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1. – Firstly, I would like to tell about the Acropolis of Athens. The Acropolis of Athens is the most famous
ancient fortification in the world perched on a ledge above the city. It is also home to the remains of
several old buildings of great historical and architectural significance of the ancient world. The Acropolis
is located in Attica of Athens - Greece with an area of 3.04 ha (three point zero four hectares), and it is
located on a flat rock 150 m above sea level in the city of Athens

- And then in the next historical sites, Angkor Wat is a temple complex in Cambodia and the largest
religious monument in the world, covering 162.6 hectares. Angkor Wat is located 5.5 km north of Siem
Reap town and southeast of the old capital, centered on Baphuon temple.

2. - About the Acropolis, After winning the battle of Marathon, the Athenians began to lay the first
stones as the foundation of the citadel. But the citadel was destroyed by the Persian army. It was not
until 30 years later that most of the temples were restored by King Pericles during the height of the
Athenian empire and gave the sacred hill the appearance we see today.

- Khmer King Suryavarman 2 (reigned 1113 - 1150) built Angkor Wat at Angkor - the capital of the
Khmer Empire as his temple and mausoleum. And that work was completed by king Jayavarman 7

3. - According to what I found online, the Acropolis of Athens began to be built in the 5th century BC
(490 BC to be exact) and then it took until 460 to complete with a beautiful appearance.

- The design and construction was carried out in the first half of the 12th century with the efforts of
many people under the direction of King Suryavarman 2.

4. – As far as Acropolis of Athens was built to defend enemies and to show respect and homage to the
city's guardian goddess Athena Parthenos.

- oh really.Angkor Wat is different. It was built as a Hindu temple so people could worship their own
religious god

5-If it's so famous, it must be a famous tourist destination, right?

-Of course, The acropolis is no longer usable as it once was because it has been around for a long time.
but it is still used for tourism purposes, it is now open to visitors from different parts of the world to see
and learn about history.

what about angkor wat?

- To this day, the Angkor Wat has become the most visited tourist destination in the country, and has
become a very famous place all over the world that everyone expects to visit once. with those
contributions now the Angkor Wat has become the symbol of cambodia, appearing on the national flag

6 So did you learn anything after learning about these 2 monuments?

- The historical site of Acropolis of Athens has helped me understand the ancient Greeks who were very
intelligent, warlike and fanatical and I still do not know all the mysteries of their ancient gods.

what about you Phu

- i have learned that the Cambodians of the 12th century were very clever to create a grand, stylish
construction. i also know that Cambodians are very religious people

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