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According to my research, agrarian reforms are policies that alter the balance of power.

rural people had to be placated and absorbed into civilization through the abolition of large-scale landed
property and feudal production methods, which would contribute to the country's political stability. It
means the physical redistribution of land to landless farmers and ordinary farmworkers, regardless of
the crops or fruits produced and regardless of the type of tenure, to include all factors and support
services designed to improve the beneficiaries' economic status as well as any other arrangements
besides physical redistribution of lands, such as labor management, production or profit sharing, and the
allocation of stock shares.

Arroyo administration's agricultural reform policy is founded on the vision "To make the
countryside economically viable for the Filipino family by building partnerships and promoting social
equity and new economic opportunities towards lasting peace and sustainable rural development." The
proper implementation of land reform in the Philippines was the primary objective of the
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform law. The Department of Land Reform was renamed the Department of
Agrarian Reform on August 23rd by President Arroyo signing Executive Order No. 456. The purpose of
doing this was to increase the legal system's usefulness. In addition to land reform, the Department of
Agrarian Reform started to oversee further related initiatives to enhance land reform beneficiaries'
economic and social standing in the Philippines. It is because of the Philippines' need at those times for
support services for the agrarian reform communities that these infrastructures were crucial in boosting
food security, fostering community commerce, and raising rural family income.

The agrarian reform has benefited a significant portion of the rural population through its
programs intended to alleviate poverty, ensure food security, and empower people toward the
country's overall development. By establishing an equitable system of government and a well-organized
plan for farmers, the Philippines may undertake agrarian reform effectively. This plan should encompass
all private and public lands and other sites suited for agriculture, independent of tenurial agreements
and commodities produced. Our government today has a powerful political will, and I am sure that
PBBM will give appropriate action on this matter. The farmer's organizations and The Center for the
Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (CARRD) are on the verge of oppression and have few rights on
their side. However, the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) said that during the 2018 National
Summit of CARP, Stakeholders acknowledged the issues and expressed their commitment to ensuring
that problem-related issues will be inputted from the stakeholders and included in their strategic plan.
However, they are uncertain about the future implementation of CARP and the federal government

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