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US. History Chapter 25.


By: Alejandra Abigail

"Peace and Prosperity"

Section 1
As the World War I ended many blamed

the democrats of all the events during

hard times selecting president Warren

G. Hardling but he did the error to put

his friends on high political positions

causing the Teapot Dome Schandal...

where the president hours before being

this revealed died of a heart attack

where Vice President Calvin Coolidge

were he put all his efforts to do, at the

end also 1920 were a year of economy

rise were brought prosperity to the land

and people.

Section 2 "Changing Society"

With the World War I ended it did not also

changed the economy put the perspective,

and mainly one of that being the women

perspective where the number of female

workers rised, they were allowed to new

job opportunities and there leading to

more expression meaning more freedom

and liberty for them, but no also women

sector was growing since fear and violence

as also competing ideals came during the


"Competing Ideals and Minority Rights"

Along with new ideals and others belief

Section 2
increase they tried to make alcohol a illegal

beberage and leading that to its prohibition

but the demand of it and the new illegal

massive bussinesss was also built meaning

that they had to make it legal again even

tho religious ideals were mostrly in denial

of its legalization again, with that also came

minoritys from migrations and inmigrations

meaning therefore racial tensions but this

time Humanitarian organization were ready

to fight this problem and end by making

rights for them.

"The Jazz Age"

Good thing entertainment did

also succeed because the

cultural impact during this

Section 3 times were booming as the

Radio transmissions, music

genres and even dances were

being at a huge popular rate

were all people enjoyed that

time being and putting a mark

as even the tittle of this

infographic said being "The

Roaring Twenties"
Have a good Day :D !

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