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Chapter 3

Tourism and hospitality Business Environment

A. The Tourism and Hospitality Industry

● The tourism and hospitality industry was seen as a major force that will drive economies
to a better state before the pandemic happened.

B. Tourism and hospitality industry system
Factors that Guide Businesses in
Tourism and Hospitality Industry
1. Generate Employment
2. Socio-Economic Growth
3. Conservation of the Environment
4. Advance Private-Public Collaboration
• Public Sector - lay the guidelines and requirements for all stakeholders to observe.
• Private Sector - expected to follow the directions set by the government and infuse

investments to jumpstart the local economy.
United Nation World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)

● It is the United Nations' primary worldwide body focused in the field of tourism.
Tourism Organization from Different Nations
● Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA)
● Caribbean Travel Organization
● European Travel Commission

Sectoral and Advocacy
● World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC)
● Cruise Lines Industry Association (CLIA)
● International Air Transport Association (IATA)
● International Ecotourism Society (TIES)

● World Tourism Association for Cultureand Heritage (WATCH)
Department of Tourism (DOT)
● a government regulatory body mandated to spearhead the planning,programming,

coordinating,implementing, in the development and promotion of the tourism industry.
Attached Agencies and Government
under DOT
● Tourism Promotion Board (TPB) • Philippine Commission on Sports
Scuba Diving
● Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA)
● Philippine Retirement Authority(PRA)
● Intramuros Administration
● Nayong Filipino Foundation (NFF)

● National Parks Development Committee (NPDC)
Republic Act 9593 known as
Tourism Act of 2009
● prescribes that every province, city,or municipality shall have tourism officers responsible
for the development and promotion of tourism in their area.
C. Tourism and Hospitality
Industry Value Chain

Major sectors in the Tourism Industry
1. Travel Agency

2. Tour Operator
Transportation Sector
● Air
● Water

● Land
Accommodation Sector
● Facilities or establishment thatprovides a bed for sleep and a roof to rest for visitors.
● Food and Beverage Sector
Composed of restaurants or any food establishments that
provides nourishment to guests
● Destination or Attraction
Reasons why people travel.
● Government Sector
Provides guidelines to follow when

visitors engage in tourism.
Tourism-Related Establishments
D. Entrepreneurship and
Entrepreneurs in Tourism and Hospitality
● Composed of a very diverse collection of establishments that are engaged in business
under the tourism industry.
E. Features of Tourism and

Hospitality-Related Business
Here's what you'll need before
enjoying your journey
● Tangible and Intangible
● Natural, Cultural and man-made resources
● Priced and sold through distribution channel and has a life cycle
● Promotes welfare of people
● Profit and income is not limited to the main players and everyone is gaining from it
● Promotes gender equality and women’s
F. Trends in Travel and Gastro
● One thing is sure in the tourism industry - The desire to travel is innate among

Work from Home to Work from Hotel (holiday).
● Accommodation establishments are promoting their establishments as an alternative for
work from home.
● Hotels guarantee a safe place, a quiet environment, a feel of an office setup and access

to other services.
Rise of the Mobile Wallets
Contactless and cashless transactions are the preferred mode of transactions among guests.
● Gcash

● Shopee pay E-payment
Other trends
Search for online information will increase.
Private tours and private areas will be more
in demand.
● Google
● Youtube
G. Innovations in the Tourism and Hospitality
1.Business Environment
According to Klaus Schwab, the concept of the fourth industrial revolution is best
presented by the following products;
● Driverless vehicles
● Dimensional printing

● Advance robotics used in industry
Smart Technology – the network of tangible and intangible

products supported by digital systems.
Smart products – refers to the products that are adapted to the
needs of the user and can be connected to other systems

through intelligent networking.
Smart service – refers to a combination of virtual and physical
services that offer added value to the customers.
2. BusinessModels in the Tourism
and Hospitality Industry
● The sharing or collaborative economy -The concept of the sharing economy is utilizing
unused personal resources such as spare bedrooms and car seats more efficiently.
3. Different Types of Innovation
● Advance software technology and innovative digital devices
● Repeat customers, VIPs, and high rollers who have priordata in the hotel already may be
able to check in without getting in line at the front office.
● Personalized greetings on the cellphones and inside the rooms may welcome the
● Personalized services may also be rendered to preferred guests to let them know that

they are valued.
Technological Innovations in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry:
● Personal phones as key
● self-check-in using kiosks
● Electronic luggage tags Smartphone boarding passes

● Tablets as remote controls and many others.
Innovative Collaboration
● is a service innovation where brands of different industries are collaborating to provide

complementing service to guests.
Wearable Technology –

● is any kind of electronic device designed to be worn on the user's body.
Virtual or Augmented Reality –
● Virtual Reality is the technology that provides almost realand/or believable experiences
in a synthetic or virtual way,while Augmented Reality enhances the real world by

superimposing computer-generated information on top of it.
Cloud service or
other service apps –
● using remote servers to store and access data instead of relying on local hard drives and

private data centers.
The digital Connection Service is designed to curate the airport
connection journey with route guidance based on the individual

passenger’s location, itinerary, and profile.
Hilton Hotel launched new SMART features that allows its
guests to unlock their room using their smartphone app.

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