run to the board and write the place name or activity.
The fastest one to spell it correctly wins a point for
Warm Up their team.

2. Have the students look at the pictures and say

1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then
check the previous day’s homework or collect it what they see. Then tell them to fill in the
from the students. blanks with key phrases from the unit. Check
2. Go through the flashcards from lessons 1 and 2 the answers as a class.
with the students using the key structures “Were
1. Dart game booth 2. Stage
you at the (place)? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t. I Answers 3. get a map 4. Souvenir stand
was at the (place),” “Was he/she at the (place)? 5. eat a hotdog 6. get a bandage
Yes, he/she was. / No, he/she wasn’t. He/She
was at the (place),” “Did you (action)? Yes, I did.
Teaching Tip
/ No, I didn’t,” and “Did he/she (action)? Yes, he/
To make sure that the students are all spelling the
she did. / No, he/she didn’t. He/She (action).”
words correctly, ask the class to spell them together
3. (optional) Do the chant and song on page 95
after each answer is given. If more than a couple of
again. Encourage the students to stand up and act
students have a hard time spelling a word, have all
out the lyrics while they chant or sing.
the students write that word next to the activity three
A Look and write.
Activity Suggestion
1. Review how to spell the different festival place
Paper People World Put the students in groups and give
and activity keywords with the students.
each group some paper. Have them design their own
Game Suggestion festival maps like the one in exercise A. Then they can
cut out little paper people and move them around the
Board Race Divide the students into two teams and
festival while using the unit’s key structures. If you like,
line them up at the back of the classroom. Give the
you can also have each group present places on their
first student on each team a marker and show them a
festival maps with the sentences “Here is the (place).
flashcard picture. As soon as they see it, they should
We (past tense action) there.”

60 Unit 4 • At the Festival

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 60 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

B Listen and number. card and the other should answer it base on the
second one.
1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
them what they can see. Differentiation
2. Play the recording and tell the students to write For above-level students, combine two sets of cards
the dialogue number next to the person that together to make the game twice as hard.
said it. Check the answers as a class.
Extra Practice
TR 59
Assign pages 40–41 in the workbook as homework.
1. Were you at the souvenir stand?
No, I wasn’t. I was at the information tent.
2. Were you at the first aid tent?
Yes, I was. I got a bandage.
3. Hey, did you see a clown?
Yes, I did.
Were you at the stage?
Yes, I was.
4. Were you at the hotdog cart?
No, I wasn’t. I was at the dart game booth.
Did you win a prize?
Yes, I did.

Answers 4, 3, 1, 2

Teaching Tip

Give the students more reading practice by making

copies of the dialogues and having them read and
practice them with a partner. Then have each pair pick
a random dialogue to perform in front of the class. The
other students should listen and identify which number
dialogue it is.


For above-level students, say various sentences with

the key words and phrases at a normal speed for
native speakers. If they can easily understand them,
increase your speed until you are speaking extremely
fast. See if any of the students can copy you.

Student Book page 45

Speaking Task
1. Put the students in pairs and have them turn
the cards over and mix them up.
2. Demonstrate how to play the memory game by
turning over two cards, seeing if they match,
and keeping them if they do.
3. Make sure that the students say the key
structures each time they turn over a pair of
cards. The student who is not turning over the
cards should ask a question based on the first


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 61 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

4 At the Festival Lesson 5 Skills Up!
Student Book pages 46–47
Lesson Objectives
To read and answer questions about
a text on a British festival
To review the usage of past simple
negative sentences and yes/no

roll, exciting, chase, catch

Grammar Point
Making positive sentences, negative
sentences, and yes/no questions in
the past simple tense

CD track 60, flashcards 37–48

Student Book page 46 them what they can see, and follow up by
asking if they would like to roll cheese down
Warm Up a hill. Then explain that there is a cheese-
rolling festival in the U.K. and point out
1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then
where Cooper’s Hill is on a map of the U.K.
check the previous day’s homework or collect it
from the students.
2. Tell the students what the passage will be about
2. Briefly review the vocabulary from lessons 1 and 2.
and introduce any new vocabulary.

Game Suggestion Teaching Tip

Word Trace Have the students sit in a circle or make Prepare the students for the reading passage’s style
team lines if you have a larger class. Choose one of and format by reviewing what a reporter is and what
the unit’s keywords and tell it to the first student in they do (i.e. interview people).
the circle or in each line. On your signal, the student(s)
should trace the word onto the back of the person in 3. Play the recording of the passage for the
front of them. That person then does the same thing students.
to the next person and so on until the word reaches
TR 60
the end of the line. The last student should run up and The Cooper’s Hill Cheese-Rolling Festival
write the word on the board. If it is the correct word, Reporter: Good morning. Today I’m here at the Cooper’s Hill
the team (or class) gets a point. Cheese-Rolling festival. I’m with Brent from England.
Did you have fun today?
Brent: Yes, I did. It was exciting.
Teaching Tip
Reporter: What did you do?
Connect the lesson to the students’ background Brent: We took a big, round cheese to the top of Cooper’s
knowledge by asking them about what people do at Hill. One person rolled it down the hill, and everyone
chased it.
festivals in their country.
Reporter: Did anyone catch it?
Brent: No. It rolled too fast!
Reporter: Did anyone get hurt?
A Listen and read. Brent: Yes. Many people fell down and got hurt.
Reporter: It sounds fun but dangerous!
1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask

62 Unit 4 • At the Festival

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 62 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

4. Read the passage to the students. Then read it the given verbs in their correct form. They can
as a class. do this either individually or in pairs.
3. Check the answers as a class or have the
5. Have the students read the passage once again
students work in groups to check their answers.
either individually or as a class.
Answers went, bought, made, borrowed, saw
Teaching Tip

One way to help the students practice reading fluently

is by having them read along with the audio recording. C Read and write.
Encourage them to match their pronunciation and
intonation to the voice actors’. 1. Have the students look at the example box.
Explain how the verb given in the box “buy”
changed to complete the dialogue.
B Choose the correct answers. 2. Explain that they need to complete the
1. Have the students complete the reading dialogues with the given verbs.
comprehension questions.
2. Check the answers as a class.
For below-level students, go over the past tense of all
Answers 1. c 2. a 3. b the verbs in the boxes of both exercises as a class. If
needed, write them on the board as well so that the
students know how to spell them correctly.

For above-level students, tell them to close their books 3. Check the answers as a class or have the
and then ask them more questions about the reading. students work in pairs to check their answers.

Game Suggestion 1. Did, buy, I didn’t, bought

Answers 2. Did, play, he didn’t, played
Word Bowling Write the unit’s keyword places on paper 3. Did, eat, she didn’t, ate
or plastic cups. Then set them up like bowling pins
and have the students take turns rolling a squishy ball
Extra Practice
at them. After they bowl, they should say “I went to
the (place 1), (place 2), (place 3), etc.” with the place Assign pages 42–43 in the workbook as homework.
names from all the cups they knocked over.

Student Book page 47

A Look and learn.

1. Go over how to make positive sentences,
negative sentences, and yes/no questions in
the past simple with the students. Remind the
students that negative sentences in the past
simple keep their main verbs in their basic form
rather than changing them into the past tense.
2. Read the chart as a class.

B Read and write.

1. Have the students look at the given verbs. Then
have them read the sentences.
2. Tell the students to complete the sentences with


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 63 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

Review 2 Unit 3 - Unit 4
Student Book pages 48–49
Lesson Objective
To review the key structures and
vocabulary learned in units 3 and 4

animated movie, funny, lunchtime,

CD tracks 61–63, flashcards 25–48

Student Book page 48 A Listen and number.

1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
Warm Up
them what they can see.
1. Show the students the flashcards from units 3 2. Play the recording and tell the students to write
and 4 and practice saying the keywords and key the correct number next to each picture. Check
structures from the units. the answers as a class.
2. Put all of the flashcards in a box. Let the students
take turns coming to the front and choosing a TR 61
1. I was at the grocery store.
flashcard. Once they’ve chosen one, ask them
2. He was at the first aid tent.
“Where were you yesterday?” After they’ve 3. She was at the hotdog cart.
answered, follow up by asking them “What did you 4. I bought some clothes.
do yesterday?” 5. She got a haircut.
6. He won a prize.
3. Have the class collectively choose one place
flashcard and one action flashcard without showing
Answers 3, 1, 5, 4, 6, 2
you what they are. Try to guess what they are by
asking them “Were you at the (place)?” and “Did
you (action)?” The entire class should answer you
B Listen and choose.
together. After you get the answer, the students
can take turns guessing the cards their classmates 1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
choose. them what they can see.
2. Play the recording and tell the students to circle
Teaching Tip the correct letters. Check the answers as a class.
Choose a game from unit 3 and/or unit 4 that the
students enjoyed and play it again to practice the key
words and structures.

64 Review 2

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 64 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

TR 62 1. b 2. c
1. What did you do yesterday? 3. They sang “Happy Birthday” to her.
I borrowed a book.
2. Were you at the information tent?
No, I wasn’t. I was at the dart game booth. Extra Practice
3. Did you see a clown?
Ask the students to complete pages 44–45 in their
Yes, I did. I got a balloon.
4. Where were you yesterday? workbook as homework.
I was at the movie theater. I saw a movie.

Answers 1. c 2. a 3. a 4. b

Student Book page 49

C Listen and read.

1. Tell the students what the passage will be about
and introduce any new vocabulary.
2. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
them what they can see.
3. Play the recording and let the students listen to
the passage.

TR 63
Lisa’s Happy Birthday!
Yesterday was Lisa’s birthday. What did she do? She did many
In the morning, she went to the movie theater. She watched an
animated movie with her brother. It was really funny.
At lunchtime, they went to a hotdog cart. They ate hotdogs there.
Then she bought a pretty dress at the mall. Her friends were there
as well. They sang “Happy Birthday” to her. They played a ring toss
game too.
Did Lisa win a prize? Yes, she did! She had a great birthday!

4. Read the passage to the students. Then read it

as a class.

Activity Suggestion

It’s Your Turn Start reading the story out loud and then
stop and call out a student’s name. That student will
begin reading where you left off and then will call out
the name of another student, who will do the same
thing. Have the students take turns reading small
portions of the story like this until it is finished.

D Choose or write the correct answers.

1. Have the students read the sentences and circle
or write the correct answers.
2. Check the answers as a class.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 65 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

5 Vacation Plans Lesson 1 Activities
Student Book pages 50–51
Lesson Objectives
To understand and produce the key
To correctly ask and answer about
future vacation plans using the
simple future phrase “be going to”
travel to Paris, pick peaches, go
camping, visit my grandparents, go to
a soccer camp, go to the beach
Key Structures
What are you going to do on vacation?
I’m going to travel to Paris.
What’s he/she going to do on
He’s/She’s going to visit his/her
CD tracks 64–68, flashcards 49–54

Student Book page 50 them on the board so that students who want
more options in later activities can refer to them.
Warm Up (Suggested words: go horseback riding, have a picnic,
play the piano)
1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then
check the previous day’s homework or collect it
B Listen and circle.
from the students.
2. Teach them what “vacation” means and ask them 1. Tell the students to listen and circle the activity
what they do during their summer or winter breaks. that is being talked about.
2. Check the answer as a class.

A Listen, point, and say. TR 65

Ming: What are you going to do on vacation?
1. Use the activity flashcards to introduce the Kevin: I don’t know yet. Do you have any plans?
Ming: Yes, I do. I’m going to go camping.
vocabulary. Kevin: That sounds fun!
2. Have the students look at the picture. Ask them
what they can see. Answer go camping
3. Let the students listen to the recording. Then
play it again and ask the students to say each
Student Book page 51
TR 64
1. travel to Paris 2. pick peaches
C Ask and answer.
3. go camping 4. visit my grandparents
1. Introduce the lesson’s first key structure. Write
5. go to a soccer camp 6. go to the beach
it in black on the board with “you” and “I’m”
in red, “are” and “going to” in blue, and the
Teaching Tip
activity in another color. Then practice it with
1. If Paris is not a common travel destination for your
the students several times.
students, feel free to substitute any other place that
2. Remind the students that “I’m” is short for “I
would be more realistic for them to go to.
2. Introduce some extra vocabulary words and write

66 Unit 5 • Vacation Plans

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 66 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

Teaching Tip “she’s” is the same as “she is.”
Write “I’m going to school” and “I’m going to study at 3. Play the recording and ask the students to
school” on the board. Explain to the students that if look and point at the pictures under the key
“be going to” is followed by a place, it means that the structure.
subject is moving to that place right at the moment.
TR 67
What’s she going to do on vacation?
3. Play the recording and ask the students to She’s going to visit her grandparents.
look and point at the pictures under the key 1. What’s she going to do on vacation?
structure. She’s going to visit her grandparents.
2. What’s she going to do on vacation?
She’s going to go camping.
TR 66
3. What’s he going to do on vacation?
What are you going to do on vacation?
He’s going to go to the beach.
I’m going to travel to Paris.
4. What’s she going to do on vacation?
1. What are you going to do on vacation?
She’s going to travel to Paris.
I’m going to travel to Paris.
5. What’s he going to do on vacation?
2. What are you going to do on vacation?
He’s going to pick peaches.
I’m going to pick peaches.
6. What's he going to do on vacation?
3. What are you going to do on vacation?
He’s going to go to a soccer camp.
I’m going to go camping.
4. What are you going to do on vacation?
I’m going to go to the beach.
5. What are you going to do on vacation?
I’m going to visit my grandparents. Student Book page 96
6. What are you going to do on vacation?
I’m going to go to a soccer camp. Chant
1. Read the lyrics line by line and have the
4. Use the pictures to practice the key structure
students repeat them after you.
as a class. Then have the students practice it in
2. Play the recording and do the chant together as
a class.
Game Suggestion
TR 68
Rows and Columns Have all the students stand up. If On Vacation
their desks are not in a grid-like pattern, have them What’s Mr. Young going to do on vacation?
He’s going to visit his grandparents.
stand in lines in the center of the classroom. Then ask
a student the key question. If they answer correctly, What’s Mrs. Ball going to do on vacation?
they can choose to let either the entire row or column She’s going to go to a soccer camp.
that they are in sit down. Continue the game until
What’s Mr. Sun going to do on vacation?
either all the students are sitting again or there is only He’s going to go to the beach.
one student left.
What’s Mrs. Cook going to do on vacation?
Differentiation She’s going to pick peaches.

For above-level students, play the previous game, but What’s Mr. Green going to do on vacation?
add the twist that if a student says a wrong answer, all He’s going to go camping.
the students in their row or column have to stand back
What’s Mrs. French going to do on vacation?
She’s going to travel to Paris.

D Ask and answer. 3. Play the chant again and have the students do
a simple action (such as tapping their fingers)
1. Introduce the lesson’s second key structure.
while saying it.
Write it in black on the board with “he/she”
and “He’s/She’s” in red, “going to” in blue, and Extra Practice
the activity in another color. Then practice it Assign pages 46–47 in the workbook as homework.
with the students several times. You can also have the students complete the
2. Remind the students that “what’s” is the same worksheet on page 130 of the teacher’s book in class.
as “what is,” “he’s” is the same as “he is,” and

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 67 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

5 Vacation Plans Lesson 2 Camping Things
Student Book pages 52–53
Lesson Objectives
To understand and produce the key
To correctly ask and answer about
packing for a trip using the future
simple phrase “be going to”

a flashlight, a tent, a sleeping bag,
a swimsuit, sunscreen, bug spray

Key Structures
Are you going to take a flashlight with
Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
Is he/she going to take a tent with
Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isn’t.

CD tracks 69–72, flashcards 49–60

Student Book page 52 2. Play the recording for the students. Then play
it again and have them point to each picture
Warm Up when it comes up.

1. Check or collect the previous day’s homework from TR 69

the students. 1. a flashlight 2. a tent 3. a sleeping bag
4. a swimsuit 5. sunscreen 6. bug spray
2. (optional) Go over the chant on page 96 again.
3. Review the activity flashcards from lesson 1 using
the key structures “What are you going to do on Game Suggestion

vacation? I’m going to (action),” and “What’s he/ Bingo Have the students create simple 3 x 3 grids and
she going to do on vacation? He’s/She’s going to write an item name in each space. If you want, the
(action).” center square can be a free space. Then play Bingo
4. Ask the students if they like camping and often do by saying random item names and having the students
it. cross them off their grids. The first student to get
three in a row and say “Bingo!” wins the game.

3. Introduce the lesson’s first key structure. Write

A Listen and say. Then practice.
it in black on the board with “you” in red;
1. Use the flashcards (you can add the cards from “are,” “going to,” “am” and “not” in blue; and
lesson 1 also) to introduce the vocabulary. Say the item in another color. Then practice it with
each word several times and have the students the students several times.
repeat after you. 4. Play the recording for the students.
Teaching Tip TR 70
When you go through the vocabulary flashcards for Are you going to take a flashlight with you? Yes, I am.
Are you going to take a flashlight with you? No, I’m not.
the first time, repeat each word at least a couple of 1. Are you going to take a flashlight with you? Yes, I am.
times before having the students repeat it after you 2. Are you going to take a tent with you? Yes, I am.
as a group several times. Asking individual students 3. Are you going to take a sleeping bag with you? Yes, I am.
4. Are you going to take a swimsuit with you? Yes, I am.
to say the word should be the last step of vocabulary
5. Are you going to take sunscreen with you? Yes, I am.
teaching. 6. Are you going to take bug spray with you? Yes, I am.

68 Unit 5 • Vacation Plans

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 68 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

5. Practice the structure as a class using the 3
flashcards. 1. Tell the students to fill in the bottom section
6. Have the students work in pairs and use the with their and their partner’s answers.
pictures to practice the structure. 2. Have the students present their work to the
B Ask and answer.
1. Introduce the lesson’s second key structure.
For below-level or extremely shy students, you can
Write it in black on the board with “he/she”
allow them to present their work to a partner instead.
and “him/her” in red; “is,” “going to,” and
“isn’t” in blue; and the item in another color.
Then practice it with the students several times. Student Book page 96
2. Play the recording for the students. Then play it
again and tell them to act out each item when
they hear it. 1. Say the lines from the song and have the
students repeat them. Do this a few times until
TR 71
the students are familiar with the lyrics.
Is she going to take a tent with her? Yes, she is.
Is she going to take a tent with her? No, she isn’t. 2. Play the recording and have the students listen
1. Is she going to take a tent with her? No, she isn’t. to the music. Then play it again and have them
2. Is he going to take a sleeping bag with him? No, he isn’t.
sing along.
3. Is she going to take a swimsuit with her? Yes, she is.
4. Is he going to take a flashlight with him? Yes, he is.
5. Is she going to take sunscreen with her? Yes, she is. TR 72
6. Is he going to take bug spray with him? No, he isn’t. I’m Going to Kalamazoo
I’m going to Kalamazoo.
Are you going to take a flashlight with you?
Game Suggestion Yes, I’m going to take a flashlight to Kalamazoo.

Spin and Say Have the class write keywords on pieces I’m going to Kalamazoo.
of paper and hold them then make a circle around Are you going to take a sleeping bag with you?
one student. Put a blindfold on them and then spin Yes, I’m going to take a sleeping bag and a flashlight to
them around a few times. Before taking the blindfold
off, have them point straight out. Then ask them “Is I’m going to Kalamazoo.
he/she going to take (item) with him/her?” about the Are you going to take a tent with you?
Yes, I’m going to take a tent, a sleeping bag, and a flashlight to
nearest student they pointed at. That student can then
take the first student’s place in the middle.
I’m going to Kalamazoo.
Are you going to take bug spray with you?
Student Book page 53 Yes, I’m going to take bug spray, a tent, a sleeping bag, and a
flashlight to Kalamazoo.
3. Sing the song once more, but before starting
1 encourage the students to think of some actions
1. Tell the students that they’re going on a trip to or gestures for it.
a distant island and they need to decide what 4. Play the instrumental version of the song and
to pack. have the students sing along while doing the
2. Have them stick four things they want to take. actions or gestures they came up with.
2 Extra Practice

1. Put the students in pairs and have them ask Assign pages 48–49 in the workbook as homework.
and answer about the items that they chose. You can also have the students complete the
2. Tell them to stick the items that their friend worksheet on page 131 of the teacher’s book in class.
wants to take.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 69 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

5 Vacation Plans Lesson 3 Story
Student Book pages 54–55
Lesson Objectives
To read and answer questions about
a comic related to the key vocabulary
To complete and present an
individualized comic

Keywords from lessons 1 and 2

Key Structures
Key structures from lessons 1 and 2

CD tracks 73–74, flashcards 49–60

Student Book page 54 Game Suggestion

Mission Time Have the students make packing lists of

Warm Up two or three items. Then give the class a mission (e.g.
Find two people with bug spray.) and have them mingle
1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then
and use the key structures to accomplish the mission.
check the previous day’s homework or collect it
The first one to finish wins.
from the students.
2. (optional) Practice the song on page 96 again. Play
the music and sing along while the students listen A Listen. Then act it out.
and/or sing along. 1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
3. Ask the students if they remember the actions and them what they can see.
gestures they created, and have them use them
2. Play the recording and let the students listen to
while they sing the song as a class.
the story once. Play it a second time and ask
4. Afterward, review the flashcards from lessons 1
them to point at each character while they are
and 2 using the key structures “What are you
going to do on vacation? I’m going to (action),”
“What’s he/she going to do on vacation? He’s/ TR 73
She’s going to (action),” “Are you going to take Ming & Amy: Yay! It’s summer vacation!
(item) with you? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not,” and “Is Ming: What are you going to do on summer vacation, Amy?
Amy: I’m going to travel to Paris. I’m so excited!
he/she going to take (item) with him/her? Yes,
Ming: I’m going to go camping.
he/she is. / No, he/she isn’t.” Amy: Are you going to take a tent with you, Ming?
Ming: Yes, I am. I’m going to take a sleeping bag too.
Amy: Great! And what else?
Differentiation Ming: I’m going to take bananas with me!
Amy: Bananas?
For above-level students, test their spelling by writing
Ming: I’m going to make friends with the monkeys in the woods!
the keywords on the board, telling them to put their Amy: Oh, Ming!
heads down, and then erasing or changing a letter to
make a wrong word. Then have them put their heads 3. Read the story to the students. Try to change
up and find it as fast as possible. your voice to match the characters’ voices.

70 Unit 5 • Vacation Plans

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 70 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

4. Pause after each scene to check the students’ C Make your own story.
comprehension of any new words or
1. Have the students work in pairs and turn to
page 103.
5. Practice saying the lines in the story as a class.
2. Explain to the pairs how to fill in the blanks
6. When the students have a good grasp of the
and choose the correct options to make their
language, have them work in pairs to practice
own story. Then have them practice their story
Differentiation 3. Ask each pair to act out their story in front of
For below-level or especially shy students, you can the class. You can choose whether to have them
simply have the boys read Amy’s lines and the girls try it with or without their books.
read Ming’s lines. You could also have the girls read
Teaching Tip
their lines in low voices and the boys read their lines
in high voices to make it more interesting. Have the students act out their stories again. This
time, though, tell them to pretend that all of the
7. Have the pairs take turns acting the story out characters in them are excited, angry, sad, etc.
in front of the class. You can choose whether to
have them try it with or without their student
books. Tongue Twisters
8. Afterward, read the question at the bottom 1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
of the page. Have the students answer it them what they can see.
individually or work in pairs and talk about it 2. Play the recording and let the students listen to
with their partner. the tongue twisters.

Teaching Tip TR 74
1. Amazing Ming sings songs on a swing in spring.
1. Set up six different stations around the classroom
2. A stinky pink skunk drank ink from a tank.
for each type of item in lesson 2. Then say one of
the activities from lesson 1. Each student should 3. Read the tongue twisters out loud to the class.
make a shopping list of the items that they will take
Ask the students what the letter combinations
on that activity, go to the stations of those items,
“ng” and “nk” sound like and have them
and say “I’m going to take (item) with me.” Once
underline the “ng” and “nk” words in their
they have done so, they can check that item off of
their shopping list.
2. To give the students more practice with the third
Teaching Tip
person singular, you can mix up their shopping
Explain to the students that the letter combinations
lists and have them do the same activity. This time
“ng” and “nk” only appear in the middle (e.g. “finger,”
though, they should say the sentence “He/She is
“banker,” etc.) or end of English words (e.g. “ring,”
going to take (item).”
“sink,” etc.).

4. Practice reading the sentences a few times as a

Student Book page 55
class. Then have the students take turns saying
B Choose the correct answers. the tongue twisters on their own.
1. Ask the students to choose the correct answers. Extra Practice
2. Check the answers as a class.
Assign pages 50–51 in the workbook as homework.
Answers 1. a 2. c 3. a


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 71 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

5 Vacation Plans Lesson 4 Wrap Up
Student Book pages 56–57
Lesson Objectives
To complete a writing and a listening
exercise using the key vocabulary
To practice the key structures by
presenting about vacation plans

Keywords from lessons 1 and 2

Key Structures
Key structures from lessons 1 and 2

CD track 75, flashcards 49–60

Student Book page 56 Game Suggestion

Spelling Relay Divide the students into two or three

Warm Up teams and have each team make a line in front of the
board. When you say one of the keywords or a word
1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then
from one of the key phrases, the first student in each
check the previous day’s homework or collect it
line should run to the board, write the first letter, run
from the students.
back, and give the chalk or marker to the next student,
2. Go through the flashcards from lessons 1 and 2
who runs up and writes the second letter, and so on.
with the students using the key structures “What
The first team to correctly spell the word wins a point.
are you going to do on vacation? I’m going to
(action),” “What’s he/she going to do on vacation? 2. Have the students look at the pictures and say
He’s/She’s going to (action),” “Are you going to what they see. Then tell them to fill in the
take (item) with you? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not,” blanks with keywords and phrases from the
and “Is he/she going to take (item) with him/her? unit. Check the answers as a class.
Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isn’t.”
3. (optional) Do the chant and song on page 96 1. go camping, tent
2. pick peaches, bug spray
again. Encourage the students to stand up and act Answers
3. go to a soccer camp, sunscreen
out the lyrics while they chant or sing. 4. travel to Paris, swimsuit

A Fill in the blanks.
For above-level students, have them make their own
1. Review how to spell the different activity and posters similar to the ones in Exercise A. They can
item keywords with the students. use the structure “Let’s (action)” for their titles and the
structure “Bring (item 1), (item 2), and (item 3) with
Teaching Tip
you and have a great time!” as the description.
While reviewing the keywords’ spelling, go over their
pronunciation as well. Break down each word into
its individual letters and their sounds and have the
B Listen and choose.
students say both of them out loud when they spell 1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
the keywords. them what they can see.

72 Unit 5 • Vacation Plans

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 72 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

2. Play the recording and tell the students to the circles next to the blanks. Encourage them
choose the correct pictures. Check the answers to choose items that were not covered in the
as a class. unit.

TR 75 3
1. What are you going to do on vacation?
I’m going to visit my grandparents.
1. Read the example below as a class.
2. What are you going to do on vacation? 2. Have the students write out their vacation plans
I’m going to go to the beach. using the structure “These are my vacation
That sounds really fun!
3. What are you going to do on vacation? plans. On the first week, I’m going to (action).
I’m going to go camping. I’m going to take (item 1), (item 2), and (item 3).
What are you going to take with you?
On the second week, …”
I’m going to take a flashlight, a sleeping bag, and sunscreen.

Answers 1. b 2. a 3. a, d, e
For below-level students, let them simply write their
plans using the key structures that they are familiar
Game Suggestion with rather than the more complicated form that the
Packing List Play a memory game with the students. example uses.
The first student should say “I’m going to (place), and 3. Have the students take turns presenting their
I’m going to take (item 1) with me.” Then the next vacation plans in front of the class.
student should say “I’m going to (place), and I’m going
to take (item 1) and (item 2) with me,” and so on. The Extra Practice
students should all say the same items in the same Assign pages 52–53 in the workbook as homework.
order. When someone makes a mistake, the game is

Teaching Tip

Once the students understand how the previous activity

goes, encourage them to create a rhythm while they list
items. For example, they can slap their desks twice and
then clap their hands twice over and over. This may
help some students remember the packing list better
and will make things more fun for everyone.

Student Book page 57

1. Explain to the students that they will write out
their vacation plans for a month in this activity.
2. Have them choose and check four activities in
the box.
1. Tell the students to write the four activities that
they chose in the four blanks under the four
week headings.
2. Have the students choose three items to take
with them on each activity and put stickers in


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 73 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

5 Vacation Plans Lesson 5 Skills Up!
Student Book pages 58–59
Lesson Objectives
To read and answer questions about
a text on how to make a volcano
To review the usage of “be going to”

vinegar, dough, volcano, lava

Grammar Point
The future simple phrase “be going

CD track 76, flashcards 49–60

Student Book page 58

4. Mix the water, dish soap, red food coloring, and baking soda to
make your volcano’s lava.
5. Pour them into the volcano.
Warm Up Watch!
Finally, pour the vinegar into the volcano. The lava is going to
1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then come out, so be careful!
check the previous day’s homework or collect it
from the students. 4. Read the passage to them. Then read it as a
2. Briefly review the vocabulary from lessons 1 and 2. class.
3. Ask if the students have ever made a volcano in 5. Have the students read the passage once again
science class as an experiment.
either individually or as a class.

A Listen and read. B Choose the correct answers.

1. Have the students look at the picture. Ask them 1. Have the students complete the reading
what they can see. comprehension questions.
2. Tell the students what the passage will be about 2. Check the answers as a class.
and introduce any new vocabulary. Answers 1. b 2. a 3. a
3. Play the recording of the passage for the
Game Suggestion

TR 76 Chronology Race Write a sequence of four or five

How to Make a Volcano sentences summarizing the passage. Then cut them
A plastic bottle, a pan, flour (6 cups), salt (2 cups), warm water
up and mix them around for the students to put back
(2 cups), red food coloring, dish soap (1 spoon), baking soda (2 in order as fast as possible. The first person to do it
spoons), and vinegar (1 spoon) wins.
1. Mix the flour, salt, and water to make dough. Differentiation
2. Put the dough around the plastic bottle in the shape of a
volcano. For above-level students, have them write their own
3. Everything is going to get wet, so put your volcano in the pan. chronological sentences and cut them up. Then they

74 Unit 5 • Vacation Plans

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 74 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:33

should trade them with a partner and put them back in 1. I’m going to pick apples.
the correct order as fast as possible. They can repeat Answers 2. She’s going to walk her dog.
this activity as many times as you want. 3. They’re going to watch a movie.

Activity Suggestion

Make a Volcano Follow the directions in the reading C Find the mistakes and rewrite the sentences.
passage to make a volcano with the students. 1. Explain to the students that they need to find
Teaching Tip
the mistake in each sentence and then rewrite
it. Demonstrate how with a sentence of your
1. Rather than letting the students do everything or
own on the board.
doing everything yourself, try to let each student do
one simple thing while you do any complicated and/ 2. Check the answers as a class or have the
or potentially messy things. For example, one student students work in pairs to check their answers.
could stir the dough, another student can form it into
1. My dad is going to be late today.
a volcano around the bottle, and a third student can Answers 2. Are you going to come to the party?
put it in the pan. 3. Ming isn’t(is not) going to go camping this summer.
2. To save time and prevent unnecessary messes,
you could measure out exactly how much you need Extra Practice
of each ingredient before coming to school. That
Assign pages 54–55 in the workbook as homework.
way, the students can easily mix all the ingredients
together without you having to worry as much about
making a mess while measuring them.

Student Book page 59

A Look and learn.

1. Go over the structure “be going to” with the
students. Explain how to use it in positive
sentences, negative sentences, and yes/no
2. Read the chart as a class and practice making
various sentences using “be going to.”

B Look and write.

1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
them what they can see.


For below-level students, review the phrases “pick

(peaches)” and “watch a movie” before you have them
do the activity.

2. Tell the students to answer the questions based

on the picture.
3. Check the answers as a class or have the
students work in pairs to check their answers.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 75 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

6 On Vacation Lesson 1 At the Beach
Student Book pages 60–61
Lesson Objectives
To understand and produce the key
To correctly use comparatives to
describe people

tall, short, strong, weak, old, young

Key Structures
He’s tall. She’s taller.
Who’s older, Dave or Ken?
Dave is older.

CD tracks 77–81, flashcards 61–66

Student Book page 60 in later activities can refer to them. (Suggested words:
fast, slow, large, little)
Warm Up

1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then B Listen and circle.

check the previous day’s homework or collect it 1. Tell the students to listen and circle the person
from the students.
that is being talked about.
2. Ask the students if they like going to the beach.
2. Check the answer as a class.
Follow up by asking why.
TR 78
Girl: Excuse me. I’m looking for my sister.
A Listen, point, and say. Man: What does she look like?
Girl: She’s taller than me and wearing a blue dress.
1. Use the adjective flashcards to introduce the Man: Oh, she went that way.
Girl: Thank you.
vocabulary. Check the student’s background
knowledge by asking “What is this?” If they
Answer the tall girl in the blue dress
don’t know the keyword in English, say it and
have them repeat it several times.
2. Have the students look at the picture. Ask them
what they can see. Student Book page 61

3. Let the students listen to the recording. Then C Look and say.
play it again and ask the students to point to
1. Introduce the lesson’s first key structure.
each keyword and say it.
Write it in black on the board with the “-er”
TR 77 in “taller” in red. Then practice it with the
1. tall 2. short 3. strong 4. weak 5. old 6. young students several times.
2. Write all the other keywords on the board.
Teaching Tip Then write “-er” after them to show the
Introduce some extra vocabulary words and write them students how to make their comparative forms.
on the board so that students who want more options Then have the students say them several times.

76 Unit 6 • On Vacation

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 76 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

Teaching Tip Who’s, Who is
Use your students to help demonstrate what 1. Who’s older, Dave or Ken? Dave is older.
2. Who’s younger, Tina or Nora? Tina is younger.
comparatives are. Have two stand back to back to 3. Who’s taller, Ken or Nora? Ken is taller.
compare their heights. Then ask two others what their 4. Who’s shorter, Dave or Tina? Dave is shorter.
birthdays are to see who is older. Last, have an arm 5. Who’s stronger, Dave or Nora? Nora is stronger.
6. Who’s weaker, Tina or Ken? Tina is weaker.
wrestling competition between two students to see who
is stronger.

3. Play the recording and ask the students to Student Book page 96
look and point at the pictures under the key
1. Read the lyrics line by line and have the
TR 79
students repeat them after you.
He’s tall. She’s taller.
tall, taller, old, older, strong, stronger, short, shorter, young, younger,
weak, weaker Teaching Tip
1. He’s tall. She’s taller. 2. He’s old. She’s older. While going through the chant line by line, make sure
3. He’s strong. She’s stronger. 4. She’s short. He’s shorter.
to stay in rhythm to teach the beat to the students
5. He’s young. She’s younger. 6. She’s weak. He’s weaker.
at the same time as the lyrics. One way to do this is
4. Use the pictures to practice the key structure by clapping your hands or snapping your fingers and
strongly emphasizing all the syllables that fall on the
as a class. Then have the students practice it in

Activity Suggestion
2. Play the recording and do the chant together as
a class.
Line Up Have the students line up along the wall from
shortest to tallest. Tell them that they can only use TR 81
English while they do it and time them to see how long Tom and Mom
it takes. Then mix them up and have them do it again Baby Tom loves his mom. He really, really loves his mom.
Who’s younger, Tom or Mom? She’s young, but he’s younger.
from tallest to shortest.
Who’s shorter, Tom or Mom? She’s short, but he’s shorter.
Who’s weaker, Tom or Mom? She’s weak, but he’s weaker.

For above-level students, have them line up from oldest Big Tom loves his mom. He really, really loves his mom.
Who’s older, Tom or Mom? He’s old, but she’s older.
to youngest like they did earlier with heights. To make
Who’s taller, Tom or Mom? She’s tall, but he’s taller.
it easier, you can have them write down their birthdays Who’s stronger, Tom or Mom? She’s strong, but he’s stronger.
(including the year) to hold up while they do it.
3. Play the chant again and have the students do
D Ask and answer. a simple action (such as clapping their hands)
while saying it.
1. Introduce the lesson’s second key structure.
Write it in black on the board with the “-er” Differentiation
in “older” in red and the names in blue. Then For below-level students, you can do the chant in a
practice it with the students several times. call-and-response format where you chant a line and
2. Read all the names in the exercise with the they do the next line rather than having them chant the
students. Then go over the words “age,” whole thing themselves. Then you and they can switch
“height,” and “strength” and each kid’s and do the same thing. Eventually, they should be able
respective measurements with the students. to do the whole chant on their own.
3. Play the recording and ask the students to
Extra Practice
look and point at the pictures under the key
structure. Assign pages 56–57 in the workbook as homework.
You can also have the students complete the
TR 80 worksheet on page 132 of the teacher’s book in class.
Who’s older, Dave or Ken? Dave is older.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 77 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

6 On Vacation Lesson 2 Beach Things
Student Book pages 62–63
Lesson Objectives
To understand and produce the key
To correctly use comparative
adjectives to describe objects

big, small, clean, dirty, pretty, ugly

Key Structures
The red swim tube is bigger than the
blue one.
Which towel is cleaner?
The white towel is cleaner than the
pink one.

CD tracks 82–85, flashcards 61–72

Student Book page 62 comes to the “pretty” and “ugly” keywords. Discourage
the students from calling each other “ugly” or “not
Warm Up pretty.”

1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then 2. Play the recording for the students. Then play
check the previous day’s homework or collect it it again and tell them to point to each picture
from the students. when it comes up.
2. (optional) Go over the chant on page 96 again.
3. Review the adjective flashcards from the previous TR 82
1. big 2. small 3. clean
lesson using the key structures.
4. dirty 5. pretty 6. ugly

Game Suggestion
3. Introduce the lesson’s first key structure. Write
it in black on the board with the “-er” in
Creative Collages Bring in some old magazines and
“bigger” in red, the item names in blue, and
let the students cut and paste the people from them
into collages. Have them show them to each other or the color names in another color. Then practice
present them to the class and talk about them using it with the students several times.
the previous lesson’s key structures. Then hang them
Teaching Tip
up around the classroom’s walls.
Circle the “y” in “dirty,” “pretty,” and “ugly” and tell the
students that adjectives with “-y” take “-ier,” not “-er.”
A Listen and say. Then practice.
1. Use the flashcards (you can add the cards from 4. Play the recording for the students.
lesson 1 also) to introduce the vocabulary. Say TR 83
each word several times and have the students The red swim tube is bigger than the blue one.
repeat after you. big, bigger, small, smaller, clean, cleaner, dirty, dirtier, pretty, prettier,
ugly, uglier
1. The red swim tube is bigger than the blue one.
Teaching Tip
2. The blue swim tube is smaller than the red one.
Many students are very sensitive about their 3. The white towel is cleaner than the gray one.
appearance, so try to keep things positive when it 4. The gray towel is dirtier than the white one.

78 Unit 6 • On Vacation

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 78 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

Student Book page 63
5. The orange swimsuit is prettier than the black one.
6. The black swimsuit is uglier than the orange one.
Speaking Task
5. Practice the structure as a class using the 1. Put the students in pairs and have them choose
flashcards. who will be Student A and who will be Student
6. Have the students work in pairs and use the B. Explain that Student B needs to turn to page
pictures to practice the structure. 108.
2. Tell them to put their books side by side to
B Ask and answer. compare their pictures. Then have them find
and say the differences between the two
1. Introduce the key question from the lesson’s
pictures using the words at the bottom of the
second key structure. Write it in black on the
board with “-er” in red and the item name in
blue above your explanation of the first key
structure. Then practice it with the students Student Book page 97
several times.
2. Play the recording for the students. Then play it
again and tell them to act out each comparative 1. Say the lines from the song and have the
when they hear it. students repeat them. Do this a few times until
the students are familiar with the lyrics.
TR 84
2. Play the recording and have the students listen
Which towel is cleaner?
The white towel is cleaner than the pink one. to the music. Then play it again and have them
1. Which towel is cleaner? sing along.
The white towel is cleaner than the pink one.
2. Which towel is dirtier?
TR 85
The pink towel is dirtier than the white one.
Which Dinosaur?
3. Which swimsuit is prettier?
The green dinosaur is bigger than the brown one.
The red swimsuit is prettier than the blue one.
Yes, the green dinosaur is bigger than the brown one.
4. Which swimsuit is uglier?
Which dinosaur is bigger?
The blue swimsuit is uglier than the red one.
Stomp, stomp, roar, roar! It’s the green dinosaur!
5. Which swim tube is bigger?
The yellow swim tube is bigger than the green one.
The yellow dinosaur is prettier than the orange one.
6. Which swim tube is smaller?
Yes, the yellow dinosaur is prettier than the orange one.
The green swim tube is smaller than the yellow one.
Which dinosaur is prettier?
Stomp, stomp, roar, roar! It’s the yellow dinosaur!

Game Suggestion
The black dinosaur is cleaner than the gray one.
Say and Sit Write all the adjectives from lessons 1 and Yes, the black dinosaur is cleaner than the gray one.
Which dinosaur is cleaner?
2 on the board and have the whole class stand up.
Stomp, stomp, roar, roar! It’s the black dinosaur!
On your signal, anyone can say one of them and sit
down. Then someone else can say a second one and 3. Sing the song once more, but before starting
sit down, and so on. If someone says an adjective
encourage the students to think of some actions
incorrectly, they have to stand back up, and someone
or gestures for it.
else has to say it the right way. But if any two students
4. Play the instrumental version of the song and
speak at the same time, everyone has to stand up and
start over. See how many tries it takes to go through
have the students sing along while doing the
the list. actions or gestures they came up with.

Differentiation Extra Practice

For above-level students, you can challenge them to do Assign pages 58–59 in the workbook as homework.
the previous game within a certain time limit and with You can also have the students complete the
comparatives instead of base form adjectives. worksheet on page 133 of the teacher’s book in class.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 79 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

6 On Vacation Lesson 3 Story
Student Book pages 64–65
Lesson Objectives
To read and answer questions about
a comic related to the key vocabulary
To complete and present an
individualized comic

Keywords from lessons 1 and 2

Key Structures
Key structures from lessons 1 and 2

CD tracks 86–87, flashcards 61–72

Student Book page 64 itself. The first person to guess it wins a point for their
Warm Up

1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then For above-level students, make the game more difficult.
check the previous day’s homework or collect it Write four or five related words by each target keyword
from the students. and tell the students that they have to make their
2. (optional) Practice the song on page 97 again. Play teammate guess the keyword without saying any of
the music and sing along while the students listen those words.
and/or sing along.
3. Ask the students if they remember the actions and
A Listen. Then act it out.
gestures they created, and have them use them
while they sing the song as a class. 1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
4. Afterward, review the flashcards from lessons them what they can see.
1 and 2 using the key structures “He’s/She’s 2. Play the recording and let the students listen to
(adjective). He’s/She’s (comparative),” “Who’s the story once. Play it a second time and ask
(comparative), (name 1) or (name 2)? (name) is them to point at each character while they are
(comparative),” “Which (item) is (comparative)? The talking.
(color 1) (item) is (comparative) than the (color 2)
one.” TR 86
Tim: What are you doing, Dad?
Dad: Hey, Tim. I found two good vacation places for us.
Game Suggestion Tim: Tell me about them.
Dad: ABC Hotel is smaller, but the beach is closer.
Explain a Word Divide the class into two teams and Tim: How about the other one?
have each team send a representative up to sit in a Dad: Sunny Hotel is bigger, but it’s far from the beach.
Tim: I want to go to the beach every day!
chair facing away from the board. Tell them that they
Dad: Okay! Then we’re going to ABC Hotel!
are not allowed to turn around. Then write one of the Tim: Yay! I’ll borrow a swim tube from Ming. Her swim tube is
key words or phrases on the board. Their teammates bigger than mine.
must try to make them guess what is on the board by So, when are we going there?
Dad: Oh, someday.
doing anything but saying the actual word or phrase

80 Unit 6 • On Vacation

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 80 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

3. Read the story to the students. Try to change C Make your own story.
your voice to match the characters’ voices.
1. Have the students work in pairs and turn to
4. Pause after each scene to check the students’
page 104.
comprehension of any new words or
2. Explain to the pairs how to circle the correct
options and fill in the blanks to make their
5. Practice saying the lines in the story as a class.
own story. Then have them practice their story
6. When the students have a good grasp of the
language, have them work in pairs to practice
3. Ask each pair to act out their story in front of
the class. You can choose whether to have them
Teaching Tip try it with or without their books.
Have the student’s repeat Tim’s dad’s lines in really
deep voices to make things more fun. Afterward, you Tongue Twisters
can change the character of Tim’s dad into Tim’s mom
1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
and have the students say her lines in really high
them what they can see.
2. Play the recording and let the students listen to
7. Have the pairs take turns acting the story out the tongue twisters.
in front of the class. You can choose whether to
TR 87
have them try it with or without their student 1. Thor thinks thick thread is better than thin thread.
books. 2. “Where is the white whale?” whispered Whitney.

Game Suggestion 3. Read the tongue twisters out loud to the class.
Find the Word Write a bunch of the words from the Ask the students what the letter combinations
story on the board. Then divide the students into two “th” and “wh” sound like and have them
or three teams and have each team send one student underline the “th” and “wh” words in their
up to the board. Say one of the words and have the books.
students find and hit it with flyswatters as fast as 4. Practice reading the sentences a few times as a
possible. The first one to do so wins a point for their class. Then have the students take turns saying
team. the tongue twisters on their own.
8. Afterward, read the question at the bottom
Teaching Tip
of the page. Have the students answer it
Encourage the students to think of more words with
individually or work in pairs and talk about it
the letter combinations “th” and “wh.” To help them
with their partner.
out, give them a bunch of Scrabble letters so that
Teaching Tip they can easily arrange the letters to make new words.
Keep a running list of the real words that they create
If the students have a hard time describing their ideal
on the board.
vacation place, you can have them simply draw it
instead and share it with their classmates.

For below-level students, the tongue twisters above

Student Book page 65 can be simplified to “Thick thread is thin thread,” and
“Where is the white whale?” at first. As the students
B Choose the correct answers. become more comfortable with the sentences, you can
1. Ask the students to choose the correct answers. gradually expand them until they reach their full size.
2. Check the answers as a class.
Extra Practice

Answers 1. a 2. a 3. b Assign pages 60–61 in the workbook as homework.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 81 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

6 On Vacation Lesson 4 Wrap Up
Student Book pages 66–67
Lesson Objectives
To complete a writing and a listening
exercise using the key vocabulary
To practice the key structures by
playing a game

Keywords from lessons 1 and 2

Key Structures
Key structures from lessons 1 and 2

CD track 88, flashcards 61–72

Student Book page 66 A Compare and write.

1. Review how to spell the different adjective and
Warm Up
comparative keywords with the students.
1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then
Game Suggestion
check the previous day’s homework or collect it
from the students. Spelling Hopscotch Divide the students into two teams
2. Go through the flashcards from lessons 1 and 2 and put two sets of large letters on the floor. Have one
with the students using the key structures “He’s/ student from each team stand in front of the letters.
She’s (adjective). He’s/She’s (comparative),” Then say a keyword and tell the students to hop or
“Who’s (comparative), (name 1) or (name 2)? stomp on the letters to spell them out. The rest of the
(name) is (comparative),” “Which (item) is class can say the letters out loud while they do. The
(comparative)? The (color 1) (item) is (comparative) first student to finish wins a point for their team.
than the (color 2) one.” 2. Have the students look at the two pictures and
3. (optional) Do the chant and song on pages 96–97 say what they see. Then tell them to fill in the
again. Encourage the students to stand up and act blanks with key words’ comparative form from
out the lyrics while they chant or sing.
the unit. Check the answers as a class.

1. cleaner 2. dirtier 3. shorter

Teaching Tip
Answers 4. taller 5. younger 6. older
To keep the students from getting bored of the chant 7. bigger 8. smaller
and song, give them some challenges to do while they
sing or chant. For example, in the chant you could
Teaching Tip
have them yell out all the comparatives when they get
One way to make checking answers or reviewing words
to them. For the song, you could have them point to
fun is to pretend to make mistakes and have the
objects in the room the same color as the dinosaurs
students correct you. That way, they practice correcting
when the dinosaur colors are mentioned.
bad English and build their self-confidence.

82 Unit 6 • On Vacation

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 82 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

B Listen and choose. 3. Then have the students cut out the cards and
put them in a pile facedown. Tell them that
1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
when they land on a red car space, they have
them what they can see.
to draw a card and use it to ask and answer the
2. Play the recording and tell the students to
key structure.
choose the correct pictures. Check the answers
4. When all the pairs are finished with the game,
as a class.
ask each of them who won.
TR 88
1. Who’s stronger, Jane or Ken? Extra Practice
Jane is stronger!
2. Here comes my brother.
Assign pages 62–63 in the workbook as homework.
Oh, there are two boys. Is he the taller one?
No, he isn’t. He’s the shorter one.
3. Where’s my green T-shirt, Mom?
It’s not clean. This purple T-shirt is cleaner than the green one.
Wear this.
Okay. Thanks.
4. Which swimsuit is prettier, the orange one or the red one?
I think the orange one is prettier than the red one.
Great! I’ll take the orange one.

Answers 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b

Game Suggestion

Picture Relay Divide the students into teams of four

or five and have them line up. Then hold up pictures
of two items of the same type but different colors in
front of all the teams and point to one of them. The
first student in each line should ask the next student
“Which (item) is (comparative)?” The second student
should answer the first student and then ask the third
student the same question, and so on. The first team
to finish wins the relay. Time the teams to see how
long it takes all of them.


For below-level students, you can simplify the game

by holding up an adjective flashcard as well for the
students so that they know exactly what feature of the
items to compare.

Student Book page 67

Speaking Task
1. Explain to the students that they will play a
board game in this activity.
2. Put the students in pairs and explain that they
need to flip a coin and move that many spaces
each turn.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 83 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

6 On Vacation Lesson 5 Skills Up!
Student Book pages 68–69
Lesson Objectives
To read and answer questions about
a story on a family’s beach day
To review the usage of comparatives

carry, sandcastle, contest, wave

Grammar Point
Comparative adjectives

CD track 89, flashcards 61–72

Student Book page 68 Teaching Tip

Bring in pictures of beaches and beach activities

Warm Up or have the students draw their own pictures. Use
these pictures to introduce all the new beach-related
1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then
vocabulary to the students.
check the previous day’s homework or collect it
from the students. 4. Play the recording of the story for the students.
2. Briefly review the vocabulary from lessons 1 and 2.
TR 89
My Family’s Beach Day
Game Suggestion My family is having a beach day. My dad is stronger than my
brother and me, so he carries the beach chairs. I’m carrying a big
Feature Swat Divide the students into two or three travel bag, and my brother has a smaller one. I’m stronger than
teams and put the flashcards from lessons 1 and 2 on my brother. I’m also taller.
the board. Have each team send one student to the After lunch, we have a sandcastle building contest. My mom’s
sandcastle is taller than my brother’s. His sandcastle is 30
board and give them a flyswatter. The other students
centimeters tall, but hers is 40 centimeters tall. Oh no! A wave
should take turns using key structures from the unit to knocked off half of my mom’s sandcastle! Now my brother is the
describe their siblings or parents. The first student at winner!
the board to find the feature they mention and hit it
with their flyswatter earns a point for their team. 5. Read the story to the students. Then read it as
a class.
A Listen and read.
Teaching Tip
1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask While you read, segment some words into individual
them what they can see. sounds and say each one very slowly. Have the
2. Ask the students what they like to do when students listen and say what the words are. Then have
they go to the beach. them do the same thing themselves to practice their
3. Tell the students what the story will be about pronunciation.
and introduce any new vocabulary.
6. Have the students read the story once again
either individually or as a class.

84 Unit 6 • On Vacation

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 84 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

B Choose the correct answers. 2. Tell the students to unscramble and rewrite the
sentences. If necessary, demonstrate the first
1. Have the students complete the reading
one on the board.
comprehension questions.
3. Check the answers as a class or have the
2. Check the answers as a class.
students work in pairs to check their answers.
Answers 1. b 2. b 3. a
1. The bear is bigger than the lion.
Answers 2. The tree is shorter than the giraffe.
Game Suggestion 3. The dog is dirtier than the cat.

Circle Rotation Have the students make two circles,

one inside the other, and face each other. After Differentiation
you say a keyword, the student in the inner circle For below-level students, bring in cut-up copies of the
should ask their partner in the outer circle one of sentences so that the students can move the words
the key questions from the unit. If the outer student around on their desks.
answers correctly, the inner student should initial their
paper. Then the two circles should rotate in different
C Look and write.
directions and repeat. After a while, have the two
circles switch places. At the end of the activity, the 1. Have the students look at the charts and read
student with the most signatures wins. the names. Ask them whether the children have
a lot or a little of each quality.
2. Read the questions as a class. Then explain to
Student Book page 69
the students that they need to complete the
A Look and learn. answers with the information in the charts.
If necessary, demonstrate the first one on the
1. Go over how to form comparatives with the
3. Check the answers as a class or have the
2. Read the chart as a class. Use it to explain that
students work in pairs to check their answers.
most regular adjectives take “-er” to become
comparatives, that regular adjectives ending 1. Ben is older than Anna.
in “-e” just take “-r,” that adjectives ending in Answers
2. Anna is taller than Sam.
3. Ben is stronger than Sam.
a vowel and a consonant usually double that 4. Sam is younger than Anna.
consonant and take “-er,” and that adjectives
that end in “-y” usually drop the “-y” and take
Game Suggestion
Logic Puzzle Write these sentences on the board: 1.
3. Go over all the examples to demonstrate each
Mary is taller than Luke. 2. Chris is taller than Alice. 3.
rule to the students.
Mary is shorter than Chris. 4. Alice is taller than Mary.
Differentiation Then have the students solve the puzzle to figure out
what the order of people is from tallest to shortest
For above-level students, write a bunch of regular
(answer: Chris, Alice, Mary, Luke).
adjectives whose comparatives they have not learned
yet on the board (e.g. “quiet,” “early,” “late,” “mad,” Extra Practice
etc.). Have the students spell out the comparative
Assign pages 64–65 in the workbook as homework.
forms as a class. Alternatively, you can give each
student a copy of the adjectives rather than writing
them on the board and simply have them write the
comparative forms on their own.

B Look and unscramble.

1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
them what they can see.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 85 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

Review 3 Unit 5 - Unit 6
Student Book pages 70–71
Lesson Objective
To review the key structures and
vocabulary learned in units 5 and 6

plan, camera, famous, excited

CD tracks 90–92, flashcards 49–72

Student Book page 70 the correct number next to each picture. Check
the answers as a class.
Warm Up
TR 90
1. Show the students the flashcards from unit 5 and 1. I’m going to travel to Paris.
2. He is going to pick peaches.
have them practice saying the keywords and key 3. She is going to take a flashlight with her.
structures from the unit. 4. My dad is taller than my mom.
2. Hold up an empty backpack and use it to help 5. The pink camera is smaller than the yellow one.
6. The blue towel is cleaner than the white one.
the students practice talking about their future
vacation plans. Have them take turns saying “I’m
going to (action). I’m going to take (object) with Answers 5, 4, 2, 1, 6, 3

me,” while putting that object in the backpack.

3. Show the students the flashcards from unit 6 and
have them practice saying the keywords and key B Listen and choose.
structures from the unit. 1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
4. Point to different objects in the classroom (e.g. them what they can see.
two pencils) and have the students compare them. 2. Play the recording and tell the students to circle
the correct letters. Check the answers as a class.
Teaching Tip
TR 91
Choose a game from unit 5 and/or unit 6 that the 1. What are you going to do on vacation?
students enjoyed and play it again to practice the key I’m going to visit my grandparents.
words and structures. 2. Is she going to take sunscreen with her?
No, she isn’t, but she’s going to take bug spray with her.
3. Who is taller, your brother or your sister?
My brother is taller than my sister.
A Listen and number. 4. Which swim tube is bigger?
The red swim tube is bigger than the blue one.
1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
them what they can see.
Answers 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. b
2. Play the recording and tell the students to write

86 Review 3

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 86 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

Student Book page 71

C Listen and read.

1. Tell the students what the passage will be about
and introduce any new vocabulary.
2. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
them what they can see.
3. Play the recording and let the students listen to
the passage.

TR 92
Our New York Trip Plans
My family is planning a trip. We’re going to travel to New York!
I’m going to take my camera with me. I want to take pictures
of many famous places. “Which one is taller, the Statue of Liberty
or the Empire State Building?” my sister asks. “The Empire State
Building is taller,” I answer.
My sister is excited about the rides at Coney Island. “Is the
roller coaster faster than the Ferris wheel?” she asks. “Yes, it is,” I
This trip is going to be fun!

4. Read the passage to the students. Then read it

as a class.

Activity Suggestion

Reading Orchestra Split the students into three groups.

Assign each group to read in a high, normal, or deep
voice. Tell the students that you are a conductor in an
orchestra and that each group should begin to read the
passage when you point to them. Have the groups read
the passage together, but have them start at different

D Choose or write the correct answers.

1. Have the students read the sentences and circle
or write the correct answers.
2. Check the answers as a class.

1. b 2. c
3. She is excited about the rides at Coney Island.

Extra Practice

Ask the students to complete pages 66–67 in their

workbook as homework.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 87 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

7 Health Lesson 1 Getting Sick
Student Book pages 72–73
Lesson Objectives
To understand and produce the key
To correctly ask and answer about
people’s health

headache, stomachache, runny nose,
fever, sore throat, toothache

Key Structures
What’s the matter?
I have a fever.
What’s the matter?
He/She has a stomachache.

CD tracks 93–97, flashcards 73–78

Student Book page 72

TR 93
1. headache 2. stomachache 3. runny nose
4. fever 5. sore throat 6. toothache
Warm Up

1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then Activity Suggestion

check the previous day’s homework or collect it
Toss the Ball Toss a soft, squishy ball to a student
from the students.
and show them a flashcard. If they correctly say its
2. Teach the students the words “sick” and “healthy”
keyword, they get to toss the ball to a student of their
by dramatically acting them out. Then ask what
choice, and that student becomes the next one to say
ways they’ve been sick before.
a keyword. If a student answers incorrectly, you take
the ball back and choose the next student yourself.
Teaching Tip
Brainstorm as many illnesses as possible by letting the
students act out or take turns drawing sick people all For above-level students, ask the question “How are
over the board for one or two minutes. Then label all you feeling today?” Let the students take turns saying
the illnesses with their English names. how they feel.

Teaching Tip
A Listen, point, and say. Introduce some extra vocabulary words and write them
on the board so that students who want more options
1. Use the illness flashcards to introduce the
in later activities can refer to them. (Suggested words:
vocabulary. Check the student’s background
rash, ear infection, burn)
knowledge by asking “What is this?” If they
don’t know the keyword in English, say it and
have them repeat it several times. B Listen and circle.
2. Have the students look at the picture. Ask them
1. Tell the students to listen and circle the illness
what they can see.
that is being talked about.
3. Let the students listen to the recording. Then
2. Check the answer as a class.
play it again and ask the students to point to
each keyword and say it.

88 Unit 7 • Health

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 88 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

TR 94 3. What’s the matter? He has a headache.
Ming: What’s the matter? 4. What’s the matter? She has a toothache.
Tim: I have a sore throat. How about you? 5. What’s the matter? He has a runny nose.
Ming: I came with my mom. She has a sore throat too. 6. What’s the matter? He has a fever.
Tim: Oh, I see.
3. Show the students a die and explain that each
Answer sore throat number corresponds to a different illness.
4. Then have the students take turns rolling the
Teaching Tip die and using its results to practice asking and
Challenge the students by asking which two people
answering the second key structure.
have sore throats. Then use it as a natural transition
into the key structure on the next page.
Student Book page 97

Student Book page 73 1. Read the lyrics line by line and have the
C Ask and answer. students repeat them after you.
2. Play the recording and do the chant together as
1. Introduce the lesson’s first key structure. Write
a class.
it in black on the board with “I” in red and
the illness in blue. Then practice it with the TR 97
students several times. What’s the Matter?
What’s the matter? He has a fever.
2. Play the recording and ask the students to What’s the matter? She has a stomachache.
look and point at the pictures under the key What’s the matter? I have a toothache.
Oh, oh, oh! What are we going to do?
Oh, oh, oh! What are we going to do?

TR 95
What’s the matter? He has a sore throat.
What’s the matter? I have a fever.
What’s the matter? She has a headache.
1. What’s the matter? I have a fever.
What’s the matter? I have a runny nose.
2. What’s the matter? I have a headache.
Ew, ew, ew! What are we going to do?
3. What’s the matter? I have a toothache.
Ew, ew, ew! What are we going to do?
4. What’s the matter? I have a runny nose.
5. What’s the matter? I have a sore throat.
6. What’s the matter? I have a stomachache. 3. Play the chant again and have the students do
a simple action (such as snapping their fingers)
3. Use the pictures to practice the key structure while saying it.
as a class. Then have the students practice it in
For above-level students, you can ask for volunteers
to lead the rest of the class in the chant’s actions.
D Roll a die. Then ask and answer.
Tell the students that they have to follow the leader’s
1. Introduce the lesson’s second key structure. directions and do whatever motions they choose.
Write it in black on the board with “He/She” in
Extra Practice
red and the illness in blue. Then practice it with
the students several times. Assign pages 68–69 in the workbook as homework.
2. Play the recording and ask the students to You can also have the students complete the
look and point at the pictures under the key worksheet on page 134 of the teacher’s book in class.

TR 96
What’s the matter? She has a stomachache.
1. What’s the matter? She has a stomachache.
2. What’s the matter? She has a sore throat.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 89 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

7 Health Lesson 2 Getting Better
Student Book pages 74–75
Lesson Objectives
To understand and produce the key
To correctly offer advice using the
modal verb “should”

take some medicine, stay in
bed, blow your nose, take your
temperature, drink some hot tea, see
a dentist

Key Structures
I have a headache.
You should take some medicine.
He/She has a runny nose.
He/She should blow his/her nose.

CD tracks 98–101, flashcards 73–84

Student Book page 74

TR 98
1. take some medicine 2. stay in bed
3. blow your nose 4. take your temperature
Warm Up
5. drink some hot tea 6. see a dentist

1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then

check the previous day’s homework or collect it 3. Introduce the lesson’s first key structure. Write
from the students. it in black on the board with “I” and “You”
2. (optional) Go over the chant on page 97 again. in red, the illness in blue, and the advice in
3. Review the illness flashcards from the previous another color. Then practice it with the students
lesson using the key structures “What’s the several times.
matter? I have a (sickness). / He/She has a 4. Play the recording for the students.
TR 99
I have a headache. You should take some medicine.
Game Suggestion 1. I have a headache. You should take some medicine.
2. I have a stomachache. You should stay in bed.
Quick Fire Have the students stand up. Then flip 3. I have a runny nose. You should blow your nose.
through the flashcards from lesson 1 and have the 4. I have a fever. You should take your temperature.
students say them. Do it faster and faster so that the 5. I have a sore throat. You should drink some hot tea.
6. I have a toothache. You should see a dentist.
students have less time to react. If they say the wrong
word, they are out. The last one standing wins the
game. 5. Practice the structure as a class using the
6. Have the students work in pairs and use the
A Listen and say. Then practice.
pictures to practice the structure.
1. Use the flashcards (you can add the cards from
lesson 1 also) to introduce the vocabulary. Say Teaching Tip

each word several times and have the students It might be helpful to teach the students what “should”
repeat after you. means by saying “I have a (sickness). What should I
do?” Act out your pretend illness and encourage the
2. Play the recording for the students. Then play
students to use the key structure to give you advice.
it again and tell them to point to each picture
When they do, pretend to get better and thank them
when it comes up. for their help.
90 Unit 7 • Health

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 90 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

B Look and say. Student Book page 97

1. Introduce the lesson’s second key structure. Song

Write it in black on the board with “He/She” 1. Say the lines from the song and have the
in red, the illness in blue, and the advice in students repeat them. Do this a few times until
another color. Then practice it with the students the students are familiar with the lyrics.
several times. 2. Play the recording and have the students listen
2. Play the recording for the students. Then play to the music. Then play it again and have them
it again and tell them to act out each type of sing along.
advice when they hear it.
TR 101
TR 100 Today Is a Bad Day
He has a runny nose. He should blow his nose. Today’s a bad day, a very bad day.
1. He has a runny nose. He should blow his nose. I have a runny nose. You should blow your nose.
2. She has a sore throat. She should drink some hot tea. Just like this. Honk! Honk! Honk! Honk! Honk!
3. He has a toothache. He should see a dentist.
4. She has a fever. She should take her temperature. Today’s a bad day, a very bad day.
5. He has a headache. He should take some medicine. He has a sore throat. He should drink some tea.
6. She has a stomachache. She should stay in bed. Just like this. Slurp! Slurp! Slurp! Slurp! Slurp!

Today’s a bad day, a very bad day.

Teaching Tip She has a stomachache. She should stay in bed.
Once the students are comfortable using “should” to Just like this. Zzz! Zzz! Zzz! Zzz! Zzz!

give advice, you can expand the key structure to other Today’s a bad day, a very bad day.
common activities or things that they should do. I have a big toothache. You should see a dentist.
Just like this. Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

3. Sing the song once more, but before starting

Student Book page 75
encourage the students to think of some actions
Speaking Task or gestures for it.
1. Put the students in pairs and give each pair 4. Play the instrumental version of the song and
a coin. Explain that they will flip the coin to have the students sing along while doing the
determine whether they can move one or two actions or gestures they came up with.
spaces on the board. Extra Practice
2. Demonstrate that on each space the students
Assign pages 70–71 in the workbook as homework.
need to correctly give advice to get the listed
You can also have the students complete the
worksheet on page 135 of the teacher’s book in class.
3. Encourage them to keep track of their points
so that they can easily add them up at the end
of the game and write them in the score box
below. The one with the most points at the end
of the game wins.
4. Once the students reach the finish line, the
game is over. Ask who won in each pair.


For above-level students, you can have them keep

going around the board rather than stopping on


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 91 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

7 Health Lesson 3 Story
Student Book pages 76–77
Lesson Objectives
To read and answer questions about
a comic related to the key vocabulary
To complete and present an
individualized comic

Keywords from lessons 1 and 2

Key Structures
Key structures from lessons 1 and 2

CD tracks 102–103, flashcards 73–

Student Book page 76 teams. You can award points for the quickest guesses
and/or the best drawings.
Warm Up
A Listen. Then act it out.
1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then
check the previous day’s homework or collect it 1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
from the students. them what they can see.
2. (optional) Practice the song on page 97 again. Play 2. Play the recording and let the students listen to
the music and sing along while the students listen the story once. Play it a second time and ask
and/or sing along. them to point at each character while they are
3. Ask the students if they remember the actions and talking.
gestures they created, and have them use them
while they sing the song as a class. TR 102
4. Afterward, review the flashcards from lessons 1 Tim: Ming, you weren’t at school today. What’s the matter?
Ming: I have a fever.
and 2 using the key structures “What’s the matter?
Tim: Hmm … you should stay in bed.
I have a (sickness). / He/She has a (sickness),” Ming: Okay, I will.
and “You/He/She should (action).” Tim: Are you feeling better?
Ming: No, I’m not.
Tim: You should go to the hospital. I’ll come with you.
Game Suggestion Ming: Thanks, Tim.
Tim: Hi, Dr. Hans. Ming has a fever.
Draw It Have a student come to the front of the class. Dr. Hans: Hmm … She’s fine. She’s just wearing too many clothes.
Then tell them one of the sickness keywords without Tim: Oh no! How many shirts are you wearing, Ming?
Ming: Ten!
the other students hearing. On your signal, the student
should draw a picture of the keyword on the board for
3. Read the story to the students. Try to change
the other students to guess. The first student to guess
your voice to match the characters’ voices.
it can become the next student to draw.
4. Pause after each scene to check the students’
Differentiation comprehension of any new words or
For above-level or especially competitive students, turn expressions.
the previous game into a contest between two or three 5. Practice saying the lines in the story as a class.

92 Unit 7 • Health

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 92 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

6. When the students have a good grasp of the 3. Ask each group to act out their story in front of
language, have them work in groups of three to the class. You can choose whether to have them
practice it. try it with or without their books.

Teaching Tip Teaching Tip

To keep the students from getting distracted with To make the acting more interesting, bring in some
their friends or to make some shy students more sock puppets for the students to act the story out
comfortable, you can choose to spread the pairs out with. You can also encourage them to give the puppets
around the classroom so that they each have their own funny character voices.
space to practice in.

7. Have the groups take turns acting the story out Tongue Twisters
in front of the class. You can choose whether to 1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
have them try it with or without their student them what they can see.
books. 2. Play the recording and let the students listen to
the tongue twisters.

For above-level students, ask if they can think of any TR 103

other solutions to Ming’s problem (being too hot). List 1. A cook looked for a book in the woods.
2. Andrew’s new bird, Jewel, grew big and flew.
their ideas on the board and take a vote to choose the
best one.
3. Read the tongue twisters out loud to the class.
8. Afterward, read the question at the bottom Ask the students what the letter combinations
of the page. Have the students answer it “oo” and “ew” sound like and have them
individually or work in pairs and talk about it underline the “oo” and “ew” words in their
with their partner. books.
4. Practice reading the sentences a few times as a
class. Then have the students take turns saying
For below-level students, you can simplify the question
the tongue twisters on their own.
to “What do you do for fevers?” or “How do you make
fevers better?” to avoid confusing the students with Teaching Tip
the “when” clause in the original question.
If you have enough time, explain that the letter
combination “oo” does not always sound like it does in
“book.” Write some words like “room,” “food,” “tooth,”
Student Book page 77
etc. to demonstrate the other way to pronounce “oo.”
B Choose the correct answers. If you like, you can give the students a long list of
“oo” words and see if they can guess how they are all
1. Ask the students to choose the correct answers.
2. Check the answers as a class.

Answers 1. c 2. a 3. b Activity Suggestion

Tongue Twister Race Teach the students the phrase

“blue boy book” and encourage them to say it as fast
C Make your own story. as possible. If you like, you can have a class-wide
1. Have the students work in groups of three and competition to see who can say it the most times in
turn to page 105. 10 seconds.
2. Explain to the groups how to circle the correct Extra Practice
options and fill in the blanks to make their
Assign pages 72–73 in the workbook as homework.
own story. Then have them practice their story


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 93 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

7 Health Lesson 4 Wrap Up
Student Book pages 78–79
Lesson Objectives
To complete a writing and a listening
exercise using the key vocabulary
To practice the key structures by
playing a game

Keywords from lessons 1 and 2

Key Structures
Key structures from lessons 1 and 2

CD track 104, flashcards 73–84

Student Book page 78 Teaching Tip

Walk around the class checking the students’ spelling

Warm Up as they complete exercise A. If you notice that a lot of
students are missing the same word, go over it on the
1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then
board to review how it is spelled.
check the previous day’s homework or collect it
from the students.
2. Go through the flashcards from lessons 1 and 2 B Listen and number.
with the students using the key structures “What’s
the matter? I have a (sickness). / He/She has a 1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
(sickness),” and “You/He/She should (action).” them what they can see.
3. (optional) Do the chant and song on page 97 2. Play the recording and tell the students to
again. Encourage the students to stand up and act number the picture of each dialogue. Check the
out the lyrics while they chant or sing. answers as a class.

TR 104
1. What’s the matter?
A Look and write. I have a sore throat.
Oh, you should drink some hot tea.
1. Review how to spell the different illness and 2. What’s the matter?
treatment keywords with the students. I have a runny nose.
2. Have the students look at the pictures and say You should blow your nose.
3. What’s the matter? Are you okay?
what they see. Then tell them to fill in the No, I’m not. I have a headache.
blanks with key words and phrases from the You should stay in bed.
Okay. I will.
unit. Check the answers as a class.
4. What’s the matter?
He has a toothache. What should he do?
1. headache 2. fever
He should see a dentist.
Answers 3. stomachache 4. take some medicine
5. take your temperature 6. stay in bed
Answers 4, 1, 3, 2

94 Unit 7 • Health

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 94 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

Teaching Tip help that patient. However, if they do have
Explain to the students that usually the pictures/ matching cards, they should switch them to
options in listening tests have clues about what the represent a treatment being given and an illness
dialogues will be about. If they can identify these clues being cured. Then they should go find another
before the test starts, they will know what to listen for doctor/patient to switch their next card.
during the test. 4. The first student to switch all their cards wins
the game. Ask the question at the bottom of
Game Suggestion the page “Who switched all their cards first?”
Crazy Blanks Create a short story about a student’s to determine who this is.
trip to the doctor, but leave a bunch of words blank.
Without showing the story to the students, ask them
for any nouns, verbs, and adjectives that they can think For above-level students, you can immediately have the
of and use them to fill in the blanks in your story. Then students switch roles and repeat the activity once they
read the silly result to the class while acting it out with have all switched their cards.
the students. You can repeat the game with different
Extra Practice
stories as many times as you want.
Assign pages 74–75 in the workbook as homework.

Student Book page 79

Speaking Task
1. Explain to the students that they will pretend
to be doctors and patients in this activity. Have
each student choose which kind of role they
2. Have each student choose four cards. Tell them
to choose yellow cards if they are a patient and
blue cards if they are a doctor.
1. Explain that the doctors and patients need to
find each other so that the patients can be
cured, but that they can only be cured if the
doctor and patient have cards that match each

Teaching Tip

To make sure that the students know how to find each

other, you can teach them to ask “Are you a doctor/
patient?” before beginning the rest of the conversation.

2. Demonstrate the conversation that the doctors

and patients should have when they meet. If
you want, you can simplify it down to just the
key structures from the unit.
3. Tell the students that if a doctor and patient do
not have cards that match, then the doctor can’t


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 95 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

7 Health Lesson 5 Skills Up!
Student Book pages 80–81
Lesson Objectives
To read and answer questions about
a text on how to stay healthy
To review the usage of the modal
verb “should”

sick, soap, rub, bubbles

Grammar Point
The modal verb “should”

CD track 105, flashcards 73–84

Student Book page 80 A Listen and read.

1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
Warm Up
them what they can see. Then demonstrate to
1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then the students how you wash your hands.
check the previous day’s homework or collect it 2. Tell the students what the passage will be about
from the students. and introduce any new vocabulary.
2. Briefly review the vocabulary from lessons 1 and 2. 3. Play the recording of the passage for the
Teaching Tip
TR 105
Make two wheels of the lesson 1 and lesson 2 How to Stay Healthy
keywords to help the students practice the key Is it fun to be sick? No! But many people become sick from a
bad habit. They don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom!
structure. Then have them take turns spinning the
After each bathroom visit, you should always wash your hands
wheels, saying a key question, and then pointing at with soap and water. First, rub the soap bubbles all over your
another student to answer. hands for at least 15 seconds. Next, wash the backs of your
hands and in between your fingers. Last, rinse all the soap off
and dry your hands.
Game Suggestion You should follow these steps every time you use the
bathroom. That way, you won’t get sick!
Line by Line Draw a picture of a keyword on the board
one line at a time. Have students guess what it is
4. Read the passage to the students. Then read it
using a key structure after each line. The first student
as a class.
to guess gets to come to the board and draw the next
5. Have the students read the passage once again
either individually or as a class.
Teaching Tip
For below-level students, you can draw several lines at
a time or just continuously draw the picture while the Use this passage to help the students practice the
students say their ideas so that they can figure out skill of sequencing. Go through it as a class and write
what it is faster. each step of how to properly wash your hands on

96 Unit 7 • Health

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 96 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

the board. You can also use it as an opportunity to B Complete the sentences with should or
teach the students transition words like “first,” “next,” shouldn’t and the given words.
“then,” “later,” and “last.”
1. Have the students read the second parts of the
sentences as a class. Ask them whether the
actions are good or bad.
For above-level students, you can have them read the
2. Tell the students to complete the sentences
passage and make a sequence of steps on their own.
based on whether they are things that people
Then everyone can work together to create a final list
of steps on the board.
should or shouldn’t do.
3. Check the answers as a class or have the
students work in pairs to check their answers.
B Choose the correct answers.
1. shouldn’t talk 2. should see
1. Have the students complete the reading Answers
3. shouldn’t eat 4. should turn off
comprehension questions.
2. Check the answers as a class.
C Look at the list and complete the sentences
Answers 1. c 2. c 3. b
with should or shouldn’t .
1. Read Mike’s Home Rules as a class or read each
Student Book page 81 sentence yourself and have the class repeat
after you.
A Look and learn. 2. Explain to the students that they need to
1. Go over the modal verb “should” with the complete the sentences below based on the
students. If you want, you can compare it to the memo. They can do this either individually or
modal verb “can” and tell the students that the in pairs.
two have the same grammatical structure. 3. Check the answers as a class or have the
2. Read the chart as a class. Review how to make students work in groups to check their answers.
positive and negative sentences with the modal
1. should wash his hands
verb “should.” 2. should finish his homework
3. shouldn’t eat snacks
Teaching Tip 4. shouldn’t stay up late

Explain to the students how they can ask for advice by

making “should” questions in the form “What should Extra Practice
(subject) do?” Write it on the board with the subject Assign pages 76–77 in the workbook as homework.
in red and have the students practice it several times.
You can also teach the students the form “Should
(subject) (action)? Yes, (subject) should. / No, (subject)
shouldn’t,” if you want.

Game Suggestion

Simon Says Have all the students stand up. Play a

modified version of Simon Says by using “Simon says
you should (action),” rather than the basic imperative
form. You can play this game with keywords and
phrases from the unit or other actions, if you want. If
you say an action without saying “Simon says” and a
student does it, they are out of the game and have to
sit down. The last player standing is the winner.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 97 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

8 Habits Lesson 1 Healthy Habits
Student Book pages 82–83
Lesson Objectives
To understand and produce the key
To correctly say whether habits are
good or bad using gerund phrases

drink lots of water, skip breakfast,
choose healthy snacks, have junk
food, eat vegetables, eat late at night

Key Structures
Drinking lots of water is good.
Skipping breakfast isn’t good.

CD tracks 106–110, flashcards 85–

Student Book page 82 it and have them repeat it several times.

2. Have the students look at the picture. Ask them
Warm Up what they can see.
3. Let the students listen to the recording. Then
1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then
play it again and ask the students to say each
check the previous day’s homework or collect it
from the students.
2. Explain what a habit is and tell the students that TR 106
that will be the topic of the lesson. 1. drink lots of water 2. skip breakfast
3. choose healthy snacks 4. have junk food
5. eat vegetables 6. eat late at night
Teaching Tip

Connect the activity to the students’ background by Teaching Tip

having them compare the habits in the picture to their Introduce some extra vocabulary words and write them
own habits. You can also make a list of good things to on the board so that students who want more options
do and bad things to do on the board to prepare them in later activities can refer to them. (Suggested words:
for the upcoming key structures. take walks, listen to loud music, stretch)

B Listen and circle.
For above-level students, have them draw pictures of
their habits and describe them if possible. If they do 1. Tell the students to listen and circle the habit
not know how to say them in English, teach them the that is being talked about.
words. 2. Check the answer as a class.

TR 107
A Listen, point, and say. Teacher: Let’s talk about our habits. Tim, do you have any healthy
1. Use the habit flashcards to introduce the
Tim: Um ... I drink lots of water.
vocabulary. Check the student’s background Teacher: That’s right. Drinking lots of water is good. Thanks.
knowledge by asking “What is he/she doing?”
If they don’t know the keyword in English, say Answer drink lots of water

98 Unit 8 • Habits

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 98 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

Student Book page 83 at the pictures and draw the correct letters on
C Look and say. them depending on whether they show good
habits or not.
1. Write all the verbs from the lesson’s key
phrases on the board and demonstrate how to TR 109
1. Choosing healthy snacks is good.
make them gerunds.
2. Eating late at night isn’t good.
3. Skipping breakfast isn’t good.
Teaching Tip 4. Having junk food isn’t good.
Teach the gerund forms of “eat” and “drink” first since 5. Drinking lots of water is good.
6. Eating vegetables is good.
they are the easiest by only taking “-ing.” Then teach
the gerunds forms of “choose” and “have” at the same
time since they both drop the “-e” and take “-ing.”
Last, teach the gerund form of “skip” and highlight that Student Book page 98
it takes an extra “p” before the “-ing.”
2. Introduce the lesson’s key structures. Write 1. Read the lyrics line by line and have the
them in black on the board with the habits in students repeat them after you.
blue and the verbs’ “-ing” parts in red. Then 2. Play the recording and do the chant together as
practice them with the students several times. a class.

Teaching Tip TR 110

It’s Good
Use the structure “(noun) is/are good” with the key It’s good. It’s good. Choosing healthy snacks is good!
phrase nouns to help the students get used to the Should we do it? Yes, we should.
grammatical role of gerunds. For instance, you could Choosing healthy snacks is good!
write “Water is good. Drinking water is good.” Make
It’s bad. It’s bad. Having junk food isn’t good!
sure that the students understand that gerunds always Should we stop it? Yes, we should.
take “is,” never “are.” Having junk food isn’t good!

3. Play the recording and ask the students to It’s good. It’s good. Drinking lots of water is good!
Should we do it? Yes, we should.
look and point at the pictures under the key Drinking lots of water is good!
It’s bad. It’s bad. Skipping breakfast isn’t good!
TR 108 Should we stop it? Yes, we should.
Drinking lots of water is good. Skipping breakfast isn’t good. Skipping breakfast isn’t good!
drink, drinking, skip, skipping, have, having, eat, eating, choose,
choosing 3. Play the chant again and have the students do a
1. Drinking lots of water is good.
2. Skipping breakfast isn’t good.
simple action (such as stomping their feet) while
3. Having junk food isn’t good. saying it.
4. Eating vegetables is good.
5. Choosing healthy snacks is good. Extra Practice
6. Eating late at night isn’t good.
Assign pages 78–79 in the workbook as homework.
4. Use the pictures to practice the key structure You can also have the students complete the
as a class. Then have the students practice it in worksheet on page 136 of the teacher’s book in class.

D Draw O or X in the boxes. Then say.

1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
them what they can see.
2. Play the recording and ask the students to look


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 99 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

8 Habits Lesson 2 Healthy Habits
Student Book pages 84–85
Lesson Objectives
To understand and produce the key
To correctly ask and answer about
how often people do their habits
using frequency adverbs

brush my teeth, get enough sleep,
take a shower, work out

Key Structures
How often do you brush your teeth?
I always brush my teeth.

CD tracks 111–114, flashcards 85–

Student Book page 84 students several times.

4. Play the recording for the students.
Warm Up
TR 112
1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then How often do you brush your teeth?
I always brush my teeth.
check the previous day’s homework or collect it always, usually, sometimes, never
from the students. 1. How often do you brush your teeth?
2. (optional) Go over the chant on page 98 again. I always brush my teeth.
2. How often do you get enough sleep?
3. Review the habit flashcards from the previous
I usually get enough sleep.
lesson using the key structures “(action) is good,” 3. How often do you take a shower?
and “(action) isn’t good.” I sometimes take a shower.
4. How often do you work out?
I never work out.

A Listen and say. Then practice.

5. Practice the structure as a class using the
1. Use the flashcards (you can add the cards from pictures.
lesson 1 also) to introduce the vocabulary. Say 6. Have the students work in pairs and use their
each word several times and have the students own personal habits to practice the structure.
repeat after you.
Teaching Tip
2. Play the recording for the students. Then play
it again and tell them to point to each picture If the gesture is appropriate in your students’ country,
when it comes up. use thumb motions to teach the students what each
frequency adverb means. Start by using a thumbs-
TR 111 up and thumbs-down to mean “always” and “never,”
1. brush my teeth 2. get enough sleep respectively. Then put your thumb straight out sideways
3. take a shower 4. work out
to indicate “sometimes.” Last, tilt it up at a 45 degree
angle halfway between the “sometimes” and “always”
3. Introduce the lesson’s key structure. Write it
positions to indicate “usually.”
in black on the board with the adverb in red
and the habit in blue. Then practice it with the

100 Unit 8 • Habits

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 100 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

Game Suggestion Student Book page 98

Go Fish Play a modified version of this game by Song

making playing cards with habit key phrases and bars
1. Say the lines from the song and have the
indicating their frequency on them. There should be
two of each type of card. Put the students into groups students repeat them. Do this a few times until
and divide the cards evenly between them. Each turn, the students are familiar with the lyrics.
one student should ask another one the key question. 2. Play the recording and have the students listen
If the student has that action, they should answer with to the music. Then play it again and have them
the frequency indicated on the card. If that frequency sing along.
matches the first student’s card, they can say “Me
TR 114
too!” and take the card and put it and its pair on the
I’m Always Healthy
table. If it doesn’t, it is the next student’s turn. The I’m always healthy. I’m never sick.
person with the most pairs at the end wins the game. How often do you brush your teeth?
I always brush my teeth!
Differentiation How often do you get enough sleep?
I always get enough sleep!
For below-level students, you can put them in pairs How often do you take a shower?
rather than groups to make the game much easier. I always take a shower!
How often do you work out?
I always work out! I’m always healthy. I’m never sick.
B Ask and answer.
I’m never healthy. I’m always sick.
Play the recording for the students. Then play it How often do you brush your teeth?
again and tell them to act out each type of habit I never brush my teeth!
How often do you get enough sleep?
when they hear it. I never get enough sleep!
How often do you take a shower?
TR 113 I never take a shower!
1. How often do you take a shower? How often do you work out?
I usually take a shower. I never work out! I’m never healthy. I’m always sick.
2. How often do you brush your teeth?
I always brush my teeth.
3. How often do you drink lots of water?
3. Sing the song once more, but before starting
I usually drink lots of water. encourage the students to think of some actions
4. How often do you get enough sleep? or gestures for it.
I sometimes get enough sleep.
5. How often do you eat vegetables? 4. Play the instrumental version of the song and
I never eat vegetables. have the students sing along while doing the
6. How often do you work out?
actions or gestures they came up with.
I sometimes work out.


For above-level students, encourage the students to

Student Book page 85 put each other and their habits in the song.
Speaking Task
Extra Practice
1. Read the questions as a class. Then have the Assign pages 80–81 in the workbook as homework.
students answer them based on their own habits You can also have the students complete the
by coloring the bars in the “Me” column. worksheet on page 137 of the teacher’s book in class.
2. Put the students in pairs and have them ask
and answer the questions. Tell them to color the
bars in the “My friend” column based on their
partner’s answers.
3. Have them add up their points based on the
table at the top. Then ask each pair whose score
was higher.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 101 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

8 Habits Lesson 3 Story
Student Book pages 86–87
Lesson Objectives
To read and answer questions about
a comic related to the key vocabulary
To complete and present an
individualized comic

Keywords from lessons 1 and 2

Key Structures
Key structures from lessons 1 and 2

CD tracks 115–116, flashcards 85–

Student Book page 86 A Listen. Then act it out.

1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
Warm Up
them what they can see.
1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then 2. Play the recording and let the students listen to
check the previous day’s homework or collect it the story once. Play it a second time and ask
from the students. them to point at each character while they are
2. (optional) Practice the song on page 98 again. Play talking.
the music and sing along while the students listen
and/or sing along. TR 115
Tim: That was a helpful class.
3. Ask the students if they remember the actions and
Ming: Yeah. I learned a lot about healthy habits.
gestures they created, and have them use them Tim: So, Ming, do you have any healthy habits?
while they sing the song as a class. Ming: I usually drink lots of water. How about you?
4. Afterward, review the flashcards from lessons 1 Tim: Well, I always work out.
Ming: Working out is good.
and 2 using the key structures “(action) is good,” Tim: Amy, how about you? Do you have any healthy habits?
“(action) isn’t good,” and “How often do you Amy: I love to eat vegetables. Look!
(action)? I (frequency adverb) (action).” Tim: Is this your lunch?
Ming: You only have tomatoes!
Amy: Yeah. I like tomatoes.
Tim: Eating vegetables is good, but you need other things as
Game Suggestion
Musical Statues Clear the floor and play some catchy Amy: Don’t worry. Tomorrow’s menu is meat.
music for the students to dance or move around to
in any way they want. After a few seconds, pause Differentiation
the music and say one of the unit’s keywords or key
For below-level students, pause the recording after
phrases. The students should instantly freeze in a
each line, act it out in front of them, and have them
pose demonstrating the word or phrase. Any student
repeat it.
who moves or has an incorrect pose is out. The last
person left standing wins the game. 3. Read the story to the students. Try to change
your voice to match the characters’ voices.
4. Pause after each scene to check the students’

102 Unit 8 • Habits

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 102 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

comprehension of any new words or C Make your own story.
1. Have the students work in groups of three and
5. Practice saying the lines in the story as a class.
turn to page 106.
6. When the students have a good grasp of the
2. Explain to them how to fill in the blanks and
language, have them work in groups of three to
circle the options to make their own story. Then
practice it.
have them practice their story together.
7. Have the groups take turns acting the story out
3. Ask each group to act out their story in front of
in front of the class. You can choose whether to
the class. You can choose whether to have them
have them try it with or without their student
try it with or without their books.
8. Afterward, read the question at the bottom Differentiation
of the page. Have the students answer it For above-level students, you can encourage them to
individually or work in pairs and talk about it completely rewrite the story to talk about their lunch
with their partner. that day or their own eating habits.

Teaching Tip
Tongue Twisters
Connect this lesson to science by teaching the
students the real classification of tomatoes. Ask them 1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
what tomatoes are. If they say “vegetables,” ask if them what they can see.
they’re sure and point out that tomatoes have seeds, 2. Play the recording and let the students listen to
but that other vegetables don’t. Then explain that the tongue twisters.
tomatoes are technically fruits because of their seeds
but that most people think of them as vegetables. TR 116
1. A pig with pointy ears is making noise, “Oink, oink!”
In botany, anything that has seeds is a fruit, but
2. The toy annoyed a royal boy named Troy.
in cooking, many fruits that aren’t sweet are called
vegetables. You can also use pumpkins, eggplants, and 3. Read the tongue twisters out loud to the class.
bell peppers as examples of fruits that we usually call Ask the students what the letter combinations
“oi” and “oy” sound like and have them
underline the “oi” and “oy” words in their
Student Book page 87
4. Practice reading the sentences a few times as a
B Choose the correct answers. class. Then have the students take turns saying
the tongue twisters on their own.
1. Ask the students to choose the correct answers.
2. Check the answers as a class. Teaching Tip

Answers 1. c 2. b 3. b Point out to the students that the letter combinations

“oi” and “oy” sound the same even though they have
different vowels. Tell them that this is good news
Game Suggestion
because it makes their pronunciation easy, but that
Description Draw Have a student go up to the board it is also bad news because it makes remembering
and give them a marker. Tell them that they aren’t their spelling hard. Encourage them to practice spelling
allowed to turn around. Then show a picture of one or “oi” and “oy” words so that they can avoid spelling
more people doing one of the habit key phrases from mistakes.
the unit to the rest of the class. Have them take turns
describing the picture to the student at the board for
Extra Practice
them to draw. If you like, the picture can include a bar
showing how often the person does that activity. Once Assign pages 82–83 in the workbook as homework.
the student at the board knows what the activity is,
they can ask how often the subject does that activity
and draw a similar bar next to their picture as well.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 103 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

8 Habits Lesson 4 Wrap Up
Student Book pages 88–89
Lesson Objectives
To complete a writing and a listening
exercise using the key vocabulary
To practice the key structures by
making a minibook

Keywords from lessons 1 and 2

Key Structures
Key structures from lessons 1 and 2

CD track 117, flashcards 85–94

Student Book page 88 2. Look through the chart with the students. Then
tell them to complete the sentences below with
Warm Up key words and phrases from the unit. Check
the answers as a class.
1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then
check the previous day’s homework or collect it Answers always, eat vegetables, work out, never
from the students.
2. Go through the flashcards from lessons 1 and 2
Teaching Tip
with the students using the key structures “(action)
Have the students make charts similar to the one in
is good,” “(action) isn’t good,” and “How often do
exercise A based on their own habits. Then have them
you (action)? I (frequency adverb) (action).”
write sentences below it describing these habits to give
3. (optional) Do the chant and song on page 98
them more writing practice.
again. Encourage the students to stand up and act
out the lyrics while they chant or sing.
B Listen and number.

A Look and write. 1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
them what they can see.
1. Review how to spell the different habits and
2. Play the recording and number the pictures
frequency adverb keywords with the students.
according to the dialogues. Check the answers
Game Suggestion as a class.
Spelling Detectives Write the keywords and phrases TR 117
from lessons 1 and 2 all over the board and tell the 1. I’m so hungry. I want to eat something.
students to put their heads down. Change a word, Now? It’s 10 p.m. Eating late at night isn’t good.
I see.
misspell it, switch the tense, or do whatever throws
2. Do you work out, James?
them off. Then ask the students “Spelling detectives, No, I don’t. I never work out. How about you, Jane?
what’s wrong?” Call on a student and have them spell I sometimes work out in the morning.
the changed word correctly to you. If they are right, the 3. What are you eating?
I’m eating some apples and cherries.
class gets a point. If they are wrong, you get a point.
That’s nice. Choosing healthy snacks is good.

104 Unit 8 • Habits

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 104 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

4. Do you have any bad eating habits? stickers showing their good habits and bad
Yes, I do. I like junk food. How about you? habits. Have the students understand even a
I don’t like junk food, but I sometimes eat late at night.
good habit keyword can be a bad one for you if
you never do it.
Answers 4, 3, 2, 1
2. Tell them to shade the frequency bars according
to how often they do the actions shown in the
Game Suggestion pictures. Then have them write the actions on
Around the World Tell the students to make a circle the lines below.
or line and have two of them stand up. Show them
a flashcard of a habit and another flashcard of a Differentiation

frequency bar and have them make the key sentence For above-level students, you can encourage them to
“I (frequency) (action),” as fast as they can. The first draw pictures of habits they have that are not shown in
student to say a correct sentence (e.g. “I usually work any of the stickers and write about those instead.
out.”) wins the round and moves to stand by the next
3. Have the students take turns presenting their
student while the losing student sits down. Repeat the
activity with the next two students and continue through
minibooks to the class.
the circle or line in this way. The student who wins the
Teaching Tip
last round wins the game.
If you’re running out of time, you can have them present
Differentiation to a partner or small group instead.
For below-level students, you can make the previous
game simpler by only holding up the habit and having Extra Practice
them say “I (action)” rather than using the key Assign pages 84–85 in the workbook as homework.
structure and frequency adverbs.

Student Book page 89

1. Explain to the students that they will make and
present a minibook in this task.
2. Have them turn to page 109 and cut out the
minibook paper.
3. Show them how to fold the paper following
the directions in the diagram. Do it step-by-
step with the entire class so that none of the
students gets lost or confused.

Teaching Tip

It might be helpful for you to make two example

minibooks (one blank one, one completed one) before
class so that you can demonstrate to the students
what their minibooks should look like after each step.

1. Have the students stick the stickers on the
pages of the minibook. Encourage them to put


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 105 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

8 Habits Lesson 5 Skills Up!
Student Book pages 90–91
Lesson Objectives
To read and answer questions about
a text on how to eat healthy
To review the usage of gerunds and
frequency adverbs

balanced, grain, bone, muscle

Grammar Point
Gerunds and frequency adverbs

CD track 118, flashcards 85–94

Student Book page 90 activity in pairs or small groups to avoid confusing

them with too many stacks of paper.
Warm Up
Teaching Tip
1. Go through your greetings or opening routine. Then Interest the students in the lesson by having them
check the previous day’s homework or collect it work together to draw different types of food all over
from the students. the board. Encourage them to draw as many as they
2. Briefly review the vocabulary from lessons 1 and 2. can, even ones that they don’t know the English
word(s) for. After a couple of minutes, have them stop
drawing and label all the different types of food.
Game Suggestion

Telephone Draw Have the students sit in one large

circle and give them each a stack of small, rectangular A Listen and read.
pieces of paper. Tell them to write a key sentence
1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
from one of the previous lessons on the top card of
them what they can see. Then show the
their stack. On your signal, they should pass the entire
stack to their right. The next student should read the
students a picture of the food pyramid and talk
sentence, put that card on the bottom of the stack, about its different sections.
and then draw a picture about it. On your next signal, 2. Tell the students what the passage will be about
they should pass it to the right again. The third student and introduce any new vocabulary.
should look at the picture and then write a sentence 3. Play the recording of the passage for the
about it without looking at the original sentence. Have students.
them continue passing the stacks around the circle
TR 118
and alternating between writing and drawing until
Eating Healthy
each person gets their original stack. Then have each There are four food groups. Eating a balanced meal means eating
person look through the drawings and sentences in at least one food from each one.
order and see how their sentences changed. Grains: Bread, cereal, and rice are grain foods. Grains give your
body energy.
Fruit and vegetables: Fruit and vegetables have lots of vitamins
and minerals. Eating lots of fruit and vegetables keeps your body
For below-level students, you can have them do the healthy. You should eat them every day.

106 Unit 8 • Habits

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 106 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

Student Book page 91
Dairy products: Dairy foods like milk have calcium. You need
calcium to have strong, healthy bones.
A Look and learn.
Proteins: Meat, fish, eggs, and beans have protein. Eating them
is good for your muscles.
1. Go over the usage of gerunds and how to make
4. Read the passage to the students. Then read it
2. Read the chart as a class.
as a class.
5. Have the students read the passage once again
either individually or as a class. B Read and circle.
1. Read the sentences as a class.
Teaching Tip
2. Tell the students to circle the correct option to
Expand the reading by asking the students to name
complete each one.
types of food that were not mentioned in the passage.
3. Check the answers as a class or have the
If they say things like “junk food” and “candy,” explain
students work in pairs to check their answers.
to them that these things were not included because
they are very unhealthy and shouldn’t be eaten often. Answers 1. Going 2. Drawing 3. Learning
If they don’t mention these foods, ask what they think
about them. Encourage them to always choose foods
from the four groups talked about in the passage. C Look and learn.
1. Go over the usage of the frequency adverbs
Game Suggestion
“always,” “usually,” “sometimes,” and “never”
Reading Race Time all the pairs to see who can with the students.
accurately read through the passage the fastest. Then 2. Read the chart as a class.
give them time to practice on their own and hold the
reading race again. If you want, you can even have a
third race to see whose speed improved the most. D Look and write.
1. Have the students look at the pictures and
B Choose the correct answers. frequency bars. Ask them what they can see.
2. Explain to the students that they need to
1. Have the students complete the reading
complete the sentences using the given phrases
comprehension questions.
based on the pictures and frequency bars above.
2. Check the answers as a class.
3. Check the answers as a class or have the
Answers 1. a 2. c 3. b students work in pairs to check their answers.

1. sometimes has sandwiches

Teaching Tip 2. always listens to music
3. never takes a nap
Write the four categories discussed in the passage on
4. usually reads books
the board and ask the students to say different types
of food that go in each one. Hopefully they can name
Extra Practice
at least two or three in each category.
Assign pages 86–87 in the workbook as homework.

For above-level students, have them all write two or

three comprehension questions of their own. Then mix
the questions up and have the students take turns
reading and answering them.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 107 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

Review 4 Unit 7 - Unit 8
Student Book pages 92–93
Lesson Objective
To review the key structures and
vocabulary learned in units 7 and 8

last, advice, feel, lucky

CD tracks 119–121, flashcards 73–

Student Book page 92 2. Play the recording and tell the students to write
the correct number next to each picture. Check
Warm Up the answers as a class.

1. Show the students the flashcards from units 7 TR 119

and 8 and practice saying the keywords and key 1. I have a headache.
2. She has a sore throat.
structures from the units.
3. He should stay in bed.
2. Have the students take turns pretending to be 4. Drinking lots of water is good.
sick. The rest of the class should ask them 5. Having junk food is not good.
“What’s the matter?” After they answer, the class 6. I always brush my teeth.

should give them a recommendation by saying

“You should (action).” Answers 6, 4, 3, 1, 2, 5
3. Set up a “doctor’s office” and have the students
take turns pretending to be doctors giving
checkups. They should ask the patients about their B Listen and choose.
habits by using “Do you (action)?” After each one,
1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
they should determine whether the habit is good
them what they can see.
or bad and say “(action) is good/not good. You
2. Play the recording and tell the students to circle
should/shouldn’t do it.”
the correct letters. Check the answers as a class.

Teaching Tip TR 120

1. What’s the matter?
Choose a game from unit 7 and/or unit 8 that the I have a fever.
students enjoyed and play it again to practice the key 2. I have a runny nose.
words and structures. You should blow your nose.
3. Do you get enough sleep?
Yes, I always get enough sleep.
4. Do you eat late at night?
A Listen and number. No, I never eat late at night. Eating late at night isn’t good.

1. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask

them what they can see. Answers 1. c 2. c 3. a 4. b

108 Review 4

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 108 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

Student Book page 93

C Listen and read.

1. Tell the students what the passage will be about
and introduce any new vocabulary.
2. Have the students look at the pictures. Ask
them what they can see.
3. Play the recording and let the students listen to
the passage.

TR 121
Ms. Brown
Ms. Brown is our school nurse. She asks sick students, “What’s
the matter?” Then she helps them. Last week, I had a fever. She
said, “You should stay in bed and take some medicine.” It was
great advice. The next day, I felt much better!
She teaches us how to stay healthy too. She tells us to get
enough sleep. She also says skipping breakfast is not good.
Ms. Brown is a great nurse. Our school is lucky to have her!

4. Read the passage to the students. Then read it

as a class.

Game Suggestion

Reading Race Split the students into two teams. Have

the first team read the story, and time them to see
how long it takes them to finish. Then have the second
team read the passage while timing them too. The
team that has the faster time is the winner.

D Choose or write the correct answers.

1. Have the students read the sentences and circle
or write the correct answers.
2. Check the answers as a class.

Answers 1. a 2. b 3. Skipping breakfast is not good.

Extra Practice

Ask the students to complete pages 88–89 in their

workbook as homework.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 109 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

The Prince and the Beggar
Reader’s Theater Storybook pages 2–29
Lesson Objectives
To develop the students’ reading
fluency by using multiple choral
readings of a story
To improve the students’ presentation
skills by having them perform the
story as a short play

beggar, prince, king, queen, soldier,
castle, rich, poor

CD tracks 122–124, character masks

Lesson 1 Reader’s Theater Storybook pages 2–3 students repeat them after you.

Warm Up Teaching Tip

Use gestures, facial expressions, and funny voices to

1. Go through your greetings or opening routine.
make the reading more interesting and to help the
2. Show the students the front cover of the reader’s
students understand what is happening in the story.
theater storybook and read the title to them.
Explain that they will be reading and performing 3. Each time you come to a new song, play it once
this story as a class.
for the students before going through it line by
3. Go through the keywords with the students to
line. At the same time, encourage the students
familiarize them with the most common new words
to think up actions for it. Then play it again
in the story.
and have the students sing and act along to it.
4. When you come to page 17, ask the class,
Explain the Characters and Settings “What does Tom do?” and then read the
options to them: “Tom tells the truth,” (audio
1. Have the students look at the list of characters
track 123) or “Tom lies.” (audio track 124)
and read their names together. Ask them which
Have the students vote on which ending they
characters are rich and which are poor.
want to hear first.
2. Explain to the students that there are two main
5. After finishing that ending, ask the students
places in the story: the beggar, Tom’s house and
if they liked it. Then explain that the other
the prince, Edward’s castle.
ending is different, have them turn back to
page 17, and go through the other ending with
Lesson 2 Reader’s Theater Storybook pages 4–29
the students as well.
6. Once you have finished reading both endings,
Read and Practice the Story
ask the students which one they liked better
1. Play audio track 122 for the students to listen and why.
to and follow along in their books. 7. Look at the quizzes 30-31. Have the students
2. At the end of each page, pause the recording, put the pictures in order and discuss as a class.
read the lines one by one, and have the
Answers • Ending 1: D-F-A-E-C-B • Ending 2: B-E-C-A-F-D
110 Reader’s Theater Storybook

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 110 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

8. Based on the students’ reactions to the endings, Additional Stage Directions
choose one and tell them that they will perform
Page 4 The narrator takes center stage and moves
the story with that ending to help improve their
around as necessary during the play. Tom’s
speed and fluency.
parents enter stage right with a baby doll.
9. Assign the students different roles or let them
Tom cries offstage.
pick their own. To make sure that all the
Page 5 The queen and soldier enter stage left with
students can participate, you may need to
another baby doll. The two sides ignore
assign multiple students to each part and have
each other.
them read that part’s lines together. Make sure
Page 6 Tom enters stage right. The family sits at a
to assign one or more students to be the story’s
table. The queen exits with the baby doll.
The soldier and Edward enter stage left
10. Play the recording again for the students.
and sit at a desk.
Similarly pause it at the end of each page, but
Page 8 Everyone exits. Tom and a couple friends
this time only have the student(s) assigned to
take center stage. The soldier and Edward
each character say that character’s lines.
enter stage left.
11. When the students are ready, have them read
Page 10 Everyone exits. Tom and Edward enter
through the whole story from start to finish
stage left.
without the help of the audio guide at all.
Page 11 Tom and Edward switch jackets or other
easily removable clothes. After speaking,
Lesson 3 and 4 Tom exits.
Page 13 Tom’s parents enter stage right. They and
Act Out the Story
Edward sit down at the table.
1. Have all the students stand up, and tell them Page 14 Edward and Tom’s parents exit. Tom enters
that they are going to perform the story with and sits at the table.
you (and/or other people) as the audience. Page 15 The soldier and queen enter stage left.
2. Review the characters’ personalities and Page 16 Tom moves to stage left. Edward and Tom’s
motivations. Go through each one and have the parents enter stage right.
student(s) acting them out show you via facial Page 18 Edward moves to stand by Tom.
expressions, posture, and body language what Page 20 Edward shows everyone his prince’s pin.
kind of personality they have. Page 21 Everyone claps, cheers, and dances while
3. Clear a stage area for the students to perform the different characters sing.
in. From pages 4–9, designate stage right as Page 23 Tom and his parents move things from
Tom’s house and stage left as Edward’s castle their house on stage right to the castle on
with the middle as the “kingdom.” From page stage left.
10 on, the entire stage can switch between the Page 24 Edward frantically looks around for his
two scenes as needed. You can also furnish prince’s pin. When he can’t find it, the
them with desks, chairs, and other objects. soldier moves forward to take him away.
4. Have the students read through the story while Page 25 The soldier gives Tom the crown. Tom’s
acting out the stage directions in parentheses parents fall to their knees begging him for
in the book. In addition, teach them the stage mercy.
directions listed below and have them act them Page 26 Tom and Edward move away, and the
out. others either freeze or pretend they can’t
5. Print out the masks provided online for the hear them. Tom gives Edward the prince’s
students to cut out, color, and wear in their pin.
final performance. Page 28 Tom and Edward join the others. Everyone
6. After the students know all their lines and stage claps, cheers, and dances while the
directions, sit back and watch them perform! different characters sing.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 111 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

Workbook Answer Key
B: Yes, she does. She likes to build robots.
1 School Clubs 4. A: Does he like to knit gloves?
B: No, he doesn’t. He likes to perform in plays.
Lesson 1 pp. 2-3
Lesson 3 pp. 6-7
1. music, ⓓ 2. yoga, ⓐ 3. robotics, ⓕ A.
4. magic, ⓑ 5. drama, ⓒ 6. knitting, ⓔ ① tickets ② play instruments ③ starting /
1. robotics club 2. magic club 3. knitting club B.
1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True
1. True 2. False 3. False C.
1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d / 1, 3, 4, 2
1. A: Which club does she like best?
B: She likes the drama club best. Lesson 4 pp. 8-9
2. A: Which club does he like best?
B: He likes the magic club best.
3. A: Which club does she like the best? 1. Robotics Club 2. Music Club
B: She likes the knitting club best. 3. Magic Club 4. Drama Club
4. A: Which club does he like best? 5. Yoga Club 6. Knitting Club
B: He likes the robotics club best. B.
1. A: do B: magic 2. A: knit gloves B: don’t
Lesson 2 3. A: does B: likes 4. A: Does, like B: No, doesn’t
pp. 4-5

A. C.
1. B: I like the yoga club best. / B: Yes, I do.
1. perform 2. knit 3. do
2. A: Which club does she like best?
4. build 5. do 6. play / 2, 3, 1, 4, 6, 5
B: She likes the knitting club best.
B. A: Does she like to knit gloves? B: Yes, she does.
3. B: No, I don’t. / B: I like the drama club best. I like
to perform in plays.
2 4. A: Does he like to play instruments? / A: Which
club does he like best?
B: He likes the robotics club best. He likes to build

Lesson 5 pp. 10-11
1. T 2. F 3. T
D.  Reading
1. A: Does she like to do yoga? A.
B: Yes, she does. She likes to do yoga. 1. origami 2. trumpet
2. A: Does he like to do magic tricks? 3. march 4. arts and crafts
B: No, he doesn’t. He likes to play instruments.
3. A: Does she like to build robots?
1. Are you good at arts and crafts?
112 Workbook Answer Key

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 112 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

2. We meet on Thursdays at 4:00 in Ms. Akin’s 4. win, ⓔ 5. create, ⓑ
room. 6. interview, ⓐ / Good luck!
3. The marching band needs more players!
4. You can learn to play the school song!
1. False 2. True 3. False
 Grammar C.
A. 1. I want to go to space.
1. like 2. doesn’t like 3. A: Does B: Yes, does 2. I want to interview famous people.
B. D.
1. I don’t like to play the piano. 1. A: What does he want to do?
2. She doesn’t like to knit gloves. B: He wants to win gold medals.
3. We don’t like to dance. 2. A: What does she want to do?
C. B: She wants to draw funny cartoons.
3. A: What does he want to do?
1 He likes to sing. 2. I like to take art classes
B: He wants to play a superhero.
3. Ann likes to build robots.
4. A: What does she want to do?
D. B: She wants to create new clothes.
1. Do you like to do yoga?
2. Does she like to play instruments?
Lesson 3 pp. 16-17
3. Do they like to make cookies?
① interview ② movie star ③ go to space /
2 Dream Jobs 1–5–4–2–6–3
Lesson 1 pp. 12-13 a movie star / play a superhero
A. an astronaut / go to space
1. astronaut, ⓑ 2. athlete, ⓒ
3. cartoonist, ⓐ 4. movie star, ⓔ a reporter / interview famous people
5. reporter, ⓓ 6. fashion designer, ⓕ C.
B. 1. A: What do you want to be?
1. fashion designer 2. movie star B: I want to be a cartoonist.
3. astronaut 2. A: What do you want to do?
B: I want to create new clothes.
3. A: What does she want to do?
2, 3, 1
B: She wants to win gold medals.
1. A: What does she want to be? Lesson 4 pp. 18-19
B: She wants to be a movie star.
2. A: What does he want to be? A.
B: He wants to be an astronaut. 1. A1, an athlete 2. B1, a cartoonist
3. A: What does she want to be? 3. A2, an astronaut 4. B2, a reporter
B: She wants to be a fashion designer. 5. C1, a movie star 6. C2, a fashion designer
4. A: What does he want to be?
B: He wants to be an athlete.
1. A: What B: to be, an 2. A: do B: want to
3. A: does, want B: wants
Lesson 2 pp. 14-15 4. A: What, to do B: draw
1. go, ⓓ 2. draw, ⓒ 3. play, ⓕ

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 113 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

C. 2. A: Does he like to build robots?
1. B: I want to be a movie star. / B: I want to play a 3. A: What does she want to be?
superhero. 4. B: I want to go to space.
2. B: I want to be an astronaut. / B: I want to go to C.
1. practice 2. magician, entertain
3. B: She wants to be a cartoonist. / B: She wants to
3. cook 4. chef, restaurant
draw funny cartoons.
4. B: He wants to be a reporter. / B: He wants to D.
interview famous people. 1. False 2. True 3. False 4. True

Lesson 5 pp. 20-21 3 In Town

A. Lesson 1 pp. 24-25
1. crowded 2. delicious 3. package
4. travel / 4, 2, 1, 3
1. mall 2. grocery store 3. library
B. 4. hair salon 5. movie theater 6. park
1. Do you like ice cream?
2. Ice cream taste testers eat ice cream every day.
3. Bike messengers take packages to people. 1. hair salon 2. grocery store 3. movie theater
4. That’s why people use bike messengers! C.
1. True 2. False 3. True
A. D.
1. A: do B: want to 2. A: does B: wants to 1. A: Where was she yesterday?
B: She was at the park.
B. 2. A: Where was he yesterday?
1. A: What do you want to have? B: He was at the movie theater.
B: I want to have my own room. 3. A: Where was she yesterday?
2. A: What does she want to be? B: She was at the grocery store.
B: She wants to be a reporter. 4. A: Where was he yesterday?
3. A: What does he want to take? B: He was at the mall.
B: He wants to take music lessons.
C. Lesson 2 pp. 26-27
1. I want to be an astronaut. I want to go to space.
2. Henry wants to be a doctor. He wants to help sick A.
people. 1. borrow a book 2. watch a movie
3. Betty wants to be an athlete. She wants to win 3. walk my dog 4. buy some fruit
gold medals. 5. get a haircut 6. go shopping
1. borrowed 2. watched 3. walked
Review 1 4. bought 5. got 6. went
pp. 22-23 C.
A. 1. ⓑ 2.
ⓒ 3.

1. ⓑ 2.
ⓐ 3.
ⓒ 4.
ⓓ D.
B. 1. A: What did he do yesterday?
B: He went shopping at the mall.
1. B: I like the music club best.

114 Workbook Answer Key

Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 114 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

2. A: What did she do yesterday? 2. My mom found some flour and sugar for $3 each.
B: She borrowed a book at the library. 3. We opened the shopping bag and started baking.
3. A: What did he do yesterday? 4. We forgot to buy blueberries!
B: He got a haircut at the hair salon.
4. A: What did she do yesterday?  Grammar
B: She bought some fruit at the grocery store. A.
1. was 2. were 3. wasn’t
4. was 5. weren’t
Lesson 3 pp. 28-29
1. A: Was B: was 2. A: Was B: wasn’t, was
① grocery store ② bought ③ got a haircut /
3. A: Were B: weren’t, were
1. She wasn’t at home.
birthday / hairband / mall / cake / bakery 2. I wasn’t worried about my test.
C. 3. They were at the restaurant.
1. d 2. a 3. c 4. b / 3, 2, 4, 1 4. It was too hot.
5. Were you late for class?
6. Was he happy with his haircut?
Lesson 4 pp. 30-31

4 At the Festival
1. Grocery Store 2. Hair Salon
3. Library 4. Mall
5. Park 6. Movie Theater Lesson 1 pp. 34-35

B. A.
1. A: were B: was 1. stage 2. souvenir stand
2. A: was B: was 3. hotdog cart 4. information tent
3. A: What, yesterday B: walked 5. dart game booth 6. first aid tent
4. A: did, do B: got B.
C. 1. ⓐ 2.
ⓑ 3.

1. B: I was at the grocery store. C.
A: What did you do at the grocery store?
B: I bought some fruit.
2. B: She was at the movie theater. 1
A: What did she do at the movie theater?
B: She watched a movie.
3. A: Where was he yesterday?
B: He was at the library. D.
A: What did he do at the library?
1. B: Yes, he was.
B: He borrowed a book.
2. B: She was at the hotdog cart.
3. B: Yes, she was.
Lesson 5 pp. 32-33 4. B: No, he wasn’t. He was at the first aid tent.

Lesson 2 pp. 36-37
1. bake 2. flour 3. grab 4. on sale A.
B. 1. get / got a bandage 2. see / saw a clown
3. eat / ate a hotdog 4. get / got a map
1. Do you want to have blueberry pie this afternoon?


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5. win / won a prize 6. buy / bought a T-shirt Lesson 5 pp. 42-43
1. Did you get a map? 2. Did you see a clown?
d w h i r k u a
1. Yes, I did. 2. No, I didn’t. 3. Yes, I did.
c k p x h t s c
D. e x c i t i n g
1. B: Yes, she did. She got a map. s m a i s j s k
2. B: No, he didn’t. He bought a T-shirt. w g t h d x l s
3. B: Yes, he did. (He saw a clown.) h s c d g l w g
4. B: No, she didn’t. She won a prize. d c h a s e c o
q u n z j q s u
Lesson 3 pp. 38-39 w y m w r o l l

A. B.
① bought ② map ③ dart game / 1. One person rolled a cheese down the hill.
1–3–2–4–6–5 2. Did anyone catch it?
B. 3. Many people fell down and got hurt.
1. True 2. True 3. False 4. False 4. It sounds fun but dangerous!

C.  Grammar
1. A: Were you at the first aid tent? B: Yes, I was. A.
2. A: Did he win a prize? B: Yes, he did. 1. played 2. cleaned
3. A: Did she get a bandage? B: No, she didn’t. She 3. went 4. A: Did B: did
ate a hotdog. 5. A: Did B: didn’t
Lesson 4 pp. 40-41 1. I didn’t watch a movie. 2. He lost his umbrella.
3. We didn’t get a haircut. 4. She bought a dress.
5. They didn’t have dinner.

1 information tent C.
4 1 2 stage 1. Did you get a map? 2. Did he buy a T-shirt?
3 dart game booth 3. Did they win a prize? 4. Did she eat pizza?
4 first aid tent 5. Did Tina clean the window?
5 hotdog cart
6 3
2 6 souvenir stand
Review 2
B. pp. 44-45

1. A: Were B: was 2. A: Was B: wasn’t A.

3. A: get B: did 4. A: Did B: No, saw 1. ⓑ 2.
ⓒ 3.
ⓓ 4.

C. B.
1. B: Yes, I was. / B: Yes, I did. 1. B: I was at the hair salon.
2. B: No, she wasn’t. She was at the dart game 2. A: What did she do yesterday?
booth. / B: No, she didn’t. 3. B: No, I wasn’t.
3. B: No, he wasn’t. He was at the souvenir stand. 4. A: Did he get a bandage?
A: Did he buy a T-shirt?
B: Yes, he did. C.
1. Yesterday 2. movie theater, animated

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3. hotdog cart, dress 4. ring toss game 4. A: Is he going to take bug spray with him?
B: No, he isn’t. He’s going to take a tent with him.
1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True
Lesson 3 pp. 50-51

5 Vacation Plans A.
① going to take ② excited ③ make friends with /
Lesson 1 pp. 46-47
A. 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False
① soccer ② visit ③ beach
④ camping ⑤ travel ⑥ pick
1. d 2. b 3. a 4. c / 2, 3, 4, 1
1. b 2. c 3. a
Lesson 4 pp. 52-53
1. I’m going to go camping.
2. I’m going to visit my grandparents. tent
go to a
soccer camp
go camping bug spray

D. go camping
go to the
swimsuit pick peaches
visit my
beach grandparents
1. A: What’s she going to do on vacation?
B: She’s going to pick peaches. sleeping bag
travel to
sunscreen flashlight
2. A: What’s he going to do on vacation?
B: He’s going to go to a soccer camp. B.
3. A: What’s she going to do on vacation?
1. A: What B: going 2. A: to do B: his
B: She’s going to travel to Paris.
3. A: going B: I, am 4. A: take, her B: No
4. A: What’s he going to do on vacation?
B: He’s going to go to the beach. C.
1. B: I’m going to go camping.
Lesson 2 A: Are you going to take a tent with you?
pp. 48-49
B: Yes, I am.
A. 2. B: I’m going to pick peaches.
1. bug spray, ⓓ 2. sunscreen, ⓒ A: Are you going to take bug spray with you?
3. a flashlight, ⓐ 4. a sleeping bag, ⓕ 3. B: She’s going to travel to Paris.
5. a tent, ⓑ 6. a swimsuit, ⓔ A: Is she going to take a swimsuit with her?
B: Yes, she is.
B. 4. B: He’s going to go to the beach.
1. Are you going to take a flashlight with you? A: Is he going to take a flashlight with him?
2. Is he going to take sunscreen with him? B: No, he isn’t.
1. ⓐ 2. ⓑ 3.
ⓑ Lesson 5 pp. 54-55
1. A: Is he going to take a swimsuit with him?
B: Yes, he is.
2. A: Is she going to take sunscreen with her? 1. vinegar 2. volcano 3. dough 4. lava
B: No, she isn’t. She’s going to take a sleeping bag B.
with her. 1. Mix the flour, salt, and water to make dough.
3. A: Is she going to take a flashlight with her? 2. Put the dough around the plastic bottle.
B: Yes, she is. 3. Finally, pour the vinegar into the volcano.


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 117 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:34

4. The lava is going to come out, so be careful! tube).
2. B: Kate’s towel is cleaner than Ann’s (towel).
 Grammar 3. B: Ann’s swimsuit is uglier than Kate’s (swimsuit).
A. 4. B: Kate’s bag is smaller than Ann’s (bag).
1. going 2. not going to 3. A: Is, take B: is
B. Lesson 3 pp. 60-61
1. B: I’m going to pick apples.
2. B: He’s going to go to the park.
① than ② beach ③ How about /
3. B: She’s going to practice the piano.
1. He’s not going to dance.
2. My mom is not going to be late. vacation / older, closer, newer, far / Best
3. I’m going to practice the flute. C.
4. She’s going to pick peaches. 1. A: Who’s weaker, Sam or Leo?
5. Are you going to come to the party? B: Leo is weaker (than Sam).
6. Are they going to go to the beach? 2. A: Which towel is dirtier?
B: Max’s towel is dirtier (than Mark’s towel).
3. A: Which swimsuit is prettier?
6 On Vacation B: Helen’s swimsuit is prettier (than Julie’s
Lesson 1 pp. 56-57
Lesson 4
A. pp. 62-63

1. young 2. old 3. strong A.

4. weak 5. short 6. tall
b a q w n r d u l x o d
B. y p r e t t i e r g s g
1. younger 2. older 3. weaker c m b a j z r j t c h q
4. stronger 5. shorter 6. taller r g x k f c t f k l o z

C. d k v e c b i g g e r w
f z p r w p e s b q t t
1. ⓐ, ⓑ 2.
ⓒ, ⓓ 3.
ⓕ, ⓔ
x y h n t d r r w m e b
D. s o l d e r s v d h r y
1. B: Lily is younger. 2. B: Daisy is taller.
3. B: Lily is weaker. 4. B: Ron is stronger. 1. sharter 2. older 3. weaker
4. bigger 5. dirtier 6. prettier
Lesson 2 pp. 58-59 B.
1. A: is B: stronger 2. A: Who’s B: younger
3. A: uglier B: prettier 4. A: Which B: bigger
① clean - cleaner ② dirty - dirtier ③ ugly - uglier
④ pretty - prettier ⑤ big - bigger ⑥ small - smaller C.
1. B: Nate is taller (than Ella).
B: Ella is weaker (than Jason).
1. T 2. F 3. T 2. B: Jason is younger (than Laura).
C. B: Laura is stronger (than Jason).
1. prettier 2. smaller 3. dirtier 3. B: The gray towel is bigger than the white one.
B: The white towel is cleaner than the gray one.
D. 4. B: The black dog is older than the white one.
1. B: Ann’s swim tube is bigger than Kate’s (swim B: The white dog is prettier than the black one.

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Lesson 5 3. headache, ⓒ 4. runny nose, ⓕ
pp. 64-65
5. sore throat, ⓔ 6. toothache, ⓐ
 Reading B.
A. 1. ⓕ 2.
ⓔ 3.
ⓒ 4.

1. carry 2. wave 3. contest
4. sandcastle / 4, 1, 2, 3 C.
1. False 2. False 3. True
1. My family is having a beach day. D.
2. My dad is stronger than my brother and me. 1. A: What’s the matter? B: She has a fever.
3. We have a sandcastle building contest. 2. A: What’s the matter? B: He has a runny nose.
4. His sandcastle is 30 centimeters tall. 3. A: What’s the matter? B: She has a toothache.
4. A: What’s the matter? B: He has a sore throat.
A. Lesson 2 pp. 70-71
1. tall, taller 2. hot, hotter 3. prettier, pretty
1. stay 2. take 3. blow 4. see
1. shorter 2. bigger 3. dirtier 5. take 6. drink / Take care! / 2, 3, 6, 1, 5, 4
4. older 5. taller
1. You should take your temperature.
1. B: Jenny is younger (than Sue). 2. You should take some medicine.
2. B: Henry is weaker (than David).
3. B: Rose is taller (than Marie). C.
1. , 2. , 3. ,

Review 3 D.
pp. 66-67 1. A: He has a headache.
B: He should take some medicine.
A. 2. A: She has a sore throat.
1. ⓓ 2.
ⓐ 3.
ⓑ 4.
ⓒ B: She should drink some hot tea.
B. 3. A: He has a fever.
B: He should take his temperature.
1. B: I’m going to go camping.
4. A: She has a runny nose.
2. B: Yes, he is.
B: She should blow her nose.
3. B: Tom is stronger (than Jerry).
4. B: Jane’s swimsuit is cleaner (than Lori’s swimsuit).
Lesson 3
C. pp. 72-73

1. planning 2. camera, places, taller A.

3. excited, faster ① matter ② take some medicine ③ hospital /
D. 1–5–3–2–6–4
1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True B.
1. False 2. True 3. False 4. True

7 Health C.
1. c 2. d 3. a 4. b / 3, 2, 1, 4

Lesson 1 pp. 68-69

1. fever, ⓑ 2. stomachache, ⓓ


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Lesson 4 pp. 74-75
8 Habits
1. stay in bed, a stomachache
Lesson 1 pp. 78-79
2. see a dentist, a toothache
3. drink some hot tea, a sore throat A.
4. take some medicine, a headache 1. choose, ⓒ, Good 2. eat, ⓐ, Good
B. 3. have, ⓑ, Bad 4. skip, ⓕ, Bad
5. eat, ⓔ, Bad 6. drink, ⓓ, Good
1. A: What’s B: have, toothache
2. B: has, runny nose B.
3. A: has, fever B: should take, her 1. choosing 2. eating 3. having
4. A: stomachache B: should, stay 4. skipping 5. eating 6. drinking
C. C.
1. B: I have a toothache. / A: You should see a 1. Eating vegetables, is
dentist. 2. Skipping breakfast, isn’t
2. B: I have a fever. / A: You should take your 3. Drinking lots of water, is
temperature. 4. Having junk food / isn’t
3. B: He has a runny nose. / B: He should blow his
nose. D.
4. A: What’s the matter? B: She has a headache. 1. Drinking lots of water is good.
A: What should she do? B: She should take some 2. Eating vegetables is good.
medicine. 3. Choosing healthy snacks is good.
4. Skipping breakfast isn’t good.
5. Eating late at night isn’t good.
Lesson 5 pp. 76-77 6. Having junk food isn’t good.
A. Lesson 2 pp. 80-81
1. sick 2. rub 3. soap 4. bubble A.
B. 1. brush my teeth 2. work out
1. You should wash your hands with soap and water. 3. take a shower 4. get enough sleep
2. Rub the soap bubbles all over your hands for 15 5. always 6. usually
seconds. 7. sometimes 8. never
3. Wash the backs of your hands and in between B.
your fingers.
1. T 2. F 3. F
4. Rinse all the soap off and dry your hands.
 Grammar 1. always 2. usually 3. never
1. should follow 2. wash
3. should not 4. eat 1. A: How often do you work out?
B: I sometimes work out.
B. 2. A: How often do you get enough sleep?
1. You should see a dentist. B: I never get enough sleep.
2. She should clean her desk. 3. A: How often do you brush your teeth?
3. He shouldn’t stay up late at night. B: I usually brush my teeth.
4. A: How often do you take a shower?
B: I always take a shower.
1. shouldn’t swim 2. shouldn’t take pictures
3. should stop

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Lesson 3 pp. 82-83
Lesson 5 pp. 86-87

A.  Reading
① healthy ② eat vegetables ③ choose / A.
g r a i n r l o
B. c x y p w m t s
chooses healthy snacks / gets enough sleep / eat g t r c i u v n
vegetables k s m g l s j s
C. b a l a n c e d
1. Drinking lots of water is good. / ⓑ o h s z d l l w
2. Skipping breakfast isn’t good. / ⓓ n f c n b e m c
3. A: How often do you take a shower? e d w h i r k z
B: I sometimes take a shower. / ⓐ
4. A: How often do you work out? B.
B: I never work out. / ⓒ 1. Grains give your body energy.
2. Fruit and vegetables have lots of vitamins and
Lesson 4 pp. 84-85 3. You need calcium to have strong, healthy bones.
A. 4. Eating them is good for your muscles.

drink lots of
work out always healthy
eat late at
brush my
1. listening 2. Eating 3. writing
get enough skip have junk take your
sleep breakfast food shower 1. Skipping 2. Learning 3. Choosing
1. He always gets up at seven.
1. A: Choosing B: isn’t 2. He always has breakfast.
2. A: Having, isn’t B: is 3. He usually takes a nap.
3. A: How B: sometimes get 4. He sometimes reads books.
4. A: often B: always take 5. He never watches TV.
1. B: Eating vegetables is good.
A: I usually eat vegetables.
Review 4
pp. 88-89
2. B: Working out is good.
A: I never work out. A.
3. B: Yes, I do. I get enough sleep. 1. ⓓ 2.
ⓐ 3.
ⓒ 4.

A: Getting enough sleep is good. How often do
you get enough sleep? B.
B: I always get enough sleep. 1. B: I have a headache.
4. A: Do you have any bad habits? B: Yes, I do. I skip 2. B: You should see a dentist.
breakfast. 3. B: No. I never skip breakfast.
A: Skipping breakfast isn’t good. How often do 4. B: I usually work out.
you skip breakfast? C.
B: I sometimes skip breakfast.
1. nurse, helps 2. fever, medicine
3. healthy, skipping
1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False

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Unit 1 Lesson 1 Name:

Flip a coin. Then ask and answer.

Move 1 space. Move 2 spaces.

Go Forward
One Space

Go Back
Two Spaces

I like the music

club best.
Go Forward
One Space

Which club do
you like best?

Lose a Turn
Go Back
Two Spaces

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Unit 1 Lesson 2 Name:

A Look and solve the crossword puzzle.

B Write the letters in the gray boxes and find the secret

We !

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Unit 2 Lesson 1 Name:

Unscramble. Then write and draw.

1. lehtaet →

I want to be .

2. eprrtoer →

I want to be .

3. ttaauosrn →

I want .

4. tisrcoaont →

I want .

5. vemoi tras →

6. iahfsno seerdgin →

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Unit 2 Lesson 2 Name:

Solve and write the sentences.

1. 2.
to I to to I to

want want

want to

gold win want

gold medals famous interview

interview people famous

3. 4.
want I to I

want create want want

to to

new to to

clothes play play

clothes new a superhero

5. 6.
I I to


want to want

to funny draw to

to funny
space go cartoons draw

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Unit 3 Lesson 1 Name:

Solve the crossword puzzle.


4 3

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

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Unit 3 Lesson 2 Name:


A Read this to your friend.

Yesterday, my mom and I went shopping at the mall. My mom bought

me a T-shirt and jeans there. I got a haircut at the hair salon too.

B Listen and correct.

Last Saturday, my family went to the library. We walked our dog,

Bella. After that, we borrowed a movie at the movie theater.


A Listen and correct.

Yesterday, my mom and I went shopping at the grocery store. My

mom bought me a T-shirt and socks there. I got a haircut at the mall

B Read this to your friend.

Last Saturday, my family went to the park. We walked our dog, Ben.
After that, we watched a movie at the movie theater.

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Unit 4 Lesson 1 Name:

Ask, play rock-paper-scissors, and answer. If you win,

check. Check all the places to win.

Were you at the dart Wi

n! s e!
game booth? Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t.

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Unit 4 Lesson 2 Name:

A Flick a coin. Did you eat a hotdog? Yes, I did.

B Ask and answer. Then color.

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Unit 5 Lesson 1 Name:


A Read this to your friend.

Clara’s Summer Vacation Plans

With my brother, I’m going to visit my grandparents this summer. I’m
going to take bug spray, sunscreen, and my camera with me. We’re going
to pick peaches. I’m also going to take a lot of pictures!

B Listen and write.

Brian’s Vacation Plans

With my family, I’m going to to Toronto this winter. I’m
going to take my , camera, and tent with me.
We’re going to . I’m going to
lots of fun!


A Listen and write.

Clara’s Vacation Plans

With my brother, I’m going to my this
summer. I’m going to take bug spray, , and my camera with
me. We’re going to . I’m also going to take a
lot of !

B Read this to your friend.

Brian’s Winter Vacation Plans

With my family, I’m going to travel to Toronto this winter. I’m going
to take my sleeping bag, camera, and tent with me. We’re going to go
camping. I’m going to have lots of fun!

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Unit 5 Lesson 2 Name:

A Write an item name in each space.

B Play bingo with your friend. The first student to get

three in a row wins.
a flashlight a tent a sleeping bag a swimsuit
sunscreen bug spray a backpack a hat
a life vest sunglasses a swim tube water

Are you going to take ... ? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

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Unit 6 Lesson 1 Name:

Look and make sentences with the adjectives in the box.

Who made the most sentences?

tall short strong weak old young

Polar bear Penguin Giraffe Turtle Lion




ex. The lion is stronger than the penguin.








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Unit 6 Lesson 2 Name:

Look and say. Who said the most sentences?

ex. Nate’s bike is bigger than kara’s (bike).

I’m Nate. I’m nine years

old. This is my room.

I’m Kara. I’m eight years

old. This is my room.

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Unit 7 Lesson 1 Name:

Check two illnesses. Ask and answer to find someone

with each illness. Then write.
What’s the matter? I have a fever.

has a . has a .

has a . has a .

has a . has a .

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Unit 7 Lesson 2 Name:

Look, circle, and match.

stay bed
take chair

see nose
blow hair

take hot tea
stay temperature

take teacher
see dentist

drink medicine
blow hot tea

take medicine
see dentist

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Unit 8 Lesson 1 Name:

A Write a sentence in each space.

ex. Skipping breakfast isn’t good.

B Play bingo as a class. The first student to get three in

a row wins.

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Unit 8 Lesson 2 Name:

A Make a group of five. Ask and answer. Then color the bars.

How often do you ... ?

1. eat vegetables 4. skip breakfast

2. choose healthy snacks 5. eat late at night
3. drink lots of water 6. have junk food

Good Habits Bad Habits

Friend’s Name 1 2 3 4 5 6


:4 :3 :2 :0

B Add up the scores in A . Then draw two graphs.



1 2 3 4 5 6
Good Habits Bad Habits
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Unit 1 Test Page 1

A Look and write.

Unit 1 Lesson 1 (7쪽) D

- 화살표 등 빼고 그림만 넣고, 각각의 그림에 단

어 쓸 공간과 번호 입

magic club music club knitting club

yoga club drama club robotics club

B Look at A and write.

build robots do yoga perform in plays

knit gloves do magic tricks play instruments

1. Does he like to ? Yes, he does.

2. Does he like to ? Yes, he does.
3. Does she like to ? Yes, .
4. Does she like to ? Yes, .
5. Does she like to do yoga?
No, . She likes to .
6. Does he like to play instruments?
No, . He likes to .

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Unit 1 Test Page 2

C Look and write.

I do yoga club to do yoga which club

1. do you like best?

I like the best.
2. Do you like ?
Yes, .

D Listen and circle. 126

1. He likes the drama club best. Yes No

2. She likes the robotics club best. Yes No
3. He likes to play instruments. Yes No
4. She likes to do magic tricks. Yes No

E Look and write.

1. Which club does he like best?
He .
2. Does he like to perform in plays?

3. Which club does she like best?

4. Does she like to knit gloves?

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Unit 2 Test Page 1

A Look and match.

1. reporter 2. cartoonist 3. athlete 4. movie star

play a win gold interview draw funny

superhero medals famous people cartoons

B Look and write.

a fashion designer an athlete create new clothes win gold medals

1. What do you want to be? 3. What ?

. I want to be .
2. What do you want to do? 4. What ?
. I want to .

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Unit 2 Test Page 2

C Listen and circle. 127

1. Yes No 2. Yes No 3. Yes No 4. Yes No

D Look and write.

Do you want to be ?
Yes, . I want to a superhero!

What do you ?
I want to be . I want to
to space.

E Look and write.

1. What does she want to be?

2. What does she want to do?

F Circle and write.

1. I want to be (a reporter / a movie star).
I want .
2. Tina wants to be .
She wants (to create new clothes / to go to space).
3. James wants to be (an athlete / a cartoonist).
He wants .

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Unit 3 Test Page 1

A Look and choose.

1. 2.
a park a library
b library b grocery store

c mall c movie theater

d hair salon d hair salon

3. 4.
a mall a grocery store
b movie theater b mall

c library c park

d park d movie theater

5. 6.
a library a hair salon
b mall b park

c grocery store c movie theater

d hair salon d grocery store

B Listen and write. 128

1. He was at the .
2. She was .
3. He .

C Look and write.

buy some fruit watch a movie walk my dog get a haircut

1. 2. 3. 4.

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Unit 3 Test Page 2

D Look and write.

at the mall go shopping where bought

1. were 2. I was
you yesterday? .

3. Did you 4. Yes, I did. I

? some clothes.

E Read and match.

1. Where were you yesterday? a I got a haircut.
2. Were you busy yesterday? b Yes, I was.
3. What did you do yesterday? c I was at the hair salon.

F Look and write.

1. Where was she yesterday? 3. yesterday?

She . He at the movie theater.
2. What did she do there? 4. there?
She . He a movie.

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Unit 4 Test Page 1

A Look and match.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

dart game first aid hotdog souvenir information

booth tent cart stand tent

B Look and write.

What they did at the festival

1. She got a bandage .

2. She .
3. She .
4. He .
5. He .
6. He .

win a prize get a map

eat a hotdog get a bandage
buy a T-shirt see a clown

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Unit 4 Test Page 2

C Listen and write. 129

1. , . 2. , .
3. , . 4. , .

D Look and write. I win did wasn’t were was you did

1. 2. No, .I
at the stage? at the dart game booth.

3. 4. Yes,
a prize? .

E Look and write.

1. ? 3. Was she at the souvenir stand?

Yes, he was. No, . She was
2. a bandage? 4. Did she buy a T-shirt?
Yes, he did. No, . She ate
a .

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Midterm Test Page 1

A Look and choose.

1. a music club 2. a go to space
b robotics club b win gold medals

c magic club c draw funny cartoons

d knitting club d create new clothes

3. a library 4. a do yoga
b grocery store b perform in plays

c movie theater c build robots

d hair salon d knit gloves

5. a athlete 6. a get a map

b astronaut b buy a T-shirt

c cartoonist c win a prize

d reporter d get a bandage

7. a stage 8. a walk my dog

b hotdog cart b get a haircut

c souvenir stand c watch a movie

d first aid tent d borrow a book

B Listen and write. 130

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

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Midterm Test Page 2

C Read and match.

1. Do you like to do magic tricks? a No, I wasn’t.
2. What did you do yesterday? b I bought some fruit.
3. Were you at the mall? c No, I don’t.
4. What do you want to do? d I want to win gold medals.

D Look and write.

1. Which club do you like best?

2. Do you like to build robots?
Yes, .

3. What do you want to be?

4. What do you want to do?

5. Where were you yesterday?

6. What did you do there?

7. Were you at the first aid tent?

Yes, .
8. Did you get a map?
No, .I .

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Midterm Test Page 3

E Listen and write. 131

1. 2. 3.

, . , . , .

4. 5. 6.

, . She He
. .

F Look and write.

1. 2.

Which club does she like best? ?

She likes the best.

3. 4.

Where was he yesterday? ?

He was at the .

148 Tests • © Neungyule Education, Inc. · NE_Build & Grow

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Midterm Test Page 4

G Read and match.

1. Was he at the hotdog cart? a Yes, he did.
2. What does he want to be? b He wants to go to space.
3. Did he borrow a book? c He went shopping.
4. What does he want to do? d Yes, he was.
5. Does he like to do yoga? e He wants to be a cartoonist.
6. What did he do yesterday? f No, he doesn’t.

H Look and write.

movie star drama club like

perform in plays which club wants

1. does she best?

2. She likes the best.
3. She likes to .
4. She also to be a .

at the mall do at the park

walked my dog what wasn’t

5. Were you yesterday?

6. No, I . I was .
7. did you there?
8. I .

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Unit 5 Test Page 1

A Write the letters.

1. go camping
2. pick peaches
3. go to the beach
4. travel to Paris
5. go to a soccer camp
6. visit my grandparents

B Look and write.

Beth Jake Katie

1. What are you going to do on vacation, Beth?

2. What’s Jake going to do on vacation?

3. What’s Katie going to do on vacation?

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Unit 5 Test Page 2

C Look and match.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

a sleeping
a swimsuit sunscreen a flashlight a tent

D Listen and write. 132

1. are you going to

2. I’m going to .
on vacation?

3. Are you going to

with you? 4. , .

E Look and write.

Packing List
1. Is Tom going to take bug spray with him?
Tom Cindy
Yes, . He’s going to take
O X too.
2. Is Cindy sunscreen with her?
No, . She’s going to take
X O .

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Unit 6 Test Page 1

A Look and circle.

1. The girl is (taller / shorter) than the boy.

2. The woman is (older / younger) than the man.
3. The boy is (stronger / weaker) than the girl.
4. The white dog is (bigger / smaller) than the black one.
5. The white towel is (cleaner / dirtier) than the gray one.

B Look and write.

Age Height Strength



1. Who’s older, Tina or April?

2. , Tina or April? Tina is taller.
3. Who’s weaker, Tina or April?

C Listen. Then circle and write. 133

1. The (yellow / blue) dress is than the (yellow / blue) one.

2. The (brown / red) wallet is than the (brown / red) one.
3. The (pink / green) backpack is than the (pink / green) one.

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Unit 6 Test Page 2

D Look and write. Hi! I’m David.

Hi! I’m Brian.

1. Who’s taller, Brian or David?

2. Who’s stronger, Brian or David?
3. Which bag is smaller, Brian’s or David’s?
4. Which bag is cleaner, Brian’s or David’s?

E Look and write. bigger go it’s two which

1. I found
2. one is
hotels for us.

3. This one is , and 4. Then let’s

closer to the beach. there.

F Write and color.

Which teddy bear is ?

The pink teddy bear is smaller
the blue one.

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Unit 7 Test Page 1

A Look and choose.

1. 2.
a fever a stomachache
b headache b toothache

c toothache c sore throat

d runny nose d headache

3. 4.
a fever a fever
b sore throat b sore throat

c headache c stomachache

d stomachache d runny nose

5. 6.
a runny nose a headache
b toothache b fever

c stomachache c toothache

d sore throat d runny nose

B Look and write.

1. 2.

What’s the matter? ?

I . I have a .

3. 4.

What’s the matter? ?

He . She has a .

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Unit 7 Test Page 2

C Look and write.

blow your nose see a dentist

stay in bed take some medicine

1. 2.

3. 4.

D Listen and write. 134

1. What’s the ? 2. I a .

3. You stay 4. Okay. I will. .

in .

E Read and match.

1. He has a fever. a He should blow his nose.
2. He has a runny nose. b He should drink some hot tea.
3. He has a sore throat. c He should take his temperature.

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Unit 8 Test Page 1

A Look and write.

have junk food eat late at night skip breakfast

choose healthy snacks eat vegetables drink lots of water

1. 2. 3.

Eating vegetables
is good. good. good.

4. 5. 6.

good. good. good.

B Look and match.

1. 2. 3. 4.

take brush get enough

work out
a shower my teeth sleep

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Unit 8 Test Page 2

C Listen and number. 135

D Look and write.

working out usually habits always

enough sleep have work out

1. Do you any 2. I get .

healthy ? How about you?

3. I . 4. is good.

E Color and write.

1. How often do you take a shower?

2. How often do you eat late at night?

3. How often do you choose healthy snacks?

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Final Test Page 1

A Listen and number. Then match. 136

fever flashlight headache sleeping bag

win a prize take a shower knit gloves stay in bed

B Look and write.

see a dentist runny nose choose healthy snacks sunscreen

have junk food first aid tent go to a soccer camp reporter

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

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Final Test Page 2

C Look and write.

1. 2.

Where was he yesterday? What did she do yesterday?

3. 4.

What does he want to be? What’s she going to do on


5. 6.

Who’s taller, the boy or the girl? Which dog is bigger? The black dog

7. 8.

What’s the matter? What’s the matter?

He . She .

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Final Test Page 3

D Look and circle.

The boy is (stronger / weaker) than the girl.

Ann is (younger / older) than Sam.
Sam Ann

The boy is (taller / shorter) than the girl.

E Read and match.

1. I have a sore throat. a I have a runny nose.
2. Do you have any healthy
b I drink lots of water.
3. What’s the matter? c You should drink some hot tea.

F Look and write.

1. 2.

How often do you skip breakfast? How often do you eat late at night?
I skip breakfast. I .

3. 4.

How often do you work out? How often do you get enough sleep?

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Final Test Page 4

G Listen and write. 137

What do on vacation?

I’m going to . How about you?

I’m going to .

Are you going to with you?

, . Violet is going to
with her.

Oh, is she going to with you?

, . I'm so excited!

H Write and match.

1. What he do yesterday? a He’s going to travel to
2. He a headache. b He went shopping.
3. he at the souvenir stand? c He likes the music club
4. Which club does he best? d No, he wasn’t.
5. he going to do on e He should take some
vacation? medicine.

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Test Answer Key
I want to be a fashion designer. 3. ⓐ
Unit 1 2. What do you want to do? 4. ⓒ
A. Look and write. I want to create new clothes. 5. ⓓ
1. yoga club 3. What do you want to be? 6. ⓓ
2. music club I want to be an athlete.
B. Listen and write. 128
3. robotics club 4. What do you want to do?
1. I was at the mall yesterday. /
4. drama club I want to win gold medals.
Where was he yesterday?
5. magic club C. Listen and circle. 127 He was at the mall.
6. knitting club 1. A: What does he want to be? 2. I was at the library yesterday. /
B. Look at A and write. B: He wants to be a reporter. / Where was she yesterday?
1. Does he like to do yoga? Yes, he does. Does he want to be a reporter? She was at the library.
2. Does he like to play instruments? (Yes) 3. I was at the hair salon yesterday. /
Yes, he does. 2. A: What does she want to be? Where was he yesterday?
3. Does she like to build robots? B: She wants to be a movie star. / He was at the hair salon.
Yes, she does. Does she want to be a cartoonist? 4. I was at the park yesterday. /
4. Does she like to perform in plays? (No) Where was she yesterday?
Yes, she does. 3. A: What does she want to do? She was at the park.
5. Does she like to do yoga? No, she B: She wants to draw funny cartoons.
C. Look and write.
doesn't. She likes to do magic tricks. / Does she want to be a fashion
1. walk my dog
6. Does he like to play instruments? designer? (No)
2. get a haircut
No, he doesn't. He likes to knit gloves. 4. A: What does he want to do?
3. watch a movie
B: He wants to go to space. / Does he
C. Look and write. 4. buy some fruit
want to be an astronaut? (Yes)
1. Which club do you like best? D. Look and write.
I like the yoga club best. D. Look and write.
1. Where were you yesterday?
2. Do you like to do yoga? 1. Do you want to be a movie star?
2. I was at the mall.
Yes, I do. Yes, I do. I want to play a superhero!
3. Did you go shopping?
2. What do you want to be?
D. Listen and circle. 4. Yes, I did. I bought some clothes.
I want to be an astronaut. I want to go
1. A: Which club does he like best? to space. E. Read and match.
B: He likes the drama club best. (Yes) 1. ⓒ
2. A: Which club does she like best? E. Look and write.
2. ⓑ
B: She likes the knitting club best. (No) 1. She wants to be a cartoonist.
3. ⓐ
3. A: Does he like to play instruments? 2. She wants to draw funny cartoons.
B: Yes, he does. (Yes) F. Look and write.
F. Circle and write.
4. A: Does she like to do magic tricks? 1. Where was she yesterday?
1. I want to be a reporter. I want to
B: No, she doesn't. She likes to build She was at the library.
interview famous people. / I want
robots. (No) 2. What did she do there?
to be a movie star. I want to play a
She borrowed a book.
E. Look and write. superhero.
3. Where was he yesterday?
1. He likes the drama club best. 2. Tina wants to be a fashion designer.
He was at the movie theater.
2. Yes, he does. She wants to create new clothes. /
4. What did he do there?
3. She likes the knitting club best. Tina wants to be an astronaut. She
He watched a movie.
4. Yes, she does. wants to go to space.
3. James wants to be an athlete. He
wants to win gold medals. / James Unit 4
Unit 2 wants to be a cartoonist. He wants to
draw funny cartoons. A. Look and match.
A. Look and match. 1. stage
1. 2nd picture, interview famous people 2. first aid tent
2. 3rd picture, draw funny cartoons Unit 3 3. souvenir stand
3. 1st picture, win gold medals 4. hotdog cart
4. 4th picture, play a superhero A. Look and choose.
5. information tent
1. ⓑ
B. Look and write. 6. dart game booth
2. ⓒ
1. What do you want to be?

162 Test Answer Key

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B. Look and write. 4. eat a hotdog
Unit 5
1. She got a bandage. 5. play a superhero
2. She won a prize. 6. see a clown A. Write the letters.
3. She got a map. 1. ⓒ
C. Read and match.
4. He bought a T-shirt. 2. ⓔ
1. ⓒ
5. He ate a hotdog. 3. ⓑ
2. ⓑ
6. He saw a clown. 4. ⓕ
3. ⓐ
C. Listen and write. 4. ⓓ 5. ⓐ

1. A: Where were you? 6. ⓓ

D. Look and write.
B: I was at the stage. / B. Look and write.
1. I like the robotics club best.
Was she at the stage? 1. I'm going to pick peaches.
2. Yes, I do.
(Yes, she was.) 2. He's going to go to a soccer camp.
3. I want to be an astronaut.
2. A: Where were you? 3. She's going to travel to Paris.
4. I want to go to space.
B: I was at the information tent. /
5. I was at the library. C. Look and match.
Was she at the first aid tent?
6. I borrowed a book. 1. sunscreen
(No, she wasn't.)
7. Yes, I was. 2. a flashlight
3. A: Where were you?
8. No, I didn't. I got a bandage. 3. a tent
B: I was at the dart game booth. /
E. Listen and write. 4. a swimsuit
Was he at the hotdog cart? 131

1. Does she like to play instruments? 5. a sleeping bag

(No, he wasn't.)
4. A: Where were you? (No, she doesn't.) D. Listen and write. 132

B: I was at the souvenir stand. / 2. Did he eat a hotdog? 1. What are you going to do on vacation?
Was he at the souvenir stand? (Yes, he did.) 2. I'm going to go camping.
(Yes, he was.) 3. Was she at the information tent? 3. Are you going to take a tent with you?
(Yes, she was.) 4. Yes, I am.
D. Look and write.
4. Was she at the souvenir stand?
1. Were you at the stage? E. Look and write.
(No, she wasn't.)
2. No, I wasn't. I was at the dart game 1. Is Tom going to take bug spray with
5. What does she want to be?
booth. him? Yes, he is. He's going to take
(She wants to be a fashion designer.)
3. Did you win a prize? sunscreen too.
6. What does he want to be?
4. Yes, I did. 2. Is Cindy going to take sunscreen with
(He wants to be an athlete.)
her? No, she isn't. She's going to take
E. Look and write.
F. Look and write. a flashlight.
1. Was he at the first aid tent?
1. Which club does she like best?
Yes, he was.
She likes the yoga club best.
2. Did he get a bandage? Unit 6
2. Which club does she like best?
Yes, he did.
She likes the music club best.
3. Was she at the souvenir stand? A. Look and circle.
3. Where was he yesterday?
No, she wasn't. She was at the hotdog 1. shorter
He was at the mall.
cart. 2. older
4. Where was he yesterday?
4. Did she buy a T-shirt? 3. stronger
He was at the hair salon.
No, she didn't. She ate a hotdog. 4. smaller
G. Read and match. 5. cleaner
1. ⓓ
Midterm Test B. Look and write.
2. ⓔ
1. Who's older, Tina or April? April is
3. ⓐ
A. Look and choose. older.
4. ⓑ
1. ⓒ 2. Who's taller, Tina or April? Tina is
5. ⓕ
2. ⓒ taller.
6. ⓒ
3. ⓑ 3. Who's weaker, Tina or April? Tina is
4. ⓓ H. Look and write. weaker.
5. ⓓ 1. Which club does she like best?
C. Listen. Then circle and write. 133
6. ⓒ 2. She likes the drama club best.
1. The blue dress is pretty, but the yellow
7. ⓐ 3. She likes to perform in plays.
one is prettier. /
8. ⓑ 4. She also wants to be a movie star.
Which one is prettier?
5. Were you at the mall yesterday?
B. Listen and write. 130 The yellow dress is prettier than the
6. No, I wasn't. I was at the park.
1. movie star blue one.
7. What did you do there?
2. dart game booth 2. The brown wallet is big, but the red
8. I walked my dog.
3. music club one is bigger. /
Which one is bigger?


Come On Everyone 4-TG.indd 163 15. 9. 22. 오후 10:35

The red wallet is bigger than the 8. win a prize (bottom, 2nd picture)
Unit 8
brown one.
B. Look and write.
3. The green backpack is dirty, but the A. Look and write. 1. first aid tent
pink one is dirtier. / 1. Eating vegetables is good. 2. runny nose
Which one is dirtier? 2. Having junk food isn't good. 3. sunscreen
The pink backpack is dirtier than the 3. Drinking lots of water is good. 4. reporter
green one. 4. Eating late at night isn't good. 5. choose healthy snacks
D. Look and write. 5. Choosing healthy snacks is good. 6. see a dentist
1. David is taller. 6. Skipping breakfast isn't good. 7. go to a soccer camp
2. Brian is stronger. B. Look and match. 8. have junk food
3. David's (bag) is smaller. 1. brush my teeth C. Look and write.
4. Brian's (bag) is cleaner. 2. get enough sleep 1. He was at the library.
E. Look and write. 3. take a shower 2. She watched a movie.
1. I found two hotels for us. 4. work out 3. He wants to be an astronaut.
2. Which one is bigger? C. Listen and number. 135 4. She's going to travel to Paris.
3. This one is bigger, and it's closer to the 1. A: How often do you brush your 5. The boy is taller.
beach. teeth? 6. The black dog is bigger than the white
4. Then let's go there. B: I sometimes brush my teeth. one.
(6th picture) 7. He has a stomachache.
F. Write and color.
2. A: How often do you work out? 8. She has a toothache.
Which teddy bear is smaller?
The pink teddy bear is smaller than B: I never work out. (4th picture) D. Look and circle.
the blue one. (left: pink, right: blue) 3. A: How often do you take a shower? 1. weaker
B: I usually take a shower. (1st picture) 2. younger
4. A: How often do you work out? 3. shorter
Unit 7 B: I sometimes work out. (3rd picture)
5. A: How often do you take a shower? E. Read and match.
A. Look and choose. B: I always take a shower. 1. ⓒ
1. ⓐ (2nd picture) 2. ⓑ
2. ⓓ 6. A: How often do you brush your 3. ⓐ
3. ⓑ teeth? F. Look and write.
4. ⓒ B: I usually brush my teeth. 1. I sometimes skip breakfast.
5. ⓑ (5th picture) 2. I never eat late at night.
6. ⓓ
D. Look and write. 3. I always work out.
B. Look and write. 1. Do you have any healthy habits? 4. I usually get enough sleep.
1. What's the matter? 2. I always get enough sleep. How about G. Listen and write. 137
I have a stomachache. you? 1. What are you going to do on vacation?
2. What's the matter? 3. I usually work out. 2. I'm going to pick peaches. How about
I have a sore throat. 4. Working out is good. you?
3. What's the matter?
E. Color and write. 3. I'm going to go camping.
He has a headache.
1. I always/usually/sometimes/never 4. Are you going to take a tent with you?
4. What's the matter?
take a shower. 5. No, I'm not. Violet is going to take a
She has a runny nose.
2. I always/usually/sometimes/never tent with her.
C. Look and write. eat late at night. 6. Oh, is she going to go camping with
1. stay in bed 3. I always/usually/sometimes/never you?
2. blow your nose choose healthy snacks. 7. Yes, she is. I'm so excited!
3. take some medicine
H. Write and match.
4. see a dentist
1. What did he do yesterday? / ⓑ
Final Test
D. Listen and write. 134 2. He has a headache. / ⓔ
1. What's the matter? A. Listen and number. Then match. 136 3. Was he at the souvenir stand? / ⓓ
2. I have a headache. 1. flashlight (top, 4th picture) 4. Which club does he like best? / ⓒ
3. You should stay in bed. 2. sleeping bag (top, 2nd picture) 5. What's he going to do on vacation?
4. Okay, I will. Thanks. 3. headache (top, 1st picture) /ⓐ
E. Read and match. 4. fever (top, 3rd picture)
1. ⓒ 5. knit gloves (bottom, 4th picture)
2. ⓐ 6. stay in bed (bottom, 3rd picture)
3. ⓑ 7. take a shower (bottom, 1st picture)

164 Test Answer Key

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