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Santiago City, Isabela

Physical education 1 (fitness and health)

Phase module


At the completion of this module participants will:

 Understand the benefits of regular physical activity for children;

 Know how much physical activity is recommended for children and youth;
 Explore ways of increasing physical activity opportunities throughout the
school day;
 Understand where physical activity fits into the Health and Physical
Education domain;
 Know how to increase opportunities for physical activity within physical
education lessons;
 Understand the context of health and performance related fitness testing
within the school.
 Understand the type of warm up activity most appropriate for age
 Have participated in a variety of appropriate practical activities and be
familiar with resources to support curriculum development.


Why is physical activity important?

Regular physical activity provides young people with important physical,

mental and social health benefits

These includes:
 Healthy growth and development
 Strong bones and muscles;
 Control of weight and body composition
 Improved posture;
 Improved cardiovascular health;
 Reduced blood cholesterol;
 Opportunities to make friends and enhance self esteem;
 Reduced stress, depression and anxiety.

Regular participation in physical activity has other benefits such as;

 As increase in the likelihood that physical activity will be maintained into
 It creates more positive school climate;
 Students are less aggressive and experience fewer discipline problems;
 It is positively associated with increased educational aspirations. This is
even stronger with students from disadvantage backgrounds.
 Leading to students being more productive, more motivated, better
organized and more effective in learning and performing task.
 The reduction of the likelihood of students being involved in anti-social
 A decrease in the amount of vandalism, mischief, petty crime and other
negative behaviors in the community.
 Enhancement of social and moral development

Overweight and Obesity among Children and Young People

The prevalence of overweight and obesity among children has risen
dramatically in recent years. Approximately 20-25 % of children aged 5-17 are
now classified as overweight and obese. They have an increased risk of heart
disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, some types of cancer and
gallbladder disease.

Physical Inactivity
Physical activity levels among children are decreasing as they are exposed to
an ever growing range of sedentary alternative to physical activities. These
include television, chat rooms, mobile phones, computer games, the internet
and homework.

Physical inactivity increase the risk of dying prematurely, dying of heart

disease and developing colon cancer and high blood pressure.

What is Physical Education?

The term refers to an important segment of general education which

aims to contribute to the total development of the learner through participation
in selected vigorous activities. It provides opportunities to acquire lifelong
skills that are essential to his physical, mental, social and emotional


The goal of physical education is to assist the learner to develop and

maintain a healthy lifestyle that can be achieved through the acquisition of
knowledge, desirable habits and attitudes, game and dance skills, and
wholesome interpersonal relationships. The objective of physical education
are focused on the four aspects of development namely:

1. Physical Development Objectives. Physical fitness. Which is the

capacity of the body to engage in work and play without undue fatigue, is the
foremost aim of physical education. This is achieved through regular exercise
and participation in varied vigorous activities. In the pursuit of the
development and maintenance of physical fitness fundamental movement
skills, games, sports, and dance skills are acquired which can increase one’s
capability to enjoy lifetime recreational pursuits.

2. Mental Development Objectives. Focus is on the acquisition of

knowledge and understanding, ability to analyze body movements and skills,
evaluate game situation and make important decisions. Understanding the
rules of the games leads to a better performance or appreciation of an activity
if one is a spectator. Creativity is an essential segment of growth that can be
enhanced if the learner has a rich background and an exposure to a variety of
physical activities.

3. Social Development Objectives. A learner seldom gets into

vigorous physical activity by himself. He plays, dances, or exercise with
people. In the process, he learns to respect others, and practices fair play,
sportsmanship, teamwork, and develops leadership. He learns the game of
life -- the application of the golden rule.

4. Emotional Development Objectives. Participating in varied physical

activities enables one to acquire pleasant attitude desirable habits,
appreciation and values. Positive character traits such as courage, self-
confidence, discipline, appreciation for beautiful performances, as well as self
expression are developed and become part of and individual’s way of life

As a subject in college and universities. Physical Education requires a

substantial budget allocation oftentimes higher than other ares in the
curriculum. It is a fact that essential facilities include a gymnasium, outdoor
courts, and playing fields. Several institutions have swimming pools that
should be regularly maintained. In addition, an adequate supply of fitness,
sports, gymnastics, and dance equipment should be continuously provided for
effective instruction. There is likewise a separate amount allotted for
intramural and extramural meets and competitions.

Nevertheless, educators believe that the lifetime benefits a student

gains from participation in instructional and recreational programs outweigh
the financial input to maintain a quality physical education program in
educational institutions.

In line with Bloom Taxonomy of Behavioral Objectives, physical

education proves it has a place in the total development of any learner as it is
concerned with the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains of growth
and development.
Physical fitness
components- endurance,
OBJECTIVES strength, flexibility, balance,
Physical Fitness
Development and Body mechanics, games,
Movement Skills dance, and sports skills.

Body functions and

COGNITIVE development process.
OBJECTIVES Analysis, reasoning, and
Knowledge and
Information Rules, strategies, and

AFFECTIVE sportsmanship, respect for
OBJECTIVES others, leadership.

Social and Courage, self-discipline,

Emotional Stability aesthetic appreciation, self-

1. Share with your classmates your physical education experiences in high

school. Compare those with your expectations in physical education in
2. Observe the lifestyle of Filipino celebrities. What physical activities do they
participate in? Give your comments.
3. Go over the scope f physical activities you will undergo while you are in
college. Will you participation make you acquire varied lifetime recreational
skills? Why?
4. Visit an exercise/dance studio. Describe the activities done by the
participants. What benefits can be attained by them?

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