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Germino, Carlos Miguel G.


Who Am I?

Who am I, at first glance, this question seems very easy to answer, however, as I
think deeply about it, I was bewildered as to who I am. Of course an easy answer would
simply be I am Carlos Miguel G. Germino, born on February 25 in 2003 at Dagupan,
Pangasinan, the son of Marietta and Carlos Germino, yet, this is not enough to define
who I am.

As I think about it, how I perceived myself is different to how other people perceived
me, they each have their own version of myself.

As for me, I simply think of myself as a pretty average guy, a procrastinator, but
still gets the job done. I think of myself as an introvert and a very shy person. I don't think
I am kind since if I was in a situation where I could only choose between a thousand
strangers and ten people that are my loved ones to die, I would choose my the thousand
strangers a hundred percent to die instead, so rather, I am kind, just that only kind to
those I know.

As for my parents, they see me as their handsome son, as almost all parents think
of their child as beautiful or handsome. They see me as someone very smart when in
comes to computers, when in fact I only have basic knowledge, but just enough to help
them in their concerns.

To my lover, I actually asked her how she perceives me. Long story short, she said
that she saw me as her lover, a bestfriend that she can spill teas with, a rant buddy that
can listen to her problems, home, and lastly her everything. And she also said she knows
me as observant, procrastinator, sweet, caring, thoughtful, etc.

As for my friends, I had a hard time thinking about due to the fact that my
personality, rather, the way I behave changes depending on which friend group I am with,
for example, when I am with my best friends from junior high, my personality changes to
"marites" mode, as what we like to do is gossip with interesting stories that happens to
those we know. On the other hand, when I'm with the friend group I had from the senior
high, back then, we had frequent banters and fights but no serious ones, and even
trashtalks when we played games on our phones or laptop, so I think to them, I was the
youngest, a bit ignorant since I even drank my first alcohol with them, lastly, I think that I
was also perceived as that one friend that is the most distant to them.

All in all, the answer to who I am changes depending on which person it is asked
upon. I think that other people might even know stuff about my personality that even I
don't realized yet.

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