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Virginia Sapp

U.S History

"The Great Depression Mind Map"

By: Alejandra Abigail

9th. C


Chapter 25
to give a illustrated summamry in a mind map form to the Great Depression of this chapter whole topic

“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not

be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

Stock Market Crash
Bank Crisis The events of the stock market and most of the

stockholders buying on margin manner and not seeing what

As the banks see how the stock market

began to declined and not having enough

would happen if the stocks value went down led to the

As the banks collapsed also did it industries

money for their users to withdraw for them

surprise and panic when that happened being mainly the

and therefore jobs, so that with hard times

caused them to closed were some loosed

event that show this was Black Tuesday, and problems were the president was

live earnings of whole lives and money... blamed off and sadly caused as the named

said the depression of most american


The Great Depression

Also as most americans couldn't buy and create product demand to supply

they caused a overproduction over resources that most people couldn't buy..

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