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Juan dela Cruz Street, Toril, Davao City
Landline No. (082) 291 1882
Accredited by ACSCU-ACI

Week 8

Unit 3: Instructional Strategies for Mathematics in the

Primary Grades
Topic: Inductive Learning

Learning Outcomes
1. Plan a lesson that allows students to inductively
learn a concept.


In our contemporary society, teachers are discouraged

to spoon-feed information to learners. Instead, teachers are
to provide opportunities for students to discover concepts
on their own. One way of doing this is through the inductive
learning strategy.

The inductive learning strategy, sometimes
called discovery learning, is based on the principle of
induction. Induction means to derive a concept by showing
that if it is true to some cases, then it is true for all.
This is in contrast to deduction where a concept is
established by logically proving that it is true based on
generally known facts. The inductive method in teaching is
commonly described as "specific to general," "concrete to
abstract," or "examples to formula." Whereas the vice versa
are used to describe the deductive method.
In an inductive learning lesson, teachers design and
facilitate activities that guide the learners in discovering
a rule. Activities may involve comparing and contrasting,
grouping and labeling, or finding patterns. In mathematics
classes, learners engage in inductive learning when they
observe examples and then, later on, generalize a rule or
formula based on the examples. There are four processes that
the students go through when given an inductive learning

Juan dela Cruz Street, Toril, Davao City
Landline No. (082) 291 1882
Accredited by ACSCU-ACI

activity-(1) observe, (2) hypothesize, (3) collect evidence,

and (4) generalize.
Children love looking for patterns! When given a lot of
examples, it is natural for them to look for similarities
and assume rules. So, the key is to give them examples to
observe. These examples must be well-thought-of so that the
students would eventually arrive at a complete rule. For
instance, if you want your students to discover the rule in
multiplying by powers of 10, it is better to use the
examples in set B than those in set A.
6 x 10 = 60 6 x 10 = 60
18 x 10 = 180 18 x 10 = 180
321 x 10 = 3,210 10 x 321 = 3,210
457 x 10 = 4,570 40 x 10 = 400

Both sets will lead students to discover that the

technique in multiplying by 10 is placing a 0 after the
number being multiplied. However, the variety of examples in
Set B allows students to establish that the rule works even
when exchanging 10 and the other factor (18 x 10 = 180) and
if the other factor ends with a zero, that zero is not
neglected (40 x 10). Set B allows students to have a more
comprehensive understanding of the rule.


The students form rules in their

minds as they observe. In this stage, encourage the students
to share their thoughts. Assure them that there are no wrong
hypotheses. Acknowledge the variety of the student`s ideas
but also streamline them to, later on, test only the unique

Collect Evidence
Here the students would test their hypothesis. How? By
applying their hypothesis to other examples. If there are
more than one hypothesis generated by the class.
Intentionally give a counterexample for them to test.

Juan dela Cruz Street, Toril, Davao City
Landline No. (082) 291 1882
Accredited by ACSCU-ACI

Finally, the students would now formalize their
hypothesis to a rule. Support the students so that they
would use mathematical terms in stating their rule. Doing
this would develop the student’s mathematical vocabulary and
therefore their overall mathematical communication skills.
Study the lesson plan on the next page. Take note that
the plan only shows the development of the lesson. Which
involves the inductive learning strategy; other parts are
not included. In this lesson, inductive learning was not
used to discover a rule but rather to discover a

Topic: Multiplication and Division as Inverse Operations

Grade level: 2
Target learning competency:
By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to
describe multiplication and division as inverse operations.

12 ÷ 2=¿ ¿ 15 ÷ 3=¿ ¿ 24÷ 6=¿ ¿ 36÷ 4=¿ ¿

6 x 2 = ___ 5 x 3 = __ 4 x 6 = __ 9 x 4= ___

Ask the students to fill in the blanks by dividing or

multiplying. Then lead them to observe each pair of division
and multiplication number sentences.

Give some time for the students to observe the

examples. Fast learners may become too excited to share
their hypothesis but do not allow them to spill it. The goal
is for all students to have the “Aha!” moment.
Struggling students may not see the pattern right away.
Help them by focusing their attention to the quotient and
the first factor.
Call some students to explain their hypotheses. After
each explanation, ask who has the same hypothesis.

Juan dela Cruz Street, Toril, Davao City
Landline No. (082) 291 1882
Accredited by ACSCU-ACI

Collect evidence
Apply the hypotheses to each example to see if they
always work.
Based on the result of the “Collect evidence” stage,
ask the students which hypothesis is true for all. Then
instruct the students to write, using their own words, the
rule in their notebook. Have two to three students real
aloud what they have written.

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