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Title of speech: The influence My mother had on my life

Speech Goal: The purpose of this speech is to show the great influence that my mother has had

in my life.


I. Attention Catcher:

a) Do you have a special person in your life that you spend quality time, who

cares about you, and who has a significant place in your life?

b) Well, I do, and here today to talk about my best friend, my confidante, and

my sounding board: my mother

II. Thesis statement: My mom is, without a shadow of a doubt, the biggest

influence in my life and the reason why I am the person I am today.

III. Preview.

i. My mother taught me how to be a good person.

ii. She's taught me the importance of hard work, compassion, and


iii. She taught me the importance of being independent and hard-working.

iv. Her farsightedness always gives me the best opinion I can ever think


v. Her positive attitude is something that I have always admired and

strived to emulate

vi. She is a constant reminder to me that no matter what life throws my

way, I can always overcome it with a smile on my face.


I. First main point:

a) My mother always told me that I could do anything I wanted to do and that I should

never give up on my dreams.

A. Subpoint

She made me believe that I could accomplish anything I set my mind to

i. Sub sub-point

I am grateful to her for that because I never gave up.

B. Sub point

She's always been a great example of what it means to be a strong,

independent woman.

ii. Sub sub-point

She's always put her family first, and she's always been there for

us, no matter what.

A. Second main point:

My mother was also the one who taught me how to be a good person.

A. Sub-point

She taught me to be kind and to help others, even when they didn't

deserve it

i. Sub-subpoint

She taught me that everyone has value and that we should never judge people

B. Subpoint

Another way she upheld the importance of being independent and hard-working

i. Sub-subpoint

Her positive attitude is something that I have always admired and strived to



My mother has had a lot greater impact on my life than I have let on to this point. And sure, I am

aware that all of you have wonderful mothers.


i) Overall, my mom is a great role model who has shown me how to handle difficult

circumstances and make the best decisions possible.

ii)She has my utmost regard. She is a tremendous source of motivation for me. I am so grateful

to have her in my life and for everything she has done for me

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