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Name: Nicol Dayana Last Name: López Garzón

Code: 0307859
Group: C – Legal Sociology

Critical Review
"The Clash of Civilization"
Chapter 1: “The New Era in World Politics"
for Samuel P. Hungtinton

In the first chapter entitled "The New Era in World Politics", of the book "The Clash of
Civilization" where its author Samuel P. Huntington exposes us those visions that we have
regarding the world after the cold war, and the different influences that nations had regarding the
different cultural, political and economic models of other nations, the author makes a great
emphasis in this chapter on how after the cold war it gave way to a new innovation of future
civilizations. important since several parts of the world will take the example of nations for
development and progression, where they take politics not only for the interests of nations, but also
to consider their identity, showing their familiarity and differences with other nations.
The search for power and wealth undoubtedly continues to be a way to promote and motivate
nations, it is molded, and a common goal is sought among the great powers. The influence of the
oil-producing countries is going to be very important in the 21st century, where these countries are
beginning to be part of global fears, since interest is shown from other nations, both economically
and politically. However, they consider that the conflicts that would be generated would no longer
be solely due to economic assets, politics and even ideologies, but rather due to the clash of culture
that these would begin to have among each other.

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