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Advocate (v) – support (idea-v): ủng hộ quan điểm

Advocate (cn) – supporter (cn)

Advocates of independent reading often cite that it contributes to improving the self-discipline
amongst young children.

Some people advocate that independent reading contributes to improving the self-discipline
amongst young children.

Acknowledge (v): thừa nhận (sự thật)

S + acknowledge + that + clause

It is acknowledged that + clause

It is the time when we have to acknowledge that human activities have been devastating the
ecosystem as well as bio-diversity of the Earth.

It is acknowledged that human activities have been devastating the ecosystem as well as bio-
diversity of the Earth.

Assert / assume / claim / presume / cite (v): khẳng định 1 quan điểm

Many environmentalists assume/assert that the overuse of car is the main culprit causing the
greenhouse effect on a global scale.

Dispute (v): tranh luận / tranh chấp

It is commonly-disputed that most ex-criminals relapse into crime even though they have been
punished before.

Imply (v): ngụ ý

He implies that we should have a departure in the early morning.

Justify (v): bào chữa / thanh minh / biện minh

Some difficulties in rehabilitation after being released from prisons could justify for the re-
committing crimes of some ex-prisoners.

Object (v) + to/that

Object to something (vp): phản đối cái gì

Object that + clause

Almost every citizen objects to the new transportation policy enacted by the government in
terms of limiting private vehicles.

Almost every citizen objects that the new transportation policy enacted by the government in
terms of limiting private vehicles is completely impractical and unreasonable.

Outline (v): đề xuất ý kiến

This essay will outline several underlying causes of the mass rural migration and also
concerning negative impacts on both environment and people’s lives.

Question (v): nghi ngờ / đặt dấu hỏi cho 1 vấn đề

Parents always question the violent and pornographic contents containing in some video games
and movies which their offspring have approached frequently.

Benefit (cn) = advantage (cn): lợi ích > < drawback (cn) = disadvantage (cn): bất lợi

Evidence (un) = proof (cn): bằng chứng

Debate (cn) = discussion (cn): cuộc thảo luận / hùng biện


Current affairs (np): những sự kiện / tin tức / vấn đề hiện tại = hot/breaking news

Recital (cn) – recite (v): kể lại – cite (v)

Drama (cn): vở kịch – play (cn)

Amateur (adj): nghiệp dư > < professional (adj): chuyên nghiệp

Classical (adj): thuộc về cổ điển / phong cách cũ – classic (adj) = good (adj)

Assemble (v): tập hợp

Establish (v): xuất bản / phát hành

Broadcast (v): phát sóng (TV programs / radio)

My favorite TV series is broadcast weekly on Monday, Thursday and Wednesday.

Observe (v): quan sát

Organize (v): tổ chức – the football club at the university is organized by a famous football team
in the local.
Participate (v) – take participate in / take part in / join in / be involved in / be engaged in +
something: tham gia vào …

A large number of students take part in the football club at the university.

Resign (v) from something: từ chức

The club has been ill-organized since she resigned

WRITING TASK 1 (20 minutes – at least 150 words)


It is – it’s

It does not – it doesn’t

Manufacturing process – quy trình sản xuất hàng tiêu dùng

B1: nuôi bò

B2: vắt sữa pò

B3: bảo quản sữa

B4: vận chuyển sữa tới nhà máy

B5: 2 phương án sản xuất – 1: tiệt trùng + đóng chai – 2: các sản phẩm khác từ sữa

B6: vận chuyển tất cả các sản phẩm ra cửa hàng tiêu thụ
Introduction – phần giới thiệu

Overview – phần tổng quát nội dung

Body 1

Body 2

Present simple – passive voice


 The linear manufacture of SOMETHING is illustrated in the given diagram.

 The linear manufacture of milk is illustrated in the given diagram.


 Overall, the process is comprised of various steps, commencing with + NOUN/V-ing

(the first step) and culminating with + NOUN/V-ing (the last step)
 Overall, the process is comprised of various steps, commencing with feeding cows
and culminating with transporting milk products to shops or supermarkets.

The linear manufacture of milk is illustrated in the given diagram.

Overall, the process is comprised of various steps, commencing with feeding cows and
culminating with transporting milk products to shops or supermarkets.

In greater detail, the first step of the process is to raise cows in large fields until they are
fully-grown enough to provide fresh milk. After that, the cows are milked twice per day by
a special machine in the farmhouse, and then the milk is immediately stored in a cooling
fridge in order to ensure the best quality.

As far as the remaining steps are concerned, the process continues with dispatching the
conserved milk by tankers to the dairy factory where it is made into two different kinds of
milk product. Particularly, one is used for making bottles of fresh milk after pasteurizing
and packaging and the other is used for making cream/butter/cheese. Finally, all of the
final products are delivered to shops or supermarkets, ready to be consumed.

Body 1:

In greater detail, the first step of the process is to Verb (bare) (step 1)

 In greater detail, the first step of the process is to raise cows in large fields until they are
fully-grown enough to provide fresh milk. After that, the cows are milked twice per day
by a special machine in the farmhouse, and then the milk is immediately stored in a
cooling fridge in order to ensure the best quality.

Body 2:

As far as the remaining steps are concerned, the process continues with + V-ing

 As far as the remaining steps are concerned, the process continues with dispatching the
conserved milk by tankers to the dairy factory where it is made into two different kinds
of milk product. Particularly, one is used for making bottles of fresh milk after
pasteurizing and packaging and the other is used for making cream/butter/cheese.
Finally, all of the final products are delivered to shops or supermarkets, ready to be

Which / when / where:

In greater detail, the first step of the process is to raise cows and they are milked twice a
day  In greater detail, the first step of the process is to raise cows WHICH are milked
twice a day.

The milk is transported by tankers to the factory WHERE it is made into two different
kinds of product  The milk is transported by tankers to the factory. At the factory, it is
made into two different kinds of product.

At the factory, the milk undergoes the processing step WHEN it is made into two different
kinds of product  At the factory, the milk undergoes the processing step. At this step, it is
made into two different kinds of product.
The linear manufacture of ceramic pots is illustrated in the given diagram.

Overall, the process is comprised of various steps, commencing with taking raw materials
and culminating with finishing products.
The linear manufacture of ethanol fuel from corn is illustrated in the given diagram.

Overall, the process is comprised of various steps, commencing with taking corn and
culminating with transporting to gas stations.
The linear manufacture of apple juice is illustrated in the given diagram.

Overall, the process is comprised of various steps, commencing with harvesting as well as
selecting best apples and culminating with transporting bottles of apple juice to
consumption areas.

HOMEWORK – Deadline Wednesday 19/01 (Word)

The linear manufacture of bricks is illustrated in the given diagram.

Overall, the process is comprised of various steps, commencing with collecting clay and
culminating with transporting bricks to consumption areas.

We are the reason / We are also the solution

Climate change – global warming

1. The definition of climate change

Greenhouse gases: CO2, CH4, NO2 => the greenhouse effect

2. REASONS – human activities

a. Burning fossil fuels -> CO2
b. Cultivation / agriculture -> deforestation + animals’ waste (CH4)
c. Humans’ waste

a. Rising temperature -> mass extinction -> domino effect
b. Ice caps melting -> adding more water into ocean -> flooding / ocean-
acidification -> coral reefs = die out -> marine species = die out
c. More frequent and intense natural disasters: tornado, tropical storm /
hurricane, flood, drought, heat waves.

4. Solutions
a. Eat less meat = become a vegan/vegetarian
b. Use alternative/renewable sources of energy: tidal power / wind power / solar
power (high cost of initial instalment – unpredictable / high-end technology
requirement – policy)
c. Energy-efficient appliances/devices
d. 3R: reduce / reuse / recycle – living in the consumerism society
e. Spreading knowledge/concern to the public

Pebble / small stone

The linear manufacture of bricks is illustrated in the given diagram.

Overall, the process is comprised of various steps, commencing with the collection of raw
materials and culminating with the despatch of final products to the consumption area.
In greater detail, the first step of the process is to pick/gather/harness clay by the use of
diggers. Then, the clay is filtered by a metal grid so as to remove all of the redundant small
stones or pebbles. Afterwards, the finer clay is transported by a roller to the next step when
it is mixed with sand and water, and then this mixture is shaped into a brick via the use of
wire cutters and moulds.

As far as the remaining steps are concerned, the process continues with drying the raw
bricks in an over during 24-48 hours. Subsequently, the dried bricks are heated twice into
two different kilns; particularly, one is under the moderate temperature of 200-980 degrees
Celsius and the other is under the high temperature of 870-1300 degrees Celsius, making
them harder and more durable. Finally, all of the final bricks are cooled in a chamber
during 48-72 hours before being packaged and transported to stores or construction sites,
ready to be consumed.

The final step – transport to stores/supermarkets

Mill-milled-milled / crush-crushed-crushed / grind (ground/ground)

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