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Berean Baptist Academy of Candaba Inc.

Pulong Palazan, Candaba, Pampanga

4th Quarterly Exam

Name: __________________________________________________________Date:_____________________

DIRECTIONS: Identify the following statement. Choose the letter of the correct answers in the box. Write your
answers on the space provided before the number. (2 points each)

A. Hypertension F. Anemia
B. Diabetes G. Night blindness
C. Marasmus H. Constipation
D. Kwashiorkor I. Appendicitis
E. Scurvy J. Diarrhea

__________1. A deficiency which lacks calorie.

__________2. It is defined the reduction of number of red blood corpuscles or hemoglobin in the blood.
__________3. It refers to the inability to metabolize sugar.
__________4. This deficiency has the symptoms of apathy, muscular wasting, edema, etc.
__________5. This is caused by too much cholesterol produced from patty foods which causes the lining of the
blood vessels to become thin.
__________6. Its possible cause lack of vitamin.
__________7. It refers to the inflammation of the appendix, food containing harmful bacteria attaches to the
__________8. This is kind of disease from ingestion of harmful substances which is caused by little water absorbed
in the large intestines .
__________9. This disease can be prevented by eating foods rich in fiber such as fruits and vegetables.
__________10. A deficiency which can be treated by leading a happy and contented life.
__________11. it can be prevented by minimizing food that will decompose to little sugar.
__________12. It has the symptoms of abnormally high blood pressure, headache, and pain at the back of the neck.
__________13. Is the inability to see well at night or in poor light.
__________ 14. This can be prevented by eating fruits and vegetables rich in iron.
__________15. This deficiency has the symptoms of fretful and skinny.


DIRECTIONS: Write T if the statement is correct and F if it is incorrect. . Write your answers on the space provided
before the number. (2 points each)

__________1. DNA are made up of a string of beadlike unit.

__________2. Gene is the basic unit of heredity.
__________3. Somatic cells include egg and sperm cells.
__________4. Chromosomes are the carrier of DNA in cells.
__________5. Gamete includes our reproductive cells,
__________6. Multicellular organisms produces two new individuals.
__________7. Gene can determine color of hair, eyes and shape of the nose.
__________8. Every human egg cell has an Y chromosome.
‘__________9. There is 50/50 chance that a boy or a girl can born.
__________10. Y sperm cell is lighter and smaller than X sperm cell.
Berean Baptist Academy of Candaba Inc.
Pulong Palazan, Candaba, Pampanga

4th Quarterly Exam

Name: ________________________________________________ Date:_____________________
I. DIRECTIONS: Complete each sentence using the correct coordinating conjunction from the parenthesis. (2
points each)

1. My car has a radio _________ a CD player. (but, or, and)

2. Sharon hates to listen to rap music, _________ will she tolerate heavy metal. (but, nor, or)
3. Carol wanted to drive to Colorado, _________ Bill insisted that they fly. (and, or, but)
4. I’m afraid of heights, _________ I appreciate the view from the top of this building. (and, yet, nor)
5. I have to be on time, _________ my boss will be annoyed if I’m late. (and, nor, for)
6. Do you like chocolate _________ vanilla ice cream better? (or, nor, and)
7. I have to go to work at six, _________ I’m waking up at four. (but, so, yet)
8. I was on time, _________ everyone else was late. (so, but, for)
9. Nadia doesn’t like to drive, _________ she takes the bus everywhere. (but, yet, so)
10. Our trip to the museum was interesting, _________ there were several new artifacts on display. (but, for, yet)
II. Directions: Complete each sentence using the correct correlative conjunction pair from the parenthesis. (2
points each)

1. I plan to take my vacation _________ in June _________ in July. (whether / or, either / or, as / if)
2. _________ I’m feeling happy _________ sad, I try to keep a positive attitude. (either / or, whether / or, when /
3. _________ had I taken my shoes off _________ I found out we had to leave again. (no sooner / than, rather /
than, whether / or)
4. _________ only is dark chocolate delicious, _________ it can be healthy. (whether / or, not / but, just as / so)
5. _________ I have salad for dinner, _____________________I can have ice cream for dessert. (if /then, when /
than, whether / or)
6. _________ flowers _________ trees grow _________ during warm weather. (not only / or, both / and, not /
7. _________ do we enjoy summer vacation, _________ we _________ enjoy winter break. (whether / or, not
only / but also, either / or)
8. Calculus is _________ easy _________ difficult _________ (not / but, both / and, either / or)
9. It’s _________ going to rain _________ snow tonight. (as / if, either / or, as / as)
10. Savory flavors are _________ sweet _________ sour. (often / and, neither / nor, both / and)

III. Complete each sentence using the subordinating conjunction from the parenthesis. (2 points each)

1. I visit the Grand Canyon _________ I go to Arizona. (once, whenever, wherever)

2. This is the place _________ we stayed last time we visited. (where, when, how)
3. _________ you win first place, you will receive a prize. (wherever, if, unless)
4. You won’t pass the test _________ you study. (when, if, unless)
5. I could not get a seat, _________ I came early. (as, though, when)
6. We are leaving Wednesday _________ or not it rains. (if, whether, though)
7. Pay attention to your work _________ you will not make mistakes. (so that, unless, or)
8. The musicians delivered a rousing performance _________ they had rehearsed often. (though, as, once)
9. She’s honest _________ everyone trusts her. (if, so, when)
10. Write this down _________ you forget. (or, when, lest)
Berean Baptist Academy of Candaba Inc.
Pulong Palazan, Candaba, Pampanga

4th Quarterly Exam

Name: ________________________________________________ Date:_____________________

DIRECTIONS: Identify the following statement. Choose the letter of the correct answers in the box. Write your
answers on the space provided before the number. (2 points each)

A. Metoer I. Short Period Comet

B. Sun J. Long Period Comet
C. Solar System K. Planets
D. Moon L. Inner Planets
E. Ceres M. Outer Planets
F. Ida N. Venus
G. Meteorites O. Earth
H. Comets P. Mars

_____1. A potato-shaped asteroid.

_____2.The second in size asteroid.
_____3.Asteroid are also known as planetoids or minor planets.
_____4.They are rocky bodies that move in elliptical orbits.
_____5.A meteoroid which already hit the ground.
_____6.Are heavenly bodies which are cloudy in appearance.
_____7.The largest known asteroid.
_____8.They are also known as shooting star or falling star.
_____9.Is any interplanetary object of relatively small size.
_____10.Comets which can be observed in less than two hundred (200).
_____11.Comets which can be observed of more than or 2000 years.
_____12.Group of planets which include Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.
_____13.A ball of burning gases.
_____14.Group of planets which include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
_____15. A sister planet of Earth.

II. Matching Type

DIRECTIONS: Match the Column A from the Column B. Write the letter of the correct answers on the space
provided before the number. (2 points each)
Column A Column B
_____1. the veiled planet a. earth
_____2. called as the blue planet b. moon
_____3. the sister planet of Venus c. mars
_____4. known as the red planet d. sun
_____5. the largest planet e. jupiter
_____6. a planet with only one natural f. saturn
Satellite g. uranus
_____7. known as the jewel planet h. venus
_____8. the source of energy of all i. mercury
life in the earth j. neptune
_____9. the farthest planet from the sun h. planets
_____10. the nearest planet from the sun
Berean Baptist Academy of Candaba Inc.
Pulong Palazan, Candaba, Pampanga

4th Quarterly Exam

Name: ________________________________________________ Date:_____________________
DIRECTIONS: Encircle the correct modals that will make each sentence complete.

1. I think you (should, may, will) take a rest.

2. My grades are low, I (may, should, can) failed.
3. Students (must, may, will) pass their projects to pass.
4. I think I (must, may, might) seek a doctor.
5. I (may, should, will) do may assignment.
6. I think you (should, may, will) go and take a vacation.
7. This is a secret a secret between you and me so we (may, must, can) not tell anyone.
8. Ma’am (should, may, might) I go out.
9. You (can, may, must) manage your time.
10. Children ( may, can, must) obey their parents.

I. DIRECTION: Identify whether the following signifies RECOMMENDATION AND ADVICE, ASKING PERMISSION, or
POSSIBILITY. (2 points each)

__________________________1. May I borrow your book?

__________________________2. I believe it might rain later.
__________________________3. I think you should relax more.
__________________________4. You must study well to pass.
__________________________5. Ma’am may I visit your office?
__________________________6. We must pay our taxes.
__________________________7. I should write a letter.
__________________________8. My mom may be in the market now.
__________________________9. May I have your order please?
__________________________10. You must write your surname before your first name.
__________________________11. His excuse may be true, but I don’t believe.
__________________________12. May I go to the bathroom, please?
__________________________13. Can you please try to be nicer to your brother?
__________________________14. Everyone who crosses the border must show his/her passport. 
__________________________15. We may go Toronto on Friday.
Berean Baptist Academy of Candaba Inc.
Pulong Palazan, Candaba, Pampanga

4th Quarterly Exam

Name: ________________________________________________ Date:_____________________

DIRECTIONS: Identify the following statement. Choose the letter of the correct answers in the box. Write your
answers on the space provided before the number. (2 points each)

A. Programmatic Music G. Nocturne

B. Lied H. Etude
C. Polonaise I. Symphonic poem
D. Absolute Music J. Song Cycle
E. Incidental Music K. Romance
F. Romantic Art Song

_________1. It is originally a Polish Court Dance and is a piano composition in triple meter.
_________2. A group of songs by one composer based on poems all written by the same poet.
_________3. A music intended to be performed before or during a play to set the mood for scenes.
_________4. It is romantic art song with a German text.
_________5. Refers to instrumental music associated with a story or poem.
_________6. Means “night piece” in French.
_________7. A musical composition for solo voice and piano often set by a brief piano introduction.
_________8. Means “study” in french
_________9. A large free form in one movement based on a literary work or legend.
_________10. Refers to an instrumental music written for its own sake.


DIRECTIONS: Write T if the statement is correct and F if it is incorrect. . Write your answers on the space provided
before the number. (2 points each)

__________1. Badminton is a racquet sport played using racquets to hit a shuttlecock.

__________2. Badminton strikes can only be played either forehand.
__________3. In badminton, each game is played to 21 points.
__________4. Fred Morrison developed a plastic version of the disc called flying saucer.
__________5. In playing frisbee a point is scored when one team catches the disc in the opposing team end’s zone.
__________6.There are no substitution frisbee.
__________7. Playing frisbee can be self-refereed.
__________8. Biking helps you sleep better.
‘__________9. Orienteering is the use of bicycles for transport, recreation, exercise or sport.
__________10. Bicycles are used for recreation for only adult.
Berean Baptist Academy of Candaba Inc.
Pulong Palazan, Candaba, Pampanga

4th Quarterly Exam

Name: ________________________________________________ Date:_____________________
I. DIRECTIONS: Define the following terms in minimum of 3 sentences. (10 points each)

1. Network

2. Migration

II. Give three reasons why people migrate and explain each. (5 points each)

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