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Untalan, Angel Lyka B.

G12- Harrington

I. Digestion: Word Scramble

Read each clue and then unscramble the words in parentheses, writing the answers in
the blanks provided.

1. Daily food intake should include this material in both soluble and insoluble forms. (BRIEF)
2. One of the final products of fat digestion. (TTAFY) FATTY (CDAIS) ACIDS
3. The final product of protein digestion.(MAION) AMINO (DCASI) ACIDS
4. The final product of carbohydras rate digestion. (UGLOCES) GLUCOSE
5. What polysaccharides are (GSRSUA) SUGARS
6. They catalyze chemical reactions of digestion. (YESNZEM) ENZYMES
7. Muscular waves that move materials along the digestive tract.(RPLISITSAES) PERISTALSIS
8. Stored in the gall bladder, this material physically breaks down large globules of fat into smaller
ones. (LEBI) BILE
9. The major organ of digestion. (MSLAL) SMALL (TNISTENEI) INTESTINE
10. A group of enzymes that chemically digest fats.(PILSESA) LIPASES
11. Glands that contain digestive enzymes that are secreted into the mouth.(AILVAYRS)
12. The second of the three sections of the small intestine. (EUJNJMU) JEJUNUM
13. The first section of the large intestine. (SACNENIDG) ASCENDING (OLONC) COLON
14. The name of the structure that carries food from the mouth to the stomach. (SAGEOPUSH)
15. The name for the mixed mass of food and gastric juice in the Stomach. (HYEMC) CHYME
II. Organs of the Digestive System: Matching. Select the proper terms listed below to
match the statements that follow. Write the letter of the term in the blank.

A. Ileum
B. Esophagus
C. Pancreas I. Teeth O. Large Intestine
D. Tongue J. Stomach P. Gallbladder
E. Peristalsis K. Colon Q. Villi
F. Liver L. Mouth R. Parotid
G. Duodenum M. Sublingual
H. Submandibular N. Jejunum
1. Stores a substance called bile, which physic ally breaks down fat droplets. P.
2. The third and longest section of the small intestine. A. ILEUM
3. Another name for the large intestine. K. COLON
4. Limited digestion begins when salivary gland secretions enter this. L. MOUTH
5. Minute projections extending from the walls of the small intestine and involved in absorbing
products of digestion. Q. VIILLI
6. Used to cut, tear, and grind food. I. TEETH
7. Functions include mixing food and serving as a reservoir prior to the food being passed on
to the duodenum. J. STOMACH
8. This pair of salivary glands is located just below the jaw at the back of the mouth.
9. When you swallow, muscular movements carry the food along this structure to the stomach.
10. This organ absorbs excess water from undigested food prior to its release from the body
as solid waste. O. LARGE INTESTINE
11. Muscular movements involving the walls of the digestive tract that serve to mix. E.
12. This pair of salivary glands is located in the floor of the mouth beneath the tongue. M.
13. The short section of the small intestine that leaves the stomach. G. DUODENUM
14. It pushes food to the back of the mouth prior to swallowing. D. TONGUE
15. This organ produces bile and detoxifies a variety of substances. F. LIVER
16. The section of the small intestine between the duodenum and ilium. N. JEJUNUM
17. Produces digestive juices that are released into the duodenum. C. PANCREAS
18. This pair of salivary glands is located just in front of and below the ear. R. PAROTID

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