Qestions & Answers

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1] How tall are you?

i'm 168cm

2] What's your Favorite indoor games?

I like playing tennis

I will like to learn golf
Do you play golf?

3] Do you like fishing?

I like fishing but never had the time

I don't know how to catch fish
I Will love to learn

4] Are you a freethinker?

I am freethinker
I believe in anything good and positive
I care more of good heart and to live a good and positive life with honesty

5] What do you do with your free time?

Because of the nature of my job i don't have free time i'm always at work.
But i like to watch movies, listen to music, dance and read books.

6] Do you like mountaineering?

Yes, But i am scared of height
I have not climbed the mountain for a long time
When i come to Japan We can climb the mountain together
What do you think?

7] Do you have a pet?

Yes I used to have a dog but he died
Yes, he was already five years old before he died.
When I finally settle in Japan, I will buy a poodle dog. I like it.

8] what is your favorite color?

My favorite color is red and white
it's the color of the Japanese flag.
Red represents love and white represents purity
::: what does the color represent? :::

9] What are your hobby?

I like reading new papers, watching TV, listening to music.
I like Sports. Swimming, golfing, cooking and singing
I also like to travel .
:::: what is your favourite sport ? ::

10] Do you like travelling ?

If you want to travel around the world, which of the countries will you like to

After my retirement when i'm back to Japan,

I will love to visit Paris,Denmark,Holland and Italy.

11] How many countries have you travelled to ?

I have been to USA,Canada.
I have been to Kuwait,Somalia and Pakistan for official duties. i have been
working with UN for 20 years now. i requested for retirement because i want te
spend all my time with my daughter, show her all the motherly love she need. and
maybe get remarried if i find a soulmate.
start up a happy family again. is great to have a happy family.

12] What is your favorite food?

I like scrambled eggs, bacon, corned beef hash, and cottage cheese, along with
I also love japanese foods like sushi,fish dishes and suba.
Naturally i eat everything i'm not selective.

13] Do you like cooking?

I like men who can cook
I am proud of you
I also like cooking too.

14] Do you get angry easily ?

I don't get angry easily. i have a low temper.

15] How do you act when you're angry?

I am pretty patient and kind but when i get angry I usually like to talk about it
to ease myself.

16] Do you like swimming?

I like swimming , but i'm scared of large water bodies.

17] Do you smoke or drink alcohol?

I like to drink a little wine, beer or whiskey on weekend.
I don,t like somke and I hate smoking

18] what is your religion?

I'm a christian but i like and respect everyone beliefs.

I was born into a Christian family, but I am not a Christian.

I am buddhist

19] Are you right handed or Left handed?

I'm right handed.

20] Do you have a car ?

what is the name of your car?
Do you like driving and listening to music?
Yes i like driving and listening to pop or jazz music.

I have a car in America but it's bad already.

I have a Jeep in America. [send photo]
when i come to Japan i want to buy my dream car Ford Edge 2020.[send photo]
Do you have a dream car?
what is the name ?

21] Do you live in your own house OR a rented apartment?

How many DLK?
when i come to Japan, i want to buy 3LDK house.
i want to live a happy and comfrotable life in Japan.
i want to enjoy nature and everything.

22] how long have you been living single?

i lost my husband about 2 year and 3 months now.

I'm so boring and lonely to live without a partner.
what do you think?

23] How you feel all this years leaving without a woman in your life?
I feel empty,think love it dead,never have feelings for love since the lost of my

I started having feeling for love again when i saw two Birds caring for
themselves,then i realize love is all about life.

24] Do you love listening to music?

What are your favorite music?
I love country music,Blues,Pop,Jazz and Rock.

24] How can you take care of your wife?

Ok I can be a good wife to my husband by buying him surprises,doing all the

domestic work,taking him for shopping sometimes and making him the happiest man
every day.

25] What can you tell about me?

I see you are a good and honest man who is ready to settle and love the woman of
your life with your whole heart.

26] If i give you my heart will you play and dance with it?
Just asking because i will be a good keeper to a heart of yours if given to me.

27] Do you like me ?

Yes i like you because, you sound honest,caring,lovely,passionate and you are

28] Do you like sex?

I will want to satifisfy my man anytime he wants.

29] Tell me about your past relationship.

I use to have a happy marriage not until i lost my husband in a fatal accident.
since them life has not been easy without a partner.
it have been me and my daughter

30] what kind of a partner do you want ?

I want a partner who understands,caring,loving and passionate.

31] Tell me about trust and sincerity in a Relationshp ?

Trust and sincerity are the main component to a success in relationship and
friendship. it's a goals that must be accomplished by both partners .

32] How do you trust your partner?

I'm easy person and i know every person is good.
i trust someone base on their character and passion towards me.

Yes, love is a sense of trust that you cannot see in your body, but you can feel it
in your heart. Similar to trust, it feels in my heart.
Love and trust go together.
do you agree?

33] what are you likes and dislikes in a relationship?

I like understanding each others,loving everyday that makes your bond stronger
forever. i like to do everything with my partner together. i love going shopping
and everywhere together too. i want to spend all of my time with him. i love him.

I dislike quarrel and fighting.

34] Do you trust me ?

thank you.
i trust you, you are honest, 😍👏caring👋 and trustworthy. i like it.

35] Do you apologised to you partner when you offend her?

yes i will always apologies to my partner when i offend him.
i'm a submissive partner.

36] Do you have close friend?

I don't keep friends and i don't have a close friend.
all my life has been me and my daughter.
You are my only friend i talk to and you're my close friend. i like it.

37] Are you introveted or extroveted?

i'm introveted because i'm always alone.

38] What do you find attractive in a woman?

I find you handsome and you're attractive.

39] What do you expect from your partner?

I expect trust,sincerity,love,affection,kindness,caring and harmony together to
make a happy family.

40]Do you like ship cruise on vacation ?

yes i like it.

41] How many hours do your work a day?

I don't have a regular time i work.

By 10:00 am in the morning i will go to the clinic
I will take a break by 1:00 pm in the afternoon, lunch time
I will take a break for 2 hours
Then i will go to the clinic again by 4:00 pm in the evening
I will come back from the clinic by 7:00 in the evening
Night duty start by 10:30 pm at night and end by 1:30 am early morning
But we are not allowed to rest by 1:30 am,
We are allowed to take a rest by 4:00 in the morning
That is how we work here in the campsite, It is not easy

41] When did you start working at your workplace?

I started working with United Nation since August 27 2000.

I officially joined the United Nation Humanitarian Aid November 13 2017. Since then
i have been working on conflict zone to take care of wounded and sick soldiers.

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